

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-10-15 16:16 SC, revision 17540

wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE implementation

2002-10-15 16:02 JS, revision 17539

Fixed wxUSE_THREADS typo

2002-10-15 15:39 JS, revision 17538

Fixed SString.h for gcc 2.96

2002-10-15 15:03 SC, revision 17537

added wxBitmap::ConvertToImage code for native icons and pictures

2002-10-15 15:01 SC, revision 17536

line ending commands under condition of PC endings (added also to WriteText)

2002-10-15 14:15 DW, revision 17535

More duplicate symbol fixes for VisualAge builds.

2002-10-15 14:12 DW, revision 17534

More dll updates

2002-10-15 13:55 VZ, revision 17533

fixed gauge overflow

2002-10-15 13:25 VZ, revision 17532

don't divide by 0 in SetValue/Range(); minor code cleanup

2002-10-14 22:40 VS, revision 17531

given an assert when trying to do something stupid

2002-10-14 22:31 VS, revision 17530

documented wxXmlResourceHandler::IsOfClass

2002-10-14 21:31 DW, revision 17529

Weekly OS/2 updates

2002-10-14 20:44 DW, revision 17528

Fixups for duplicate symbols errors under VisualAge C++ for OS/2.

2002-10-14 20:42 DW, revision 17527

VISUALAGE OS/2 fixups needed for new Png lib.

2002-10-14 19:39 DW, revision 17526

Getting rid of ctl3d32.lib for command-line builds (not used anymore per Julian).

2002-10-14 18:35 SC, revision 17525

added kHighLevelEvent to the group of events that don't need correction of modifiers

2002-10-14 17:25 VZ, revision 17524

added HasSelection() (forgot to commit yesterday)

2002-10-14 12:48 VZ, revision 17523

Only set WXUSINGDLL=0 when not set (patch 620174)

2002-10-13 22:37 VZ, revision 17522

call Layout() from Show(TRUE) to ensure that all dialogs are correctly laid out initially

2002-10-13 21:03 RR, revision 17521

Combox gets its own SetFocus() wxDialog() set the focus to itself when shown. This will the propagate to some control in the dialog. I am not sure if this will override preceding user's call to SetFocus() in one of the child windows.

2002-10-13 21:01 RR, revision 17520

Give wxComboBox an extra SetFocus() method.

2002-10-13 19:27 VZ, revision 17519

added more tests for SetValue/WriteText

2002-10-13 19:24 VZ, revision 17518

each of SetValue(), WriteText() and AppendText() now generates exactly one EVT_TEXT() event for all kinds of controls (plain EDIT, rich, rich version 2)

2002-10-13 19:13 VZ, revision 17517

more typos in #ifs fixed

2002-10-13 19:08 VZ, revision 17516

handle files with .cc extension properly (patch 622687)

2002-10-13 18:37 VZ, revision 17515

typos in #ifs fixed

2002-10-13 16:19 RR, revision 17514

Enable direct access to XML data in XRC.

2002-10-13 14:00 RR, revision 17513

Shouldn't the fontmapper recognize 8859 as iso-8859?

2002-10-13 13:22 RR, revision 17512

Forgot to convert a string in colour name lookup.

2002-10-13 12:17 VZ, revision 17511

fix for cygwin warnings (modified patch 622146)

2002-10-13 12:07 VZ, revision 17510

fix for spelling error (patch 621869) and use _() instead of _T() for the user visible strings

2002-10-13 12:05 VZ, revision 17509

clarifications of ENDSCROLL event docs (patch 622424)

2002-10-13 11:13 RR, revision 17508

Commited wheel mouse event patch for GTK.

2002-10-13 11:02 VZ, revision 17507

added wxLL and wxLongLongFmtSpec macros; documented them; added a test in the sample

2002-10-13 11:02 RR, revision 17506

Another compiler fix for GCC 3.2 Another compiler fix for GCC 3.2..

2002-10-13 10:06 VZ, revision 17505

fix VC++ warnings (which could be errors for the other compilers) with returning wx(W)CharBuffer

2002-10-13 09:50 VZ, revision 17504

another compilation fix: Unix2DosFilename -> wxUnix2DosFilename

2002-10-13 08:17 RR, revision 17503

Compile fix for GCC 3.2. Don't know why.

2002-10-13 08:02 RR, revision 17502

Compile fix.

2002-10-12 22:19 VZ, revision 17501

only define Foo equivalents for wxFoo file functions if WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2

2002-10-11 22:24 VS, revision 17500

some more XRC docs

2002-10-11 22:23 VS, revision 17499

more whitespaces as style deliminers

2002-10-11 22:23 VS, revision 17498

updated MGL installation instructions

2002-10-11 22:22 VS, revision 17497

don't add files to resources twice

2002-10-11 22:22 VS, revision 17496

added wxHtmlContainerCell::GetBackgroundColour (needed for e.g. widgets rendering)

2002-10-11 16:01 DW, revision 17495

Fixups in jpeg lib for multiplely defined symbolsa under VisualAge for OS/2

2002-10-11 15:59 DW, revision 17494

Weekly OS/2 updtaes

2002-10-11 15:56 DW, revision 17493

os2 update to rc file

2002-10-11 15:26 VZ, revision 17492

added non const accessors to wx(W)CharBuffer; minor changes to wxMemoryBuffer; made copy ctor and assignment operator argument non const

2002-10-11 13:44 DW, revision 17491

removed ctl3d32.lib

2002-10-11 09:09 CE, revision 17490

make mdi.cpp resize for wxUniv/ Borland as well as wx11/gcc

2002-10-11 08:54 CE, revision 17489

wxUniversal now in makefile.b32 - use make -f makefile.b32 WXUSINGUNIV=1

2002-10-11 08:38 CE, revision 17488

wxUniversal now in makefile.b32 - use make -f makefile.b32 WXUSINGUNIV=1

2002-10-11 08:24 CE, revision 17487

fix for wxUniversal and BCC

2002-10-10 20:06 RD, revision 17486

No real change, just added some whitespace for readability and testing the new syncmail code

2002-10-10 17:51 RD, revision 17485

Add some test code, and testing if CVS is allowing commits again.

2002-10-08 20:37 VZ, revision 17484

added/documented wxWizard::HasNext/PrevPage()

2002-10-08 15:27 JS, revision 17483

Added IPC server capability to helpview, if you compile with hvUSE_IPC Added client demo using raw IPC classes (not yet using a kind of help controller, as we eventually should)

2002-10-08 03:41 RD, revision 17482

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2002-10-07 23:11 VZ, revision 17481

no changes, finally

2002-10-07 23:11 VZ, revision 17480

handle the errors in MB2WC/WC2MB gracefully in wxString ctors

2002-10-07 23:10 VZ, revision 17479

fixed the use of size_t parameters in UTF8 tests

2002-10-07 22:34 RD, revision 17478

Don't do the OnAssert overloading if not __WXDEBUG__

2002-10-07 22:33 VZ, revision 17477

more UTF8 tests

2002-10-07 22:17 VZ, revision 17476

slightly cleaned up the sample code -- but it (still) really needs a rewrite

2002-10-07 22:16 VZ, revision 17475

wxTimer::Start() only works from the main thread: mention it in the docs and add an assert in the code

2002-10-07 20:37 MBN, revision 17474

Fix wxHashMap::clear

2002-10-07 20:08 RD, revision 17473

wxXmlSubclassFactory for wxPython

2002-10-07 07:28 JS, revision 17472

Removed comment about using its own storage - wxTextValidator doesn't.

2002-10-06 22:32 VS, revision 17471

slowly documenting XRC...

2002-10-06 20:46 MBN, revision 17470

Add some missing headers for non-PCH compilers. Add a missing IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS (I still wonder how could it work without it).

2002-10-06 20:44 MBN, revision 17469

A couple more s/friend class wxFoo/friend class WXDLLEXPORT wxFoo/ for MinGW GCC 3.2.

2002-10-06 19:45 VZ, revision 17468

added default value of id param in ctor

2002-10-06 19:44 VZ, revision 17467

added a section about wxTextCtrl indices

2002-10-05 23:29 VZ, revision 17466

generate TEXT_ENTER event when Enter is pressed in a combobox

2002-10-05 22:26 VZ, revision 17465

create the controls inside a panel

2002-10-05 22:24 VZ, revision 17464

kbd traversal code now knows that DLGC_WANTALLKEYS implies DLGC_WANTTAB/ARROWS; this fixes the problem with editing a list/tree ctrl item in place -- you could TAB out of it before

2002-10-05 21:33 VZ, revision 17463

call SetFocus() in WM_LBUTTONDOWN handler for the wxWindows controls (not standard ones)

2002-10-05 20:41 VZ, revision 17462

mention wxNB_MULTILINE

2002-10-05 20:37 VZ, revision 17461

woodoo workaround for the bug 616803: crash when showing a dialog with notebook with wxNB_MULTILINE style

2002-10-05 20:20 VZ, revision 17460

fixed wxfileDialog::SetPath() (which didn't do anything before)

2002-10-05 11:45 VZ, revision 17459

reverted the last change -- what was it for?

2002-10-04 20:48 RR, revision 17458

Applied patch to fix colour probs under wxGTK.

2002-10-04 20:10 RR, revision 17457

Added work-around/fix for redraw bug in idle handler. I now send internal idle calls whereas normal idle events still get block by the recursion block.

2002-10-04 18:45 GD, revision 17456

added SIZEOF_INT to Project Builder prefix header

2002-10-04 16:47 VZ, revision 17455

made the configure summary message a bit more pretty

2002-10-04 13:53 DW, revision 17454

Need to set the m_isShown flag properly during a call to ::Show.

2002-10-04 10:28 JS, revision 17453

Removed references to wxBuffer from wxSlider, and ensured that the slider doesn't use a potentially uninitialised buffer.

2002-10-04 07:19 ROL, revision 17452

just a test if CVS access works

2002-10-04 05:24 RL, revision 17451

fixed long lost typo uncovered by Gilles output summary. Is it ever bad to add more of these things :-)

2002-10-04 02:11 RD, revision 17450

Turn off the test case for normal use

2002-10-04 02:00 RD, revision 17449

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-10-04 00:44 RD, revision 17448

Removed Command() but left an alias

2002-10-04 00:42 RD, revision 17447

it helps if you actually return the return value!

2002-10-04 00:40 RD, revision 17446

wxASSERT and others are converted to Python Exceptions.

2002-10-03 20:46 GD, revision 17445

added a configure summary trailer to report on main configuration options

2002-10-03 19:50 RD, revision 17444

Avoid assert when the position to be removed is beyond the end of the list and just return FALSE as documented

2002-10-02 23:33 VZ, revision 17443

added a WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_2 test around deprecated Command() method

2002-10-02 23:32 VZ, revision 17442

delete the hidden TLW parent window from a module to ensure that it is done even if OnInit() returns FALSE; also create it without using wxTLW itself which actually simplifies the code

2002-10-02 14:16 JS, revision 17441

Regenerated configure for -lm patch