

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-04-22 15:44 VZ, revision 15240

reset g_delayedFocus when the window is deleted to avoid crashes when using it

2002-04-22 15:44 VZ, revision 15239

removed unused OnSetFocus()

2002-04-22 15:22 VZ, revision 15238

fixed warnings about main used as a variable name

2002-04-22 14:33 JS, revision 15237

Added some missing wxTextCtrl features to to-do list in wxX11's readme.txt Made the wxTipDialog fonts all Swiss (TODO: use current GUI setting for the font family) Worked around focus anomaly by suppressing parent's FocusIn event when child's focus is being set by clicking on it (TODO: move some of this to SetFocus() to make it work programmatically)

2002-04-22 14:01 VZ, revision 15236

compilation fix for ms_dllext definition and old compilers

2002-04-22 12:53 JS, revision 15235

Made default theme win32 under wxX11 since I think the default should be 'vanilla'; less exciting but as fast as possible

2002-04-22 12:28 VZ, revision 15234

fixed a fatal bug in DLL loading code: the deleted entries were never removed from the list of the loaded libraries

2002-04-22 11:19 JS, revision 15233

Fixed drawing sample compilo for wxMotif (doesn't have wxRegion::Offset) Put m_ok earlier in SelectBitmap, else get assert after SelectObject(wxNullBitmap) 'Fixed' longlong to long conversion messages by redefinging GetMillisecondsTime

2002-04-22 10:32 JS, revision 15232

Fixed wxMotif compilo

2002-04-22 09:09 JS, revision 15231

wxUniversal fixes: window.cpp's WM_CLOSE now calls Close() for wxUniv, else dialogs/ frames won't get closed using system menu/button. Added missing NULL init for m_artProvider in themes to cure crash Added 2 sample dsp files for wxUniv (not ideal perhaps but it will save these getting lost, and much user frustration)

2002-04-22 04:12 DW, revision 15230

More bitamp and image fixes

2002-04-21 17:36 MBN, revision 15229

Removed the need for wxStream::GetSize in wxHTML. Ascape '&' in text/plain.

2002-04-21 16:43 RR, revision 15228

Bunch of GTK theme changes. Make wxStatusBar use themes. SetStatusText() now uses Refresh() since I don't know why it shouldn't.

2002-04-21 11:45 VS, revision 15227

wxWizardPage(Simple) can do two-phase creation now

2002-04-21 00:33 VZ, revision 15226

use SetFocusFromKbd() instead of SetFocus()

2002-04-21 00:32 VZ, revision 15225

fixed WM_GETDLGCODE processing to include the bits returned by the DefWindowProc() as well; removed unneeded SetFocus()

2002-04-21 00:32 VZ, revision 15224

implement SetFocusFromKbd() to select all text in the controls whose dialog code has DLGC_HASSETSEL

2002-04-21 00:31 VZ, revision 15223

added and documented wxWindow::SetFocusFromKbd

2002-04-20 23:36 VZ, revision 15222

initialize (and delete) the themes art provider - fixes wxUniv app crashes

2002-04-20 23:30 VZ, revision 15221

compilation sample in !WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_2 mode

2002-04-20 21:18 JS, revision 15220

Typo fixed in tsizer.tex; no change to setup0.h

2002-04-20 13:59 VZ, revision 15219

mention that doing SetFocus() results in the focus event being sent

2002-04-20 13:53 VZ, revision 15218

fixed initial focus handling in the dialog and made SetFocus() send the focus events as under wxMSW

2002-04-20 13:51 VZ, revision 15217

added wxGetTopLevelParent()

2002-04-20 12:30 VZ, revision 15216

fixed another return FALSE in a function returning a pointer (patch 545046)

2002-04-20 11:20 VZ, revision 15215

made operator==() and \!=() const (still doesn't make them correct probably)

2002-04-20 11:10 VZ, revision 15214

fixed huge memory leak in wxFileDialog (closes patch 544060)

2002-04-20 10:00 VZ, revision 15213

fixed logic in limiting spin ctrl values (patch from Dimitri)

2002-04-20 09:57 VZ, revision 15212

implemented DoGetSize() for wxSlider (patch from Dimitri)

2002-04-20 09:53 VZ, revision 15211

fixed focus tracking for spin controls (patch from Dimitri)

2002-04-19 22:12 RL, revision 15210

Added knowledge of virtual size to wx(Scrolled)Windows, they can now manage their own scrollbars with the help of a sizer or other user clues (SetVirtualSizeHints) without the need for an ancillary container. Added SetSizerAndFit convenience method. SetSizer now enables/disables AutoLayout automagically. Logic bugfix for scrollsub sample. Syntax bugfix in parser.y. Compiler warning fix in textctrl.cpp. Modified Files: docs/latex/wx/scrolwin.tex docs/latex/wx/sizer.tex docs/latex/wx/window.tex include/wx/scrolwin.h include/wx/sizer.h include/wx/window.h include/wx/generic/scrolwin.h include/wx/gtk/scrolwin.h samples/scrollsub/scrollsub.cpp src/common/parser.y src/common/sizer.cpp src/common/wincmn.cpp src/generic/scrlwing.cpp src/gtk/scrolwin.cpp src/msw/textctrl.cpp

2002-04-19 21:40 DW, revision 15209

More updates for gdi

2002-04-19 21:05 GD, revision 15208

poll is not available under Darwin/Mac OS X and select should be used instead

2002-04-19 20:12 RD, revision 15207

SWIGed changes for wxGTK

2002-04-19 20:12 RD, revision 15206

Demo updates

2002-04-19 18:39 GD, revision 15205

use specific linker flags under Mac OS X when linking executables against the wxWindows dynamic shared library (LDFLAGS_EXE)

2002-04-19 17:39 RR, revision 15204

Updated makefile for mobile sample. Updated changes.txt. Moved contents of ::Update() to ::GtkUpdate() Moved internal idle functions in wxApp to its own function. Tried to fix themed background redraw problem (probably same bug in wxNotebook and in wxStatusBar and others).

2002-04-18 23:32 VZ, revision 15203

select the whole text in the single line text control when its SetFocus() is called (which also happens when the user TABs to it)

2002-04-18 16:41 RR, revision 15202

Moved mobile dir. Made enable-no_rtti etc NO default.

2002-04-18 13:30 DW, revision 15201

back to void for DoFloodFill

2002-04-18 13:15 JS, revision 15200

Only create wxBuffer on wxMSW and wxMac platforms

2002-04-18 05:43 RD, revision 15199

Typo fix

2002-04-18 05:43 RD, revision 15198

Reorganized the tree in the wxPython demo, hooked the MDI demos into the main demo.

2002-04-18 05:42 RD, revision 15197

wxDF_HTML and FloodFill interface updates

2002-04-18 05:37 RD, revision 15196

Some wxGrid related classes now support OOR.

2002-04-18 05:36 RD, revision 15195

Don't do the wx cleanup if wxPython didn't do the initialization.

2002-04-18 05:35 RD, revision 15194

Moved the cleanup code to an EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY handler.

2002-04-18 05:32 RD, revision 15193

Some secondary grid classes now derive from wxClientDataContainer.

2002-04-18 05:12 DW, revision 15192

Bitmap updates

2002-04-17 22:44 RR, revision 15191

Various changes to focus handling when TLW start. Changed wxWindow::Clear() to use m_clearRegion.

2002-04-17 18:03 RD, revision 15190

Added some methods to be consistent with wxWindow

2002-04-17 18:03 RD, revision 15189

A few tweaks and cleanups

2002-04-17 18:00 RD, revision 15188

Removed package from imports since the modules are in the same package.

2002-04-17 14:16 VZ, revision 15187

corrected assert even better

2002-04-17 14:09 JS, revision 15186

Corrected assertion

2002-04-17 11:48 JS, revision 15185

Added wxDF_HTML Added VC++/non-Unicode for setting HTML clipboard data Changed FloodFill to return a bool value

2002-04-17 06:19 GD, revision 15184

corrected thread detection for Darwin / Mac OS X

2002-04-16 23:06 VS, revision 15183

some wxArtProv docs

2002-04-16 23:03 VS, revision 15182

wxArtProvider HOWTO extended: update documentation

2002-04-16 23:03 VS, revision 15181

make wxArtProvider pure virtual (I was not so on a purpose in some early stage but I think that it is relevant no more...)

2002-04-16 23:03 VS, revision 15180

wxHtmlHistoryItem needs not be wxObject

2002-04-16 23:02 VS, revision 15179

wxHtmlBookRecords needs not be wxObject

2002-04-16 23:01 VS, revision 15178

fixed outdated filenames

2002-04-16 21:52 RD, revision 15177

Use the OOR typemap for wxTreeCtrls too.

2002-04-16 21:33 RD, revision 15176

typo fixes

2002-04-16 21:32 RD, revision 15175

A new listctrl mixin class

2002-04-16 21:31 RD, revision 15174

Use the OOR typemap for wxTreeCtrls too.

2002-04-16 21:04 SC, revision 15173

added patch for theme savvy checkbox metrics

2002-04-16 20:05 MBN, revision 15172

Moved text control subclassing code inside MSWOnNotify. Now all edit controls for tree labels are subclassed (previously only the ones created by EditLabel were ). Now GetEditControl() always returns a pointer to a textctrl when editing is in progress. Removed #if-0 code in GetEditControl() to do the above.

2002-04-16 19:56 JS, revision 15171

Pass validator, not wxDefaultValidator!

2002-04-16 19:34 VZ, revision 15170

removed redundant code

2002-04-16 19:29 VZ, revision 15169

added test for wxNO_DEFAULT in wxMessageBox

2002-04-16 18:18 RR, revision 15168

Untested mini-change for wxGTK idle handling. Handle internal idle (i.e. update handing) *after* sending idle events so that if the user calls Refresh() in OnIdle() the regions will be updated afterwards.

2002-04-16 18:00 GT, revision 15167

Fixes for documentation compilation

2002-04-16 17:12 RL, revision 15166

replace zsh'ism(?) with a posix parameter expansion for CFLAGS default.

2002-04-16 14:55 VZ, revision 15165

always let the multiline text control process the Enter key presses

2002-04-16 13:19 VZ, revision 15164

don't include -D_REENTRANT in the linker flags

2002-04-16 13:15 VZ, revision 15163

add -pthread like options to the linker flags as well; also (finally!) fixed -g and -On handling in CFLAGS

2002-04-16 12:34 VZ, revision 15162

typo fixed: should be lpthread, not -lpthread in THREAD_OPTS

2002-04-16 12:32 VZ, revision 15161

thread detection fixed for Solaris

2002-04-16 11:57 VZ, revision 15160

try just -lpthread in the thread detection code too

2002-04-16 11:41 GD, revision 15159

Added -bind_at_load linker option for Darwin/Mac OS X: executables must necessarily fully bind the wxWindows library at program launch otherwise lazy binding breaks RTTI class info

2002-04-16 08:57 VZ, revision 15158

return NULL from the functions returning a pointer, not FALSE (patch 544557)

2002-04-16 08:43 VZ, revision 15157

return NULL from a function returning a pointer, not FALSE

2002-04-16 07:43 VZ, revision 15156

better, more generic and backwards compatible, fix for TRUE/FALSE in C code

2002-04-15 20:38 VZ, revision 15155

use -pthread or equivalent when using threads; many fixes (?) for the threads detection under FreeBSD

2002-04-15 19:46 VZ, revision 15154

fixed remove() return code test to avoid spurious debug error message

2002-04-15 19:45 VZ, revision 15153

fixed a few minor bugs: handle the directory parameter to Create() correctly, better error checking

2002-04-15 19:38 RD, revision 15152

Applied TRUE/FALSE fix here too.

2002-04-15 19:08 VZ, revision 15151

don't try to remove -g flag from CFLAGS, it is not necessary and doesn't work correctly anyhow (patch 543395)

2002-04-15 19:02 VZ, revision 15150

compilation fix after TRUE/FALSE change

2002-04-15 18:49 VZ, revision 15149

corrected const char * to char * conversions (patch 543896)

2002-04-15 18:47 VZ, revision 15148

corrected passing const char * to a function taking char * (part of the patch 543892)

2002-04-15 18:43 GD, revision 15147

corrections for compilation with Apple DevTools applied SourceForge patch #543872

2002-04-15 18:43 VZ, revision 15146

fixes for BCC makefiles from Chris (patch 544015)

2002-04-15 18:27 VZ, revision 15145

redefined TRUE and FALSE to be of type bool

2002-04-15 18:24 VZ, revision 15144

added wx/ipc.h and used/documented it

2002-04-15 18:23 VZ, revision 15143

explain how to choose the theme for wxUniv apps

2002-04-15 18:11 VZ, revision 15142

compilation fix for OSF/1

2002-04-15 17:59 VZ, revision 15141

fixed minor typo in Borland instructions