

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-12-20 16:07 FM, revision 62958

fix miscellaneous Doxygen 1.6.1 warnings

2009-12-20 15:50 FM, revision 62957

fix a few doxygen warnings

2009-12-20 15:24 FM, revision 62956

add a detailed description to wxMenuItem::SetItemLabel() partially moving docs from wxMenu::Append; add usage examples; organize wxMenuItem functions in 3 sections (getters, setters, checkers) to make it easier to browse the docs; use @onlyfor tag where necessary instead of the (Windows only) text

2009-12-20 13:48 JMS, revision 62955

Added wxPropertyGrid::GetUnspecifiedValueText(). Use it instead of assuming that the unspecified value text is always an empty string.

2009-12-20 13:31 JMS, revision 62954

Added some missing SetupTextCtrlValue() calls

2009-12-19 16:07 JMS, revision 62948

Suppress 'unused argument' warnings

2009-12-19 15:47 JMS, revision 62947

Added wxWindowMSW::MSWGetThemeColour(); initially use it in wxComboCtrl::OnThemeChange()

2009-12-19 13:08 JMS, revision 62946

Properly notify active editor control when it receives the focus.

2009-12-19 13:00 VZ, revision 62945

Document wxSpinCtrlDouble in correct header file. The public header for this class is wx/spinctrl.h, but it was documented in wx/generic/spinctrg.h which didn't even correspond to an existing real header file (which is called spinctlg.h). Move the documentation to wx/spinctrl.h and remove the old file. Closes #11548.

2009-12-19 13:00 VZ, revision 62944

Document wxSizerItem::Assign{Window,Sizer,Spacer}() methods. Also explain why SetSpacer() and SetSizer() are deprecated. Closes #11555.

2009-12-19 12:59 VZ, revision 62943

Document wxDV_NO_HEADER style. Closes #11559.

2009-12-19 12:17 VZ, revision 62942

Corrections to expander position calculations and drawing in generic wxDVC. Correct the calculation of the indent for the columns following the expander and the calculation of the position of the expander itself. See #11558.

2009-12-19 12:17 VZ, revision 62941

Correct selection/drop highlight rectangles width in generic wxDataViewCtrl. The third parameter of wxRect ctor is the width, not the right edge. See #11558.

2009-12-19 12:17 VZ, revision 62940

Always draw standard-sized checkboxes in generic wxDataViewToggleRenderer. The checkbox should be always shown in its normal size, otherwise it looks strange. And this also fixes the overflow of the checkbox in the next column which happened if the size passed to Render() had negative width before. See #11558.

2009-12-19 12:17 VZ, revision 62939

Use correct width in wxDataViewCustomRendererBase::RenderText(). The text should be ellipsized to fit in the text rectangle, not the total cell one (which is larger). See #11558.

2009-12-19 12:13 JMS, revision 62938

In wxPropertyGrid::HandleCustomEditorEvent(), also filter out excess wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED events that originated from wxComboCtrl-derived editors.

2009-12-18 23:31 VZ, revision 62935

Don't create labels with wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE flag with empty size by default. Since r57627 wxStaticText objects with wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE flag created with wxDefaultSize were created with zero width. This accounted for the disappearance of the labels for the toolbar controls (as could be seen in the toolbar sample where the combobox label was not shown any more). Fix this by explicitly setting the correct initial size after the correct label is set.

2009-12-18 23:31 VZ, revision 62934

Don't draw over dummy separators in MSW toolbar, just don't draw them at all. Prevent the native toolbar from drawing the separators which we use simply as placeholders by excluding them from the update region when handling WM_PAINT. This reduces flicker by not redrawing the areas occupied by these separators twice and also prevents them from ever being shown (you could see them briefly appear before being erased before). The other toolbar tools still flicker though, there doesn't seem to be any simple way to prevent the control from entirely invalidating itself whenever it is resized.

2009-12-18 21:49 VZ, revision 62933

Don't explicitly set the background colour for wxChoice. This is unnecessary and results in flicker when the control is resized because we explicitly erase its background ourselves and then it does it itself.

2009-12-18 21:49 VZ, revision 62932

No real changes, just change type of MSWGetBgBrush() argument. Pass wxWindow instead of HWND to it as in most cases we already have wxWindow for the HWND we have and calling wxFindWinFromHandle() once more is unnecessary. This also makes the code of MSWGetBgBrushForChild() slightly simpler.

2009-12-18 21:49 VZ, revision 62931

Don't force themed background for wxToolBar under MSW, just use the default. Native toolbars don't have themed background under Vista/7 and don't look good with rebar background (which is the same one as used for the menus) as toolbars don't appear on the top of the window. Erasing background ourselves also results in flicker and display problems and makes the code much more complicated. Simply don't do this to avoid all the problems.

2009-12-18 18:28 JMS, revision 62930

Have wxComboCtrl honour any custom foreground and background colour.

2009-12-18 18:03 JMS, revision 62929

In wxComboCtrl, prefer focus rectangle colours over custom ones.

2009-12-18 17:42 JMS, revision 62928

Have wxComboCtrl honour any application-specified foreground and background colour.

2009-12-18 15:47 VZ, revision 62927

Don't access the first character of a possible empty USEMAP parameter. This fixes an assert when using debug CRT in VC9.

2009-12-18 15:47 VZ, revision 62926

Only call GetTextMetrics() in wxDC::GetTextExtent() if necessary. A micro-optimization: avoid ::GetTextMetrics() call if we don't use its results (as is the case if neither descent nor external leading were requested).

2009-12-18 15:47 VZ, revision 62925

Call SymCleanup() in wxStackWalker to fix problem with next call to it. Calling SymInitialize() second and subsequent times failed (and hence so did wxStackWalker::WalkFrom() and other methods) as we didn't call SymCleanup() because of some problems with old versions of debughlp.dll. These problems don't seem to exist any more so do call SymCleanup() so that we can walk the stack more than once. Closes #11544.

2009-12-18 15:46 VZ, revision 62924

Don't use "-I @" in ctags command line as cmd.exe handles '@' specially. Just use the file path instead as '@' is used for the "response files" by cmd.exe, at least under Windows 7.

2009-12-18 15:46 VZ, revision 62923

No changes, just minor cleanup. Don't call wxWindow::PrepareDC() which doesn't do anything anyhow. Use wxBitmap::IsOk() instead of Ok().

2009-12-18 15:46 VZ, revision 62922

Restore the use of the correct brush for toolbar background erasing. The call to SetBrush() was mistakenly removed in r62850 but it is needed because wxClientDC only inherits background colour but not the brush used by DrawRectangle() call in wxToolBar::MSWEraseRect(), so the wrong colour was used under systems < Vista. Restore this call now.

2009-12-17 22:52 VZ, revision 62919

Compilation fixes and cleanup for wxSymbian. Avoid duplicating Unix files, reuse the existing ones instead. Remove unnecessary gcc pragmas. Add Symbian-specific chkconf.h. Closes #11551.

2009-12-17 18:51 VZ, revision 62916

Correct wxDateTime::GetWeekOfMonth() for days in the beginning of January. This function was implemented in terms of GetWeekOfYear() which made it tricky to get it right as GetWeekOfYear() can, correctly, return week number for the previous year for the first days of January (and also from the next one for the last days of December). Replace this implementation with a simple one directly counting the number of weeks since the first of the month, this seems to be much simpler and does pass the new unit test case which the old version failed. Also make the unit test failures more informative by using WX_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE() instead of CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(). See #11561.

2009-12-17 17:44 VZ, revision 62914

Add test of accelerators using both ASCII and non-ASCII keys to the sample. Test using 'Ctrl-A', just 'A' and 'Esc' as accelerators as all of them except the first one were reported not to work in some cases.

2009-12-17 17:44 VZ, revision 62913

Always use FVIRTKEY for the accelerators under MSW. Not using FVIRTKEY results in problems in non-US keyboard layouts and, in fact, we were already always using it because wxCharCodeWXToMSW() returned true in its output IsVirtual argument most of the time. Just do it always now and also remove IsVirtual parameter with badly (if at all...) defined meaning from wxCharCodeWXToMSW() as it's not used anywhere any longer.

2009-12-17 15:41 JMS, revision 62912

Allow wxPropertyGrid::RecalculateVirtualSize() execute even if pg is not completely initialized (otherwise virtual size calculations may go wrong)

2009-12-17 14:39 SC, revision 62911

fix for sleep mode on displays, fixes #11557

2009-12-17 13:15 SC, revision 62909

supporting sleep mode properly, see #11557

2009-12-17 11:52 VZ, revision 62908

Initialize all fields of EXCEPINFO object to avoid crashes later. We could call SysFreeString() on uninitialized pointers if IDispatch::Invoke() failed.

2009-12-16 20:27 VZ, revision 62903

Correct typo in wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED. An underscore was omitted between LISTBOX and DOUBLECLICKED.

2009-12-16 19:59 JMS, revision 62902

Fixed display of 'InlineHelp' attribute

2009-12-16 19:48 JMS, revision 62901

Slightly improved check whether or not to execute wxPropertyGrid::RecalculateVirtualSize()

2009-12-16 18:10 PC, revision 62900

preserve type when loaded image is rescaled, #11543

2009-12-16 09:30 CE, revision 62899

force rebuild of all docs

2009-12-16 07:32 PC, revision 62898

allow setting client size to work properly before window is shown

2009-12-15 23:44 VZ, revision 62896

Avoid GTK+ errors when using AUI wxPseudoTransparentFrame hack. wxPseudoTransparentFrame is not a top level window at all and the code in wxGTK wxTopLevelWindow::DoSetSizeHints() fails for it when it is called from wxWindowBase::CreateBase() because of it and spits GTK+ errors as it calls gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() with NULL widget. Fix this by simply skipping wxTopLevelWindow implementation of this method in wxPseudoTransparentFrame. A better fix would be to get rid of this hack completely, of course.

2009-12-15 22:12 VZ, revision 62895

Remove asserts in wxChoicebook::Get/SetPageImage(). It's better to silently return an error code than assert when these methods are called as their failure is relatively harmless and the user code may call them via base class pointer without caring if it works with a control which supports images or not.

2009-12-15 16:38 VS, revision 62894

define NDEBUG if not using debug CRT

2009-12-15 16:38 VS, revision 62893

define NDEBUG if not using debug CRT

2009-12-15 12:25 VS, revision 62891

compilation fix for wxUSE_IMAGE=0 case

2009-12-15 12:24 VS, revision 62890

compilation fix for wxUSE_IMAGE=0 caseinclude/wx/iconbndl.h

2009-12-15 12:24 VS, revision 62889

PCH compilation fix

2009-12-14 20:17 VZ, revision 62886

Avoid painting generic wxDataViewCtrl if it has no columns. The code in wxDataViewMainWindow::OnPaint() relied on having at least the first column and didn't work for a completely empty control. Just don't paint it at all in this case as it's unnecessary anyhow.

2009-12-14 17:13 JMS, revision 62885

Make wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION behave more like a Windows list box (regarding Ctrl and Shift keys)

2009-12-14 16:33 JMS, revision 62884

Determine better whether the property editor needs to be refreshed in wxPGProperty::SetValue()

2009-12-14 16:18 JMS, revision 62882

'Set to Unspecified' -> 'Set Value to Unspecified'

2009-12-14 16:17 JMS, revision 62881

Set correct m_state in wxPGCheckBoxEditor::SetValueToUnspecified()

2009-12-14 16:15 JMS, revision 62880

Always refresh the editor when setting property value to unspecified.

2009-12-14 16:12 JMS, revision 62879

Fixed unspecified property value rendering for various editor types (including check box)

2009-12-14 13:41 VZ, revision 62877

Restore correct access to wxGenericStaticText::Set{Font,Label}. Accessibility of these methods was accidentally changed to protected in r62821 and this broke wxUniv compilation, make them public again.

2009-12-14 10:38 CE, revision 62876

fix for second bug in bug 11438

2009-12-13 13:52 VZ, revision 62871

Remove unnecessary Mac-specific TOOLKIT_LOWERCASE setting. TOOLKIT is never set to "MAC" at all (it is one of OSX_{CARBON,COCOA,IPHONE}) so it is not necessary to test for it. And for the other cases the special logic for OS X ports was the same as the general case so it seems to be unnecessary as well.

2009-12-13 13:52 VZ, revision 62870

Add --with-[osx_]iphone switch to configure. This is another Mac (wxUSE_MAC is defined) port with TOOLKIT=OSX_IPHONE. Also use this port by default for arm-apple-darwin platforms.

2009-12-13 13:52 VZ, revision 62869

Test for sw_vers availability before calling it in configure. There is no sw_vers when cross-compiling, just assume 10.4 system in this case and point the user to --with-macosx-version-min which can be used to override this.

2009-12-13 13:52 VZ, revision 62868

Rename --with-cocoa configure switch to --with-old_cocoa to avoid confusion. Change --with-cocoa to be synonym for --with-osx_cocoa, add --with-carbon as a synonym for --with-osx_carbon for consistency and --with-osx as a synonym for --with-mac.

2009-12-13 13:00 JMS, revision 62867

Added wxPropertyGridManager header support; Refactored wxPropertyGrid DoSetSplitterPosition() code

2009-12-12 15:01 SC, revision 62866

rearranging contentview, adding toolbar

2009-12-12 14:40 SC, revision 62865

rearranging contentview, adding toolbar

2009-12-12 13:24 JMS, revision 62864

wxHeaderColumnBase -> wxHeaderColumn; Fixed UpdateColumnWidthToFit() sample code

2009-12-12 11:10 JMS, revision 62863

On Windows, force read-only property editor wxTextCtrl to have 'white' background (for now...)

2009-12-12 10:59 JMS, revision 62862

Added a proper log frame to the propgrid sample

2009-12-12 10:38 JMS, revision 62861

Generate wxPropertyGrid splitter (column divider) events: wxEVT_PG_COL_BEGIN_DRAG, wxEVT_PG_COL_DRAGGING, wxEVT_PG_COL_END_DRAG

2009-12-11 16:50 JMS, revision 62859

Fixed incorrect use of RemoveAt() in wxPropertyGridPageState::SetColumnCount() (fixes #11539)

2009-12-11 14:55 CE, revision 62857

fix for bug 11438

2009-12-10 04:04 VZ, revision 62850

Add support for stretchable spaces to wxToolBar. Stretchable spaces consume all extra toolbar space not allocated to the fixed size items. They can in particular be used to right-align (some) toolbar tools. Add and document the new API, change the sample to show it and implement it for MSW, GTK and OS X/Cocoa. Also refactor MSW background erasing/repainting code to avoid duplicated calls to DrawThemeBackground(), call it from a new helper MSWEraseRect() function. Note that we may want to add support for "invisible" separators, IOW non-stretchable spaces. This could be easily done for MSW after the changes in this commit and is supported natively by GTK+ and Cocoa so implementing this would be trivial if there is any interest.

2009-12-10 04:04 VZ, revision 62849

Rename gtk{,1}/tbargtk.{h,cpp} to toolbar.{h,cpp}. We don't use crptknm$port.cpp naming convention even for MSW any more and there is really no reason to continue to do it for just this one file in wxGTK.

2009-12-10 03:59 VZ, revision 62848

Set correct toolbar width in wxMSW wxFrame. The hack introduced in r22410 artificially set wrong size for toolbar under MSW. This completely breaks any calculations that can be done using it (e.g. to find the space available for the stretchable part of the toolbar) and is completely and utterly unexpected. Revert it, toolbar flicker must be dealt in another way if it is still a problem.

2009-12-10 03:59 VZ, revision 62847

No changes, just refactor wxToolBarToolBase ctors. Add the usual Init() function for common initialization.

2009-12-10 03:59 VZ, revision 62846

No changes, just slightly simplify the tool insertion code. Added a helper DoInsertNewTool() function to avoid code duplication and ensure that we never forget to delete a new tool if inserting it into the toolbar failed. Also explicitly document that the tool passed to the public InsertTool() is not owned by the toolbar and so must be deleted by the caller if its insertion failed.

2009-12-09 19:48 PJC, revision 62845

Rewrote wxRibbonPage realisation and layout code to avoid setting the position and size of panels multiple times. Fixed memory leak in wxRibbonToolBar::Realize().

2009-12-09 15:59 VZ, revision 62844

Avoid outputting the assert message twice in non-GUI code. As we always log the assert message in ::ShowAssertDialog() itself there is no need to log it again in wxAppTraitsBase::ShowAssertDialog(). Also show the "please wait while generating stack trace information" in wxAppTraitsBase::GetAssertStackTrace() itself instead of doing it in both places which call it.

2009-12-09 15:59 VZ, revision 62843

Don't limit the number of stack frames in GTK assert dialog to 20. This dialog uses a scrollbar to keep its vertical size reasonable in any case so there is absolutely no danger of making it too tall even if we show more frames in it.

2009-12-09 15:59 VZ, revision 62842

Better handling for asserts in non-main threads. Don't call wxTrap() when an assert in a non-main thread fails. As asserts are now always enabled by default, this is not a good idea. Instead just show the full details about the assert failure using wxMessageOutputDebug under the platforms without MT-safe message box function (i.e. everything but MSW currently). Add a possibility to test an assert happening in non-main thread to the except sample.

2009-12-09 15:59 VZ, revision 62841

No real changes, just remove __WXDEBUG__ tests. These tests are unnecessary now because asserts are almost always enabled. We could test for wxDEBUG_LEVEL but the code still compiles even if it's defined as 0 so there doesn't seem to be any need for it.

2009-12-09 15:58 VZ, revision 62840

Override OnAssertFailure() and not deprecated OnAssert() in except sample. Also make the overridden version more interesting instead of just calling the base class method from it.

2009-12-09 14:45 VZ, revision 62839

Document that wxTrap() now traps [almost] always. Don't mention the words "release mode" as there is no such thing now, instead refer to wxDEBUG_LEVEL explicitly.

2009-12-09 14:40 VZ, revision 62838

Add wxSymbian-specific headers and sources and build files. Patch by Andrei Matuk. Closes #11489.

2009-12-09 14:31 VZ, revision 62837

Explicitly link the SDK application example with user32.lib. As this sample uses GUI Windows functions, it requires this library. Not sure why it isn't added by bakefile automatically for app-type==gui target.

2009-12-09 14:27 VZ, revision 62836

STL build compilation fix. Explicitly cast wxWindowBase pointer to wxWindow before passing it to wxWindowList::Find().

2009-12-09 09:21 SC, revision 62835

support for getting current event loop on iPhone

2009-12-09 08:38 SC, revision 62834

avoiding string conversions on 1st param of wxStat, as the latter is having a param of wxString now always and does the conversion internally

2009-12-09 08:29 SC, revision 62833

using on all OSX variants

2009-12-09 08:28 SC, revision 62832

fixing toolbar support, adding iphone

2009-12-09 08:27 SC, revision 62831

make sure it is compilable w/o menus (eg on iPhone)

2009-12-09 08:26 SC, revision 62830

remove workaround

2009-12-09 08:24 SC, revision 62829

avoid double define warnings

2009-12-09 06:25 KO, revision 62828

Add OSX prefix, and be clear that this is OS X only API to avoid any expectation that this API may work elsewhere.

2009-12-08 17:36 VZ, revision 62825

Use X64 machine type for MSVC linker instead of old AMD64. The officially supported machine type name is X64 now, even if AMD64 is still supported. Closes #10711.

2009-12-08 17:35 VZ, revision 62824

Fix duplicate accelerator use in animate sample. Both "Play" and "Stop" used Ctrl+P. Closes #11425.

2009-12-08 17:35 VZ, revision 62823

Make wxPORTRAIT and wxLANDSCAPE elements of wxPrintOrientation enum. Change wxPrintData::SetOrientation() to take wxPrintOrientation instead of int. Closes #11393.

2009-12-08 16:56 VZ, revision 62822

Visually show the cells boundaries in layout sample grid sizer test. Closes #11456.

2009-12-08 16:56 VZ, revision 62821

Don't override DoGetBestSize() in wxGenericStaticText, it's unnecessary. The base class already does exactly the same thing -- except that it also accounts for the borders properly. Also fix access for a couple of DoXXX() member functions which should be protected and an event handler which can be private.

2009-12-08 16:56 VZ, revision 62820

Implement wxWindow::DoGetBorderSize() in the trivial case of wxBORDER_NONE. This fixes an assert in wxGenericStaticText which overrode DoGetBestClientSize() but not DoGetBorderSize(). It would still be useful to implement DoGetBorderSize() in wxGTK (and other ports) in general too as using wxGenericStaticText with non-default border still doesn't work.

2009-12-08 16:56 VZ, revision 62819

Fix unused parameter warning after last commit (r62818).

2009-12-08 16:36 VZ, revision 62818

Fix event object in wxSysColourChangedEvent. The handler for this event in the base class incorrectly changed the event object of the original event instead of setting it for the event being sent to the window children as it was supposed to. Closes #11458.

2009-12-08 16:24 VZ, revision 62817

Don't set the initial size as minimal size for top level windows. Correct the change of r62814: only call SetMinSize() for non-top-level windows as the user should be able to resize the top-level ones to be smaller than their initial size. This also fixes the GTK+ warning resulting from calling wxTLW::SetMinSize() from the ctor, before the window is realized.

2009-12-08 15:07 JS, revision 62816

Speed up adding pages during freezing

2009-12-08 15:07 JS, revision 62815

Speed up adding pages during freezing

2009-12-08 00:37 VZ, revision 62814

Set initial window size as its minimal size. The change of r62306 broke the code which relied on the window created with a given initial size to never become smaller than this size. This was to be expected because the best size of such window is now (1, 1) and not its initial size but we still need to preserve the old behaviour for compatibility and also because it usually does make sense to avoid shrinking the window with an explicitly specified initial size beneath this value. So call SetMinSize() with the initial size explicitly now in wxWindowBase ctor.

2009-12-07 18:03 VZ, revision 62813

Reset wxTheApp when starting to destroy the object it points to. Using wxTheApp when the corresponding object is already half destroyed can't be a good idea so reset it to NULL as soon as possible. Closes #11525.

2009-12-07 17:27 VZ, revision 62812

Add a very simple example of a Win32 application using wx DLL.

2009-12-07 17:27 VZ, revision 62811

Use __declspec(dllexport) instead of WXEXPORT in dll sample header. This header can be included from non-wx code so we can't use wx symbols in it.

2009-12-07 16:26 VZ, revision 62810

Document wxListCtrl::FindItem() return value. In particular mention that it returns -1 if no items were found. Closes #11523.

2009-12-07 16:23 JS, revision 62809

Don't crash if no document

2009-12-07 16:22 JS, revision 62808

Don't crash if no document

2009-12-07 16:06 JS, revision 62807

Safer access of member variables

2009-12-07 16:05 JS, revision 62806

Safer access of member variables

2009-12-07 14:37 VZ, revision 62805

Generate erase background events for native controls too under MSW. Remove the test which prevented the generation of erase background events from wxMSW::wxWindow::HandleEraseBkgnd(). Although it is true that native controls mostly erase background on their own, there are exceptions: we must erase the background of wxToolBar ourselves, for example. More importantly, there is no reason to prevent the user code from defining wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND handlers for the native controls as this works just fine under MSW (although it doesn't under GTK nor probably other ports...). So also add a test erase background handler to the toolbar sample to verify that this does work. Closes #11514.

2009-12-07 06:01 VZ, revision 62804

Use white background by default for multiline readonly wxTextCtrl under MSW. The best default behaviour seems to be to use white background for multiline text controls even when they're read-only, as in previous wx versions. Also see #11521 which could be implemented to make this configurable.

2009-12-07 06:01 VZ, revision 62803

Move wxMSW wxTextCtrl::GetDefaultAttributes() to wxTextCtrlBase. This commit doesn't introduce any changes in the control behaviour, it simply moves the existing method to the base class because it is not MSW-specific. Also implement wxTextCtrlBase::GetClassDefaultAttributes() because if a class implements GetDefaultAttributes() it should implement it as well.

2009-12-07 04:04 VZ, revision 62802

Define MY_DLL_BUILDING symbol for dll sample DLL build. This is necessary to properly define MY_DLL_DECL as either WXIMPORT or WXEXPORT depending on whether my_dll.h is included from DLL itself or from outside it. Without this, MSVC generated warnings about inconsistent dll linkage.

2009-12-07 04:04 VZ, revision 62801

Add semi-public wxDynamicLibrary::MSWGetModuleHandle(). Rename old private wxGetModuleHandle() function to wxDynamicLibrary:: MSWGetModuleHandle() to allow its use in the dll sample. This fixes the sample compilation with VC6 which lacks GetModuleHandleEx()- related declarations.

2009-12-07 04:04 VZ, revision 62800

Correct placement of calling convention keyword: must follow the return type. Using __stdcall before the return type results in a warning with VC6 and an error with VC9, place it after the return type. Also use wxSTDCALL instead of just __stdcall for potentially better compatibility with other compilers.

2009-12-07 04:04 VZ, revision 62799

Regenerate dll samples makefiles using the correct source file name. The file is called wx_exe.cpp and not dll_user_wx.cpp in the svn, do use the correct name.

2009-12-07 03:20 VZ, revision 62798
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/dll/dll.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/ribbon/ribbon.dsw

Remove a couple of VC6 workspace files for the samples. See r62797.

2009-12-07 03:18 VZ, revision 62797
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/dll/dll_vc7.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/dll/dll_vc8.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/dll/dll_vc9.sln

Remove the MSVC solution files added with the new dll sample. We don't keep solution files in svn for the other samples, there is no reason for this one to be exceptional.

2009-12-07 02:54 KO, revision 62796

Add wxTLW::SetModified to allow apps to set the TLW's dirty state. On Mac this gives us the dot in the close button, not implemented elsewhere yet.

2009-12-06 17:32 KO, revision 62795

Handle deprecated style so we don't assert and then crash.

2009-12-06 16:31 VZ, revision 62794

Restore TAB in accelerator string wrong removed by r62791. See #11512.

2009-12-06 03:30 VZ, revision 62793

Correct two bugs in wxMBConv::FromWChar() with non NUL-terminated strings. The variable "lenChunk" was incorrectly used as the length of the wide string chunk which could result in wrong output. Worse, the output buffer could be overflown for the final chunk because it didn't have to have enough space for the trailing NUL(s) in it. Fix both bugs and added unit tests for them. Based on patch by Kuang-che Wu. Closes #11486.

2009-12-06 03:29 VZ, revision 62792

Minor corrections to ToWChar() comment. Don't refer to the non-existent outputBuf parameter and don't imply that the value of dstLen matters to decide whether we really convert or not -- only whether dst pointer itself is NULL or not does. See #11486.

2009-12-06 03:29 VZ, revision 62791

Use wxAcceleratorEntry::ToString() for undo/redo accelerator labels. Don't hardcode the string representation of the accelerators, it was inconsistent with the rest of wxWidgets which used '-' while here a '+' was used. Closes #11512.

2009-12-06 03:29 VZ, revision 62790

Fix wxFD_CLR() definition for Intel compiler under Linux. wxFD_CLR() should be void, not bool. Closes #11517.

2009-12-05 20:57 PC, revision 62789

minor cleanup

2009-12-05 20:45 PC, revision 62788

remove unused variables, minor cleanup

2009-12-05 20:29 PC, revision 62787

remove -I on nonexistent directory

2009-12-05 20:26 PC, revision 62786

remove unnecessary DoGetBestSize

2009-12-05 20:25 PC, revision 62785

simplify Enable()

2009-12-05 19:54 VS, revision 62784

Added samples/dll for showing how to use wxWidgets to implement a DLL that is used from another application written with a different toolkit (or different wx version).

2009-12-05 18:31 VZ, revision 62783

Implement wxNativeContainerWindow::IsShown() for MSW. Simply use native ::IsWindowVisible() for IsShown() implementation. Closes #11503.

2009-12-05 18:31 VZ, revision 62782

Add support for MSW unique volume names to wxFileName. Recognize the paths starting with "\\?\Volume{GUID}" under MSW and provide a way to test for them. Closes #8874.

2009-12-05 18:30 VZ, revision 62781

Don't lock global mutex when deleting wxThread to avoid deadlocks. Calling out the user-defined wxThread dtor while holding gs_mutexDeleteThread lock is a bad idea as it may result in deadlocks if the dtor deletes another thread. Only lock the mutex directly before manipulating the data it protects. Thanks to Neno Ganchev. Closes #11501.

2009-12-05 18:24 PC, revision 62780

correct parameter type

2009-12-05 15:25 VZ, revision 62779

Don't crash in wxActiveXContainer if FindConnectionPoint() failed. This method is supposed to succeed but don't crash by calling Advise() on NULL pointer if it did not.

2009-12-05 10:05 VS, revision 62778

Documented that wxCriticalSection can be used before wxInitialize(), as a global object.

2009-12-05 02:32 VZ, revision 62777

Fix wxLogChain (and wxLogWindow deriving from it) broken by wxLog changes. wxLogChain::DoLogRecord() only called DoLogRecord() on the old logger but not the new one when the new logger was the same object as wxLogChain itself as is always the case for wxLogWindow. The result was that nothing was logged into the window.

2009-12-03 19:19 JMS, revision 62773

Exit wxPropertyGrid::RecalculateVirtualSize() immediately if it was called before the grid state was initialized.

2009-12-03 19:08 JMS, revision 62772

Handle the rare case where wxPropertyGrid::HandleCustomEditorEvent() may receive event before the grid state has been initialized.

2009-12-03 18:20 PC, revision 62771

make access for virtuals match base

2009-12-03 17:26 VZ, revision 62770

Suppress errors from static bitmap page of widgets sample. Don't fail loudly if the image file is not found (which can happen under Unix if the image sample wasn't built yet or if we're not running the sample from its own directory) but just don't create the bitmap.

2009-12-03 17:26 VZ, revision 62769

Don't assert if the path is not absolute in wxFileDialog::SetPath(). Remove the assert added in r62101 (see #10917), it was wrong as the other ports do not assert in this case. Instead, just ensure that the path we use with the GTK+ native chooser is absolute.

2009-12-02 18:28 PC, revision 62764

make array data fully const

2009-12-02 18:27 PC, revision 62763

use const_cast where appropriate

2009-12-02 17:36 PC, revision 62762

check for self assignment in operator=

2009-12-02 14:27 VZ, revision 62761

Compilation fix after r62754. Don't pass second argument to wxPizza::New() any more in wxStaticBox.

2009-12-02 01:57 BP, revision 62760

Removed hard-coded timer Id in wxAUI for the transparent hint fade functionality. (fixes #11435)

2009-12-01 21:23 BP, revision 62759

Forward-port of r62758 (Added wxHtmlEasyPrinting name accessor and modifier).

2009-12-01 21:21 BP, revision 62758

Added wxHtmlEasyPrinting name accessor and modifier (only one wxHtmlEasyPrinting instance is supposed to be used for multiple printouts).

2009-12-01 18:16 PC, revision 62756

remove m_backing_window member, to keep people from trying to use it

2009-12-01 17:47 VZ, revision 62755

Add wxOSX_10_6_AND_LATER macro and use it. Replace all occurrences of @interface wxFoo : NSFoo #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 <NSProtocol> #endif which we used for protocols new in 10.6 with just @interface wxFoo : NSFoo wxOSX_10_6_AND_LATER(<NSProtocol>) which looks better and simpler.

2009-12-01 17:23 PC, revision 62754

remove unused data member

2009-12-01 01:43 VZ, revision 62753

Define _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS to suppress MSVC warning in libtiff. Defining lfind as _lfind is not enough and a warning C4996 is still generated by MSVC9 when the function is called.

2009-12-01 01:42 VZ, revision 62752

Define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS when building 3rd party libs with MSVC. Avoid dozens of warnings about "unsafe" use of the standard C library functions in 3rd party code which are harmless and which we don't care about in any case.

2009-11-30 18:47 SC, revision 62749

using 64bit APIs, closes #10184

2009-11-30 14:17 FM, revision 62748

partially revert changes of r58531 as wxCollapsiblePane currently doesn't work with GTK+ 2.18.3 (altough it does work with GTK+ 2.12.2); all following changes (r58632,58718,61109) should have been preserved

2009-11-30 02:08 KO, revision 62747

orderBack puts it behind all windows in its level, including in other apps, so use orderFront instead.

2009-11-30 01:30 VZ, revision 62746

Fix compilation of image sample with wxUSE_LIBPNG==0. Also don't propose to save the file using the extensions not supported in this library build. Closes #11495.

2009-11-30 01:30 VZ, revision 62745

Fix compilation in wxUSE_STL==1 case broken by r62738. We need to use wxString::c_str() explicitly to convert wxString to const char * in STL build.

2009-11-29 22:46 KO, revision 62744

Make sure we setup the base's Show state correctly and send a show event.

2009-11-29 10:42 JMS, revision 62743

Fixed regression: forgot to set wxPropertyGridPageState::m_anyModified to false in wxPropertyGridInterface::ClearModifiedStatus().

2009-11-28 21:09 KO, revision 62741

Fix needed to allow shaped windows, and other windows without a title bar, to get the focus when clicked under OS X.

2009-11-28 21:05 SC, revision 62740

64bit builds had problems with full circles, as we can use 10.4+ only APIs, use new implementation, fixes #11471

2009-11-28 15:37 VZ, revision 62738

Allow calling wxStrchr() with a narrow string and wide character. Calls to wxStrchr(char-string, wide-char) would previously fail if wide character couldn't be converted to a single character in the current locale encoding. Change it to simply return NULL in this case as it's a safe and useful generalization: a narrow string will never contain a wide character not representable in the current locale. Add wxUniChar::GetAsChar() to help with implementing this. Closes #11487.

2009-11-28 04:37 VZ, revision 62737

Define INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES in filename.cpp too. Fix VC6 compilation: INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES is not defined in its headers so we need to do it ourselves (this was done in filefn.cpp before but part of the code using this constant was moved to filename.cpp in r62735 so now we need to define it here too).

2009-11-28 04:37 VZ, revision 62736

No changes, just remove unnecessary UTF-8 bytes. The patch of #11187 (applied in r61884) unnecessarily used +U2019 which can't be converted to latin1, remove it.

2009-11-28 03:40 VZ, revision 62735

Implement wx{File,Dir}Exists() in terms of wxFileName methods. Use wxFileName from the global functions instead of using global functions in wxFileName methods as wxFileName is the preferred API for all these operations. Closes #11488.

2009-11-28 03:29 VZ, revision 62734

Don't override msw.remap system option value in wxToolbook. Introducing a system option for all toolbars and then ignoring it inside wx itself is ridiculous and just goes to prove that this option itself was a mistake. But as we have it, we should respect whatever value it's set to (which should hopefully be 0 anyhow for most modern systems) instead of overriding it forcefully making the mockery of the whole "option" concept.

2009-11-28 03:29 VZ, revision 62733

Avoid infinite recursion in wxToolbook::OnSize() under wxMSW. Reset m_needsRealizing flag before calling wxToolBar::Realize() as doing this can result in another call to wxToolbook::OnSize() itself. Closes #11942.

2009-11-28 03:28 VZ, revision 62732

Use OUTLINETEXTMETRIC::otmpFamilyName to get wxFont face name from MSW. In spite of the name, we need to use otmpFamilyName member of OUTLINETEXTMETRIC struct and not otmpFaceName to get the font face name: the latter may contain (locale-dependent, so the changes of r62708 didn't work for non-English versions of Windows) "Italic" or "Bold" suffix while the former does not and is what we want. This should really fix the unit test failures, even in French locale.

2009-11-27 22:36 VZ, revision 62731

Compilation fix for wxUSE_CAIRO==0 after last commit. Include wx/graphics.h when wxUSE_CAIRO==0 but wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT==1 (as in e.g. MSW builds).

2009-11-27 22:06 VZ, revision 62730

Define wxUSE_CAIRO in wx/chkconf.h to ensure that it's always defined. wxUSE_CAIRO used to be defined only in wx/cairo.h but this header wasn't included by src/common/dcgraph.cpp so the code there was compiled as if we were not using Cairo even when we were (thanks g++ for the warning). Define it in wx/chkconf.h (included from wx/defs.h, i.e. always) now to ensure that not only this bug is fixed but also that it can't happen any more.

2009-11-27 22:05 VZ, revision 62729

Use #ifdef to check for __WXMSW__ and __WXGTK__ and not #if. Using #if doesn't work when symbols are not defined.

2009-11-27 02:47 VZ, revision 62728

Allow changing horizontal alignment of numeric cells in wxGrid. wxGridCellAttr didn't provide any way to query its alignment attributes without falling back to the (always defined) default alignment so the code in wxGridCellNumberRenderer and similar classes simply always used right alignment, Add a new wxGridCellAttr::GetNonDefaultAlignment() function which allows to retrieve the alignment defined in the attribute and use it to use right alignment by default but allow overriding it. Add a test to the sample showing a non right-aligned numeric cell. Incidentally fix a long-standing bug in wxGridCell{DateTime,Enum}Renderers which used wxRIGHT instead of wxALIGN_RIGHT and so were not aligned properly even by default.

2009-11-27 02:47 VZ, revision 62727

Add symbolic constant wxALIGN_INVALID and use it instead of -1 in wxGrid. wxGridCellAttr was using literal -1 to indicate "no alignment" which wasn't immediately obvious, use a new wxALIGN_INVALID (which has the same value) instead.

2009-11-27 00:14 KO, revision 62726

Build fix for OS X <= 10.5.

2009-11-27 00:11 KO, revision 62725

Allow OS X Cocoa (or any OS X port) to override GetBestSize and provide a native OS X Cocoa impl. Also, fix the line ending check under OS X Cocoa, and a sanity check for SetStyle.

2009-11-26 22:52 KO, revision 62724

Add CheckSpelling support for OS X Cocoa, make sure NSTextView-based wxTextCtrls emit EVT_TEXT, and a fix for GetStyle when position == length.

2009-11-26 17:17 VZ, revision 62722

Make wxFileDialog::Set/SetPath() behave consistently. wxFileDialog::GetPath() didn't return the value set by a previous call to SetPath() in wxMSW version. Fix this and also implement SetPath() and SetDirectory() methods in the generic versions in the same way as SetFilename(). Closes #3672.

2009-11-26 17:10 VZ, revision 62721

Fix off by 1 errors in owner-drawn menu drawing code in wxMSW. The label was offset by 1 pixel vertically and the check marks were 1 pixel too wide compared to the native ones under XP, correct this. Closes #11420 (again).

2009-11-26 16:59 VZ, revision 62720

Don't set wxTextAttr font family to invalid value. wxTextAttr::HasFontFamily() shouldn't return true if there is no valid font family in this attribute but this could happen if it was constructed from a font which didn't know its own family. This fixes asserts on the startup of the text sample in wxMSW due to passing wxFONTFAMILY_UNKNOWN to wxFont::SetFamily() when trying to use such invalid attribute later.

2009-11-26 16:59 VZ, revision 62719

Use wxTE_RICH style for the log window in the text sample. This makes it have nicer colour (white instead of grey by default) under MSW and wxTE_RICH was already in the code, just commented out -- it seems it's better to enable it (as it also allows more text to be shown in the control under old Windows versions) than to remove it.

2009-11-26 04:29 VZ, revision 62718

Explicitly set the cursor when showing popup menu on text control in wxMSW. Without this, an I-beam cursor is used when a menu is shown by a rich text control. Set the arrow cursor explicitly to work around this apparent bug in the native control. Closes #11314.

2009-11-26 03:34 VZ, revision 62717

No changes, just avoid overriding GetNativeFontInfoDesc() in wxMSW wxFont. wxFont::GetNativeFontInfoDesc() and GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc() were overridden just to ensure that the font is realized but it makes sense to do it in wxFontRefData::GetNativeFontInfo() itself as detecting the face name won't work if the font is not realized anyhow. And then we don't need these functions at all as the only thing they do is checking that the font is valid when they are called but this can be done in the base class itself as this should happen in all ports (document that this is the case).

2009-11-26 03:33 VZ, revision 62716

Return face name from wxFont::GetNativeFontInfo() under MSW. Retrieve the face name from the system if we don't have it already before returning the native font info. This fixes the currently failing font unit tests.

2009-11-26 02:51 VZ, revision 62715

Improve wxCheckListBox appearance under Vista/Win7. Fix the items alignment and also code cleanup: fix indentation, remove magic numbers &c. Closes #10286.

2009-11-25 15:17 VZ, revision 62713

Correct drawing of check marks for owner-drawn items without bitmaps. Standard check mark was not drawn correctly for check/radio items without bitmaps. Closes #11480.

2009-11-25 15:17 VZ, revision 62712

Correct alignment of menu accelerator strings in owner-drawn menus. Draw them right-aligned as the native menus do. Closes #11479.

2009-11-24 01:02 VZ, revision 62709

Don't use unsafe strcpy() when parsing wxNativeFontInfo. Fix a nice buffer overflow waiting to happen due to the use of wxStrcpy(). Call wxNativeFontInfo::SetFaceName() which uses wxStrlcpy() instead.

2009-11-24 01:02 VZ, revision 62708

Don't return italic/bold suffix from wxFont::GetFaceName() in wxMSW. These suffixes don't make part of the face name in wx API but the native MSW API which we use since r62675 does return them. This made the unit test fail in SettingsTestCase::GlobalFonts() as a face name with such suffix wasn't recognized as a valid face name any more, so simply remove them.

2009-11-24 01:01 VZ, revision 62707

Make the assert in SettingsTestCase::GlobalFonts() more informative. Show the index of the font and the face name which was invalid.

2009-11-24 01:01 VZ, revision 62706

Fix wxListCtrl::GetSubItemRect(wxLIST_RECT_ICON/LABEL) in wxMSW for column 0. Wrong width was returned for the icon or label rectangle when querying the first column. Fix this and add a test to the sample allowing to check this. GetSubItemRect() still returns wrong results for second and subsequent columns, see #11355.

2009-11-24 01:01 VZ, revision 62705

Don't change file access time implicitly when setting it explicitly. wxFileHandle helper class used in wxFileName::SetTimes() under MSW modified the file access time by setting it to the current time because it opened the file in a wrong mode. Closes #10567.

2009-11-24 01:01 VZ, revision 62704

Enable wxGraphicsContext and related classes by default if supported. For MSW, check for gdiplus.h availability when using configure but only support it for MSVC 7+ otherwise. For the other platforms, always support it.

2009-11-23 23:38 VZ, revision 62703

Use theme functions for drawing owner-drawn menus. This makes the menu items with custom attributes or bitmaps look more native, especially on post-XP systems. Closes #11420.

2009-11-23 10:34 JS, revision 62700

Made Unicode the default in symbols dialog.

2009-11-23 10:34 JS, revision 62699

Made Unicode the default in symbols dialog. Fixed wrongly sized symbols dialog.

2009-11-22 12:24 VZ, revision 62698

Define wxNO_RTTI if RTTI support is disabled for g++ or MSVC. For g++ it could have been possible to define wxNO_RTTI in configure itself but it seems better/simpler/more maintainable to do it in C++ code. As for MSVC, we already define wxNO_RTTI correctly if build/msw/ is used but not if (modified or rebaked) project files are used and detecting RTTI support in the code is the only way to fix it.

2009-11-22 12:24 VZ, revision 62697

Document that throwing exceptions from wxTimer::Notify() is unsupported. Currently exceptions thrown from this function are not passed to wxApp:: OnExceptionInMainLoop() (unlike exceptions thrown from timer event handlers).

2009-11-22 12:00 SN, revision 62696

Fixed Cut&Paste error in wxTextCtrl::ChangeValue documentation (fixes #11469).

2009-11-21 18:02 SC, revision 62695

making sure creation is setup correctly for wx-frame coordinates into cocoa-content coordinates, fixes #11463

2009-11-21 12:39 JMS, revision 62694

Added a new documentation overview section 'Caveats When Not Using C++ RTTI', describing possible problems with Bind() and wxAny when C++ RTTI is disabled.

2009-11-21 10:28 JMS, revision 62693

Unified meaning of wxTypeIdentifier in RTTI and RTTI-less type info systems; Fixed and added some comments

2009-11-19 23:34 VZ, revision 62692

Fix compilation for some wxMSW configurations. wx/scopeguard.h was not always included when using PCH, so include it in any case, not just #ifndef WX_PRECOMP.

2009-11-19 22:16 JMS, revision 62691

Fixed builds without wxHAS_EVENT_BIND (typeinfo.h include was misplaced)

2009-11-19 20:27 JMS, revision 62690

Added typeinfo.h which implements wxTypeId, using C++ RTTI if available. wxAny and Unbind<>() code are updated to use it. Added and updated related unit tests.

2009-11-19 02:36 VZ, revision 62686

Compilation fix for wxUSE_STL build: another missing _str(). Use utf8_str() to convert wxString to GTK+ string instead of relying on implicit conversion which doesn't exist when wxUSE_STL==1 (and also when using wchar_t-based Unicode build).

2009-11-18 22:01 KO, revision 62683

Fix accidental commit of 2.8 ABI compat. code.

2009-11-18 20:22 KO, revision 62682

Rebake after last commit.

2009-11-18 20:05 KO, revision 62681

Forward port of r60190 (wxMSW Cairo support) to trunk.

2009-11-18 15:01 JS, revision 62680

Fixed #11212 [RichText sample] Assert/Crash when Styles combo box opened Patch by Catalin

2009-11-18 10:56 VZ, revision 62679

Suppress harmless g++ warnings about converting float/double to int. The conversion is done on purpose on these places so just suppress the warning by using explicit casts.

2009-11-18 10:56 VZ, revision 62678

Fix harmless g++ warning about using NULL for non-pointer. PostQueuedCompletionStatus() may be either an int or a pointer, pass 0 instead of NULL when we don't care about its value anyhow.

2009-11-18 04:45 VZ, revision 62677

Fix handling of invalid paths with multiple columns in wxFileName. SplitVolume() didn't handle colons in the initial position correctly which surprised SetPath() and led to accessing an out-of-range string element. Fix SplitVolume() and also add a check to SetPath() itself as it seems like it could be called with a path containing the volume only. Closes #11453.

2009-11-18 04:18 VZ, revision 62676

Remove unnecessary manual face name selection code. The change of r60391 made specifying the face name explicitly unnecessary but left the code which filled "facename" array in wxNativeFontInfo::SetFamily() with face names even though it was never used -- simply remove this code.

2009-11-18 04:18 VZ, revision 62675

Implement wxFont::GetFaceName() to return the face name being really used. Since the change of r60391 empty face name was returned for all fonts created using the standard wxFont constructor (so basically all fonts except for those created from native font info and the default/normal font which we retrieve from the system). Use Windows GetOutlineTextMetrics() function to get the real face name being used independently of the way the font was created.

2009-11-17 21:20 VS, revision 62674

Improved handling of anchors in wxHTML: scroll to better position (patch #11406).

2009-11-17 15:47 VZ, revision 62672

Fix typo in Bind() documentation: s/binded/bound/ Closes #11450.

2009-11-17 15:47 VZ, revision 62671

Explicitly document event types for EVT_CLOSE(). Closes #11445.

2009-11-16 22:57 BP, revision 62670

Backport of r62669 to 2.8 branch. Fix crash when dragging toolbars in wxAuiManager::OnFloatingPaneMoveStart(). (fixes #10170)

2009-11-16 22:55 BP, revision 62669

Fix crash when dragging toolbars in wxAuiManager::OnFloatingPaneMoveStart(). (fixes #10170)

2009-11-16 22:31 RD, revision 62668

Add some missing commas. Fixes #11443

2009-11-16 22:28 RD, revision 62667

Add some missing commas. Fixes #11443

2009-11-16 19:39 RR, revision 62666

Always set focus to the item selected using Select()

2009-11-16 16:03 VZ, revision 62665

Fix wxDataViewRenderer::GetEllipsizeMode() for kDataBrowserTruncateTextMiddle. The value of this constant is 0 so don't test for it using operator "&", it's just the default if no others are specified. Fixes assert on startup of the dataview sample.

2009-11-15 16:07 RR, revision 62664

Maybe fixed assertion when using built-in searching non-string columns

2009-11-15 15:54 RR, revision 62663

Don't use Ctrl-F as it hides a bug

2009-11-15 14:39 RR, revision 62662

Do earlier and better checking for matching actions and data format, hopefully fixes #11201

2009-11-15 13:05 SC, revision 62661

fixing typo for builds < 10.6

2009-11-15 11:29 RR, revision 62660

Disable GTK cast checks in wx code

2009-11-15 10:40 RR, revision 62659

Revert wxFlexGridSizer constr. change

2009-11-15 05:02 PC, revision 62657

look for backtrace() in -lexecinfo, fixes #9783

2009-11-15 02:36 KO, revision 62656

ShowWithoutActivating fix for OS X Cocoa, and also add support for shaped windows at least when the image being drawn has proper alpha/mask set. I'm not sure if we can support it by setting a region on the TLW, as the way to do this in Cocoa is just to make the TLW's background transparent and use alpha in whatever you draw.

2009-11-15 00:15 VZ, revision 62655

Implement support for wxSL_<DIR> in wxGTK, show them better in the sample. Support wxSL_{LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM} in wxGTL version of wxSlider. Make the display of the orientations in the slider page of the widgets sample more clear. Also document wxSL_<DIR> meaning better.

2009-11-15 00:15 VZ, revision 62654

No changes, just removed trailing spaces.

2009-11-15 00:15 VZ, revision 62653

Correct wxSL_VERTICAL addition in r62618. It was incorrectly added to the case label value instead of flags.

2009-11-15 00:14 VZ, revision 62652

Minor corrections to wxSL_LABELS definition and documentation. Use parentheses around the macro expansion to ensure that code like "whatever & ~wxSL_LABELS" still works as expected. Be more explicit in wxSL_LABELS description and mark wxSL_MIN_MAX_LABELS and wxSL_VALUE_LABEL as being new in 2.9.1.

2009-11-14 22:50 RR, revision 62651

Restore ability to create wxFlexGridSizer with 2 params (number of columns and vertical gap)

2009-11-14 20:52 KO, revision 62650

Don't assert when we get wxBG_STYLE_TRANSPARENT.

2009-11-14 20:51 KO, revision 62649

Fix typo that broke compilation and adjust the defines to avoid an empty #if.

2009-11-14 19:56 RR, revision 62648

Hide value label explicitly

2009-11-14 18:34 VZ, revision 62645

Undo test code accidentally committed as part of r62643.