

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-08-06 15:26 AW, revision 77011

Fix wxPGProperty::GetChoiceSelection Return the index of the integer choice item on the list instead of item value itself. See #16401.

2014-08-06 00:01 VZ, revision 77010

Add XRC handler for wxSimplebook. Similar to wxNotebook but even simpler as wxSimplebook doesn't use images. Also add wxSimplebook::Create() as the version inherited from wxBookCtrlBase didn't _quite_ work: we need to add wxBK_TOP style to prevent asserts due to unknown alignment in the base class when creating wxSimplebook.

2014-08-06 00:01 VZ, revision 77009

Remove wx/unix/execute.h from the master list of files too. This should have been part of r76683.

2014-08-06 00:01 VZ, revision 77008

Use the same project files for all MSBuild-based MSVS versions. Get rid of version-specific MSVS project files, we can reuse the same projects for all MSBuild-based versions, i.e. 2010, 2011 and 2013.

2014-08-06 00:00 VZ, revision 77007

Add XRC handler for wxSimplebook. Similar to wxNotebook but even simpler as wxSimplebook doesn't use images. Also add wxSimplebook::Create() as the version inherited from wxBookCtrlBase didn't _quite_ work: we need to add wxBK_TOP style to prevent asserts due to unknown alignment in the base class when creating wxSimplebook.

2014-08-06 00:00 VZ, revision 77006

No changes, just order sections in correctly. Put them in reverse chronological order, with the older (.0) at the bottom and the newest on the top.

2014-08-04 20:58 VZ, revision 77005

Take into account wxAnimationCtrl "animation" property in wxrc. The files used as the values of this property need to be included in the generated file too.

2014-08-04 20:56 VZ, revision 77004

Take into account wxAnimationCtrl "animation" property in wxrc. The files used as the values of this property need to be included in the generated file too.

2014-08-04 18:35 SC, revision 77003

forwarding printing calls to graphics context as well

2014-08-03 19:56 VZ, revision 77002

Add a more complete example of different controls variants in XRC. Add a dialog showing all the existing variants of a few common controls to allow seeing at a glance how do they look. See #16247.

2014-08-03 19:56 VZ, revision 77001

Show "hint" wxTextCtrl attribute in the xrc sample. Rearrange the contents of the wxTextCtrl page in two columns to make space for the new control. This should have been part of r76629 but was forgotten.

2014-08-03 19:55 VZ, revision 77000

Add a more complete example of different controls variants in XRC. Add a dialog showing all the existing variants of a few common controls to allow seeing at a glance how do they look. See #16247.

2014-08-03 19:55 VZ, revision 76999

Show "hint" wxTextCtrl attribute in the xrc sample. Rearrange the contents of the wxTextCtrl page in two columns to make space for the new control. This should have been part of r76628 but was forgotten.

2014-08-03 19:55 VZ, revision 76998

Really add "hint" property to wxTextCtrl XRC handler schema description. This was supposed to be done in r76628 but the property was mistakenly added to wxRichTextCtrl instead.

2014-08-03 19:10 VS, revision 76997

Add window variant support to XRC. Fixes #16247.

2014-08-03 19:10 VS, revision 76996

Add window variant support to XRC. Fixes #16247.

2014-08-03 17:50 VZ, revision 76995

Fix wxListCtrl sort callback signature in the test under Win64. Use wxIntPtr instead of long which is not big enough to hold a pointer in Win64 builds. Closes #4309.

2014-08-03 17:50 VZ, revision 76994

Fix wxListCtrl sort callback signature in the test under Win64. Use wxIntPtr instead of long which is not big enough to hold a pointer in Win64 builds. Closes #4309.

2014-08-03 17:22 AW, revision 76993

Add missing index initialization in one of wxEnumProperty ctor. In every wxEnumProperty ctor, initial index value of selected choice must be set to zero. See #16401.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76992

Fix window position calculation in wxMSW when using RTL. Just use the native ::MapWindowPoints() to do the coordinate transformation instead of doing it ourselves: we did it wrongly by inheriting the layout direction from wxTheApp instead of from the parent window, so fix this in the best possible way by not doing it at all and just relying on Windows to do it for us. In particular, this corrects the display of wxStatusBar in RTL frames. Closes #15031.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76991

Refresh the window when its layout direction changes in wxMSW. Rearrange the window children and/or redraw its contents when its layout direction changes. See #15031.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76990

Don't activate hidden buttons when Enter is pressed in wxMSW. The keyboard handling code could decide to activate a button which wasn't currently visible at all, e.g. because it was on a non-current, and hence hidden, page of a wxBookCtrl. This didn't make any sense, so check for the button visibility before activating it.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76989

Add wxDateTime::GetWeekBasedYear(). It was just added as a private function to implement %V format specifier support, just extract and document it as it could possibly be useful in its own right. See #11857.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76988

Add support for "%V" and "%G" to wxDateTime::Format(). This is useful for creating ISO 8601 week number based stamps. Closes #11857.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76987

Disable a harmless deprecation MSVC warning for wxNORMAL in a test. Explicitly disable the warning just for the code using wxNORMAL as the use of this deprecated constant can't be avoided in the code which tests for its support.