

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-02-17 20:52 JMS, revision 58976

Have wxComboCtrl respect parent's wxTAB_TRAVERSAL flag; Also cleaned up key event redirecting code

2009-02-17 20:19 JMS, revision 58975

Also redirect wxEVT_KEY_UP and wxEVT_CHAR from the embedded wxTextCtrl

2009-02-17 18:46 RR, revision 58974

Corrected meaning of parameter col as the position not ID in wxLisrCtrl::InsertColumn() under OSX/Carbon

2009-02-17 18:36 JMS, revision 58973

Improved documentation for GetProperty(), GetPropertyByName()

2009-02-17 18:07 JMS, revision 58972

Test for m_pPropGrid in wxPropertyGridPageState::DoClear()

2009-02-17 18:01 JMS, revision 58971

Clear grid selection more consistently prior clear operations; improved Clear() tests (fixes #10497)

2009-02-17 17:47 BP, revision 58970

Updated version numbers tech note with new doxygen manual locations to update, and updated the main page of the manual.

2009-02-17 16:43 VZ, revision 58969

don't skip the event in wxGridCellEditorEvtHandler::OnKillFocus() to fix crashes which happen if the control receiving this event gets deleted from it

2009-02-17 13:31 SC, revision 58967

adding bitmap button version for colour picker, used by setting wxCLRBTN_USES_BMP_BUTTON to 1, off by default also on Mac for binary compat reasons.

2009-02-17 13:07 JJ, revision 58966

add wx/log.h for non-PCH build

2009-02-17 12:01 VZ, revision 58965

suppress unused parameter warning

2009-02-17 11:30 RR, revision 58964

Blind implementation of YieldFor() for OSX/Cocoa, copied from OSX/Carbon

2009-02-17 11:24 RR, revision 58963

Blind implementation of GetSubItemRect() for wxListCtrl under carbon

2009-02-17 11:11 FM, revision 58962

fixed test failures under wxMSW when using our wxVsnprintf implementation (remains 1 bug introduced by the wx29 string changes)

2009-02-17 10:42 FM, revision 58961

revert debugging modifications and build into test.exe all non-GUI tests

2009-02-17 10:26 FM, revision 58960

give credit to the author of the patch for adding wxImage options for PNG saving

2009-02-17 09:57 VZ, revision 58959

add missing stdcall to fix crash when using state image lists after r58572

2009-02-17 09:53 VZ, revision 58958

add event.Skip() in EVT_CONTEXT_MENU handler

2009-02-17 05:35 SC, revision 58957

fixing typo

2009-02-17 03:32 PC, revision 58956

fix deferred show when SetSize() is called after SetClientSize()

2009-02-16 21:14 FM, revision 58954

don't consider EOF an unrecoverable error

2009-02-16 17:22 PC, revision 58952

non-pch build fix

2009-02-16 17:19 PC, revision 58951

fix evtloop.h header dependency implementation headers go first to catch this kind of problem, don't move them to fix a build error

2009-02-16 10:59 SC, revision 58947

fixing retain semantics

2009-02-16 10:55 SC, revision 58946

adding new defines for OSX