

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-08-19 14:49 VZ, revision 77090

add SAMPLES_CXXFLAGS option for -fPIC due Qt is built with -reduce-relocations

2014-08-19 14:48 VZ, revision 77089

Add QT_WIDGETS_LIB define to enable QWidget* support in QTest (needed by uiactionsim)

2014-08-19 14:48 VZ, revision 77088

Use wxString::utf8_str() to avoid ambiguity as Qt5 now expect that encoding for QString::QString(const char * str)

2014-08-19 14:48 VZ, revision 77087

Migrate to qt5 (includes QtGui -> QtWidgets, toAscii -> toLatin, QApplication::GuiClient from QApplication() in main)

2014-08-19 14:48 VZ, revision 77086

Update pkg-config to Qt5* libs

2014-08-19 14:48 VZ, revision 77085

Fix plataform info for qt

2014-08-19 14:04 VZ, revision 77084

Create branch for GSoC 2014 wxQt project work.

2014-08-18 23:32 VZ, revision 77083

Fix generic wxSearchCtrl size/layout code. Override DoGetBestClientSize() instead of DoGetBestSize(), as we're really computing just the size of our contents and like this we don't need to hard code platform-dependent border sizes in this control itself. Also use the client size in LayoutControls() for the same reason. This also makes it unnecessary to pass it the width and height as it can find them on its own. And x and y were never used in the first place, so remove them too. Finally, center the bitmaps vertically. Closes #16422.

2014-08-18 19:02 PC, revision 77082

fix use of stack variable after it has gone out of scope, closes #16423

2014-08-18 15:09 VZ, revision 77081

Show new style Windows directory selector even for non-existent paths. Passing an invalid initial directory to wxDirDialog resulted in using the old style Windows directory selector dialog instead of the new style (file dialog like) one, which was unintentional, as incorrect initial directory shouldn't prevent the dialog from being shown. Fix this by handling ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND error specifically and still showing the new dialog, just without the (non existent) initial directory value, in this case. Closes #16430.

2014-08-16 14:16 VZ, revision 77076

Remove default argument value from wxIHTMLElement2::setExpression(). This doesn't make much sense for an interface declaration anyhow and produces a warning from g++ about assigning string literal to (non-const) BSTR pointer.

2014-08-16 02:24 VZ, revision 77075

Don't exit event loop when exception occurs inside Yield(). If an unhandled exception occurs in an event handler called from Yield(), don't exit the current event loop which can continue running after handling this exception in the code calling Yield(). Closes #16419.

2014-08-15 19:09 PC, revision 77074

Fix handling of identical consecutive key events Events generated programmatically may have the same timestamp as the previous event, which caused them to be ignored on the assumption that they were the same event being sent to a parent window. Fix this by detecting when a new event could be generated by the event loop. Closes #15802

2014-08-15 14:14 VZ, revision 77073

Refactor Unix OpenGL code to avoid using static attributes array. Put the context attributes in wxGLCanvasX11 itself instead. See #16402.

2014-08-15 14:14 VZ, revision 77072

Fix creating wxGLCanvas without any attributes in wxMSW. This was broken by the changes of r77018, see #16402. Just check that we do have the attributes before examining them.

2014-08-14 18:05 VZ, revision 77071

Allow using ESC as accelerator in wxMSW again. This ended up being broken due to an interplay between different unrelated changes (at least r15120 and r41134) which were both correct, but didn't work well together and resulted in not only preventing IsDialogMessage() from handling ESC, but also our own accelerator tables. Fix this by doing the check for IsDialogMessage() brokenness in MSWProcessMessage() itself, just before calling it, instead of doing it in MSWShouldPreProcessMessage() which is (and must be) called before MSWTranslateMessage() which checks for accelerators using ESC. Closes #3813.

2014-08-14 14:17 VZ, revision 77070

Add support for paragraph spacing attribute to wxTextCtrl in wxMSW. Use PFM_SPACEAFTER/PFM_SPACEBEFORE to implement support for them. Closes #16417.

2014-08-14 14:17 VZ, revision 77069

Add support for paragraph spacing attribute to wxTextCtrl in wxMSW. Use PFM_SPACEAFTER/PFM_SPACEBEFORE to implement support for them. Closes #16417.

2014-08-14 14:11 VZ, revision 77068

Restore dynamic linking of GDI functions for non-MSVC. This partially reverts the changes of r77029 and r77039: now functions such as Set/GetLayout(), AlphaBlend() and GradientFill() are still called (almost) directly when using MSVC but pass by dynamic loading with the other compilers, which don't have #pragma comment(lib) and, in MinGW case, also lack some of these functions in their libraries even if we do link with them. Closes #16411.

2014-08-12 10:53 JS, revision 77067

Fix deletion of cells in defragment

2014-08-12 10:52 JS, revision 77066

Fix deletion of cells in defragment

2014-08-11 18:27 SC, revision 77065

updated multi-lib project file with naming close to Makefile convention

2014-08-11 18:25 SC, revision 77064

updated AppleScript for multilib builds

2014-08-11 17:52 SC, revision 77063

naming closer to Makefile

2014-08-11 17:51 SC, revision 77062

naming closer to Makefile