

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-02-01 06:08 SN, revision 58582

Fixed compilation error on OS/2 (strnlen declaration was not visible).

2009-02-01 05:54 SC, revision 58581

adding the GetEventHandler() indirection

2009-02-01 05:38 SC, revision 58580

adding explicit log.h include

2009-02-01 04:48 SN, revision 58579

Removed extraneous semicolons and commas (partly fixes #10456).

2009-01-31 23:16 VZ, revision 58578

allow calling SetItemLabel() for menu items with NULL menu parent too

2009-01-31 22:56 VZ, revision 58577

log error message in wxRmdir() for consistency with wxMkdir() and some code cleanup (e.g. get rid of gly OS_FILENAME macro) (closes #10435)

2009-01-31 22:51 VZ, revision 58576

document FindChildItem() (closes #10455)

2009-01-31 22:47 VZ, revision 58575

attempt to fix DLL samples link with VC6 which has trouble instantiating template methods of dll-exported classes apparently

2009-01-31 22:46 VZ, revision 58574

allow calling SetItemLabel() for items not attached to the menu or menu bar yet (comment 9 of #10452)

2009-01-31 22:41 FM, revision 58573

add SetCharIncludes and SetCharExcludes utilities to wxTextValidator; use iterators when scanning wxStrings; fix typo in ContainsExcludedCharacters (reversed return values); modify the sample to show wxTextValidator with wxFILTER_EXCLUDE_CHAR_LIST

2009-01-31 21:54 VZ, revision 58572

load ImageList_Copy() dynamically to allow wx apps to start up under Win95 (state image display in wxTreeCtrl still won't work though)

2009-01-31 21:53 VZ, revision 58571

corrections after last commit, (see #10452 comment:6)

2009-01-31 21:28 FM, revision 58570

better docs for wxValidator::SetWindow and Validate

2009-01-31 21:27 FM, revision 58569

give better names to wxTextValidator::IsInCharIncludes and to wxTextValidator::IsNotInCharExcludes; add wxFILTER_SIMPLE_NUMBER style; remove specialized global helpers used by wxTextValidator in favour of wxStringCheck templated calls; better document the wxFILTER_* styles which use ctype standard functions

2009-01-31 21:23 FM, revision 58568

a few typo-fix and cosmetic changes to wxFlexGridSizer docs

2009-01-31 21:22 FM, revision 58567

add operator* taking doubles to wxSize

2009-01-31 21:21 FM, revision 58566

add an example of a custom wxValidator-derived class; cleanup a bit the dialog layout

2009-01-31 21:19 FM, revision 58565

add wxStringCheck templated utility function

2009-01-31 21:15 VZ, revision 58564

fix warnings about conversion between DWORD and pointers in MSLU=1 build

2009-01-31 21:12 RR, revision 58563

Forgot to commit

2009-01-31 20:52 VZ, revision 58562

define MIIM_BITMAP &c in wx/msw/missing.h instead of msw/menu.cpp as menuitem.cpp now needs them too

2009-01-31 20:10 FM, revision 58561

fix typo; document wxFlexSizerGrowMode

2009-01-31 19:15 RR, revision 58560

Disable wxSIZE_FORCE_EVENT and demonstrate its bug in the wxCollapsiblePane sample

2009-01-31 18:28 VZ, revision 58559

remove extra line breaks which prevents Doxygen from numbering list items correctly (closes #10459)

2009-01-31 18:20 VZ, revision 58558

use margin width after updating it in OnMeasureItem() (see #10452)