

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-08-26 22:44 VZ, revision 61765

Use correct array size for weekday names. DAYS_PER_400_YEARS was erroneously used instead of DAYS_PER_WEEK which resulted in creation of much larger object file than needed as the array is initialized. Closes #11143.

2009-08-26 22:44 VZ, revision 61764

Use #pragma message and not #pragma warning for MSVC. This fixes MSVC compilation with wxUSE_APPLE_IEEE==0. Closes #11141.

2009-08-26 22:43 VZ, revision 61763

Compilation fix for wxUSE_INTL==0 in wxMSW MDI code. Using wxGetTranslation().wx_str() doesn't work when wxUSE_INTL==0. Closes #11142.

2009-08-25 00:49 KO, revision 61760

Restore pattern creation, and do sanity checks before destroying the pattern or the surface. Closes #11140.

2009-08-24 23:42 VZ, revision 61759

Don't append text following CDATA section to its node itself. Reset wxXmlParsingContext::lastAsText flag when CDATA section ends to avoid appending the text following it to its node. Instead new text nodes should be created for it. Also update the unit test to not work around the bug any more. Closes #10552.

2009-08-24 23:42 VZ, revision 61758

No changes, just fix unused variables and parameters warnings. Fix warnings in wxGTK wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT==1 build.

2009-08-24 23:42 VZ, revision 61757

Add A0 and A1 formats to wxPaperSize enumeration. Closes #11083.

2009-08-24 09:31 JJ, revision 61756

Update OpenVMS compile support

2009-08-24 02:23 BBE, revision 61755

Better diagnostic information for inotify fswatcher

2009-08-24 00:48 VZ, revision 61754

Allow entering minus sign in wxMSW wxSpinCtrl if needed. Only restrict input to wxMSW wxSpinCtrl to digits only if it doesn't support negative values, otherwise the user can't enter any negative numbers. As there is no built in support for entering digits and minus sign only, simply allow all characters to be used if the negative numbers must indeed be possible to enter. Closes #11082.

2009-08-24 00:25 VZ, revision 61753

Never overflow the output buffer in wxBase64Decode(). Don't write extra NUL bytes obtained by decoding the padding at the end of input into the output buffer as there may be not enough place in it for them. And in any case the buffer is not (always) NUL-terminated as no NUL bytes are obtained in absence of padding, so it's better to never terminate it for consistency. Closes #11101.

2009-08-24 00:25 VZ, revision 61752

Correct the order of coordinates in CGPoint initializer. The order was reversed. Closes #11020.

2009-08-24 00:24 VZ, revision 61751

Show the current range of valid dates in the calendar sample. See #11081 (point C).

2009-08-24 00:24 VZ, revision 61750

Added wxGridSize::GetEffective{Cols,Rows}Count(). These functions return the number of columns or rows being currently used and not 0, unlike the existing Get{Cols,Rows}(), if the corresponding number is determined dynamically. Closes #10254.

2009-08-23 23:39 VZ, revision 61749

No changes, just clarify a comment for WXK_XXX values. Part of patch in #10268.

2009-08-23 23:39 VZ, revision 61748

Make WXK_NUMPAD_TAB member of WXK_CATEGORY_TAB. See #10268.

2009-08-23 23:36 VZ, revision 61747

Unload GDI+ DLL during wxWidgets shutdown. This was done during static objects cleanup time previously resulting in deadlocks when wxWidgets was used as a DLL as DLLs can't be unloaded when wxWidgets DLL itself is being finalized because of the global loader lock. This is a back port of r48778 and r54233 from trunk. Closes #11127.

2009-08-23 23:31 VZ, revision 61746

Extract event handlers chain documentation in a separate section. The explanation of event handlers chaining was too big and distracted from the main point of the event processing section which was to explain in which order different handlers are looked up.

2009-08-23 20:38 JMS, revision 61745

Made wxPropertyGridHitTestResult a real class (works better that way with SWIG)

2009-08-23 17:34 JMS, revision 61744

Removed obsolete conditional compile option wxPG_CREATE_CONTROLS_HIDDEN

2009-08-23 17:31 JMS, revision 61743

Added label editing capability into wxPropertyGrid

2009-08-23 15:31 BBE, revision 61742

Rename support for MSW file system watcher. Fixed incorrect handling of patch with depth > 1. Cleanup & style improvements.

2009-08-23 15:30 BBE, revision 61741

Little style correction

2009-08-23 11:21 MJM, revision 61740

Reimplement setting of styles for wxAuiNotebook

2009-08-23 10:35 SC, revision 61739

gcc 4.2 fix