

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-03-25 10:26 SC, revision 59836

supporting kill focus for single line text controls

2009-03-25 10:24 SC, revision 59835

focus handling streamlined

2009-03-25 10:20 SC, revision 59834

better native types for carbon

2009-03-25 10:11 BIW, revision 59833

wxAuiToolbar properly handles items with wxID_ANY (#10173)

2009-03-25 10:11 JS, revision 59832

Added a couple of wxRTC string translations in es.po

2009-03-25 10:11 JS, revision 59831

Added a couple of wxRTC string translations in es.po

2009-03-25 10:11 BIW, revision 59830

wxAuiToolbar properly handles items with wxID_ANY (#10173)

2009-03-25 09:54 VZ, revision 59829

abandon attempts to make wxAnyStrPtr behave as bool: user-defined logical operators don't short circuit silently breaking existing code so it is better to not provide them at all; instead simply return bool from the new versions taking wxString::const_iterator; advise to use the new versions in the new code and so in our own files

2009-03-25 09:48 SC, revision 59828

adding native icon for executables

2009-03-25 09:46 SC, revision 59827

making method properly const

2009-03-25 09:23 VZ, revision 59826

compilation fixes for wxAnyStrPtr for VC7; mention it in the change log

2009-03-25 09:20 VZ, revision 59825

check that the conversion to wxDateTime was really successful

2009-03-25 00:44 VZ, revision 59824

compilation fixes for wxAnyStrPtr for VC6

2009-03-25 00:25 FM, revision 59823

PCH less build fix

2009-03-24 23:21 VZ, revision 59822

return a wxAnyStrPtr covnertible to either narrow or wide char pointer from wxDateTime::ParseXXX() methods to improve compatibility with wx 2.8 and also simplify the code (closes #9560)

2009-03-24 23:13 FM, revision 59821

add a comment about wxNativeFontInfo::SetFaceName return value

2009-03-24 23:13 FM, revision 59820

make sure that wxSystemSettings::GetFont/GetColour return values are always valid

2009-03-24 21:18 FM, revision 59819

update wxGTK font implementation removing useless functions dating to wxGTK1 (HasNativeFont() always == true in wxGTK2)

2009-03-24 21:11 FM, revision 59818

fix misc typos

2009-03-24 20:58 FM, revision 59817

backport of r59774

2009-03-24 19:09 JS, revision 59816

Don't translate panel titles

2009-03-24 19:06 JS, revision 59815

Fixed small alignment issues

2009-03-24 19:05 JS, revision 59814

Fixed small alignment issue

2009-03-24 17:55 VS, revision 59813

added some clarifying comments to wxCStrData

2009-03-24 17:54 SC, revision 59812

correcting inverted conditions of r59725