

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-11-28 03:29 VZ, revision 62734

Don't override msw.remap system option value in wxToolbook. Introducing a system option for all toolbars and then ignoring it inside wx itself is ridiculous and just goes to prove that this option itself was a mistake. But as we have it, we should respect whatever value it's set to (which should hopefully be 0 anyhow for most modern systems) instead of overriding it forcefully making the mockery of the whole "option" concept.

2009-11-28 03:29 VZ, revision 62733

Avoid infinite recursion in wxToolbook::OnSize() under wxMSW. Reset m_needsRealizing flag before calling wxToolBar::Realize() as doing this can result in another call to wxToolbook::OnSize() itself. Closes #11942.

2009-11-28 03:28 VZ, revision 62732

Use OUTLINETEXTMETRIC::otmpFamilyName to get wxFont face name from MSW. In spite of the name, we need to use otmpFamilyName member of OUTLINETEXTMETRIC struct and not otmpFaceName to get the font face name: the latter may contain (locale-dependent, so the changes of r62708 didn't work for non-English versions of Windows) "Italic" or "Bold" suffix while the former does not and is what we want. This should really fix the unit test failures, even in French locale.

2009-11-27 22:36 VZ, revision 62731

Compilation fix for wxUSE_CAIRO==0 after last commit. Include wx/graphics.h when wxUSE_CAIRO==0 but wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT==1 (as in e.g. MSW builds).

2009-11-27 22:06 VZ, revision 62730

Define wxUSE_CAIRO in wx/chkconf.h to ensure that it's always defined. wxUSE_CAIRO used to be defined only in wx/cairo.h but this header wasn't included by src/common/dcgraph.cpp so the code there was compiled as if we were not using Cairo even when we were (thanks g++ for the warning). Define it in wx/chkconf.h (included from wx/defs.h, i.e. always) now to ensure that not only this bug is fixed but also that it can't happen any more.

2009-11-27 22:05 VZ, revision 62729

Use #ifdef to check for __WXMSW__ and __WXGTK__ and not #if. Using #if doesn't work when symbols are not defined.

2009-11-27 02:47 VZ, revision 62728

Allow changing horizontal alignment of numeric cells in wxGrid. wxGridCellAttr didn't provide any way to query its alignment attributes without falling back to the (always defined) default alignment so the code in wxGridCellNumberRenderer and similar classes simply always used right alignment, Add a new wxGridCellAttr::GetNonDefaultAlignment() function which allows to retrieve the alignment defined in the attribute and use it to use right alignment by default but allow overriding it. Add a test to the sample showing a non right-aligned numeric cell. Incidentally fix a long-standing bug in wxGridCell{DateTime,Enum}Renderers which used wxRIGHT instead of wxALIGN_RIGHT and so were not aligned properly even by default.

2009-11-27 02:47 VZ, revision 62727

Add symbolic constant wxALIGN_INVALID and use it instead of -1 in wxGrid. wxGridCellAttr was using literal -1 to indicate "no alignment" which wasn't immediately obvious, use a new wxALIGN_INVALID (which has the same value) instead.

2009-11-27 00:14 KO, revision 62726

Build fix for OS X <= 10.5.

2009-11-27 00:11 KO, revision 62725

Allow OS X Cocoa (or any OS X port) to override GetBestSize and provide a native OS X Cocoa impl. Also, fix the line ending check under OS X Cocoa, and a sanity check for SetStyle.

2009-11-26 22:52 KO, revision 62724

Add CheckSpelling support for OS X Cocoa, make sure NSTextView-based wxTextCtrls emit EVT_TEXT, and a fix for GetStyle when position == length.

2009-11-26 17:17 VZ, revision 62722

Make wxFileDialog::Set/SetPath() behave consistently. wxFileDialog::GetPath() didn't return the value set by a previous call to SetPath() in wxMSW version. Fix this and also implement SetPath() and SetDirectory() methods in the generic versions in the same way as SetFilename(). Closes #3672.

2009-11-26 17:10 VZ, revision 62721

Fix off by 1 errors in owner-drawn menu drawing code in wxMSW. The label was offset by 1 pixel vertically and the check marks were 1 pixel too wide compared to the native ones under XP, correct this. Closes #11420 (again).

2009-11-26 16:59 VZ, revision 62720

Don't set wxTextAttr font family to invalid value. wxTextAttr::HasFontFamily() shouldn't return true if there is no valid font family in this attribute but this could happen if it was constructed from a font which didn't know its own family. This fixes asserts on the startup of the text sample in wxMSW due to passing wxFONTFAMILY_UNKNOWN to wxFont::SetFamily() when trying to use such invalid attribute later.

2009-11-26 16:59 VZ, revision 62719

Use wxTE_RICH style for the log window in the text sample. This makes it have nicer colour (white instead of grey by default) under MSW and wxTE_RICH was already in the code, just commented out -- it seems it's better to enable it (as it also allows more text to be shown in the control under old Windows versions) than to remove it.

2009-11-26 04:29 VZ, revision 62718

Explicitly set the cursor when showing popup menu on text control in wxMSW. Without this, an I-beam cursor is used when a menu is shown by a rich text control. Set the arrow cursor explicitly to work around this apparent bug in the native control. Closes #11314.

2009-11-26 03:34 VZ, revision 62717

No changes, just avoid overriding GetNativeFontInfoDesc() in wxMSW wxFont. wxFont::GetNativeFontInfoDesc() and GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc() were overridden just to ensure that the font is realized but it makes sense to do it in wxFontRefData::GetNativeFontInfo() itself as detecting the face name won't work if the font is not realized anyhow. And then we don't need these functions at all as the only thing they do is checking that the font is valid when they are called but this can be done in the base class itself as this should happen in all ports (document that this is the case).

2009-11-26 03:33 VZ, revision 62716

Return face name from wxFont::GetNativeFontInfo() under MSW. Retrieve the face name from the system if we don't have it already before returning the native font info. This fixes the currently failing font unit tests.

2009-11-26 02:51 VZ, revision 62715

Improve wxCheckListBox appearance under Vista/Win7. Fix the items alignment and also code cleanup: fix indentation, remove magic numbers &c. Closes #10286.

2009-11-25 15:17 VZ, revision 62713

Correct drawing of check marks for owner-drawn items without bitmaps. Standard check mark was not drawn correctly for check/radio items without bitmaps. Closes #11480.

2009-11-25 15:17 VZ, revision 62712

Correct alignment of menu accelerator strings in owner-drawn menus. Draw them right-aligned as the native menus do. Closes #11479.

2009-11-24 01:02 VZ, revision 62709

Don't use unsafe strcpy() when parsing wxNativeFontInfo. Fix a nice buffer overflow waiting to happen due to the use of wxStrcpy(). Call wxNativeFontInfo::SetFaceName() which uses wxStrlcpy() instead.

2009-11-24 01:02 VZ, revision 62708

Don't return italic/bold suffix from wxFont::GetFaceName() in wxMSW. These suffixes don't make part of the face name in wx API but the native MSW API which we use since r62675 does return them. This made the unit test fail in SettingsTestCase::GlobalFonts() as a face name with such suffix wasn't recognized as a valid face name any more, so simply remove them.

2009-11-24 01:01 VZ, revision 62707

Make the assert in SettingsTestCase::GlobalFonts() more informative. Show the index of the font and the face name which was invalid.

2009-11-24 01:01 VZ, revision 62706

Fix wxListCtrl::GetSubItemRect(wxLIST_RECT_ICON/LABEL) in wxMSW for column 0. Wrong width was returned for the icon or label rectangle when querying the first column. Fix this and add a test to the sample allowing to check this. GetSubItemRect() still returns wrong results for second and subsequent columns, see #11355.