

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-08-19 01:08 BBE, revision 61707

Removed spurious code

2009-08-19 01:05 BBE, revision 61706

Checking if m_service != NULL before delete. Removed hard tabs

2009-08-18 20:07 JS, revision 61704

Numeric keypad Del fix

2009-08-18 19:33 JS, revision 61703

Fix numpad Del not working in wxRTC

2009-08-18 19:33 JS, revision 61702

Fix numpad Del not working in wxRTC

2009-08-18 17:54 SC, revision 61701

support for plug-in unloading, closes #10836

2009-08-18 17:39 SC, revision 61700

better variant support, fixes #11114

2009-08-18 17:32 SC, revision 61699

gcc 4.2 warning fix

2009-08-18 17:30 SC, revision 61698

simplifying native string handling, see #11061

2009-08-18 17:19 SC, revision 61697

fixing 64bit OSX, closes #11118

2009-08-18 16:49 SC, revision 61696

added wakeup implementation for osx_cocoa

2009-08-18 16:28 JMS, revision 61695

Made code that uses wxArrayPGProperty more STL compliant (still can't use wxVector for it because I think there is no wx equivalent of std::sort)

2009-08-18 13:44 VZ, revision 61694

Include wx/filefn.h to fix PCH-less compilation.

2009-08-18 03:22 VZ, revision 61693

Fix compilation for wxUSE_LOG==0. Move wxObject and wxFrame forward declarations so that they are accessible to empty wxLogXXX() functions defined in wxUSE_LOG==0 case too. Also take wxFormatString, not wxString, in these functions to avoid overload ambiguities. Closes #11103.

2009-08-18 03:22 VZ, revision 61692

Fix last error display in wxLogSysError(). After recent changes of wxLogXXX() functions into macros the last error was overwritten by wxString::Format() called between the call to wxLogSysError() and wxLog::CallDoLogNow() which called wxSysErrorCode() and so its original value was lost and, unless the last error was specified explicitly, it always came out as 0. To fix this, call wxSysErrorCode() directly when calling wxLogSysError(). This may be unnecessary (if the error is given explicitly) but there doesn't seem to be any other way to fix it and the overhead of calling wxSysErrorCode() shouldn't be that big. Also add a unit test checking that wxLogSysError() behaves as expected.

2009-08-18 02:27 VZ, revision 61691

Don't define wxArrayPGProperty as std::vector in STL build. wxArray::Remove() method is used on it so defining it as std::vector<> breaks compilation in STL build. It is also insonsistent with all the other arrays in wx none of which used "#if wxUSE_STL" around its definition.

2009-08-18 01:46 VZ, revision 61690

Added missing wx/log.h header. This fixes compilation without PCH.

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61689

Force linking of src/osx/core/sockosx.cpp. Without this the file was omitted by linker entirely in the static build and the correct socket manager wasn't used for the GUI applications (see #11030).

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61688

Cleanly separate GUI socket-related code from net library. This fixes linking problems under Unix introduced by recent changes which fixed previous problems which were due to files not being linked in at all. In order to provide a clean separation between base, net and core libraries we now use the same wxSocketManager (wxSocketFDBasedManager), defined in net library for both console and GUI Unix applications and just use different FD IO manager for them: the latter can be defined in base and core libraries as it doesn't involve wxSocketImpl at all, only its base wxFDIOHandler class. At more detailed level, these changes required: 1. Adding the new wxFDIOManager class. 2. Refactoring the old (and now removed) wxSocketFDIOManager to use the same code as wxSocketFDIOManager. This involved: a) Adding handler and direction parameter to RemoveInput(). b) Storing the mask of registered events in wxFDIOHandler itself. c) Defining wxFDIOManagerUnix which works with wxFDIODispatcher. 3. Changing the traits classes in Unix ports to define GetFDIOManager() instead of GetSocketManager().

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61687

No changes, just put the files in alphabetical order. List files in BASE_UNIX_AND_DARWIN_SRC in alphabetical order for consistency with the other file names variables and to make it more convenient to update it.

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61686

Extract wxFDIOHandler in its own header. The files defining classes processing events on file descriptor only need this class and not wxFDIODispatcher itself so reduce build dependencies by extracting wxFDIOHandler in a separate header which they can include instead of the entire fdiodispatcher.h.

2009-08-18 01:02 VZ, revision 61685

Added wxFDIOHandler::IsOk() and use it with wxSocketImplUnix. This will allow to use the base wxFDIOHandler class only in GUI-specific network code and this remove its dependency on wxSocketImplUnix. IOW it paves the way for a proper solution of the problem fixed by r61336 without the hack of r61335 which results in linking problems (which went undiscovered until now but were, in fact, always present, i.e. r61335 couldn't work).

2009-08-17 20:36 JMS, revision 61681

Added multiple selection feature to wxPropertyGrid (enabled by setting wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION style)

2009-08-17 19:59 PJC, revision 61680

The tab bar of a ribbon bar is now hidden by default when there is only a single tab (the old behaviour can be achieved via the new wxRIBBON_BAR_ALWAYS_SHOW_TABS flag).

2009-08-17 01:14 VZ, revision 61678

Fix hangups when using sockets under OS X. A socket event apparently doesn't count as a real event under OS X and our wxEventLoop::DispatchTimeout() doesn't return when it happens -- so we need to generate an artificial wake up event ourselves to make it do it and return control to the code in wxSocket::DoWait() in order for it to process the event.

2009-08-17 01:14 VZ, revision 61677

Don't forget to reset wxSocketImplMac members to NULL. This avoids an assert in dtor.

2009-08-17 01:13 VZ, revision 61676

Use CF socket manager in GUI OS X applications. wxSocketManagerMac was never created under OS X since wxSocket code refactoring as wxGUIAppTraits::GetSocketManager() wasn't overridden. Doing this required an extra nasty hack with a global variable in the base library which is used just to pass the socket manager pointer from the net library to the core one without creating a dependency between them but this seems unfortunately unavoidable. See #11030.

2009-08-17 01:13 VZ, revision 61675

Virtualize wxSocketImpl creation by routing it via wxSocketManager. This is necessary to create different kinds of sockets for the console and GUI applications under OS X: unlike Unix which use different socket managers for the console and GUI programs but still use the same data structures in both cases as X11 and derived toolkits APIs are very similar, Core Foundation sockets don't have anything in common with their console counterparts and so we need to use different wxSocketImpl versions too. A side effect of this commit is that now we need to force linking of src/msw/sockmsw.cpp when using sockets: this wasn't necessary before because it contained wxSocketImpl method definition but now that there are no more direct dependencies on it, MSVC linker simply discards the object file unless we force it to link with it. Notice that this commit doesn't change anything yet, it simply refactors the code to use wxSocketManager::CreateSocket() instead of wxSocketImpl::Create() in preparation for the next change.

2009-08-17 01:13 VZ, revision 61674

Create both the full and OS X specific tag files in Also don't duplicate the files already processed by the generic create_tags in OS X-specific part.

2009-08-16 17:17 JMS, revision 61673

Fixed bug: wxPGProperty::SetName() crashed if it was called before property was added to grid (fixes #11111)

2009-08-16 15:32 VZ, revision 61672

Add samples files missing from distribution. Mostly XPM icons but also a header from dataview sample.

2009-08-15 19:41 BBE, revision 61670

Fixed build error on MSW: missing virtual method implementation

2009-08-15 17:35 BBE, revision 61669

Fixed corrupted source files.

2009-08-15 07:30 JMS, revision 61668

Added workaround for VC6 internal compiler error (fixes #11104)

2009-08-14 21:09 MW, revision 61667
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/buildbot.css

Remove buildbot.css as it's never been used.

2009-08-14 20:57 MW, revision 61666
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/include/testdrive-unix.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/include/testdrive-win.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/include/testdrive.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/testdrive-unix.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/testdrive-win.xml

Remove testdrive bots.

2009-08-14 20:55 MW, revision 61665

Add new unix bots.

2009-08-14 20:45 MW, revision 61664

Rename ravnsgaard.xml to unix.xml

2009-08-14 02:06 VZ, revision 61663

Allow customizing wxDebugReportCompress output file. It may be useful to change the directory where it is generated to allow the users to find it more quickly. Also allow changing the crash report base name for completeness.

2009-08-14 02:05 VZ, revision 61662

Added wxStandardPaths::MSWGetShellDir(). This function allows to get the location of Windows shell special folders not covered by wxStandardPaths methods (yet), e.g. CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY.

2009-08-13 19:32 VZ, revision 61661

Corrected fix for #11014 in r61506.

2009-08-13 14:32 VZ, revision 61660
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2009_FSWATCHER/samples/fswatcher/fswatcher_vc7.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2009_FSWATCHER/samples/fswatcher/fswatcher_vc8.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2009_FSWATCHER/samples/fswatcher/fswatcher_vc9.sln

Remove fswatcher sample solution files from svn. The solution files are not stored in the svn with a few exceptions and there is no reason to store them for this sample.

2009-08-13 14:31 VZ, revision 61659

Check that wxUSE_FSWATCHER is defined. All user-ssettable wxUSE_XXX symbols must be checked in this file and wxUSE_FSWATCHER is no exception.

2009-08-13 14:07 VZ, revision 61658

Indicate that wxFileSystemWatcher is new since 2.9.1.

2009-08-13 11:58 VZ, revision 61657

Minor updates to Vietnamese translations. Patch from Trần Ngọc Quân.

2009-08-13 11:50 VZ, revision 61656

Set correct EOL style for .po files which didn't have it.

2009-08-13 00:42 BBE, revision 61655

Fixed bug in wxConsoleEventLoop: it didn't unregister its wakeup pipe fd on delete, which resulted in blocking the place in the map for the next entry with the same fd

2009-08-13 00:39 BBE, revision 61654

Commented out one test, because it cannot pass at the moment

2009-08-12 23:31 PJC, revision 61653

Fixed wxRibbonMSWArtProvider scroll right button having wrong arrow.

2009-08-12 21:50 BBE, revision 61652

include <wx/*> => include wx/*. wxFSWatchEntry::GetLastState now returns by const reference. A couple of minor changes.

2009-08-12 10:01 BBE, revision 61651

Update of automatically generated build system files

2009-08-12 09:59 BBE, revision 61650

Turn off one test for kqueue fswatcher implementation

2009-08-12 09:57 BBE, revision 61649

Implementation of kqueue file system watcher for MacOSX, console version

2009-08-12 09:56 BBE, revision 61648

Update of build system files to build kqueue file system watcher

2009-08-12 03:24 PJC, revision 61647

Added up / down scroll button rendering to wxRibbonMSWArtProvider. Fixed wxRibbonPage::AdjustRectToIncludeScrollButtons doing incorrect adjustment for vertical ribbons. Fixed wxRibbonPanel occasionally automatically minimising when it shouldn't. Fixed wxRibbonMSWArtProvider panel labels painting outside the panel. Fixed wxRibbonMSWArtProvider's slightly incorrect wxRibbonPanel client size <-> size conversions.

2009-08-11 20:16 VZ, revision 61646

Create compressed debug report file outside of temporary directory. Otherwise the compressed file is deleted when the temporary directory is (it doesn't happen if temporarily files are left because an error occurred while the report generation but perversely enough no useful information was left if no errors happened).

2009-08-11 20:16 VZ, revision 61645

Use the app name, not display name, as debug report name, This name is used for files/directories and so should be short and not contain spaces while the display name usually does contain them.

2009-08-11 18:53 JMS, revision 61644

Do not generate wxEVT_PG_SELECTED with direct ClearSelection() and SelectProperty() calls

2009-08-11 12:54 VZ, revision 61643

Another compilation fix after wxFlexGridSizer ctors change. wxFlexGridSizer ctor was even used incorrectly even in layout sample itself, once again the code was supposed to create 3*3 sizer, not 3-column sizer with 3 pixel vertical gap. Changed ctors to be more explicit and to use a 5 pixel gap in both directions.

2009-08-11 11:28 JS, revision 61642

If zero spacing after paragraph is explicitly specified, suppress spacing after paragraph.

2009-08-11 11:27 JS, revision 61641

If zero spacing after paragraph is explicitly specified, suppress spacing after paragraph.

2009-08-11 03:32 PJC, revision 61640

Added icons for pages in ribbon sample. Added vertical / horizontal ribbon layout switching to ribbon sample. Icons are now rendered on ribbon tabs (when the appropriate flag is set). Improved wxRibbonGallery layout when in a vertical ribbon. Improved minimised panel rendering when in a vertical ribbon. Added style flag accessors to wxRibbonBar. Added up & down scroll button rendering to AUI art provider. Fixed MSW art provider page redraw calculations in a vertical ribbon.

2009-08-11 02:19 VZ, revision 61639

Compilation fix after wxFlexGridSizer ctors change. wxFlexGridSizer ctor was even used incorrectly in a wx sample: the sizer was supposed to have 2 columns, not 4 with 2 pixels of vertical gap.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61638

Reorganize and improve wxSizer::SetItemMinSize() documentation. Closes #11093.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61637

Correct wxSizer::InsertSpacer() description. Closes #11092.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61636

Use "non-negative" in assert message instead of "positive". Closes #11059.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61635

Update wxFlexGridSizer ctors to match (new) wxGridSizer ones. Confusing wxFlexGridSizer(int cols, int vgap = 0, int hgap = 0) was removed as well as corresponding wxGridSizer ctor overload. New ctor overloads taking gap as wxSize were added. See #11040. Closes #11091.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61634

Made wxWindow::HasScrollbar() do what it says. Added wxWindow::CanScroll() with the old HasScrollbar() meaning but changed HasScrollbar() to check for the scrollbar existence instead of just checking if it might exist. Closes #10897.

2009-08-09 17:56 JS, revision 61632

Mark a couple of labels for translation.

2009-08-09 17:55 JS, revision 61631

Mark a couple of labels for translation.

2009-08-09 11:14 JMS, revision 61630

Fixed wxPGProperty ctor documentation

2009-08-07 19:06 PJC, revision 61629

Updated ribbon documentation to reflect recent changes.

2009-08-07 14:39 VZ, revision 61628

Correct examples in wxStaticBox(Sizer) documentation. Added missing wxID_ANY in the control creation calls. Also rephrase/extend the discussion about creating windows shown inside the static box as its children or siblings. Closes #11086.

2009-08-07 04:04 PJC, revision 61627

Added ribbon toolbar control. Added ribbon toolbar rendering to ribbon art provider API and art provider implementations. Added toolbar example to ribbon sample. Renamed wxRibbonButtonBarButtonKind enumeration to wxRibbonButtonKind. Moved wxRibbonButtonKind and wxRibbonButtonBarButtonState from buttonbar.h to art.h.

2009-08-06 02:21 VZ, revision 61626

Don't overwrite status message when restoring it if it changed. wxFrameBase::DoGiveHelp() could rewrite the status bar message if it was changed while the menu was showing.

2009-08-06 02:03 VZ, revision 61625

Use 0 instead of NULL to initialize wxUIntPtr. This avoids warning about assigning NULL to a non-pointer with some g++ versions.

2009-08-06 02:01 VZ, revision 61624

Don't pop explicitly changed status messages. Calls to SetStatusText() in between Push/PopStatusText() were simply lost before, now the text explicitly changed by SetStatusText() is preserved by the next call to PopStatusText(). This required adding a new virtual method, called DoUpdateStatusText(), which is now implemented in all the derived classes instead of overriding SetStatusText() (on the bright side, it doesn't need to do any checks already done in the base class any more). Also fix PushStatusText() to actually show the text being pushed at all under wxMSW as a side effect. And further reduce code duplication between wxStatusBarBase and the derived classes.

2009-08-06 02:01 VZ, revision 61623

Fix DrawStatusField() to work correctly with wxSB_FLAT style. It didn't draw the text at all before.

2009-08-06 02:00 VZ, revision 61622

Add test for Push/PopStatusText(). Allow to interactively push and pop status messages for the selected field. This shows that currently PushStatusText() is completely broken under wxMSW as it never shows the text being pushed at all because it is "optimized" away due to an incorrect comparison with the old value (which turns out to be the new one)

2009-08-06 02:00 VZ, revision 61621

Provide saner UI for setting status bar fields. Instead of asking the user to enter N values in a row (which is really annoying even for N=2 already), allow to select the status bar to set the value for and only show a single dialog asking for the value of this pane.

2009-08-06 02:00 VZ, revision 61620

No changes, just removed the whitespace.

2009-08-05 19:38 BP, revision 61617

Fixed up the short description of wxHashMap::find().

2009-08-05 19:25 VZ, revision 61616

Set brush origin for hatch brushes too. They don't explicitly use a bitmap but MSDN still says that their origin should be set to align brushes used on different windows. Closes #11072.

2009-08-05 19:25 VZ, revision 61615

wxSplitterWindow mouse capture improvements and cleanup. - Handle mouse-capture-lost event to abort dragging mode. - Remember mouse and sash position on buttondown event and use them as absolute reference during dragging. Avoid delta values from one mousemove to the next as this may introduce a skew during dragging and especially when coordinate clipping occurs. - Clear the requested sash position when dragging in live mode. - Draw the tracker at correct coordinates - taking into account the width of the pen used to draw the tracker. - The old code did not clearly distinguish between live vs. tracking mode in some places. Closes #11076.

2009-08-05 19:25 VZ, revision 61614

Generate scroll events for key presses in wxScrolledWindow. Don't duplicate the existing wxScrolledWindow::CalcScrollInc() logic in HandleOnChar(), simply generate scrolling events from it, this simplifies the code and ensures that it is more correct. Closes #11070.

2009-08-05 19:24 VZ, revision 61613

Reset static flag on cleanup. s_stdIDsAdded was not reset and so the standard IDs were not added again if the library was initialized, shut down and initialized again. Closes #11075.

2009-08-05 19:24 VZ, revision 61612

Cleaned up low level OS X sources. The low level files are those which are used by wxUniversal and so shouldn't contain native controls implementations -- moved them from OSX_LOWLEVEL_SRC to OSX_CARBON_COCOA_SRC. Also removed the now unnecessary check for __WXUNIVERSAL__ in src/osx/accel.cpp.

2009-08-05 19:24 VZ, revision 61611

Added wxUSE_ACCEL guard. Closes #11074.

2009-08-05 19:24 VZ, revision 61610

Added missing wxUSE_FONTENUM check. Closes #11071.

2009-08-05 19:24 VZ, revision 61609

Use wxFileInputStream if wxFFileInputStream is not available. Closes #11068.

2009-08-05 19:24 VZ, revision 61608

Use wxFile for IO if wxFFile is not available. Closes #11067.

2009-08-05 19:24 VZ, revision 61607

Removed commented out code. No real changes.

2009-08-05 19:24 VZ, revision 61606

Added #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR around use of wxToolBar. Closes #11066.

2009-08-05 15:40 VZ, revision 61604

Test wxCalendarCtrl::SetDateRange() in the sample. See #11060.

2009-08-05 06:59 PC, revision 61603

non-pch build fix

2009-08-04 22:30 PJC, revision 61601

Added visual feedback for buttons being pressed on a ribbon button bar. Added runtime art provider swapping to ribbon demo. Changed ribbon button bar popup menu positioning to make the menu look like it came from the button being pressed. Fixed ribbon bar tab widths not being recalculated when art provider changes. Fixed ribbon panel not propagating art provider changes to its children. Split ribbon art.cpp and art.h into multiple files.

2009-08-04 07:11 SC, revision 61599

correcting #ifdef to #if, fixes #11062

2009-08-04 01:31 PJC, revision 61598

Added AUI-style ribbon art provider.

2009-08-03 23:31 MJM, revision 61597

Various minor changes to get auimdi sample running with new wxAuiNotebook code, sample now runs but still has a few major rendering problems.

2009-08-03 22:45 VZ, revision 61596

Compilation fix for wxUSE_FILECTRL && !(wxUSE_DIRDLG || wxUSE_FILEDLG). wxFileCtrl needs wxFileIconsTable too. Closes #11064.

2009-08-03 22:42 VZ, revision 61595

Implement wxDataViewTreeStore::DeleteAllItems(). Just delete all root children. Closes #11063.

2009-08-03 22:37 VZ, revision 61594

Correct week day returned from wxCalendarCtrl::HitTest() on header click. A combination of a wx bug in conversion from native control week days to wxDateTime week days and a bug of native control itself when the first week day is not Monday resulted in the day being off by one it did start with Monday. The new code works correctly in both Monday and Sunday cases, at least until the bug in comctl32.dll is corrected. See comment:5 of #11057.

2009-08-03 22:36 VZ, revision 61593

Added symbolic names for native control week days. No real changes, but MonthCal_Monday/Sunday is more clear than 0 or 6.

2009-08-03 22:10 VZ, revision 61592

Always use MCHITTESTINFO of minimal size. This struct has gained additional fields under Vista which are not supported under previous versions. We don't use these fields but just using a bigger struct makes functions using it fail under pre-Vista systems, so don't do this. Closes #11057.

2009-08-03 11:09 MJM, revision 61591

Uncomment tabmdi code so that it can be used again, it compiles but is not currently usable. Modify auimdi samples so that Tile/Cascade can be tested.

2009-08-03 02:51 VZ, revision 61590

Minor changes to wxGridSizer ctor docs. See #11040.

2009-08-03 02:44 VZ, revision 61589

Use numeric values in VarFileInfo block. This allows windres to compile it successfully and is probably the right thing to do for the SDK resource compiler as well (see #11055).

2009-08-03 00:03 MJM, revision 61588

Fix dependencies of "auimdi" sample.

2009-08-02 23:28 MJM, revision 61587

Add new sample "auimdi" to help test changes to aui mdi classes.

2009-08-02 22:48 MJM, revision 61586

Uncomment pieces of wxAuiNotebook destructor that were temporarily commented out.

2009-08-02 22:42 MJM, revision 61585

Re-implement wxAuiNotebook::DeletePage. Re-implement wxAuiNotebook::RemovePage. Fix various assert checks that were incorrect.

2009-08-02 22:14 MJM, revision 61584

Fix problem with wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE, was being treated as if it was always vetoed.

2009-08-02 22:01 MJM, revision 61583

Re-implement wxAuiNotebook::GetActiveTabCtrl Change wxAuiNotebook::ShowWindowMenu to use GetActiveTabCtrl instead of duplicating code itself. Add wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING to wxAuiNotebook::ShowWindowMenu.

2009-08-02 21:46 MJM, revision 61582

Re-implement wxAuiNotebook::ShowWindowMenu

2009-08-02 21:27 MJM, revision 61581

wxAuiManager: Add new methods FindTab and GetPaneCount. Add new overload for GetPane method that takes an index position. Remove static modifier from various helper functions so that they can be used in auibook.cpp as well (Prefix them with Aui to make collisions less likely) Add new helper function IsNotebookPane that will tell if a pane is part of a notebook or not. Add new helper function Aui_GetActivePane that returns the currently active pane. Modify OnMiddleUp method to send off a wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP event for wxAuiNotebooks. Modify OnPaneButton method to send off a EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE event for wxAuiNotebooks. wxAuiNotebook: Add externs for various helper functions that we need from frammanager.cpp Re-implement GetArtProvider method. Re-implement AddPage method. Re-implement InsertPage method. Re-implement GetPageIndex method. Re-implement SetPageText method. Re-implement GetPageText method. Re-implement SetPageBitmap method. Re-implement GetPageBitmap method. Re-implement GetSelection method. Re-implement SetSelection method. Re-implement GetPageCount method. Re-implement GetPage method. Re-implement Split method.

2009-08-02 03:03 VZ, revision 61578

Correct wxPATH_NORM_DOTS comment and documentation. It doesn't prepend the current working directory, only wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE does. Closes #11035.

2009-08-02 02:59 VZ, revision 61577

Check indices validity better in wxGridStringTable. Calling GetValue(-1, -1) could crash as the code naively only checked upper boundary (and didn't use unsigned which would have made the extra check unnecessary but it's too late for this now). Closes #11044.

2009-08-02 02:53 VZ, revision 61576

Mention that wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL is generated by SetGridCursor() in one more place. It was already done in SetGridCursor() documentation; do it in wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL own description as well (see #11045).

2009-08-02 02:48 VZ, revision 61575

Make wxGridSizer ctors more consistent. The old and confusing wxGridSizer(int cols, int vgap = 0, int hgap = 0) is removed and replaced with wxGridSizer(int cols, int vgap, int hgap). New ctor overloads using wxSize for the gap parameter added. Closes #11040.

2009-08-02 02:48 VZ, revision 61574

Add checks of wxGridSizer::Set{Cols,Rows}() arguments. Number of rows or columns must be positive (see #11040).

2009-08-02 02:19 VZ, revision 61573

Skip VarFileInfo block when using windres. It doesn't seem to understand this syntax and dies with an uninformative "syntax error". Closes #11055.

2009-07-31 20:48 VS, revision 61572

compilation fix: only one wxInitialize form may have default argument values. It doesn't make sense to specify only argc>0, so removed default values and added default wxInitializer ctor.

2009-07-31 16:03 JMS, revision 61571

In wxPropertyGridPageState::DoDelete(), clear grid's m_propHover if it matches the property being deleted

2009-07-31 15:38 VZ, revision 61570

Export public wxDelegateTheme class. This class is supposed to be public but wasn't accessible in shared library build as it didn't have public visibility. Closes #11051.

2009-07-31 14:17 VZ, revision 61569

Don't test whether wxTopLevelWindowNative is defined. It seems to be defined for all ports now so there is no need to check whether it is.

2009-07-31 14:17 VZ, revision 61568

Use base class ctors in wxTopLevelWindow. This avoids the second call to Init() already called by wxTopLevelWindowNative. Closes #11054.

2009-07-30 19:29 PJC, revision 61566

Added colour scheme interface to ribbon art providers, as an alternative to setting individual colours. Added more accessors to the ribbon gallery interface. Added event dispatch when the ribbon gallery's "extension button" is clicked. Ribbon sample now has less superfluous pages and panels. Ribbon sample extended such that the colour scheme primary and secondary colours can be changed. Fixed wxRibbonMSWArtProvider not invalidating its cached bitmap when changing colours used in that bitmap.

2009-07-30 15:40 VZ, revision 61565

Added another hyphen in "wxObject-derived" for consistency. Closes #11047 again.

2009-07-30 15:38 VZ, revision 61564
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/.gitignore

Undo accidental commit of .gitignore.

2009-07-30 15:37 VZ, revision 61563

Ignore tags file.

2009-07-30 15:20 VZ, revision 61562

Be more clear about Thaw() to DoThaw() renaming. Closes #11048.

2009-07-30 15:14 VZ, revision 61561

Correct typo in wxRefCounter description. Closes #11047.

2009-07-30 13:59 BBE, revision 61560

Refactoring of file system watcher. Mostly to have more impl-like implementation.

2009-07-30 12:14 VS, revision 61558

compilation fix: only one wxInitialize form may have default argument values

2009-07-30 12:14 VS, revision 61557

compilation fix: only one wxInitialize form may have default argument values

2009-07-30 09:43 VS, revision 61556

added wxInitialize() overload taking char**, to make use from main() easier

2009-07-30 09:42 VS, revision 61555

added wxInitialize() overload taking char**, to make use from main() easier

2009-07-30 09:36 VS, revision 61554

fixed typo in comment

2009-07-30 09:10 VS, revision 61553

Use wxInitializer in wxEntryReal() instead of directly calling wxEntryStart() without refcounting. This makes it possible to write hybrid CLI/GUI wx applications.

2009-07-30 09:09 VS, revision 61552

Use wxInitializer in wxEntryReal() instead of directly calling wxEntryStart() without refcounting. This makes it possible to write hybrid CLI/GUI wx applications.

2009-07-28 20:08 PJC, revision 61550

Added --enable-ribbon option to file. Added DismissExpandedPanel method on ribbon bar and page to explicitly close an expanded panel in response to a handled event. Rewrote ribbon panel hover state logic to work reliably in wxGTK. Fixed g++ compilation errors in ribbon sources. Fixed ribbon page border not being rendered quite correctly in wxGTK. Fixed ribbon panel label background painting outside a panel border. Fixed ribbon page having a border in wxGTK and causing rendering issues for the parent ribbon bar. Fixed segfault which occurred when closing a window with a ribbon bar in wxGTK, then interacting with an expanded ribbon panel.

2009-07-28 19:48 MW, revision 61549

Fix SetToolTip(NULL) to unset the tooltip.

2009-07-27 22:22 PJC, revision 61547

Added events to the ribbon gallery control. Added drawing of hovered / active / selected ribbon gallery item. Added ribbon gallery event handling to ribbon sample. Implemented behaviour of scroll buttons on ribbon gallery control. Completed code for drawing of ribbon gallery buttons. Fixed the ribbon gallery control expanding when there was no need to. Fixed ribbon panels not minimising when their minimised size was larger in one axis than the panel's minimum child size.

2009-07-27 12:45 CE, revision 61542

for 2.9.0

2009-07-27 03:15 BBE, revision 61541

One more compilation fix for Unix

2009-07-26 23:38 BBE, revision 61540

Compilation fix for Unix implementation

2009-07-26 23:10 VZ, revision 61539

Improve the menus. Added accelerators; use radio items for mututally exclusive choices. No real changes otherwise.

2009-07-26 22:15 VZ, revision 61538

Hungarian translation update. Submitted by Ocsvari Aron

2009-07-26 17:50 VZ, revision 61537

Set access mode in wxRegKey::SetHkey(). It was left uninitialized before resulting in the key being closed on access because the check for being opened in a mode with enough permissions failed even for Read.

2009-07-26 02:24 VZ, revision 61536

Correct the check for wxSTOCK_FOR_BUTTON. We need to check for equality here as wxSTOCK_FOR_BUTTON includes wxSTOCK_WITH_MNEMONIC but using the latter doesn't imply the former.

2009-07-26 01:13 VZ, revision 61535

Implement wxWindow::GetToolTipText(). This was declared in wx/window.h but somehow never implemented.

2009-07-26 00:53 VZ, revision 61534

Allow setting long version field in About dialog. Long version is constructed by concatenating "Version " with the short version but can be overridden for the platforms which use it (currently MSW and OS X). Closes 11027.

2009-07-26 00:26 VZ, revision 61533

Clear targets in wxClipboard::Clear(). This seems to fix a memory leak rendering clipboard unusable after running wxGTK applications for a long time (see #10813).

2009-07-26 00:26 VZ, revision 61532

Move #error for non-MSVC to the top of file. This allows to reduce indentation of the rest of it and avoid a very long #if...#else.

2009-07-26 00:26 VZ, revision 61531

Add support for stc library. Closes #11025.

2009-07-25 19:09 VZ, revision 61530

Fix harmless MSVC warning. It complained about converting pointer to bool implicitly in wxAppConsoleBase::IsScheduledForDestruction().

2009-07-25 18:41 VZ, revision 61529

Don't use mnemonic for Cancel button under MSW. Native dialogs don't, so we shouldn't neither.

2009-07-25 18:41 VZ, revision 61528

Use stock id instead of duplicating its string label in CheckFit().

2009-07-25 18:41 VZ, revision 61527

Use wxSTOCK_FOR_BUTTON for message dialog custom labels. This allows to use wxID_PRINT as a custom label without getting an unwanted ellipsis at the end.

2009-07-25 18:41 VZ, revision 61526

Added wxSTOCK_FOR_BUTTON flag for wxGetStockLabel(). This allows to retrieve labels appropriate for the buttons and not menu items which currently means without trailing ellipsis.

2009-07-25 18:40 VZ, revision 61525

Correct wxGetStockLabel() documentation. It was completely out of date; also separately documented wxStockLabelQueryFlag.

2009-07-25 18:40 VZ, revision 61524

Use Ok/Cancel dialog instead of Yes/No one in CheckFit(). This has the advantage of being able to close the dialog with "Esc" and also allows us to not specify the label for the "Cancel" button at all and use the default one, which is especially important under MSW where the label returned by wxGetStockLabel(wxID_CANCEL) is actually not the same string as is used in the native message boxes (they don't define an accelerator for the cancel button).

2009-07-25 18:40 VZ, revision 61523

Add a period to the sentence end.

2009-07-25 18:40 VZ, revision 61522

Set all parent frame icons for print preview frame. Using SetIcon(GetIcon()) resulted in ugly scaled icons being used for small icons while using SetIcons(GetIcons()) correctly reuses all parent frame icons in the child one.

2009-07-25 03:28 PJC, revision 61519

Fixed bug in ribbon panel auto-minimisation logic. Fixed gallery using wrong padding metrics. Fixed ribbon panel not always conforming to the GetNextSmallerSize interface when auto-minimising. Added ribbon gallery visual hovered state. Added ribbon gallery button art settings. Added drawing of ribbon gallery button backgrounds. Added missing breaks to case statements of art provider setting setters. Improved code layout of art provider setting setters and getters. Improved generation of gallery items in ribbon sample.

2009-07-24 23:20 SC, revision 61518

implementing checkbox using UISwitch

2009-07-24 14:35 VZ, revision 61513

Remove inexistent wx/osx/carbon/databrow.h file.

2009-07-24 14:34 VZ, revision 61512

Fix harmless unused parameter warning. 'info' was only used with WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8 on in wxLog::DoLogRecord().

2009-07-24 01:34 VZ, revision 61511

This is apparently needed by Windows installer (WiX), see #10970.

2009-07-24 01:28 VZ, revision 61510

They seem to have been inversed, see #10970.

2009-07-24 01:01 VZ, revision 61509

Always correctly invalid best size when bitmap changes. Previously it was done only when the initial bitmap was set, not when it was subsequently changed. Closes #11018.

2009-07-23 22:30 VZ, revision 61508

Globally replace _T() with wxT(). Standardize on using a single macro across all wxWidgets sources and solve the name clash with Sun CC standard headers (see #10660).

2009-07-23 19:31 VZ, revision 61507

Implement wxGetHostName() for Windows CE.

2009-07-23 17:01 VZ, revision 61506

Fix crash when copying Unicode URLs to the clipboard. Closes #11014.

2009-07-23 15:40 VZ, revision 61505

Implement wxVLogTrace() accidentally removed by recent changes. Also change the unit test to test wxVLogTrace() as well as wxLogTrace. Closes #11011.

2009-07-23 01:23 VZ, revision 61501

Correct example in wxStringBufferLength documentation.

2009-07-23 01:14 PJC, revision 61500

Starting to implement wxRibbonGallery widget. Added gallery to ribbon sample.

2009-07-22 20:12 SC, revision 61499

backport of r60227, fixes #11012

2009-07-22 19:56 SC, revision 61498

added missing files

2009-07-22 19:56 VZ, revision 61497

Use wxINT32_MAX instead of LONG_MAX as the upper bound in wxDateTime::IsInStdRange(). Under Debian Linux 64 bit time_t is 64 bit long but libc doesn't seem to handle values beyond 2^32 correctly, e.g. wrong results are returned from localtime() for them. And it would seem that platforms where sizeof(long) > sizeof(time_t) might exist too so it seems safer to only work with 32 bit time_t values until we can reliably detect platforms which support 64 bit ones.

2009-07-22 18:44 VZ, revision 61496

Handle %e in ParseFormat(). This allows us to parse the format returned by wxLocale::GetInfo(wxLOCALE_DATE_TIME_FMT) under Linux.

2009-07-22 18:41 VZ, revision 61495

Added ParseFormat("%s") tests.

2009-07-22 17:32 SC, revision 61494

added missing files

2009-07-22 16:30 VZ, revision 61493

Don't call IAutoComplete::Init() twice for the same control as this leaks memory, just change the strings used for completion instead (closes #10968)

2009-07-22 11:48 SC, revision 61492

adapting to SDK 3.0

2009-07-21 22:24 BBE, revision 61491

Corrected the name of wxTRACE_EVT_SOURCE. Using Connect() instead of Bind() in fswatcher test. Cleanup.

2009-07-21 16:16 VZ, revision 61488

Support delayed destruction in console applications too.\n\nThis only works if there is a running event loop but if there is one, we can have the same kind of problems with non-GUI objects such as sockets in console applications as we have with windows in GUI ones, so we must support this (see #10989).

2009-07-21 13:26 VZ, revision 61487

added a test for white space after CDATA (see #10552)

2009-07-21 01:54 VZ, revision 61485

Include wx/dataobj.h from wx/clipbrd.h. This is necessary in order to define wxVector<wxDataFormat> at least when wxVector is std::vector (as in wxUSE_STL==1 build) because vectors of incomplete types can't be used. Also removed inclusions of this and other unneeded headers from MSW and OS X headers and removed a hopefully out of date comment about Mac code being wx 1.xx-based from the latter.

2009-07-21 00:39 BBE, revision 61484

Getting rid of OnXXX() methods in Unix implementation.

2009-07-21 00:37 BBE, revision 61483

Making use of wxSharedPtr to ensure correct disposal of wxFSWatchEntry shared between 2 threads wxFileSystemWatcherEvent: better Clone() A couple of "const"s added. Cleanup & comments changes. Style.

2009-07-21 00:05 BBE, revision 61482

Merge r61004-r61480 from trunk: generated new configure

2009-07-20 23:29 BBE, revision 61481

Merge r61004-r61480 from trunk. To be up to date.

2009-07-20 21:38 BBE, revision 61480

Commented out duplicate operator<< for wxFileName in fswachertest. Quite dirty, to be changed in near future. Base for event loop sources test.

2009-07-20 21:36 BBE, revision 61479

Delegate resposibility of removing wxFSWatchEntry to subclasses of base file system watcher. A couple of small fixes.

2009-07-20 21:34 BBE, revision 61478

More careful code inclusion/exclusion with event loop sources.

2009-07-20 21:32 BBE, revision 61477

Init() doesn't need to be virtual

2009-07-20 21:30 BBE, revision 61476

Implementation of MSW file system watcher. Changed the way of delivering fswatcher events: removed OnXXX handlers, only connecting wxEvtHandler works wxFileSystemWatcherEvent cloning.

2009-07-20 18:47 VZ, revision 61475

Put braces around all calls to wxLogFunctions() inside an if statement. This suppresses all the remaining g++ -Wparentheses warnings and uses consistent style everywhere.

2009-07-20 17:53 PJC, revision 61473

Implemented events for wxRibbonButtonBar. Added button bar event handlers to ribbon sample. Improved painting of hybrid and dropdown buttons on a ribbon button bar. Implemented visible feedback of ribbon button bar buttons being hovered. Events dispatched from an expanded ribbon panel are now correctly sent to their handlers on the original panel. A button bar can now vertically stack more than just the three right-most buttons. Implemented missing region calculations for ribbon button bar buttons. Added button bar interface file. Updated interface files to match recent changes. Fixed occasional crash when expanding or unexpanding a ribbon panel. Fixed ribbon panel background not being painted properly when expanded and near the end of a ribbon bar. Fixed ribbon panel not staying expanded (and thus visible) when focus moves to a child of the panel. Fixed ribbon panel being unable to attain the hovered state after it's expanded panel is clicked.

2009-07-20 17:06 JMS, revision 61472

Fixed wxPropertyGridInterface::SetPropertyValues() documentation

2009-07-20 14:14 VZ, revision 61470

Dispatch pending events without waiting for idle time (closes #10994).

2009-07-19 19:24 VZ, revision 61468

expand the collapsible panes contents to fill the entire pane area (see #11004)

2009-07-19 18:49 VZ, revision 61467

removed wxDatePickerCtrlGeneric::SetFormat() which didn't exist but was declared and documented (closes #10988)

2009-07-19 18:45 VZ, revision 61466

position the popup on the correct screen (see #10462) [backport of r58592 and r58598 from trunk]

2009-07-19 18:16 VZ, revision 61465

fix more -Wparentheses warnings after wxLog changes

2009-07-19 14:40 MJM, revision 61464

Bring back "simple" tab art provider. Add code so that the tab art provider can be set for wxAuiManager. Add getter/setter for wxAuiManager tab art provider. Reimplement SetArtProvider for wxAuiNotebook. Update demo so that it is possible to select different tab art providers to test the above.

2009-07-19 13:11 MJM, revision 61463

Fix a bug that caused hidden panes at the same position(Notebook) to incorrectly appear in the top left corner if all panes that shared that position(Notebook) were hidden.

2009-07-19 13:02 MJM, revision 61462

Reintroduce wxAuiNotebook class which will be reimplemented so that it uses the same interface as before but uses wxAuiManager internally to do most of the work. Currently most of the functions are gutted out and don't do anything so it is horribly broken, enough is implemented so that the old sample can build/run against it and have a basic notebook shown though.

2009-07-19 01:48 VZ, revision 61461

Document wxMessageOutput and related classes.

2009-07-19 01:23 VZ, revision 61460

Flush output stream in wxMessageOutputStderr::Output() to avoid losing any output if the program crashes.

2009-07-19 01:22 VZ, revision 61459

Add option FILE* parameter to wxMessageOutputStderr ctor, just as with wxLogStderr.

2009-07-19 00:46 PC, revision 61458

fix crash with repeated split horizontal/vertical and replace window, #11002

2009-07-18 22:54 MJM, revision 61457

Implement basic middle click pane close behavior for wxAuiManager, everything works but currently doesn't send off an event for user to veto etc. this will be implemented fully after wxAuiNotebook is working again.

2009-07-18 21:30 MJM, revision 61456

Implement basic behavior for movable panes(Panes that are not floatable but can still be dragged to new dock positions), everything seems to work but there are some odd graphical glitches that still need to be worked out.(windows temporarily going blank for example)

2009-07-18 15:49 MJM, revision 61453

Improve notebook layout code so that notebooks will work correctly in horizontal docks as well and not just vertical ones. Change notebook offset cache code to use offset from start of notebook instead of from end as using offset from end was causing problems.

2009-07-18 14:15 VZ, revision 61452

Correct obsolete information: SetYesNoLabels() is not Mac-only any more.

2009-07-18 14:09 MJM, revision 61451

Fix sash resize code to take notebooks into account, notebooks and panes above/below them should now resize correctly. Fix flickering under MSW that was caused by notebook windows being hidden and shown again in Layout code.(Especially noticeable with live resize enabled) Fix a bug in the code that caches notebook offsets when doing a LayoutAll.

2009-07-18 13:56 VZ, revision 61450

Do our best to show messages logged during program startup/shutdown. Use wxMessageOutputBest to show them even under Windows where programs usually don't have stderr at all and also don't disable log target auto-creation during shutdown as it's arguably better to leak memory (which shouldn't matter much when the program is about to exit anyhow) than to not show possibly important messages.

2009-07-18 13:18 VZ, revision 61449

No changes, just fix a typo: wxGuiLog was used instead of wxLogGui.

2009-07-18 10:33 JMS, revision 61448

Added wxGTK wxBitmapComboBox::DoGetBestSize() implementation that takes bitmap size into acccount.

2009-07-18 09:31 JMS, revision 61447

Added wxMSW wxBitmapComboBox::DoGetBestSize(), which takes bitmap size into account.

2009-07-17 20:42 KO, revision 61446

Typo in a bug fix I made.

2009-07-17 20:39 KO, revision 61445

Adding preliminary code for C bindings, thanks to Luke A. Guest.

2009-07-17 20:37 KO, revision 61444

Add an underscore before the generated output names.

2009-07-17 20:30 KO, revision 61443

Only load/parse options when run as the main script.

2009-07-17 18:55 VZ, revision 61442

No real changes, just made wxEventLoopManual uncopyable.

2009-07-17 18:52 VZ, revision 61441

No real changes, just refactor wxEventLoop/wxApp::ProcessIdle(). Old code called wxApp::ProcessIdle() from wxEventLoopManualRun::Run() which called wxEventLoop::ProcessIdle() which called wxApp methods from it. In the new version wxEventLoopManualRun::Run() calls wxEventLoopManualRun::ProcessIdle() which calls wxApp::ProcessIdle() which calls other wxApp methods which seems to make more sense and also allows overriding ProcessIdle() in either wxEventLoopManual or wxApp-derived classes.

2009-07-17 16:36 VZ, revision 61440

added wxLB_NO_SB style and implementation for wxMSW (closes #10991)

2009-07-17 16:33 VZ, revision 61439

use the currently active event loop instead of the main one in WakeUpIdle()

2009-07-17 16:30 VZ, revision 61438

remove the event handler being deleted from pending events list (closes #10997)

2009-07-16 14:06 VZ, revision 61436

document wxDCMemory(wxDC*) ctor

2009-07-15 14:36 VZ, revision 61432

fix log target auto creation broken by recent changes

2009-07-14 09:18 JJ, revision 61429

OpenVMS compile support update

2009-07-14 09:14 MW, revision 61428

Update email addresses.

2009-07-13 15:40 VZ, revision 61424

Ensure that component levels map is initialized before it's used (closes #10990).

2009-07-13 15:21 VZ, revision 61423

Make wxLog::EnableLogging() and wxLogNull thread-specific. Disabling logging in a single thread (even the main one) shouldn't disable logs from the background threads which should disable their logging themselves as/if needed.

2009-07-13 13:09 VZ, revision 61422

Add support for thread-specific log targets. A worker thread can now have its own log target which will be used directly by the log functions instead of buffering log output in the main thread; the GUI thread in the thread sample shows how it works.

2009-07-13 08:33 JJ, revision 61421

OpenVMS compile support update

2009-07-13 07:12 SC, revision 61420

backport r61269, fixes #10986

2009-07-12 19:22 VZ, revision 61419

Make critical sections initialization really thread-safe.

2009-07-12 19:10 VZ, revision 61418

Removed another occurrence of previous log critical section (should have been part of r61417).

2009-07-12 19:09 VZ, revision 61417

Removed critical section protecting last repeat counter. It is not needed any longer now that this is only used by wxLog::OnLogInMainThreade() which is only called from the main thread.

2009-07-12 19:02 VZ, revision 61416

Made wxLogXXX() functions thread-safe. They can now be called from any thread and will buffer the messages until the current log target is flushed from the main thread. This makes earlier code to do the same thing specifically for wxLogWindow unnecessary and also allows to use wxLogMessage() in the thread sample instead of using manual logging there.

2009-07-12 19:00 VZ, revision 61415

Added wxVector::swap().

2009-07-12 16:56 VZ, revision 61414

Add component-level filtering to wxLog. Each log message is now associated with its component, "wx" by default for messages generated by wxWidgets and wxLOG_COMPONENT in general (which is empty by default). Each component may have its own log level and they are hierarchical allowing fine configuration of what exactly is logged.

2009-07-12 11:59 JMS, revision 61412

Yet another fix for the colour property 'Custom' entry (get drop-down list index directly from wxOwnerDrawnComboBox)

2009-07-12 10:51 MW, revision 61411

Override email address for Jaakko Salli.

2009-07-12 10:27 SC, revision 61410

backport, fixes #10982

2009-07-12 10:24 SC, revision 61409

better surviving 0 width / height bitmap sizes