

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-07-14 23:36 RD, revision 72085


2012-07-14 23:36 RD, revision 72084

Add missing styles

2012-07-14 23:35 VZ, revision 72083

Add documentation for CURRENCY and SCODE wxVariant classes. This should have been part of r72081. See #14225.

2012-07-14 22:11 VZ, revision 72082

Refactor wxMSW helper functions to allow reuse in wxGTK. Extract wxMSW-specific part of src/msw/utilsgui.cpp into a new src/msw/utilswin.cpp file to allow reuse the rest of the former file in wxGTK. Closes #14424.

2012-07-14 22:10 VZ, revision 72081

Add support for CURRENCY and SCODE to MSW OLE helpers. This allows to call OLE Automation methods taking parameters or returning values of these types. Closes #14225.

2012-07-14 22:10 VZ, revision 72080

Disable the recently added wxFileSystemWatcher unit case under Windows. It currently fails there, so don't run it until this is fixed to let the tests pass globally. See #14480.

2012-07-14 22:10 VZ, revision 72079

Minor fixes to wxGTK3 with Broadway backend build. Reuse some functions for both Broadway and X11 backends. Fix invalid casts from Broadway screen/display types to X11 ones. Closes #14469.

2012-07-14 07:26 PC, revision 72076

fix creation of wxBitmapComboBox with GTK3

2012-07-13 20:22 VZ, revision 72075

Allow building wxGTK3 with Broadway backend. Use GDK_WINDOWING_BROADWAY to fix compilation with it. Closes #14469.

2012-07-13 20:11 JS, revision 72074

Fix for caret positioning bug when selecting content

2012-07-13 18:58 PC, revision 72073

avoid creating and immediately destroying a wxGraphicsContext when creating a wxDC with wxGTK3

2012-07-13 18:38 JS, revision 72072

Fixed wxRichTextCtrl caret test case

2012-07-13 14:00 VZ, revision 72071

Rename wxFileSystemWatcherBase::DoAdd() to AddAny() and make it public. Make this method public to fix compilation after the recent changes as traverser classes can't call it otherwise (no idea why did it compile with g++). And give it a better name just in case people decide to call it even though it's not documented and described as private in comment (but perhaps we could make it really public later).

2012-07-13 13:46 VZ, revision 72070

Add possibility to hide and show again wxRibbonBar pages. Added wxRibbonBar::ShowPage(), HidePage() and IsPageShown() methods and show them in the sample. Also add GetPageNumber() helper. Closes #14471.

2012-07-13 13:46 VZ, revision 72069

Generate tags for ribbon headers and sources too. Add the files in {include/wx,src}/ribbon to the list of ctags inputs.

2012-07-13 13:22 VZ, revision 72068

Test calling wxFileSystemWatcher::{Add,Remove}Tree(). Add a test for tree monitoring functions to the unit test. See #14480.

2012-07-13 13:22 VZ, revision 72067

Properly use RemoveTree() in fswatcher sample. We need to use RemoveTree() to remove watches for the paths added with AddTree(). See #14480.

2012-07-13 13:22 VZ, revision 72066

Add the root and all the files in wxFileSystemWatcherBase::AddTree(). When watching a tree recursively, add the files and not only the directories. Also, add -- and remove in RemoveTree() -- the root directory itself and not only its children. Closes #14480.

2012-07-13 08:51 SC, revision 72065

always use calibrated colors, fixes #14482

2012-07-12 22:50 RD, revision 72055

Interface fix for Phoenix.

2012-07-12 21:30 SC, revision 72050

removing 2.9 backport

2012-07-12 20:34 VZ, revision 72049

Fix bogus asserts in Unix wxFileSystemWatcher for removed files. Store the recently removed file descriptors and don't assert if we get an event for one of them, this can happen and is normal unlike unexpected events for completely unknown descriptors for which we still keep an assert. Closes #14465.

2012-07-12 20:34 VZ, revision 72048

Fix item data access in wxDataViewListCtrl. Map items to rows correctly, just using wxPtrToUInt()-1 is not the right thing to do if any items were deleted or changed. Closes #14479.

2012-07-12 15:18 VZ, revision 72047

Added more items to the release check list. Mention that the change log should be uploaded too (it would be perhaps more useful to have a change log for just this release but for now upload the entire file) and that the llatest available version must be update on the web site.

2012-07-12 08:56 SC, revision 72041

backport support for horizontal scrollwheel support

2012-07-11 21:28 VZ, revision 72040

No changes, just remove TABs from

2012-07-11 21:16 RD, revision 72039

Just like dependency tracking don't disable precompiled headers if there is only one architecture being built.

2012-07-11 19:08 PC, revision 72033

fix some more improper widget casts

2012-07-11 18:49 PC, revision 72032

Use GTK_IS_ENTRY() to determine if widget is a GtkEntry. If widget is not a GtkEntry, using GTK_ENTRY() will result in assertion or crash

2012-07-11 14:16 VZ, revision 72031

Revert "Temporarily disable the failing wxRichTextCtrl case." Revert r71945 which disabled failing wxRichTextCtrl unit test. It fails again now and hopefully will be fixed before 2.9.5.

2012-07-11 13:42 VZ, revision 72030

Allow saving images under a different name in the image sample. Also allow saving in XPM format. See #13905.

2012-07-11 13:42 VZ, revision 72029

Ensure that names of saved XPMs are valid C identifiers. The name of the XPM should be based on the file name but can't always be exactly equal to it as it's possible (and relatively common, e.g. "foo-24.xpm") to have characters forbidden in identifiers to appear in the file names. Ensure that we use a valid C identifier here. Closes #13905.

2012-07-11 13:42 VZ, revision 72028

Fix bug with using invalid date in wxMSW wxCalendarCtrl. Fall back to the start date of the native control if our own date was not set yet. Closes #14476.

2012-07-11 13:42 VZ, revision 72027

Activate OLE ActiveX controls before requesting their window. Change the order of IOkeInPlaceActiveObject::GetWindow() and DoVerb(OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE) calls and do the latter first now as otherwise GetWindow() returned NULL for standard ActiveX controls created by MFC. Closes #14209.

2012-07-11 13:42 VZ, revision 72026

Change the format of the documentation archives for the release. Call them wxWidgets-x.y.z-docs-nnn instead of wxWidgets-docs-nnn.x.y.z.

2012-07-11 13:42 VZ, revision 72025

Fix compilation of newly added msw/evtloopconsole.cpp without PCH. Include <windows.h> and "wx/log.h" explicitly when not using PCH. Closes #14475.

2012-07-11 09:32 PC, revision 72021

fake paint events don't work with wxGTK3 either

2012-07-11 09:05 PC, revision 72020

remove code in SetFont which modifies font for no apparent purpose

2012-07-11 08:36 PC, revision 72019

Avoid creating and immediately destroying a wxGraphicsContext for most uses of wxGCDC. This also causes the dummy "measuring context" to be properly initialized with a default font

2012-07-11 06:23 RD, revision 72013

Interface fixes for Phoenix.

2012-07-11 06:23 RD, revision 72012

Add missing wxFRAME_SHAPED

2012-07-11 01:52 VZ, revision 72011

Fix wxNativeContainerWindowId definition for wxGTK/Windows port. It's a gpointer and not unsigned long as under Unix in this case. Closes #14447.

2012-07-11 01:52 VZ, revision 72010

Forbid setting hints for multi-line text controls. This doesn't work anyhow, so make it explicit by asserting if an attempt to do it is made. And document this. Also add a test of SetHint() to the text sample to verify it still works. Closes #14456.

2012-07-11 01:52 VZ, revision 72009

Fix German translation for "Shift+" keyboard accelerator prefix. Closes #14457.

2012-07-11 01:52 VZ, revision 72008

Use the same console event loop in wxBase and wxCore in wxMSW. Refactor the console event loop code into separate files to untangle it from the GUI version and ensure that it doesn't depend on the GUI at all. It can now be defined in the base library and simply reused by the core one. This also makes the console event loop usable for other ports under Windows, e.g. wxGTK. Closes #14426.

2012-07-11 01:51 VZ, revision 72007

Increase version to 2.9.5. Rebake all the project/make files.

2012-07-11 01:50 VZ, revision 72006

Fix unit tests compilation in STL build. Add missing c_str() calls forgotten by r70687. Closes #14472.

2012-07-10 19:27 PC, revision 72004

remove DoSetSize override, unneeded after r72001

2012-07-10 19:26 PC, revision 72003

remove STOCKITEM_26 macro, unneeded after r72001

2012-07-10 19:17 PC, revision 72002

no real changes, just remove unnecessary indentation and scoping after r72001

2012-07-10 18:39 PC, revision 72001

update minimum GTK2 version requirement to 2.6

2012-07-10 12:54 VZ, revision 72000

Give the newly added wxGTK trunk STL builder a unique name. It conflicted with the (unused) builder on StellarWerx slave.

2012-07-10 12:50 VZ, revision 71999

Add a wxGTK STL buildbot build on brandt32 slave. Also use --disable-compat28 as we don't have any builds testing this option.

2012-07-10 08:42 RD, revision 71998

Make a couple virtuals protected so they can be overridden.

2012-07-10 07:12 RD, revision 71989

Interface fixes for Phoenix.

2012-07-09 22:35 VZ, revision 71988

Added a release notes file for binaries. Also create wxWidgets-x.y.z_Headers.7z file when making the release, it is used with the binaries.

2012-07-09 16:15 VZ, revision 71986

Create tag WX_2_9_4

2012-07-09 16:15 VZ, revision 71985

Updated READMEs &c for 2.9.4 release. Updated the text of the announcement posted to wx-announce too and mention it in the release check list.

2012-07-09 14:41 VZ, revision 71984
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_9_4

Remove prematurely created 2.9.4 tag.

2012-07-09 14:39 VZ, revision 71983

Create tag WX_2_9_4

2012-07-08 12:28 JS, revision 71982

Fix for scroll position being changed when partial layout is done

2012-07-08 05:48 RD, revision 71981

Revert r71595 for now, as the bug it fixed is the lesser of two evils with the potential bugs it causes. See #14453.

2012-07-07 18:34 SC, revision 71980

fixing double focus ring under 10.7, emulating only for 'NO_' and 'SIMPLE_' border

2012-07-07 17:36 VZ, revision 71979

Replace "_amd64" with "_x64" in a few more places. Fix bakefile presets and MSVC-specific setup.h. Also document TARGET_CPU=X64 instead of AMD64.

2012-07-07 15:27 VZ, revision 71978

Use "_x64" instead of "amd64" for x64 MSW makefile builds. Still accept "amd64" as a valid TARGET_CPU value but also accept, and encourage people to use, "x64". Add a new section about the build system changes to the change log and added a mini-TOC to it to make navigating it a bit easier and show what changes are there at a glance.

2012-07-07 15:27 VZ, revision 71977

Don't call HitTest() unnecessarily in MSW wxTreeCtrl code. We already called TreeView_HitTest() above, there is no need to call wxTreeCtrl::HitTest() again to retrieve exactly the same information. This also incidentally fixes a warning about unused variable, see #14459.

2012-07-07 15:27 VZ, revision 71976

Fix uninitialized variable warning in wxMSW wxFileSystemWatcher code. This warning was harmless as the variable was in fact always initialized if the code where it was used was reached but g++ 4.6.1 is not smart enough to see it, just as MSVC for which we already had a workaround. So initialize it explicitly just to suppress the warning. See #14459.

2012-07-07 15:27 VZ, revision 71975

Avoid warnings about uninitialized variables in TGA loading code. Initialize the variables containing the colour components: even though they should normally be always filled by Palette_GetRGB() call below, this presumably might not happen for a corrupted image with invalid palette table entries and g++ correctly complains about it. See #14459.

2012-07-07 15:27 VZ, revision 71974

Avoid warning about unused variable in wxGetUTCTimeMillis() in wxMSW. Put the declaration of the variable only used under Unix inside the corresponding "#if" branch. See #14459.

2012-07-07 15:27 VZ, revision 71973

Avoid unused variable warning in wxPropertyGrid code in non-wxGTK. Put the variable only used in wxGTK inside "#ifdef __WXGTK__". This fixes the warning but the real fix would be to get rid of this variable completely and just fix whatever problem in wxWindow::Navigate() this was supposed to work around. See #14459.

2012-07-07 15:27 VZ, revision 71972

Explicitly call base class ctor in wxRichTextFieldType copy ctor. Failure to do this provokes g++ warnings with -Wextra and is, generally speaking, wrong, even if it probably doesn't matter in this particular case. See #14459.

2012-07-07 15:27 VZ, revision 71971

Return correct index from wxGenericListCtrl::InsertColumn(). It used to always return 0 in the generic version, return the correct index of the newly inserted column now. Closes #13677.

2012-07-07 15:24 SC, revision 71970

adding support for enabled property, avoiding missing return values

2012-07-07 15:07 SC, revision 71969

added missing return value

2012-07-07 15:06 SC, revision 71968

new file added

2012-07-06 18:39 PC, revision 71967

guard against empty name field in inotify_event, see #14466

2012-07-05 20:56 VZ, revision 71966

Rename WX_2_9_4 tag to WX_2_9_4-rc1 as it doesn't correspond to final 2.9.4.

2012-07-04 19:09 VZ, revision 71965

Use list mode in wxListbook list control instead of report. Use wxLC_LIST instead of wxLC_REPORT when we don't have any icons. This makes the code simpler as wxLC_LIST is more similar to wxLC_ICON which we used, and continue to use, when we do have icons, because we don't need to add and remove any columns on the fly. And it fixes the appearance of wxListbook without images with wxBK_TOP or wxBK_BOTTOM styles as it now lays out its items horizontally and not vertically as before. It also fixes the best size calculation of wxListbook control since the changes to wxListCtrl best size calculations in r71733 as a nice side effect. Closes #14451.

2012-07-04 18:42 SC, revision 71964

supporting alignment in single line controls, see #14452

2012-07-04 18:30 SC, revision 71962

using correct constant

2012-07-04 18:17 SC, revision 71961

fixing another reference to wrong center flag

2012-07-04 18:15 SC, revision 71960

correcting text alignment flag

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71959

Fix problem with most of wxGTK headers not being installed. GTK2_HDR should also include all the version-independent wxGTK headers. Closes #14455.

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71958

Rename all setup0.h files to setup.h in git-based release script. We also need to rename wx/univ/setup0.h and wx/gtk/setup0.h and it probably doesn't hurt to rename all the other ones even if though they're unused anyhow.

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71957

Put the README file used for SourceForge files page under version control. And this is another thing to do for the release.

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71956

Remove duplicate item about Trac changes from release tech note. Part of the additions of r71951 was already present in this file, just in another place.

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71955

Run unix2dos in quiet mode in git-oriented release script. Don't flood the screen with the messages about converting the files, we know that we convert them, this is what we run the bloody thing for.

2012-07-03 22:02 VZ, revision 71954

Create tag WX_2_9_4

2012-07-03 22:01 VZ, revision 71953

Also update the minimal GTK+ version in the introduction manual page. And mention GTK+ 3 there too.

2012-07-03 21:59 VZ, revision 71952

Update the date in the manual before 2.9.4 release. And mention the need to do it in the tech note for the next time.

2012-07-03 21:58 VZ, revision 71951

Updated readme and changelog for 2.9.4 release. Also add more things to do before the release to the tech note.

2012-07-03 21:41 VZ, revision 71950

Remove unnecessary checks for OS X 10.4 and gcc 4.0 in configure. As 10.4 is not supported any more, don't check for it. Also don't impose the use of gcc 4.0 for compiling wxOSX/Carbon as this compiler doesn't exist any more under OS X 10.7 but wxOSX/Carbon can be compiled using gcc 4.2 if 10.6 SDK is selected, so this change allows to build wxOSX/Carbon under 10.7.

2012-07-03 07:37 PC, revision 71948

synchronize GTK2 minimum version in docs

2012-07-03 00:59 VZ, revision 71947

Fix wxGTK compilation with MSVC after GTK+ 3 changes. Don't use preprocessor conditions inside a macro invocation, MSVC doesn't support this. Closes #14448.

2012-07-02 17:56 PC, revision 71946

add some mention of GTK3 support

2012-07-02 17:08 VZ, revision 71945

Temporarily disable the failing wxRichTextCtrl case. Disable CaretPosition() unit test as it is broken now. This is only temporary to allow tests to pass in 2.9.4, will be reenabled (and hopefully fixed) later.

2012-07-02 17:05 VZ, revision 71944

Clear larger area in wxGCDC::Clear(). Clearing a rectangle of size 32000 was not always enough to clear the entire DC, so use INT_MAX instead -- this is the best we can do with the current approach. Closes #13445.

2012-07-02 17:03 VZ, revision 71943

Keep client data in sync when deleting items from wxOSX wxComboBox. Correspondence between item indices and their client data was broken if any items were deleted or the combobox was cleared entirely. Fix this by updating the client data array whenever this happens. Closes #14147.

2012-07-02 17:03 VZ, revision 71942

Preserve client data in wxComboBox::SetString() in wxOSX/Cocoa. Don't reset the client data to NULL when we're just changing the item text. Closes #14146.

2012-07-02 17:03 VZ, revision 71941

Set string in wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED event in wxOSX/Cocoa. Pass the selected string and not only its index in the event generated when combobox selection changes in wxOSX/Cocoa. Closes #14383.