

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-06-20 23:27 VZ, revision 61146

suppress more float/double->int conversion warnings to be able to see anything else in wxOSX/Cocoa build

2009-06-20 22:05 VZ, revision 61145

don't try to resize the bitmap buttons with wxBORDER_NONE style to one of the standard sizes, this results in more problems than it solves and still doesn't look good; document wxBORDER_NONE semantics under Mac

2009-06-20 22:02 JS, revision 61144

Correction for VC6

2009-06-20 02:27 MJM, revision 61141

wxAuiPaneInfo: Add a new m_dock_page member variable along with accessors, this will be used in creating and serializing of tabs. Modify LoadInfo and GetInfo to load and save the new property

2009-06-20 02:21 VZ, revision 61140

fix many mostly harmless warnings in wxOSX/Carbon build

2009-06-20 01:57 MJM, revision 61139

revert changes to auidemo.cpp that were accidentally committed

2009-06-20 01:48 VZ, revision 61138

implement wxTreeCtrl::GetFocusedItem() for wxMSW too (see #10859)

2009-06-20 01:47 MJM, revision 61137

Update interface information for wxAuiPaneInfo to reflect new getter and setter methods and deprecated functions.

2009-06-20 01:46 VZ, revision 61136

include wx/arrstr.h as it's needed by wxImageHandler and may not be implicitly included from other headers in minimal builds (closes #10914)

2009-06-20 01:36 VZ, revision 61135

no need to check for wxID_HELP buttons in SetLabel() now that it's overridden in wxButton itself

2009-06-20 01:34 VZ, revision 61134

added wxTreeCtrl::GetFocusedItem() (closes #10859)

2009-06-20 01:30 VZ, revision 61133

rename makemactags script to makeostags and extend it to work with either Carbon or Cocoa

2009-06-20 01:24 VZ, revision 61132

respect wxBU_NOTEXT style in wxButton

2009-06-19 17:30 SC, revision 61131

backport of r61130

2009-06-19 16:38 SC, revision 61130

guarding against null nowpeer in cases like native font or color dialogs

2009-06-19 06:47 VZ, revision 61129

override DoSetBitmap() instead of SetBitmapLabel()

2009-06-19 05:57 VZ, revision 61128

make the script executable

2009-06-19 02:01 VZ, revision 61127

only erase background if we do have a non-default background set

2009-06-19 01:51 VZ, revision 61126

fix output of WX_ARG_DISABLE() for options which can have values other than yes/no (e.g. auto, as for wxUSE_COMPILER_TLS)

2009-06-19 01:00 VZ, revision 61125

erase background using the window background colour when using wxBG_STYLE_ERASE/SYSTEM

2009-06-19 00:54 VZ, revision 61124

fix a couple of harmless warnings during wxOSX build

2009-06-18 23:12 VZ, revision 61123

no changes, just removed apparently unneeded wxMacBitmapButton class

2009-06-18 23:05 VZ, revision 61122

disable deprecation warnings when building wxMac as there are just too many of them

2009-06-18 20:22 RR, revision 61120

Also fixed Clear() in the generic control

2009-06-18 20:10 VZ, revision 61119

set use-underline button property when setting its label