

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-04-30 13:52 DW, revision 9938

Support for proper sizeing for scrolling

2001-04-30 13:51 DW, revision 9937

no message

2001-04-30 12:35 JS, revision 9936

Changed generic wxScrolledWindow -> wxGenericScrolledWindow

2001-04-29 22:24 VS, revision 9935

minor comments tweaking

2001-04-29 22:14 VS, revision 9934

changed wxAddBasePath to wxHtmlCotentsItem's method

2001-04-29 18:35 RR, revision 9933

Native wxScrolledWindow finishing touches.

2001-04-29 17:58 VS, revision 9932


2001-04-29 17:57 VS, revision 9931

cleanup and reformatting to match indentation style of the rest of wx

2001-04-29 17:57 VS, revision 9930

indentation fixes; virtual dtor for all platforms, not only MacOS X

2001-04-29 17:57 VS, revision 9929

makefile.unx's now default to OpenGL, not Mesa

2001-04-29 15:27 RR, revision 9928

wxScrolledWindow is now a native widget under GTK.

2001-04-29 13:43 JS, revision 9927

Updated version numbers

2001-04-29 13:42 JS, revision 9926

Updated distribution scripts

2001-04-28 23:39 VS, revision 9925

added xpmdecod.cpp

2001-04-28 23:36 VS, revision 9924

better test for MGL libs

2001-04-28 23:35 VS, revision 9923

backported XPM handler to wxUniversal

2001-04-28 23:35 VS, revision 9922

added XPM test

2001-04-28 23:34 VS, revision 9921

added creation from XPM data

2001-04-28 23:31 VS, revision 9920

fixed gcc pragmas in fs_*.h,cpp

2001-04-28 23:30 VS, revision 9919

added imagxpm.h and xpmdecod

2001-04-28 23:30 VS, revision 9918

documented XPM support and updated status of TIFF handler

2001-04-28 23:30 , revision 9917

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'wxUNIVERSAL'.

2001-04-28 23:30 VS, revision 9916

added wxXPMDecoder

2001-04-28 23:30 VS, revision 9915

added XPM demo to samples/image

2001-04-28 14:45 RR, revision 9914

add #define wxUSE_SPINCTRL

2001-04-28 14:45 RR, revision 9913

Implement wxRB_GROUP

2001-04-28 13:35 GD, revision 9912

added common imagxpm files

2001-04-28 13:32 GD, revision 9911

corrections for Mac OS X

2001-04-28 13:31 GD, revision 9910

corrections for modifications made to common mimetype code

2001-04-28 07:21 RR, revision 9909

Updated changes.txt

2001-04-28 07:14 RR, revision 9908

wxBitmapButton patch part II Added test for wxSpinCtrl->SetValue() Corrcected wxTextCtrl focus events

2001-04-27 18:22 VS, revision 9907

oops, forgot to check in change that adds WX_ICONV_TAKES_CHAR

2001-04-27 17:03 RD, revision 9906

Made wxSplitterWindow conform to the docs with respect to using a negative sash position in the Split* methods.

2001-04-27 16:57 RD, revision 9905

Made wxSplitterWindow conform to the docs with respect to using a negative sash position in the Split* methods.

2001-04-27 16:30 RR, revision 9904

Maybe compilation works now.

2001-04-27 15:04 JS, revision 9903

Added showing the default URL in DisplayContents and DisplayIndex

2001-04-27 03:41 GT, revision 9902

There was no icon file in this example, causing compilation with VC to fail. I just stole a DialogEditor icon to use here

2001-04-27 03:36 GT, revision 9901

Fixes problem where child window does not appear immediately (until second child is added) in the WINDOWS menu. OGL Studio sample did not even show the child frame when a new one was created [bug reported by Julian]. This patch supplied by Markus Greither

2001-04-27 00:34 VZ, revision 9900

compilation fix (sorry)

2001-04-27 00:16 RD, revision 9899

generated source updates

2001-04-27 00:16 RD, revision 9898

Now that XPMs can be written in wxGTK, updated my conversion tools to actually do it.

2001-04-27 00:10 VZ, revision 9897

translate MDI menu items

2001-04-26 22:46 VS, revision 9896

fixed SIZEOF_WCHAR_T detection

2001-04-26 22:37 VS, revision 9895

removed duplicities in HTML entities tables

2001-04-26 22:30 KLB, revision 9894

Updates to OS/2 makefiles.

2001-04-26 20:34 JS, revision 9893

Fixed Simple Toolbar bug; removed 2 pixel kludge in splash screen

2001-04-26 18:58 RR, revision 9892

Added Greg's wxBitmapButton patch, take 2.

2001-04-26 16:38 VZ, revision 9891

applied patch 417699 (remove WXDLLEXPORT from inline functions)

2001-04-26 16:17 VZ, revision 9890

applied patch 419155 (OLE x-compilation with mingw)

2001-04-26 14:13 VZ, revision 9889

fixed wxUSE_MAC not being defined under Unix => -D_REENTRANT was missing resulting in Solaris compilation failure

2001-04-26 11:53 VS, revision 9888

better PNG loading

2001-04-26 10:48 JS, revision 9887

Minor mods to stable branch

2001-04-26 10:39 GT, revision 9886

$(EXTRAINC) moved to the beginning of INC= line so that if a user wants to override the location of include directories with their own, it is possible

2001-04-26 10:17 JS, revision 9885

Minor mods

2001-04-26 10:17 SC, revision 9884

adjusted for vaseks addition of USE_IMAGE and USE_XMP

2001-04-26 06:34 RD, revision 9883

test for replacing menus

2001-04-26 01:12 GT, revision 9882

Fixed BCC compilation warning if wxUSE_HELP was 1

2001-04-26 01:08 GT, revision 9881

Changed ::Fit() to only fit the sizer if the window is the top level window

2001-04-25 21:58 VS, revision 9880

standardized indentation

2001-04-25 21:55 VS, revision 9879

load bitmaps directly into tmp DC

2001-04-25 18:37 VS, revision 9878

added wxBitmapHandler that derives from wxBitmapHandlerBase

2001-04-25 18:36 VS, revision 9877

added fool-proof test for sizeof(wchar_t) that works on SGI/Irix. This a workaround for autoconf's limitation.

2001-04-25 16:08 GT, revision 9876

Fixes ::Fit() and ::SetSizeHints() to keep the dialog sized so that it will not grow outside the display area of the screen. NEcessary to fix the problems seen in wxAnyChoiceDialog() derived classes where the dialog grows too big to see the top or bottom of the dialog

2001-04-25 15:45 JS, revision 9875

Added MS Word template file to be applied to manual before generation of PDF

2001-04-25 15:38 JS, revision 9874

Some doc corrections

2001-04-25 11:08 JS, revision 9873

Doc bugs fixed

2001-04-25 11:06 JS, revision 9872

Added .emacs tip to coding standards; fixed doc bugs

2001-04-24 22:16 VS, revision 9871

added check for iconv() version; fixed strconv.cpp to compile with both prototypes

2001-04-24 22:05 VS, revision 9870

implemented (more) correct <pre> handling

2001-04-24 16:38 JS, revision 9869

Corrected include/wx/palette.h; added wxGenericTreeCtrl::SetFont

2001-04-24 13:37 VZ, revision 9868


2001-04-24 13:35 VZ, revision 9867

openbsd support added

2001-04-24 00:07 VZ, revision 9866

Unix compilation fixes for new MIME code

2001-04-23 23:46 VZ, revision 9865

applied MIME patch(es) from Chris Elliott

2001-04-23 23:34 VZ, revision 9864

fir for Sun CC 6.0 compilation of wxGTK

2001-04-23 23:33 VZ, revision 9863

no changes

2001-04-23 23:31 VZ, revision 9862

some ifdef's - now it might compile without wxUSE_IMAGE although not tested

2001-04-23 18:33 DW, revision 9861

add wxUSE_IMAGE to setup.h and GetHFONT to wxFont.

2001-04-23 18:32 DW, revision 9860

new y position transforms in dc. Def updates and add imagexpm.cpp to make.

2001-04-23 18:31 DW, revision 9859

Moving y pos transofrmation code to wxOS2::wxDC elimiantes need for some #ifdef __WXPM__ code here.

2001-04-23 14:55 JS, revision 9858

Added support for more special characters

2001-04-23 14:45 JS, revision 9857

Added imagxpm.cpp

2001-04-22 23:10 SN, revision 9856

Added include file for non-precompiled headers.

2001-04-22 22:34 VS, revision 9855

added wxXPMHandler

2001-04-22 22:31 VS, revision 9854

added wxUSE_IMAGE; added write-only wxXPMHandler

2001-04-22 22:25 VS, revision 9853

added test for XPM writing; ConvertToBitmap, ConvertToImage changes

2001-04-22 22:25 VS, revision 9852

moved gtk/palette.cpp to generic/paletteg.cpp

2001-04-22 22:24 VS, revision 9851

moved gtk/palette.h to generic/paletteg.h

2001-04-22 22:23 VS, revision 9850

added wxUSE_IMAGE, wxUSE_XPM

2001-04-22 22:21 VS, revision 9849

added wxXPMHandler and paletteg.cpp/h

2001-04-22 22:21 VS, revision 9848

added wxUSE_IMAGE; added write-only wxXPMHandler

2001-04-22 20:40 SN, revision 9847

Added define missing in EMX headers.

2001-04-22 20:38 SN, revision 9846

Added missing include for non-precompiled headers.

2001-04-22 20:36 SN, revision 9845

Adapted SetData function to common API (taking a reference instead of a pointer)

2001-04-22 20:32 SN, revision 9844

Added missing includes for non-precompiled headers.

2001-04-22 16:12 VZ, revision 9843

don't include unnecessary headers in the distribution

2001-04-22 14:46 RR, revision 9842

Toplevel windows now send both activate and focus events under wxGTK - and probably under wxMSW as well?

2001-04-22 14:44 RR, revision 9841

wxGTK needs focus events from top level windows so they now send activate and focus events.

2001-04-22 14:06 RR, revision 9840

My iconv (GLIBC 2.2) uses char** as the second parameter. altough it is the in-buffer for the character conversion. I added some very ugly conversion to strconv to make it compile. While being at it, I also reformated the whole file, it looks less like Assembler or Perl now.

2001-04-22 12:24 VZ, revision 9839
