

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-09-11 10:55 JS, revision 61876

Fix on Mac to prevent scrollbars always being shown

2009-09-10 16:15 JMS, revision 61875

Notify if the grid is being destroyed in an event generated by it

2009-09-10 14:49 VZ, revision 61874

Mention wxOSX/Cocoa in the old wxCocoa docs. The old wxCocoa port isn't what most people are looking for so point them to wxOSX/Cocoa if they look under docs/cocoa. Closes #11182.

2009-09-10 00:37 VZ, revision 61873

Predefine wxNEEDS_T to fix wxrc compilation with Sun CC. After the recent changes _T() is not defined any longer when using Sun CC but this file does need it to be defined and seems to compile fine when it is, so define wxNEEDS_T before including any wx headers. See #10660.

2009-09-10 00:37 VZ, revision 61872

Don't use _T() in public headers used under Unix. Avoid conflict with the Sun CC standard headers (see #10660). Also update the change log to mention _T() changes.

2009-09-10 00:29 VZ, revision 61871

Undef _T before including standard headers and redefine it later. This change fixes the build of wxWidgets itself by undefining _T() before including any standard headers and redefining it after including them. See #10660.

2009-09-10 00:29 VZ, revision 61870

Don't define _T() when using Sun compiler if possible. Avoid defining _T() if possible as it conflicts with the use of this identifier in standard headers. Do still define it when building wx itself or when the special symbol wxNEEDS__T is explicitly predefined. See #10660.

2009-09-10 00:29 VZ, revision 61869

Define WXBUILDING when building wxWidgets itself. This is needed by the upcoming _T-related patches (see #10660). Notice that only was regenerated using the old 0.2.5 bakefile version to keep changes to the minimum. The other makefiles will have more changes when they are regenerated with bakefile 0.2.6 after we update to it.

2009-09-09 19:26 JMS, revision 61868

Adapted wxPGComboBox margins setup to changes in wxComboCtrl

2009-09-09 18:41 JMS, revision 61867

Various improvements to wxComboCtrl's text ctrl left margin setup: less #defines, better margin when SetCustomPaintWidth() has been called, fixed SetFont() behavior on wxMSW

2009-09-08 16:03 JMS, revision 61862

Fixed a warning generated by GCC 4.4.0

2009-09-08 15:57 JMS, revision 61861

Use real id for wxPGCanvas

2009-09-08 14:23 VZ, revision 61860

Set correct foreground default in wxControl::DoMSWControlColor(). Instead of hard-coding GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT), use GetForegroundColour() which will call GetDefaultAttributes() to retrieve the default foreground appropriate for this control. This also allows to make the code simpler by calling SetTextColor() only once. See #1691.

2009-09-08 14:23 VZ, revision 61859

Don't always override the default background colours. The wxColour argument taken by wxControl::DoMSWControlColor() allows to override the default colour, it shouldn't be used in MSWControlColor() as this resulted in always using custom colours for the controls, even when the user hadn't changed them. Fix this by not passing any valid colour to it in this case and allowing it to deduce the correct colour to use on its own. See #1691.

2009-09-08 14:23 VZ, revision 61858

Use correct visual attributes for wxSpinCtrl. The default colours for this control are wxTextCtrl-like and not wxButton-like (which is the default). Override GetDefaultAttributes() to indicate this and to avoid returning a wrong background from wxControl::DoMSWControlColor() when just a foreground is set. See #1691.

2009-09-08 13:21 VZ, revision 61857

Fix wxLog compilation with wxUSE_THREADS==0. Define WX_DEFINE_GLOBAL_VAR macro when wxUSE_THREADS==0 too, it is used for components level hash map in any case.

2009-09-08 01:00 VZ, revision 61853

Always use 32bpp image lists. Using 32bpp image lists (ILC_COLOR32) is required as we need to be able to put 32bpp bitmaps in them and results in better (albeit still broken, see #9050) display when the display depth is < 32. This change was tested under Windows 2000, 2003 and Vista in 8 (Win2k-only), 16 and 32bpp display depth modes. Closes #11031.

2009-09-08 01:00 VZ, revision 61852

Show the order in which different event handlers are called. Update the event sample to define (as) many (as possible) event handlers for a test button and log messages in all of the handlers to leave a trace of the order in which they were executed. Add a pointer to this feature of the event sample to the events overview. Closes #11156.

2009-09-08 01:00 VZ, revision 61851

Fix bug with parsing concatenated switches in wxCmdLineParser. The constructs such as "-abcd" were not parsed correctly, i.e. the same as "-a -b -c -d" because the code tried to parse a non-existent option "abcd" even if it was supposed to not do this -- fix this. Closes #11180.

2009-09-07 15:50 JJ, revision 61850

removed superfluous ;

2009-09-07 14:14 JJ, revision 61849

fixed typo : wxDEPRECTED -> wxDEPRECATED

2009-09-07 06:53 SC, revision 61848

tagging 2_9_0 release state

2009-09-06 17:59 VZ, revision 61846

Use VariantTimeToSystemTime() in wxConvertOleToVariant(). Fix the problem with variants containing only time (but not date) information. Also check in the symmetric changes to wxConvertVariantToOle() but disable them for now as they were not tested. Closes #11177.

2009-09-06 16:31 VZ, revision 61845

Recognize the buddy text control as part of wxSpinCtrl. This allows the code in wxWindowMSW::HandleCtlColor() to find the correct control when handling the messages from the buddy control and hence setting the colours for wxSpinCtrl works after this change. Closes #1691.

2009-09-06 16:31 VZ, revision 61844

Compilation fix after wxTextEntry::SetMargins() changes. We need to include wx/gdicmn.h to define wxPoint which is now used in wx/textentry.h, it is not necessarily already included and in fact compilation was broken in PCH-less build.