

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-06-11 17:37 RR, revision 60998

Remove ugly flicker during resizing

2009-06-11 17:21 RR, revision 60997

GTK: In virtual list mode, map first row to 1, not to 0 as this is reserved for an invalid item

2009-06-11 17:10 RR, revision 60996

In virtual list mode, map first row to 1, not to 0 as this is reserved for an invalid item

2009-06-11 08:58 SC, revision 60995

backport of event implementation for single line, fixes #10854

2009-06-11 08:54 SC, revision 60994

adding missing release for editor

2009-06-11 08:40 SC, revision 60993

adding events to single line textcontrols (password is not fully supported)

2009-06-10 22:51 JMS, revision 60991

Added note about 'Py' prefix no longer being necessary when reimplementing property member functions in wxPython

2009-06-10 22:50 JMS, revision 60990

Added note about 'Py' prefix no longer being necessary when reimplementing property member functions in wxPython

2009-06-10 22:36 JMS, revision 60989

Allow reparenting wxPropertyGrid(Manager) to work; Show error and suggest calling wxPropertyGrid::OnTLPChanging() if top-level parent changed indirectly.

2009-06-10 19:35 BBE, revision 60988

Added wxEventLoopSource: class encapsulating source of I/O that can be added to event loop and monitored for any kind of I/O. Event sources can currently be added only to wxConsoleEventLoop under Unix.

2009-06-10 18:41 VZ, revision 60984

add virtual DoGetTextExtent() to allow calling the overloaded wxWindowBase::GetTextExtent() on wxWindow objects without any ugly casts/scope resolution operators

2009-06-10 18:19 PJC, revision 60983

Added ribbon panel rendering to the art provider. Added minimum and best size calculation to the ribbon bar. Added sizing and rendering to the ribbon page. Updated ribbon bar and page to inherit from ribbon control. Began to implemented ribbon panel. Extended sample application to add some panels to the pages.

2009-06-10 18:10 PJC, revision 60982

Added new wxRibbonControl class as a base class for ribbon components.

2009-06-10 17:07 VZ, revision 60981

don't disable the use of standard streams/strings by default under OS XE there is no reason to do it

2009-06-10 17:05 VZ, revision 60980

removed the inexistent (at least in 10.4 SDK) and unneeded carbon/carbon.h header inclusion

2009-06-10 16:56 VZ, revision 60979

remove support/detection of Mac OS < X

2009-06-10 16:55 VZ, revision 60978

added --disable-tls option and use it by default under NetBSD which is reported to not have TLS support

2009-06-10 16:54 VZ, revision 60977

don't start menu IDs at 0 to avoid an assert under Mac

2009-06-10 16:44 VZ, revision 60976

document wxBase64DecodeMode and other minor fixes (closes #10882)

2009-06-10 16:43 VZ, revision 60975

add missing DLL export declaration to fix linking in shared library build

2009-06-10 09:09 SC, revision 60974

backporting fixes, see #10876

2009-06-10 09:04 SC, revision 60973

making SetFocus bringing TLW to front as Carbon, see #10876

2009-06-10 08:52 SC, revision 60972

allow mouse events being sent to parents, see #10876

2009-06-10 08:46 SC, revision 60971

allow vetoing on drop, see #10876

2009-06-10 08:37 SC, revision 60970

fixing coordinates for dnd, see #10876