

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-11-07 14:08 JJ, revision 78094

Fix compilation for wxGTK1

2014-11-05 10:33 JJ, revision 78093

Update setup.h for OpenVMS

2014-11-04 23:56 AW, revision 78092

In 3.0 compatibility mode member variable holding pending delete editor objects is emulated by hash map item.

2014-11-04 20:23 AW, revision 78091

Do not mark selected wxPG property as 'being deleted'. Only unselected wxPG property can be marked as 'being deleted'. If this is done for selected wxGP property then in some circumstances it cannot be unselected and hence cannot be safely deleted. See #16617.

2014-11-04 17:21 VS, revision 78090

Fix simulated toggle in OS X wxToolBar wiht HiDPI bitmaps Use scaled size and scale factor when creating wxMemoryDC so that the modified output bitmap has same physical dimensions as the source one.

2014-11-04 17:21 VS, revision 78089

Fix simulated toggle in OS X wxToolBar wiht HiDPI bitmaps Use scaled size and scale factor when creating wxMemoryDC so that the modified output bitmap has same physical dimensions as the source one.

2014-11-02 17:28 VS, revision 78088

Fix wxToolBarBase::AdjustToolBitmapSize() for HiDPI on OS X wxOSX's wxToolBar code uses toolbar size computed by AdjustToolBitmapSize() to determine which of the builtin toolbar sizes to use. Because AdjustToolBitmapSize() returned 2x the "logical" size, it would always pick NSToolbarSizeModeRegular regardless of icon size, resulting in differently-sized toolbar on HiDPI and low-DPI screens. Use scaled size instead.

2014-11-02 17:28 VS, revision 78087

Fix wxToolBarBase::AdjustToolBitmapSize() for HiDPI on OS X wxOSX's wxToolBar code uses toolbar size computed by AdjustToolBitmapSize() to determine which of the builtin toolbar sizes to use. Because AdjustToolBitmapSize() returned 2x the "logical" size, it would always pick NSToolbarSizeModeRegular regardless of icon size, resulting in differently-sized toolbar on HiDPI and low-DPI screens. Use scaled size instead.

2014-11-01 15:00 VZ, revision 78086

Restore code for closing inherited file descriptors under non-OS X. The code for doing this was accidentally disabled in r74957, which intended to disable it for Darwin, but ended up disabling it for everything but Darwin. Reenable it for all platforms now, clearly it didn't hurt to have it enabled under Darwin, and we do need to do it, e.g. see #12636.

2014-11-01 14:56 VZ, revision 78085

Fix clearing wxCB_READONLY wxComboBox in wxGTK. wxComboBox::Clear() must call wxTextEntry::SetValue() explicitly instead of calling its Clear() which just forwards back to wxComboBox own SetValue(), which (correctly) doesn't work for read-only comboboxes when passed an empty string. Closes #16654.

2014-11-01 14:56 VZ, revision 78084

No changes, just move wxComboBox::Clear() out of line in wxGTK. Make this function non-inline to facilitate further modifications.

2014-10-31 17:04 AW, revision 78083

Fix deleting wxPG properties with sub-properties. If property contains sub-properties they should be deselected prior deleting the property. See #16617.

2014-10-31 14:19 VZ, revision 78082

Make Clear() virtual in wxItemContainer base class. This ensures that overridden wxComboBox::Clear() is called even when it's invoked via a pointer or a reference to wxItemContainer (and not just one to wxComboBox itself or its other base wxTextEntry). Closes #16654.

2014-10-30 13:56 VZ, revision 78081

Fixes to wxGA_TEXT and wxGA_PROGRESS documentation. Correct the HTML output format for wxGA_PROGRESS, it was indented incorrectly because Doxygen appears to need a blank line (i.e. end of paragraph) after a "@since". Also improve the wording of the styles descriptions a little.

2014-10-28 19:57 VZ, revision 78080

Re-add wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT and wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST to wxGenericFileDialog. Support for these styles was accidentally removed in r48733, re-add them back. Closes #16652.

2014-10-28 09:06 JS, revision 78079

Backported wxFontDialog NSView fix r78070, fixing bug #16643

2014-10-27 21:09 VZ, revision 78078

Don't use "@overload" to document methods without parameters. Documentation generated by @overload is misleading in this case as it refers to the "different argument [the function] accepts", but there are none, the methods can be overloaded only by const modifier as well. Use \copydetails instead to reuse the original documentation, this is less confusing and arguably more useful as well.

2014-10-27 18:36 VZ, revision 78077

German translation fixes from Sebastian Walderich.

2014-10-27 18:31 VZ, revision 78076

Update mouse capture stack when showing modal dialog in wxGTK. GTKReleaseMouseAndNotify(), which is called before showing a modal dialog in wxGTK to ensure that the mouse does not remain captured by the window which will be disabled by the modal dialog soon, should update the mouse capture stack and so must call ReleaseMouse() to do it, not just DoReleaseMouse(). See #16647, #8657.

2014-10-26 12:44 VS, revision 78075

Use subtler grey for emulated toolbar toggle on OS X Use a lighter shade of gray to avoid problems with user icons and to match the look of OS X 10.10's rendering of selected toolbar items. Fixes #16645.

2014-10-26 12:44 VS, revision 78074

Use subtler grey for emulated toolbar toggle on OS X Use a lighter shade of gray to avoid problems with user icons and to match the look of OS X 10.10's rendering of selected toolbar items. Fixes #16645.

2014-10-25 20:06 PC, revision 78073


2014-10-25 20:05 PC, revision 78072

backport r77741: Return the caption from wxMessageDialog::GetTitle()

2014-10-25 14:49 VS, revision 78071

Fix wxFontDialog exceptions on OS X Yosemite Opening the font dialog would result in an exception in RunMixedFontDialog: -[NSView resetFlags]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6080001285c0 The code in question assumed that NSFontPanel's accessory view either didn't exist or was created by wx, and casted it to wxMacFontPanelAccView* without checking. But this assumption is no longer true on OS X 10.10, the view is apparently pre-set to some default NSView instance. Fix the code to check accessoryView's class before treating it as wxMacFontPanelAccView.

2014-10-25 14:49 VS, revision 78070

Fix wxFontDialog exceptions on OS X Yosemite Opening the font dialog would result in an exception in RunMixedFontDialog: -[NSView resetFlags]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6080001285c0 The code in question assumed that NSFontPanel's accessory view either didn't exist or was created by wx, and casted it to wxMacFontPanelAccView* without checking. But this assumption is no longer true on OS X 10.10, the view is apparently pre-set to some default NSView instance. Fix the code to check accessoryView's class before treating it as wxMacFontPanelAccView.

2014-10-25 14:35 AW, revision 78069

Get wxPGProperty items to be deleted with deferral directly from the corresponding internal list of items. Don't use iterator to collect wxPGProperty items in wxPropertyGridPageState::DoClear().

2014-10-25 01:23 VZ, revision 78068

More fixes for PCH-less build after r78063. Add missing headers/forward declarations now.

2014-10-25 00:55 VZ, revision 78067

Fix typo which broke PCH-less builds in r78063.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78066

Add a new wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS_COMPATIBLY option. This option, which is on by default unless the use of STL is disabled, provides better interoperability with the standard library when it can be done without breaking backwards compatibility. The first example of its use is to allow passing std::vector<> of any string compatible type to wxItemContainer::Append(), Insert() and Set(), allowing to directly initialize various wxControls deriving from it such as wxChoice, wxComboBox, wxListBox from a std::vector<> of strings.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78065

Work around bad wxStaticText best size calculation under wxOSX. Expand wxStaticText controls in wxBusyInfo and centre them to avoid the problem with their contents being truncated when using markup under wxOSX. This should, of course, be fixed in wxStaticText itself, and when it is, this change should be reverted. But for now this at least allows wxBusyInfo to appear correctly under OS X.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78064

Clip the last word of wxStaticText if it doesn't fit in wxOSX/Cocoa. Until this change the entire last word disappeared, presumably because it was wrapped to the next line, which was not shown at all. Now as much of it as fits into the available space is shown, which is not ideal, but better than before, especially if we're only a pixel or two short.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78063

Allow customizing wxBusyInfo appearance. Allow customizing wxBusyInfo window by passing wxBusyInfoFlags containing information about the icon, title, colours and frame transparency to use. Update the sample to show such "rich" busy info.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78062

Auto resize wxGenericStaticText when its label or font is changed. This makes the generic version consistent with the native control behaviour.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78061

Refactor: extra wxStaticText auto-resizing code from wxMSW to common. This will allow its reuse in wxGenericStaticText and maybe other ports that need it in the future.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78060

Slightly improve sizing of wxInfoFrame used by wxBusyInfo. Specify the margin around the text in dialog units, not pixels.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78059

Don't use wxRESIZE_BORDER for wxInfoFrame, used by wxBusyInfo, under wxX11. This doesn't make sense, this frame should never be resizeable, so clean up the code a little.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78058

Don't specify the title for wxInfoFrame used in wxBusyInfo. The title is not shown to the user anyhow because this frame doesn't have wxCAPTION style. And if it were shown, it should have been translated, but as it isn't, just remove it.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78057

Use its own foreground colour in wxGenericStaticText. For some reason, the control always drew itself using wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT. This is a good default, but it shouldn't ignore the explicitly set foreground colour, so use it instead.

2014-10-24 15:45 VZ, revision 78056

Avoid spurious error messages for WM_MDISETMENU under Windows XP. WM_MDISETMENU handler doesn't seem to reset the last error under Windows XP and this could result in spurious debug error messages when setting the initial menu in which case NULL is returned to indicate that there was no previous menu, but this doesn't indicate that an error occurred. Explicitly reset the last error to ERROR_SUCCESS ourselves before using WM_MDISETMENU to ensure that the last error can only be set after its return if it was really done by the code handling it, i.e. if an error really happened.

2014-10-23 15:56 VZ, revision 78055

Document wxScopedCharTypeBuffer::release(). Although this method is dangerous, it still (or, maybe, especially) needs to be documented.

2014-10-21 00:06 VZ, revision 78054

Revert "Use MaskBlt() with the correct ROP when drawing bitmaps with mask." This reverts r78040 (see #16512) as it broke the appearance of the disabled buttons in MSW toolbars as can be seen in the sample. The change itself might still be correct and could have just uncovered some other bug elsewhere, but for now still revert it just to make the toolbars usable again.

2014-10-21 00:06 VZ, revision 78053

Skip the menu events in wxFrameBase handlers. While wxFrame may process these events for its own purposes, it shouldn't prevent the user-defined fall back handlers for them (e.g. at wxApp level) from running.

2014-10-21 00:06 VZ, revision 78052

Avoid intercepting Ctrl-TAB keys in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Check for the absence of modifiers before intercepting the TAB key, we only want to do it for plain TAB or Shift-TAB but not Ctrl-TAB, for example, as this prevented the user from switching between MDI windows when focus was on wxDataViewCtrl.

2014-10-20 17:12 AW, revision 78051

Draw cursor image in wxCursorProperty using wxDC::DrawBitmap. Since monochrome images are supported by wxBitmap (under MSW) there is no longer need to draw cursor image using native Win API.

2014-10-20 17:08 VZ, revision 78050

Fix wxStringTokenizer copy ctor and assignment operator. Implement copying of wxStringTokenizer correctly: compiler-generated versions didn't work as the position of the tokenizer didn't point into the correct string after making the copy. Fix this by adjusting the position iterator to use the copy of the string. Closes #16339.

2014-10-19 21:05 VZ, revision 78049

Fix for PCH-less build after wake up changes. Include wx/msw/private.h when not using PCH to get wxZeroMemory() (this makes it unnecessary to include wx/msw/wrapwin.h as it's already included by the other header).

2014-10-19 16:16 VZ, revision 78048

Avoid spurious errors from wxFileType::GetCommand() under Windows XP too. This problem was already fixed in r77649 for Windows 7 (and hopefully all the other supported Windows versions), but it turns out that XP returns a different error when the association is not found in the registry, so the debug error message was still given under it. Fix this by checking for both ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATION and ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.

2014-10-19 16:16 VZ, revision 78047

Fix handling of spurious wake ups in GetNextMessageTimeout() in wxMSW. It didn't take long to realize that changes of r78041 did break something (see #9053), as MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() can return indicating the message availability even if no message is actually available in the queue. This notably happens when the application is activated. Fix this by calling MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() in a loop until we do get a message. Notice that this only works correctly with the infinite timeout as we don't update the remaining time to wait after a spurious wake-up, but this shouldn't be a problem in practice as no such wake-ups should happen anyhow during a small timeout duration -- and nobody typically uses long ones.

2014-10-19 14:59 VZ, revision 78046

Don't leave wxSubwindows::m_ids uninitialized. Normally it's initialized by calling Create(), but don't crash deleting an invalid pointer in the dtor if Create() hadn't been called. See #16630.

2014-10-19 14:58 VZ, revision 78045

Only select the first radio button if there is one in wxMSW wxRadioBox. Don't call SetSelection(0) if the radio box is empty. See #16630.

2014-10-19 14:57 VZ, revision 78044

Don't leave wxSubwindows::m_ids uninitialized. Normally it's initialized by calling Create(), but don't crash deleting an invalid pointer in the dtor if Create() hadn't been called. See #16630.

2014-10-19 14:57 VZ, revision 78043

Only select the first radio button if there is one in wxMSW wxRadioBox. Don't call SetSelection(0) if the radio box is empty. See #16630.

2014-10-19 14:57 VZ, revision 78042

Update the bundled Scintilla version to 3.4.1. There are relatively few changes, see Scintilla changelog at Closes #16182.

2014-10-19 14:57 VZ, revision 78041

Make main thread wake up code more efficient and less error-prone in wxMSW. Use a kernel event object to signal the thread wake up instead of sending WM_NULL to one of its windows. This is simpler as we don't need to look for any windows and doesn't suffer from the problem of overflowing the Windows message queue if we do it too many times as signalling an already signalled event simply doesn't do anything. Closes #9053.

2014-10-19 14:57 VZ, revision 78040

Use MaskBlt() with the correct ROP when drawing bitmaps with mask. We need to AND the destination with the mask first and then XOR it with the bitmap data to achieve the correct results. Closes #16512.

2014-10-19 14:57 VZ, revision 78039

Don't replace bitmap transparency with black when converting to icon in wxMSW. This was a wrong workaround for incorrect drawing of the icons elsewhere and isn't needed if the destination is first AND-ed with the mask, as it should be. See #16512.

2014-10-19 14:56 VZ, revision 78038

Fix creating wxBitmap from monochrome icon or cursor in wxMSW. Handle the "AND" and "XOR" masks inside monochrome icons/cursors correctly instead of simply copying the monochrome data which didn't work at all. See #16512.

2014-10-19 14:56 VZ, revision 78037

Fix memory leak in richtext sample. Destroy the children of wxRichTextFieldTypeCompositeTest when updating it instead of just clearing the list and leaking the objects in it. Closes #14324.

2014-10-19 14:56 VZ, revision 78036

Handle taskbar button recreation better in wxMSW. Store the various parameters in wxTaskBarButton itself and reapply them when the button is (re)created. This fixes problems with getting the "taskbar button created" message twice, e.g. because Explorer was restarted, or getting it too late, as now wxTaskBarButton can be configured both before and after receiving this message. Closes #16566.

2014-10-19 14:56 VZ, revision 78035

Work around unavailability of std::exception_ptr with some g++ versions. g++ headers only provide std::exception_ptr when __GCC_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE is 2, indicating that atomic operations on int are available, so check for this before setting HAS_EXCEPTION_PTR as in some MinGW builds (TDM gcc 4.7) this symbol is not defined as 2. Closes #16634.

2014-10-19 14:56 VZ, revision 78034

Use TLW parent for wxMessageDialog in all ports. This avoids problems with deleting child windows which are parents of wxMessageDialog before the dialog itself is destroyed and was already done in wxGTK, but not in wxMSW nor wxOSX. Do it in all ports now by calling GetParentForModalDialog() from wxMessageDialogBase ctor itself instead of depending on the port-specific wxMessageDialog to do it. Closes #16631.

2014-10-19 02:59 PC, revision 78033

Fix ClientToScreen()/ScreenToClient() when used immediately after window creation. And whenever window does not have an up-to-date GTK size allocation. Closes #16061

2014-10-18 14:00 AW, revision 78032

Add drawing cursor images for wxCursorProperty under wxGTK. Closes #16637

2014-10-18 11:37 AW, revision 78031

Fix deleting pending editor controls if wxPG is destructed from within its own event handler. If wxPG dtor is invoked from within event handler then deleting its pending editor controls should be delegated to the global idle event handler.

2014-10-17 00:49 AW, revision 78030

Fix deleting editor controls associated with wxPG properties from within event handler. Editor controls (and their event handlers) deleted from within wxPG event handler shouldn't by deleted in global idle event handler but only in local wxPG event handler because global idle events can be generated also by calling e.g. wxYield when wxPG is not in the real idle state. Closes #16617

2014-10-17 00:33 AW, revision 78029

Prevent renaming already renamed wxPG property waiting for deferred deletion. Name of the property to be deleted with delay is changed to the some meaningless name in order to avoid conflict with other active properties. It is enough to do this only once. See #16617

2014-10-17 00:27 AW, revision 78028

Accept only real idle events in wxPropertyGrid::OnIdle() Fake idle events generated e.g. by calling wxYield from within the event handler should be skipped to avoid problems. See #16617

2014-10-16 15:33 VZ, revision 78027

Only link webview library with libwebkitgtk in wxGTK, not the core one. Add EXTRALIBS_WEBVIEW similar to the existing EXTRALIBS_MEDIA and such and set it in configure instead of adding libwebkitgtk and dependent libraries directly to GUI_TK_LIBRARY. This ensure that the core library doesn't have any dependencies on libwebkitgtk which it doesn't need. Closes #16624.

2014-10-16 15:33 VZ, revision 78026

Only link webview library with libwebkitgtk in wxGTK, not the core one. Add EXTRALIBS_WEBVIEW similar to the existing EXTRALIBS_MEDIA and such and set it in configure instead of adding libwebkitgtk and dependent libraries directly to GUI_TK_LIBRARY. This ensure that the core library doesn't have any dependencies on libwebkitgtk which it doesn't need. Closes #16624.

2014-10-16 12:13 JS, revision 78025

Don't calculate refresh optimizations if we're not going to use them

2014-10-15 18:56 PC, revision 78024

update code to match 3.0 branch after r78023

2014-10-15 18:53 PC, revision 78023

fix crash in wxGCDC::DrawEllipticArc() after r76954, closes #16623

2014-10-14 21:36 VZ, revision 78022

Disable surrogate-related unit test for MSW. This test can't work when the in-memory representation is UTF-16, as we can't convert surrogates to anything else in this case. This fixes the unit tests broken since r76622, see #16298.

2014-10-14 21:36 VZ, revision 78021

Don't end converting prematurely on encountering consecutive NULs. Don't stop converting subsequent chunks just because the length of one of them was 0: this can happen if the first character of a string is a NUL or if there are two (or more) NULs in it later. Simply remove the check for this and continue as usual even in this case. Also add a unit test verifying that we do translate NULs in input into NULs in output. Closes #16620.

2014-10-14 21:23 VZ, revision 78020

Fix typo in a comment in wxSpinCtrlGenericBase::Create(). s/satisfy/specify/ to give some sense to this comment.

2014-10-14 15:42 VZ, revision 78019

Spanish translations update from Miguel Giménez.

2014-10-14 15:40 VZ, revision 78018

Spanish translations update from Miguel Giménez.

2014-10-14 10:53 VS, revision 78017

Add support for template NSImages to wxBitmap wxBitmap uses CGImage instead of NSImage internally and the conversion looses NSImage metadata. In particular, it looses the "template" attribute, which is set for files ending with "Template" and loaded trough wxArtProvider. This change makes it easy to use template images with native controls such as the toolbar.

2014-10-14 10:53 VS, revision 78016

Add support for template NSImages to wxBitmap wxBitmap uses CGImage instead of NSImage internally and the conversion looses NSImage metadata. In particular, it looses the "template" attribute, which is set for files ending with "Template" and loaded trough wxArtProvider. This change makes it easy to use template images with native controls such as the toolbar.

2014-10-13 14:08 VZ, revision 78015

Define unambiguous Is{List,Text}Empty() in wxOwnerDrawnComboBox. Like in wxComboBox itself, it's useful to provide these methods to avoid problems with ambiguous IsEmpty(), inherited from both wxTextEntry and wxItemContainer. Closes #16618.

2014-10-13 09:19 AW, revision 78014

Fix clearing wxPG Properties deleted immediately in wxPropertyGridPageState::DoClear() should be first removed from the lists of pending deletions. Closes #16617

2014-10-12 22:48 VZ, revision 78013

Fix calling wxFileHistory::Load() more than once. Don't add all the items in the history to the menu again, remove the old ones if we had already added them. Closes #16588.

2014-10-12 22:48 VZ, revision 78012

Fix vertical cell alignment in wxDataViewCtrl in wxGTK. Pass the alignment used when creating the column to the renderer. Closes #16035.

2014-10-12 22:48 VZ, revision 78011

Update MSVS 2010+ remarks in wxMSW installation notes. Document wx_local.props instead of the old and not existing any more wx_vcN_local.props. Also mention that wx/msw/setup.h can be linked to wx/msw/setup0.h instead of being a copy of it. Closes #16597.

2014-10-12 22:48 VZ, revision 78010

Add support for 'z' size format specifier. Assume that non-MSVC compilers support it directly and use 'I' for MSVC. Closes #16596.

2014-10-12 22:48 VZ, revision 78009

Fall back to executable file name in wxApp::GetAppName(). This is especially useful when wxWidgets is used as part of another library and is not initialized with the real argc/argv containing the application name. Closes #16615.

2014-10-11 18:30 VZ, revision 77994

Add wxART_FULL_SCREEN icon. Use stock GTK+ icon in wxGTK and Tango icon elsewhere. See #2662.

2014-10-11 18:30 VZ, revision 77993

Fix resource compiler include path for Borland. Explicitly include $(BCCDIR)/include/windows/sdk directory in the resource compiler options, as it needs it to find windows.h.

2014-10-11 18:29 VZ, revision 77992

Compilation fix for Borland overload selection bug. Avoid the following bogus compiler error: Error E2015 ..\..\src\common\filename.cpp 2589: Ambiguity between 'wxFileName::Exists(int) const at ..\..\src\common\filename.cpp:777' and 'wxFileName::Exists(const wxString &,int) at ..\..\src\common\filename.cpp:790' in function wxFileName::SetPermissions(int) by using an unambiguous overload. See #16592.

2014-10-11 18:29 VZ, revision 77991

Compilation fix for Borland compiler bug with ternary operator. Don't use ?: operator with references, Borland wrongly deduces the common type as being an object in this case, so use pointers instead and dereference later. See #16592.

2014-10-11 18:29 VZ, revision 77990

Update release instructions to mention tagging the release. Also remove the reference to the non-existing "next section" and a couple of other minor changes.

2014-10-11 17:48 VZ, revision 77989

Mention Borland C++ fixes in the change log.

2014-10-11 17:48 VZ, revision 77988

Fix resource compiler include path for Borland. Explicitly include $(BCCDIR)/include/windows/sdk directory in the resource compiler options, as it needs it to find windows.h.

2014-10-11 17:47 VZ, revision 77987

Compilation fix for Borland overload selection bug. Avoid the following bogus compiler error: Error E2015 ..\..\src\common\filename.cpp 2589: Ambiguity between 'wxFileName::Exists(int) const at ..\..\src\common\filename.cpp:777' and 'wxFileName::Exists(const wxString &,int) at ..\..\src\common\filename.cpp:790' in function wxFileName::SetPermissions(int) by using an unambiguous overload. See #16592.

2014-10-11 17:47 VZ, revision 77986

Compilation fix for Borland compiler bug with ternary operator. Don't use ?: operator with references, Borland wrongly deduces the common type as being an object in this case, so use pointers instead and dereference later. See #16592.

2014-10-09 17:37 VZ, revision 77985

Fix excessive height of wxSlider with labels but no ticks in wxMSW. We shouldn't add the label height to the control best height as the labels are positioned at the same vertical level as the main part of the control. See #16604.

2014-10-09 17:36 VZ, revision 77984

Fix excessive height of wxSlider with labels but no ticks in wxMSW. We shouldn't add the label height to the control best height as the labels are positioned at the same vertical level as the main part of the control. See #16604.

2014-10-09 06:44 MAR, revision 77983

Fix invalid listctrl imagelist assert in wxQT This reverts the bug introduced in r77935, now the list control sample works again.

2014-10-09 06:23 MAR, revision 77982

Support frameless taskbarless dialogs in wxQt * Moved frameless hint to window, checking border * Removed duplicate code in wxFrame and asserts that were preventing AUI to work Thanks to @seandepagnier for the original patch

2014-10-08 12:29 JS, revision 77981

Corrections to HasCharacterAttributes, HasParagraphAttributes EditProperties functions don't try to change read-only content Page up/down behaviour now takes into account margins and scale Transparency and y poition corrections to field labels