

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-04-07 16:05 VZ, revision 45306

added MacOpenURL() (patch 1235957)

2007-04-07 15:45 VZ, revision 45305

document GetAnimation() (patch 1695722)

2007-04-07 15:44 VZ, revision 45304

document adding new resource handlers (patch 1695722)

2007-04-07 15:42 VZ, revision 45303

don't mention obsolete 2.2 version (part of patch 1695722)

2007-04-07 15:41 VZ, revision 45302

mention more predefined array classes (part of patch 1695722)

2007-04-07 14:41 RR, revision 45301

Restore border around non-scrolling widgets. The border seems to have the wrong colour now (?).

2007-04-07 13:33 VZ, revision 45300

use C++ compiler for all getsockopt() tests, not just one of them to fix compilation under HP-UX (patch 1693708)

2007-04-07 13:25 VZ, revision 45299

use smaller icons, it looks better (patch 1695225)

2007-04-07 13:18 VZ, revision 45298

use C++ compiler for all getsockopt() tests, not just one of them to fix compilation under HP-UX (patch 1693708)

2007-04-07 12:28 SN, revision 45297

Compilation fix for wxCStrData handling.

2007-04-07 12:21 SN, revision 45296

Replaced incorrect or inefficient usage of char_str() by wx_str().

2007-04-07 11:41 VZ, revision 45295

don't access the window after it had been deleted by the focus event handler (patch 1693063) [backport from HEAD]

2007-04-07 11:39 VZ, revision 45294

don't access the window after it had been deleted by the focus event handler (patch 1693063)

2007-04-07 10:40 VZ, revision 45293

fix typo in OnClosingDocument() name

2007-04-07 09:25 VS, revision 45292

STL build compilation fix

2007-04-06 23:16 VZ, revision 45291

add conversion of wxUniChar[Ref] to unsigned int if it's not already covered by conversion to wint_t

2007-04-06 22:56 VZ, revision 45290

added operator-(const wxChar *, const wxCStrData&) to allow compilation of the code doing "p - s.c_str()" where p is a pointer into the string s

2007-04-06 22:52 SN, revision 45289

Compilation fix for wxCStrData handling.

2007-04-06 22:48 VZ, revision 45288

wxCStrData must be dllexport'd now that it has non-inline methods

2007-04-06 22:41 VZ, revision 45287

suppress warning about converting -1 to MenuItemIndex

2007-04-06 22:19 SN, revision 45286

Backported bugfix (comparision vs. assignment).

2007-04-06 22:16 SN, revision 45285

Bugfix (comparision vs. assignment).

2007-04-06 21:42 SN, revision 45284

Added missing argument for DoGiveHelp.

2007-04-06 21:38 VZ, revision 45283

compilation fix: don't try to convert wxString to bool, use empty() instead

2007-04-06 21:35 VZ, revision 45282

compilation fix: don't try to convert wxString to bool (apparently unnecessarily)

2007-04-06 21:23 VZ, revision 45281

compilation fix: test correctly for filter string not being empty in MakeUserDataRec

2007-04-06 21:08 RD, revision 45280

More patches from FM to clean up after moving contribs. Also removes use of wxUSE_RESOURCES

2007-04-06 20:49 SN, revision 45279

Rather use the "obvious" implementation of wxStaticText::DoGetLabel().

2007-04-06 20:42 SN, revision 45278

Tentative implementation of wxStaticText::DoGetLabel().

2007-04-06 20:31 SN, revision 45277

Compilation fix for wxCStrData handling.

2007-04-06 20:06 SN, revision 45276

Compilation fix for wxCStrData handling.

2007-04-06 19:22 VZ, revision 45275

handle child destruction notifications in wxTLW itself and reset both normal and temporary default item pointers when the default window is destroyed

2007-04-06 19:16 VZ, revision 45274

more compilation and linking fixes for !wxHAS_NATIVE_TAB_TRAVERSAL after recent changes

2007-04-06 19:08 VZ, revision 45273

compilation fix for VC7.1: add size_t overloads for arithmetic operators on wxStringImpl::iterator

2007-04-06 18:08 SN, revision 45272

Compilation fix for wxCStrData handling.

2007-04-06 17:22 SN, revision 45271

Compilation fix for wxCStrData handling.

2007-04-06 17:10 SN, revision 45270

OS/2 specific compilation fix for wxCStrData handling.

2007-04-05 22:33 VZ, revision 45269

compilation fix for g++ 3 (and probably others) after the last commit

2007-04-05 22:32 VZ, revision 45268

compilation fixes for generic TAB navigation after last commit

2007-04-05 22:29 VZ, revision 45267

make wxControlContainer accept focus depending on whether it has any focusable children when using native TAB navigation too but also allow to manually override this automatic detection; added wxWindow::SetCanFocus() to notify GTK+ about changed focus state

2007-04-05 21:56 VZ, revision 45266

wxString::[const_]iterator operators -= and += should return reference and not iterator object

2007-04-05 21:55 VZ, revision 45265

added overloads taking pairs of const char/wchar_t pointers for wxString methods working with const_iterators for backwards compatibility with old wxString::const_iterator which used to be convertible to/from const wxChar *

2007-04-05 21:54 VZ, revision 45264

added WX_ASSERT_STR_EQUAL helper macro for comparing wxStrings with C strings

2007-04-05 21:47 VS, revision 45263

compilation fix for previous commit

2007-04-05 21:28 VS, revision 45262

provide both const char* and const wchar_t* implicit conversion of wxCStrData regardless of the build type

2007-04-05 18:28 RD, revision 45261

Compile fix for gcc on MSW

2007-04-05 18:26 RD, revision 45260

Patch from FM with more bakefile tweaks and etc.

2007-04-05 16:31 BIW, revision 45259

avoid assert in window list drop down

2007-04-05 15:38 VS, revision 45258

compilation fixes

2007-04-05 15:01 VZ, revision 45257

use wxINT32_MIN, not LONG_MIN, in wxDateTime default ctor to fix it under LP64 platforms