

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-08-12 10:01 BBE, revision 61651

Update of automatically generated build system files

2009-08-12 09:59 BBE, revision 61650

Turn off one test for kqueue fswatcher implementation

2009-08-12 09:57 BBE, revision 61649

Implementation of kqueue file system watcher for MacOSX, console version

2009-08-12 09:56 BBE, revision 61648

Update of build system files to build kqueue file system watcher

2009-08-12 03:24 PJC, revision 61647

Added up / down scroll button rendering to wxRibbonMSWArtProvider. Fixed wxRibbonPage::AdjustRectToIncludeScrollButtons doing incorrect adjustment for vertical ribbons. Fixed wxRibbonPanel occasionally automatically minimising when it shouldn't. Fixed wxRibbonMSWArtProvider panel labels painting outside the panel. Fixed wxRibbonMSWArtProvider's slightly incorrect wxRibbonPanel client size <-> size conversions.

2009-08-11 20:16 VZ, revision 61646

Create compressed debug report file outside of temporary directory. Otherwise the compressed file is deleted when the temporary directory is (it doesn't happen if temporarily files are left because an error occurred while the report generation but perversely enough no useful information was left if no errors happened).

2009-08-11 20:16 VZ, revision 61645

Use the app name, not display name, as debug report name, This name is used for files/directories and so should be short and not contain spaces while the display name usually does contain them.

2009-08-11 18:53 JMS, revision 61644

Do not generate wxEVT_PG_SELECTED with direct ClearSelection() and SelectProperty() calls

2009-08-11 12:54 VZ, revision 61643

Another compilation fix after wxFlexGridSizer ctors change. wxFlexGridSizer ctor was even used incorrectly even in layout sample itself, once again the code was supposed to create 3*3 sizer, not 3-column sizer with 3 pixel vertical gap. Changed ctors to be more explicit and to use a 5 pixel gap in both directions.

2009-08-11 11:28 JS, revision 61642

If zero spacing after paragraph is explicitly specified, suppress spacing after paragraph.

2009-08-11 11:27 JS, revision 61641

If zero spacing after paragraph is explicitly specified, suppress spacing after paragraph.

2009-08-11 03:32 PJC, revision 61640

Added icons for pages in ribbon sample. Added vertical / horizontal ribbon layout switching to ribbon sample. Icons are now rendered on ribbon tabs (when the appropriate flag is set). Improved wxRibbonGallery layout when in a vertical ribbon. Improved minimised panel rendering when in a vertical ribbon. Added style flag accessors to wxRibbonBar. Added up & down scroll button rendering to AUI art provider. Fixed MSW art provider page redraw calculations in a vertical ribbon.

2009-08-11 02:19 VZ, revision 61639

Compilation fix after wxFlexGridSizer ctors change. wxFlexGridSizer ctor was even used incorrectly in a wx sample: the sizer was supposed to have 2 columns, not 4 with 2 pixels of vertical gap.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61638

Reorganize and improve wxSizer::SetItemMinSize() documentation. Closes #11093.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61637

Correct wxSizer::InsertSpacer() description. Closes #11092.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61636

Use "non-negative" in assert message instead of "positive". Closes #11059.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61635

Update wxFlexGridSizer ctors to match (new) wxGridSizer ones. Confusing wxFlexGridSizer(int cols, int vgap = 0, int hgap = 0) was removed as well as corresponding wxGridSizer ctor overload. New ctor overloads taking gap as wxSize were added. See #11040. Closes #11091.

2009-08-10 13:18 VZ, revision 61634

Made wxWindow::HasScrollbar() do what it says. Added wxWindow::CanScroll() with the old HasScrollbar() meaning but changed HasScrollbar() to check for the scrollbar existence instead of just checking if it might exist. Closes #10897.

2009-08-09 17:56 JS, revision 61632

Mark a couple of labels for translation.

2009-08-09 17:55 JS, revision 61631

Mark a couple of labels for translation.

2009-08-09 11:14 JMS, revision 61630

Fixed wxPGProperty ctor documentation

2009-08-07 19:06 PJC, revision 61629

Updated ribbon documentation to reflect recent changes.

2009-08-07 14:39 VZ, revision 61628

Correct examples in wxStaticBox(Sizer) documentation. Added missing wxID_ANY in the control creation calls. Also rephrase/extend the discussion about creating windows shown inside the static box as its children or siblings. Closes #11086.

2009-08-07 04:04 PJC, revision 61627

Added ribbon toolbar control. Added ribbon toolbar rendering to ribbon art provider API and art provider implementations. Added toolbar example to ribbon sample. Renamed wxRibbonButtonBarButtonKind enumeration to wxRibbonButtonKind. Moved wxRibbonButtonKind and wxRibbonButtonBarButtonState from buttonbar.h to art.h.

2009-08-06 02:21 VZ, revision 61626

Don't overwrite status message when restoring it if it changed. wxFrameBase::DoGiveHelp() could rewrite the status bar message if it was changed while the menu was showing.