

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-07-25 19:34 VZ, revision 76952

Write delay between frames correctly when saving GIF files. Deal with delays greater than ~2.5s correctly, their most significant byte was previously lost resulting in 0 delay being written to the file. Closes #16392.

2014-07-25 19:34 VZ, revision 76951

Write delay between frames correctly when saving GIF files. Deal with delays greater than ~2.5s correctly, their most significant byte was previously lost resulting in 0 delay being written to the file. Closes #16392.

2014-07-25 19:34 VZ, revision 76950

Fix background of wxRadioBox buttons and wxSlider labels in wxMSW. Handle WM_CTLCOLOR correctly for them, this wasn't done before because the code assumed that sub-windows (i.e. HWNDs which belong to the same logical wx control) were always children of the main window, but they could also be its siblings (like in at least the two above mentioned cases). Account for this case in wxControl::DoMSWControlColor() too now. Closes #12271.

2014-07-25 15:45 SC, revision 76949

fixing Life demo for OSX

2014-07-24 13:34 VZ, revision 76948

Add --disable-sys-libs configure option. This allows to disable the use of all system libraries with a single option instead of having to use --with-{lib{png,jpeg,tiff},regex,zlib,expat}=builtin or similar. This is especially useful under OS X where we want to avoid the dependencies on any locally installed homebrew or similar libraries.

2014-07-24 12:58 VZ, revision 76947

Include the required headers from wx/custombgwin.h. Make this header self-contained, i.e. safe to include as the first wxWidgets header being included from the user code. Closes #16391.

2014-07-23 10:16 JS, revision 76946

Capitalize style names if specified in the style

2014-07-21 15:45 TIK, revision 76945

Fix compilation if configured with --disable-coldlg

2014-07-21 15:44 TIK, revision 76944

Fix compilation if configured with --disable-coldlg

2014-07-20 17:28 SC, revision 76943

supporting menu dimension retrieval for menubars, fixes #2570

2014-07-17 00:55 VZ, revision 76942

Don't consider hidden root item to be visible in wxGenericTreeCtrl. This fixes wrong results returned by GetFirstVisibleItem() in the tree control with wxTR_HIDE_ROOT style. Closes #4482.

2014-07-17 00:55 VZ, revision 76941

Fix test for __WXOSX__ in common code. Check whether it's defined, not whether it's true.

2014-07-17 00:54 VZ, revision 76940

Don't consider hidden root item to be visible in wxGenericTreeCtrl. This fixes wrong results returned by GetFirstVisibleItem() in the tree control with wxTR_HIDE_ROOT style. Closes #4482.

2014-07-16 22:10 AW, revision 76939

Use the same macro to implement all wxPG property classes. Currently, WX_PG_IMPLEMENT_PROPERTY_CLASS macro is used to implement most of the property classes (and also property classes in the propgrid sample) but few property classes are implemented in alternative way, using separate IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS and WX_PG_IMPLEMENT_PROPERTY_CLASS_PLAIN macros. These two macros can be replaced with WX_PG_IMPLEMENT_PROPERTY_CLASS macro (which is a concatenation of both) so property class implementation can be unified.

2014-07-15 21:56 SC, revision 76938

mediactrl for ios

2014-07-15 21:52 SC, revision 76937

mediactrl for ios

2014-07-15 21:28 SC, revision 76936

fixing and expanding switches

2014-07-15 19:15 VZ, revision 76935

Update the checksum of the reuploaded wxMSW-3.0.1_vc120_Dev.7z file. The original version was somehow corrupted.

2014-07-15 19:14 SC, revision 76934

common type for native rectangle

2014-07-15 19:12 SC, revision 76933

updating header info, adding AVKit support, iOS support

2014-07-15 18:30 AW, revision 76932

Fix for drawing check box in the wxPG edit mode when RTL layout direction is set under wxMSW. Check box isn't drawn correctly in the edit mode under wxMSW due to the problems with RTL handling in wxAutoBufferedPaintDC and wxPaintDC (see #16254). We need to only draw the image, no text, so we can work around the problem by overriding layout direction to LTR.

2014-07-15 18:02 AW, revision 76931

When drawing wxPG items (with double buffering) use the same layout direction as the window uses. Memory DC used for double buffering purposes should inherit layout direction from the window DC to ensure that texts are rendered correctly. Closes #15797.

2014-07-15 15:27 VZ, revision 76930

Remove unnecessary ConvertWXArrayToC() helper choice dialog code. Just use the appropriate wxSingleChoiceDialog ctor directly. Also some renamings/reformattings, but no other real changes. Closes #16383.

2014-07-15 15:26 VZ, revision 76929

Compilation fix for wxMSW build with most features disabled. Include wx/msw/ownerdrawnbutton.h outside of WX_PRECOMP check to ensure it's always included. Closes #16380.

2014-07-14 21:17 VZ, revision 76928

Replace anonymous namespace with a named one in the test helpers. This should avoid clang warnings about the function in anonymous namespace being unused.