

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-06-04 14:59 VZ, revision 15740

added and documented wxTIMER_XXX constants to be used instead of bool parameter to wxTimer::Start()

2002-06-04 12:48 VZ, revision 15739

commented out some strange test code which resulted in memory leaks

2002-06-04 11:01 JS, revision 15738

In SetProxy, add 1 to pos when parsing port since otherwise we include the colon.

2002-06-04 08:58 VZ, revision 15737

undid WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT change -- I recall now why we can't use it

2002-06-04 08:52 VZ, revision 15736

updated translations from Henrik Ræder Clausen

2002-06-03 23:11 VZ, revision 15735

mention EVT_KEY_DOWN/CHAR change

2002-06-03 23:10 VZ, revision 15734

set focus to the page after showing it -- otherwise it's lost (well, left on the previous, now hidden, page)

2002-06-03 23:00 VZ, revision 15733

use WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT to ensure correct Alt-mnemonic handling with nested panels

2002-06-03 19:30 JS, revision 15732

Removed spurious </a> after <img> tag

2002-06-03 19:19 MBN, revision 15731

Updated message catalogs to latest CVS

2002-06-03 14:56 DW, revision 15730

Weekly OS/2 catch-up.

2002-06-02 19:30 RR, revision 15729

Another typo fixed.

2002-06-02 18:02 RR, revision 15728

Probably fixed mouse event bug introduced recently.

2002-06-02 14:24 RR, revision 15727

Overrode wxMDIChildFrame's DoSetSize to not misplace the window when it was using wxFrame's method.

2002-06-02 14:17 RR, revision 15726

Implemented CharHook events. Implemented Destroy events. (both as per SF patches).

2002-06-02 12:05 RR, revision 15725

Small fix for make win-dist

2002-06-02 10:57 RR, revision 15724

Updates to (behaviour of) wxComboBox and wxSpinCtrl.

2002-06-02 10:57 RR, revision 15723

Removed hack in Toolbar that breaks UI updates under MSW.

2002-06-02 10:56 RR, revision 15722

Added simplistic make win-dist

2002-06-01 11:48 VZ, revision 15721

replaced quotes in #include with angle brackets

2002-05-31 16:03 RR, revision 15720

Added global skope too FinControl()

2002-05-31 14:18 VZ, revision 15719

removed unused wxWindowGTK::m_isFrame

2002-05-31 14:17 VZ, revision 15718

replaced m_isRadioButton with a virtual function

2002-05-31 14:14 VZ, revision 15717

replaced wxWindowGTK::m_isListBox with a virtual function

2002-05-31 14:13 VZ, revision 15716

replaced wxWindowGTK::m_isStaticBox with a virtual function and replaced 3 occurences of the code finding the window for the mouse events with one

2002-05-31 14:00 VZ, revision 15715

replaced wxWindowGTK::m_isListBox with a virtual function

2002-05-31 13:51 VZ, revision 15714

fixes for the focus handling: don't set back to back set/kill focus events

2002-05-31 13:49 VZ, revision 15713

added tests for the focus events

2002-05-31 10:00 RR, revision 15712

Added wxToolBar::FindControl() to fish out controls in a toolbar by its id.

2002-05-31 09:59 RR, revision 15711

Doc tweaks for FindWindowByXX Docs for SetThemeEnabled Docs for wxToolBar::FindControl

2002-05-31 07:41 RR, revision 15710

Documented wxClienData and friends.

2002-05-30 21:16 VZ, revision 15709

removed some duplicate code, no real changes

2002-05-30 19:49 RD, revision 15708

Updated setup.h settings

2002-05-30 18:40 RD, revision 15707

Updated wxPython build instructions

2002-05-29 18:47 RD, revision 15706

Removed Refresh from OnSize as it's not needed anymore

2002-05-29 08:31 JS, revision 15705

Applied patch #561454, testing for scrollbar

2002-05-29 08:28 JS, revision 15704

Corrected some typos

2002-05-28 21:50 DW, revision 15703

Catching up for the week

2002-05-28 17:14 VZ, revision 15702

corrected the completely wrong example (bug 545427)

2002-05-28 16:54 VZ, revision 15701

fix compilation without WXDEBUG (includes patch 561458)

2002-05-28 16:52 VZ, revision 15700

use new style ctor for wxFontDialog (patch 561411)

2002-05-28 16:51 VZ, revision 15699

added consts to wxAcceleratorTable ctors from wxAcceleratorEntry array (repaces patch 561183)

2002-05-28 16:44 VZ, revision 15698

fixed icon drawing when they have different sizes (patch 554973)

2002-05-28 16:30 VZ, revision 15697

unselected the current item when unfocusing it in a single selection list control (patch 540818)

2002-05-28 11:29 VZ, revision 15696

added asserts to ensure that the splitter windows have it as parent (otherwise they're not positioned correctly)

2002-05-27 22:14 RD, revision 15695

No, I didn't test it before. This is what I meant to do!

2002-05-27 22:06 RD, revision 15694

Patch 559673 and 561053

2002-05-27 21:22 RD, revision 15693

Some little demo updates

2002-05-27 21:21 RD, revision 15692

Fixed wxMac's wxStaticText::SetFont to behave like the others and resize the control to fit the text

2002-05-27 19:47 RD, revision 15691

Fixed a tex2rtf warning

2002-05-27 19:34 RD, revision 15690

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2002-05-27 19:23 RD, revision 15689

Changed the default style flags on wxSplashScreen

2002-05-27 18:39 RD, revision 15688

workaround for assert about wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT

2002-05-27 18:24 RD, revision 15687

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-05-27 17:55 RD, revision 15686

SWIGged updates for wxMSW

2002-05-27 17:54 RD, revision 15685

Fix exception when there are no items in the sizer yet

2002-05-27 17:53 RD, revision 15684

Added a bit of test code (commented out)

2002-05-27 17:53 RD, revision 15683

Reduce flicker in the demo when image is dragged out of the frame

2002-05-27 17:52 RD, revision 15682

changes to match recent CVS updates

2002-05-27 17:51 RD, revision 15681

Some cleanup

2002-05-27 17:50 RD, revision 15680


2002-05-26 22:41 VZ, revision 15679

added wxWizard::Fit()

2002-05-26 22:37 VZ, revision 15678

attempts to make GetBestSize() work using constraints (failed)

2002-05-26 12:51 VZ, revision 15677

set the id in wxMouseEvent (bug 484245)

2002-05-26 12:46 VZ, revision 15676

added more spin event handlers

2002-05-26 12:46 VZ, revision 15675

updated wxSpinXXX event docs

2002-05-26 12:19 VZ, revision 15674

add full 32 bit range support to wxSpinButton/Ctrl

2002-05-26 12:04 VZ, revision 15673

set the focus to the first control in the dialog when it is shwon

2002-05-26 11:49 VZ, revision 15672

globally renamed INT32 to JPEG_INT32 to solve the [re]definition problems with cygwin/mingw32 headers which sometimes define INT32 and sometimes don't

2002-05-26 10:53 VZ, revision 15671

added test for EditLabel, Unicode fixes

2002-05-26 10:53 VZ, revision 15670

fix for the crash when pressing TAB in the edit control created by EditLabel() (bug 555749)

2002-05-26 07:53 SC, revision 15669

make sure we are removing ourselves from the focus of the toplevel frame when deleting (copied from msw)

2002-05-26 07:49 SC, revision 15668

added accessors for last focus

2002-05-25 21:01 VZ, revision 15667

fixes to better remember the last focused child; also restore it using SetFocus() and not SetFocusFromKbd()

2002-05-25 20:34 VZ, revision 15666

fixed assert when using wxMiniFrame (result of recent changes)

2002-05-25 17:11 VZ, revision 15665

changes to wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR/FLOAT_ON_PARENT styles handling which should now work more as expected

2002-05-25 14:24 VZ, revision 15664

new wxWindow::FindWindowByXXX() methods replacing the old global functions (patches 560214, 559916, 559811, ...)

2002-05-25 14:23 VZ, revision 15663

fixed calling Union() or Offset() on a previously Clear()ed region, also removed some duplicate code (bug 560302 and more)

2002-05-25 13:02 VZ, revision 15662

prevent the parent window from losing activation when a popup is shown

2002-05-25 09:40 RR, revision 15661

Set the focus to the html display window if the help frame comes to the front. With this, you can use context sensitive help systems without the mouse.

2002-05-24 22:23 VZ, revision 15660

added test for loading image from wxMemoryStream

2002-05-24 22:09 VZ, revision 15659

fixed wxStreamBuffer::Tell() to return at least sometimes a valid result

2002-05-24 21:31 VZ, revision 15658

wxTextCtrl::OnChar() can't be used to translate the key strokes in the text control

2002-05-24 17:15 RD, revision 15657

and fixed a type too

2002-05-24 16:28 RD, revision 15656

Fixed a quoting problem

2002-05-23 23:02 VS, revision 15655

backported fix for wxZipInputStream::OnSysSeek

2002-05-23 22:01 VZ, revision 15654

fixedb ug with normalization of UNC paths (patch 558701)

2002-05-23 21:52 VZ, revision 15653

popup windows wre not using TOPMOST style under wxUniv any longer -- fixed

2002-05-23 21:25 VZ, revision 15652

wxUniv compilation fixes (patch 559620)

2002-05-23 21:23 VZ, revision 15651

ixed compilation for wxUSE_STREAMS == 0

2002-05-23 20:35 RR, revision 15650

The combobox didn't like empty strings at all. It caused the pop-up-list to get skrewed up.

2002-05-23 17:57 RR, revision 15649

Redirect SetFocus Part II.

2002-05-23 17:57 RR, revision 15648

Redirect wxComboBox::SetFocus to its text field Part I.

2002-05-23 17:56 RR, revision 15647

Let wxFileSystem use wxFFileInputstream and not wxFileInoutStrea as that is broken on Macs.m

2002-05-23 17:54 RR, revision 15646

Did I change anything here?

2002-05-23 17:53 RR, revision 15645

wxSPinCtrl no longer set focus to its text field when setting a value.

2002-05-23 17:52 RR, revision 15644

wxButtons no longer leave junk on dialogs when moved.

2002-05-22 23:36 VZ, revision 15643

fixed propagating of EVT_WIZARD_XXX events to the parent

2002-05-22 23:14 VZ, revision 15642

restore the stream position in wxImageHandler itself instead of forcing all derived classes to do it themselves

2002-05-22 22:48 VZ, revision 15641

added \\server\dir\filename.exe test case