

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-02-03 06:22 KO, revision 63364

Add sanity check on the item number.

2010-02-02 23:19 JS, revision 63358

Fixes for incorrect selection, extra newline insertion when undoing deletion of selection, insufficient refresh for operations on last line, HasCharacter/ParagraphAttributes bug.

2010-02-02 23:19 JS, revision 63357

Fixes for incorrect selection, extra newline insertion when undoing deletion of selection, incorrect SetScrollbar optimization, insufficient refresh for operations on last line, HasCharacter/ParagraphAttributes bug.

2010-02-02 16:19 JMS, revision 63356

Do not clear property selection when adding new properties, but instead correct positions of any open editor controls.

2010-02-02 12:23 JS, revision 63355

Don't crash if there's no top window.

2010-02-01 13:07 JS, revision 63345

Simplify SetSelectionRange and make consistent with SetSelection. Fix a bug that returns true for character and paragraph style tests if no characters or paragraphs were found. Fix SetSelection to position caret at end.

2010-02-01 11:45 JS, revision 63344

Simplify SetSelectionRange and make consistent with SetSelection. Fix a bug that returns true for character and paragraph style tests if no characters or paragraphs were found. Fix SetSelection to position caret at end.

2010-02-01 09:23 SC, revision 63343

adapting to new API variant

2010-02-01 02:20 KO, revision 63340

nschars is never used for the wxEVT_CHAR case, so don't assign it a different value for this case.

2010-02-01 01:48 KO, revision 63339

Use the correct type to fix Tiger compilation.

2010-01-31 19:31 VZ, revision 63338

Update bakefile.m4 to bakefile 0.2.8 which was used for makefiles. When a new bakefile version is used, build/aclocal/bakefile.m4 must be updated and configure must be regenerated to take into account the changes in autoconf_inc.m4, otherwise incorrect makefiles will be produced (for example, symbolic links for shared libraries were not created in Unix build this time).

2010-01-31 19:15 JMS, revision 63337

Added nominal wxPG_PROP_READONLY support for editor controls other than wxTextCtrl-based ones

2010-01-31 19:14 JMS, revision 63336

Added command to set wxPG_PROP_READONLY in the propgrid sample

2010-01-31 19:13 JMS, revision 63335

Fixed value column rendering for properties which do not create editor control when selected

2010-01-31 16:19 SC, revision 63334

fix for sleep mode on displays, fixes #11557

2010-01-31 15:42 SC, revision 63333

avoiding catching incorrect shortcuts, see #11676

2010-01-31 12:01 SC, revision 63332

supporting clipboard command shortcuts on osx_cocoa as well, simplifying code

2010-01-29 14:07 VZ, revision 63306

Disable wxUSE_FSWATCHER under Unix if neither inotify nor kqueue is available. Don't define wxUSE_FSWATCHER as 1 in configure if we can't implement it. Also add a check to wx/unix/chkconf.h to verify that we didn't end up with an inconsistent configuration somehow. Closes #11670.

2010-01-28 22:46 MW, revision 63303

Fix for file length fixup.

2010-01-28 22:46 MW, revision 63302

Fix for file length fixup.

2010-01-28 22:38 MW, revision 63301

Allow large file tests to run by default on more platforms.

2010-01-28 22:36 MW, revision 63300

Backport stdio large file support for VC++ and mingw.

2010-01-28 14:49 SC, revision 63299

storing modal returncode correctly for carbon

2010-01-28 14:48 SC, revision 63298

make sure modality is reflected correctly when rerouted from window-modal to app-modal

2010-01-28 13:30 CE, revision 63297

fix version as per email

2010-01-28 13:07 VZ, revision 63296

Disable wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN for wxUniv to fix the build. wxMenuItem in wxUniv doesn't even use wxOwnerDrawn but linking in ownerdrwcmn.cpp is enough to break the DLL build of wxUniv at least under MSW as it references symbols normally defined in msw/ownerdrw.cpp which is not part of wxUniv. Fix this by simply disabling wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN under wxUniv for now as it's unused anyhow.

2010-01-28 11:14 CE, revision 63295

bakefile 0.2.8 and wxw2.8.11

2010-01-28 10:54 SC, revision 63294

adding window-modal message box sample

2010-01-28 10:27 CE, revision 63293

version to 2.8.11

2010-01-28 09:28 SC, revision 63292

setting correct alertType

2010-01-28 05:06 KO, revision 63291

Get ShowWindowModal behavior working under OS X Cocoa for file, dir and message dialogs.

2010-01-27 00:04 VZ, revision 63282

Never block in wxSocket::Peek(). Peek() is not expected to block so ensure that it doesn't, independently of the currently used socket flags, by using wxSOCKET_NOWAIT. See #11528.

2010-01-26 22:09 JMS, revision 63281

wxPGProperty::GetHintText() function body was missing 'inline' keyword

2010-01-26 18:44 JMS, revision 63280

Fixed wxPGGlobalVars export declaration

2010-01-26 15:36 SC, revision 63279

optimizing creation of glcontexts, less flicker

2010-01-26 15:24 JJ, revision 63278

Fixes for compilation on OpenVMS platforms

2010-01-26 13:43 VZ, revision 63277

Add wxTreeCtrl::SelectChildren() method. Add MSW and generic implementation, documentation and change to the sample showing it. Closes #11620.

2010-01-26 13:39 VZ, revision 63276

Try to prevent users from forgetting to include wx.rc from their resources. Document that some of the standard cursors are defined in this file. Also add a (hopefully) helpful assert if loading one of such cursors failed. Closes #11424.

2010-01-26 13:33 VZ, revision 63275

Don't pass logs at unknown levels to wxLog::DoLogRecord() from wxLogGui. This results in an assert in DoLogText() which is not implemented in the base class but ends up being called as DoLogTextAtLevel() doesn't know how to handle non-standard log levels otherwise. This assert happened if you simply called wxLogMessage(wxLOG_User, ...) in the program. Just ignore messages at unknown log levels instead in wxLogGui, by definition it can't handle them anyhow. See also r63167.

2010-01-26 13:33 VZ, revision 63274

Another compilation fix for wxMSW without PCH. Need to include <commctrl.h> as we use HIMAGELIST and related functions now. See #11595.

2010-01-26 13:16 VZ, revision 63273

Implement RequestUserAttention() for wxOSX/Cocoa. Simply use NSApplication:requestUserAttention to do it.

2010-01-26 10:01 VZ, revision 63272

Compilation fixes for PCH-less build after ownerdraw-refactor branch merge. Forward declare more classes, in particular use tagRECT which can be forward declared, instead of RECT typedef in public headers. Also include more header in #ifndef WX_PRECOMP case. See #11595.

2010-01-26 10:01 VZ, revision 63271

Avoid g++ warning about unhandled wxFONTFAMILY_XXX value in a switch. Add wxFONTFAMILY_UNKNOWN case to the switch as it will allow us to be warned if we add a new family in the future and forget to update this code to take it into account.

2010-01-26 10:01 VZ, revision 63270

No real changes, just don't initialize extern variable to avoid g++ warning. g++ warns about initialized extern variables so separate the declaration from the initialization to avoid this warning.

2010-01-26 10:00 VZ, revision 63269

Make wxWindow::MSWGetThemeColour() const. There doesn't seem to be any reason for this method to not be const.

2010-01-26 10:00 VZ, revision 63268

Compilation fix for wxUniv. We need explicit casts to wxWindow in wxWindowMSW code.

2010-01-25 23:27 SC, revision 63266

simplifying code, removing outdated API

2010-01-25 23:24 SC, revision 63265

adding note for correct wheel params

2010-01-25 20:19 JS, revision 63264

Added symbol for wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_SHOWN

2010-01-25 19:48 JS, revision 63263

Added EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_SHOWN event for wxWizard, to give apps a chance to initiate processing after a page is presented.

2010-01-25 19:47 JS, revision 63262

Added EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_SHOWN event for wxWizard, to give apps a chance to initiate processing after a page is presented.

2010-01-25 18:12 SC, revision 63261

better wheel support

2010-01-25 18:12 SC, revision 63260

make sure we can override GetModality

2010-01-25 14:27 SC, revision 63259

adding wxWindow::Show in order to make the sheet showing its children as well

2010-01-25 14:26 SC, revision 63258

fixing building on iphone

2010-01-25 12:32 JJ, revision 63257

Update compile support for OpenVMS

2010-01-25 00:28 KO, revision 63254

Fix mistake, though this assert is unfortunate since now FindString("whatever") will always assert under OS X Cocoa, even when it would find and return the position correctly.

2010-01-24 20:09 SC, revision 63253

supporting auto-rotate for translucent statusbar

2010-01-24 15:15 VZ, revision 63252

Compilation fix after ownerdraw-refactor branch merge. Don't use HDC in public headers, it may not be declared there. Use WXHDC instead even if this means having ugly casts. This fixed mingw32 compilation (see #11595).

2010-01-24 12:51 VS, revision 63251

Fixed dialog units <-> pixels conversion. The computation is now identical to Windows native one. To achieve this, MSDN-recommended GetTextExtent() call is used instead of GetCharWidth(). wxMulDivInt32() is used instead of integer arithmetics to achieve correct rounding. Use toplevel parent's font instead of window's own. This makes more sense, as dialog units are defined for TLWs, not individual subcontrols. Also fixed wxMSW's wxButton::GetDefaultSize() to compute dialog units correctly.

2010-01-24 12:51 VS, revision 63250

Determine wxButton size correctly in wxMSW. Instead of using default size for default GUI font, use the default font for this dialog's current font.

2010-01-24 12:33 VZ, revision 63249

Fix bug in wxStringOutputStream unit test. We wrote an extra NUL byte to the stream and, unsurprisingly, contents of its buffer didn't match the original string resulting in the test failure. Also get rid of a #if wxUSE_UNICODE.

2010-01-24 12:33 VZ, revision 63248

Override IsSeekable() in wxString{Input,Output}Stream to return true. These streams are seekable but somehow IsSeekable() was never overridden for them resulting in test failures in Input_SeekI().

2010-01-24 12:33 VZ, revision 63247

Document that wxComboBox::Dismiss() and Popup() generate events. Currently these functions generate events in both of the existing implementations (GTK and MSW) so it is simpler to let them to continue to do it but this must at least be documented as this is probably unexpected by users.

2010-01-24 11:13 VZ, revision 63246

Correct UTF-32BE BOM detection in wxConvAuto. On the fly detection of the BOM was wrongly implemented for UTF-32BE in r63064 and returned BOM_None for it if we tried to read exactly 2 bytes. Fix this by returning BOM_Unknown if the first 2 bytes are NUL.

2010-01-24 11:13 VZ, revision 63245

Correct bug with returning 0 for non-empty input from wxConvAuto::ToWChar(). Since the changes of r63064 we could return 0 when asked to convert a non-empty buffer containing only a BOM. This confused the logic in wxTextInputStream::NextChar() and was generally unexpected so now return wxCONV_FAILED in this case.

2010-01-24 11:13 VZ, revision 63244

Check the result of ToWChar() call in wxTextInputStream::NextChar() better. The logic in this function depends on ToWChar() working correctly so check that it doesn't return obviously wrong results, e.g. 0 output length for non-empty input. This was mostly done to detect the problem in wxConvAuto currently but it could also be useful with user-defined conversions and shouldn't have a big performance effect on wxTextInputStream so leave these checks in to facilitate debugging in the future.

2010-01-24 10:13 VZ, revision 63243

Replace wxLogWarning()s in wxOSX wxComboBox code with asserts. This incidentally fixes compilation when not using PCH as wx/log.h was not included but is also more correct as the messages meant for the programmer, and not the user, should be given using asserts and not wxLog. Also correct some asserts messages. In particular, don't mention the function name in the message itself as it's already shown by the assert and using it in the string itself isn't useful and simply introduces the risk of forgetting to update it after refactoring, as happened here in r63105.

2010-01-24 02:00 VZ, revision 63242

Add wxComboBox::Popup() and Dismiss() to manually show or hide its popup. Add implementations for wxMSW and wxGTK. Closes #11506.

2010-01-24 02:00 VZ, revision 63241

No changes, just remove the strange "#if 1". This was apparently unintentionally added in r15050 to all files of the widgets sample and somehow survived in this one only until now.

2010-01-24 02:00 VZ, revision 63240

Fix sending of wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING events in wxMSW wxListCtrl. We were not getting HDN_TRACK from the system because apparently it is not sent for header controls with HDS_FULLDRAG style which is used by default by the native list control. A possible solution would be to forcefully unset this style but this would make the UI look old fashioned and less intuitive so instead send these DRAGGING events from HDN_ITEMCHANGING. Closes #9471,

2010-01-24 02:00 VZ, revision 63239

Move wx/evtloop.h from GUI_CMN_HDR to BASE_CMN_HDR in files.bkl. And rebake. Now that wxEventLoop can be used in wxBase as well, we need this file to be installed as part of wxBase too. Closes #11617.

2010-01-24 02:00 VZ, revision 63238

Fix wxHTTPStream::Eof() to return true for empty HTTP resources. Eof() never returned true when attempting to read an empty resource before. Closes #11596.

2010-01-24 01:59 VZ, revision 63237

Use a helper wxNEEDS_DECL_BEFORE_TEMPLATE symbol in wxStrcoll() workaround. The condition for which this workaround is needed has already changed once (see #11605) and may change again in the future as we test with more compilers so use a symbolic name for it. No real changes otherwise.

2010-01-24 01:59 VZ, revision 63236

Apply workaround for wxStrcoll() template for g++ to 3.4 too. At least mingw32 version of g++ 3.4.5 needs the same workaround to be able to compile wx. Closes #11605.

2010-01-23 23:45 KO, revision 63235

Fix for generic implementation.

2010-01-23 22:17 KO, revision 63234

Fix for non-Mac builds.

2010-01-23 21:10 KO, revision 63233

Remove assert that was used during testing while changing style flags.

2010-01-23 21:06 KO, revision 63232

Start on ShowWindowModal for OS X Cocoa. Not working properly as children do not display.

2010-01-23 16:25 VZ, revision 63231

Output wxT() and not _T() in code generated by wxrc. Also use wxT() in wxrc.cpp itself, just to be sure that there are no other occurrences of _T() left. Closes #11649.

2010-01-23 14:44 VZ, revision 63230

Add virtual wxSizer::DoInsert() to replace Insert(). This allows to avoid problems with hiding all but the overridden overloads of Insert() in wxSizer-derived classes, see #11616, without having to explicitly write any using statements. Keep Insert(size_t, wxSizerItem) virtual to allow the existing code overriding it to keep working.

2010-01-23 14:22 VZ, revision 63229

Allow to not create wxPaintDC in EVT_PAINT handler in wxMSW. Failure to create a wxPaintDC in EVT_PAINT handler resulted in many serious and difficult to debug problems under wxMSW. We used to document that the user shouldn't do it but this wasn't enough (see #11648). We could also assert if we detected that a handler didn't create a wxPaintDC but it seems better to just handle this case gracefully for consistency with the other platforms. Add wxDidCreatePaintDC global variable which is reset before generating wxPaintEvent and set to true when ::BeginPaint() is called from wxPaintDC ctor and validate the update region of the window ourselves if it wasn't set (meaning that wxPaintDC wasn't created). Update the documentation to emphasize the link between EVT_PAINT handlers and wxPaintDC but without saying that wxPaintDC object must always be created in the handler as this is not true any more.

2010-01-23 14:22 VZ, revision 63228

Don't crash when input is empty in wxFileConfig(wxInputStream) ctor. Fix crash due to dereferencing a NULL pointer when the input buffer in wxFileConfig ctor is empty. Closes #11636.

2010-01-23 14:22 VZ, revision 63227

Fix off by 1 errors in owner-drawn menu drawing code in wxMSW. The label was offset by 1 pixel vertically and the check marks were 1 pixel too wide compared to the native ones under XP, correct this. Closes #11420 (again).

2010-01-23 14:22 VZ, revision 63226

Improve wxCheckListBox appearance under Vista/Win7. Fix the items alignment and also code cleanup: fix indentation, remove magic numbers &c. Closes #10286.

2010-01-23 14:21 VZ, revision 63225

Correct drawing of check marks for owner-drawn items without bitmaps. Standard check mark was not drawn correctly for check/radio items without bitmaps. Closes #11480.

2010-01-23 14:21 VZ, revision 63224

Correct alignment of menu accelerator strings in owner-drawn menus. Draw them right-aligned as the native menus do. Closes #11479.

2010-01-23 14:21 VZ, revision 63223

Use theme functions for drawing owner-drawn menus. This makes the menu items with custom attributes or bitmaps look more native, especially on post-XP systems. Closes #11420.

2010-01-23 14:21 VZ, revision 63222

Fix calculation of the margins for owner-drawn menu items. Take into account the widths of the bitmaps properly. Closes #11268.

2010-01-23 14:21 VZ, revision 63221

Set up menu bitmaps correctly for checkable items. We must not set MENUITEMINFO::hbmpItem for the checkable items as it would then be used for both checked and unchecked state. Closes #11244.

2010-01-23 14:21 VZ, revision 63220

Refactor owner-drawing code. Only keep common code in the base class and extract all menu/listbox-specific stuff into derived classes. This makes the code cleaner and more maintainable but introduces some problems in wxCheckListBox appearance which will be fixed by the next patch. Closes #10635.

2010-01-23 14:20 VZ, revision 63219

Return old, not new, selection from wxMSW wxNotebook::ChangeSelection(). The function is documented to return the old selection and not the new one, so correct it to behave as expected. Closes #11646.

2010-01-22 23:01 VZ, revision 63218

Fix harmless g++ 4.3 warning about "suggested braces".

2010-01-22 23:01 VZ, revision 63217

Don't place NULL pointers in the GDK window array in GTKGetWindow(). This avoids an assert in GTKUpdateCursor() later on. Backport of r60458 from trunk.

2010-01-22 22:24 RD, revision 63213

Print the configure command

2010-01-22 22:24 RD, revision 63212

Use DESTDIR for installing to a location other than the prefix. Fixup install_name_tool usage.

2010-01-22 16:52 JJ, revision 63204

Correction on previous commit: statement order corrected

2010-01-22 08:55 JJ, revision 63203

Get wxDC defined when nescessary

2010-01-20 03:07 KO, revision 63197

Handle the case of NSNotFound result properly.

2010-01-20 01:17 VZ, revision 63195

Disable size grip for TLW status bar if TLW is not resizeable. wxSTB_SIZEGRIP is part of default status bar style but it doesn't make sense for non-resizeable TLWs, so turn it off in this case.

2010-01-19 23:02 VS, revision 63194

Fix wxMulDivInt32() to round the result like win32 MulDiv() does.

2010-01-19 18:53 VS, revision 63193

Make ConvertPixelsToDialog() and ConvertDialogToPixels() const.

2010-01-19 17:32 VS, revision 63192

Don't query metrics that won't be used. If ConvertPixelsToDialog() or ConvertDialogToPixels() was called with one of the two input values set to -1, the respective font metric was queried needlessly.

2010-01-19 15:47 VS, revision 63191

Support XHTML &apos; entity.

2010-01-19 14:49 VZ, revision 63190

Further enhancement to the samples overview page. Add links to samples sources in svn to all the individual samples and be even more explicit about their location on the local disk. Move the paragraph explaining the samples location further below -- but <hr> still doesn't work somehow.

2010-01-19 14:02 VZ, revision 63189

Explain the location of samples better in the samples overview page. Don't mention controls sample, just the widgets one, as the latter is much richer and easier to understand.

2010-01-19 14:02 VZ, revision 63188

Don't set initial size as min size for top level windows in wxMSW. This was accidentally done because wxWindowBase::CreateBase() didn't recognize the window as being top level as it was called before the window was appended to wxTopLevelWindows list. Fix this by doing the same thing wxGTK already did: just call wxTopLevelWindows.Append() before CreateBase().

2010-01-19 14:01 VS, revision 63187

Add wxThreadEvent::SetPayload<T>(). This makes it possible to easily pass custom data between threads, in type-safe way (thanks to internal use of wxAny). This adds sizeof(wxAny)==16+sizeof(void*) overhead to wxThreadEvent, but I think it's cheaper than doing malloc/free on copying.

2010-01-19 14:01 VS, revision 63186

Don't make full copy of string in wxThreadEvent::Clone(). It's enough to do it once to ensure thread-safety. Doing it twice (once in copy ctor called by Clone(), once in Clone() itself) only wastes time.

2010-01-18 12:05 SC, revision 63182

moving GetPageInfo to later stage, closes #11494

2010-01-18 11:56 SC, revision 63181

switching to LaunchServices implementation, fixes #11508

2010-01-18 11:09 SC, revision 63180

fixing type for 64 bit, closes #11550

2010-01-18 10:45 SC, revision 63179

avoiding Insert shadowing superclass methods, closes #11616

2010-01-18 10:12 SC, revision 63178

setting correct 'default' for m_filterIndex, closes #11541

2010-01-18 10:03 SC, revision 63177

applying patch, closes #11309

2010-01-18 09:56 SC, revision 63176

setting correct refcon in menus (was incorrectly changed to menuimpl), fixes #11611

2010-01-18 09:52 SC, revision 63175

avoiding double define warning

2010-01-18 01:29 VZ, revision 63174

Document wxCENTRE style for wxMessageDialog. This is currently only implemented for MSW but we could implement it for the other ports in the future.

2010-01-18 01:29 VZ, revision 63173

Don't set stretchable spacers size to 0, this doesn't work so use 1 instead. If the toolbar is not big enough for its fixed-size contents, we set the size of the tools corresponding to stretchable spacers to 0 but this didn't really work and resulted in bad toolbar appearance even after resizing it to be big enough (as could be seen in samples/xrc). So set the spacers size to at least 1 to ensure that we do resize them correctly.

2010-01-18 01:29 VZ, revision 63172

Add support for stretchable spacers to XRC wxToolBar handler. Notice that currently only stretchable spacers are supported via separator-like "space" XRC element. If we ever add support for fixed spacers in the toolbar we should do it via its fixed sub-element, e.g. they would be specified with <fixed>1</fixed> in XRC file. Also use spacers instead of separator in the XRC sample and ensure that the toolbars in it are resized.

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63171

Correct test for parent being on screen in wxTLW::DoCentre(). The old test was needlessly complicated, didn't take all cases into account and had a typo in it which prevented it from working in half of the cases which it did [try to] take into account. Correct this by simply checking if the parent rectangle intersects the visible display area at all. Also simplify the code a little by checking for the window being maximized from the beginning as centering a maximized window on either screen or parent is a no-op.

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63170

Invalidate stored wxTreeItemIds when the corresponding item is deleted in wxMSW. m_htSelStart and m_htClickedItem stored in wxTreeCtrl must be invalidated when the item they point to is deleted (which also happens when all the items are deleted), otherwise the selection doesn't behave correctly after doing it. Closes #11619.

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63169

Generate wxEVT_KEY_DOWN events for navigation keys in wxMSW wxTreeCtrl. We only generated wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN events for the keys which can be used for tree control navigation and which are handled specially in the code but not the wxEVT_KEY_DOWN ones. This was inconsistent with the other keys and incompatible with wx 2.8 and other ports, so generate both events unless the wxEVT_KEY_DOWN one was handled by the user code. Closes #11621.

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63168

Show the more metrics for the selected font in the sample. Show the result of wxDC::GetChar{Width,Height}() and the font size in pixels in addition to the font size in points.

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63167

Don't call base class version unnecessarily in wxLogWindow::DoLogTextAtLevel(). This is unnecessary as the log message is already passed to the previous logger by the base class wxLogChain::DoLogRecord() implementation. Worse, it's actively harmful as it resulted in asserts in wxLog::DoLogText() when built with WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8==0. Closes #11526.

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63166

No changes, just fix an unused parameter warning. Fix warning in mingw32 wxMSW build.

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63165

Add wxIsascii() function and use it instead of isascii() in our code. isascii() is non-ANSI and is not available under all platforms. While we currently define it ourselves in wx/wxcrtbase.h in this case, it's not a good idea as this can't be easily done correctly for all platforms so start transitioning away from using isascii() by adding wxIsascii() and using it in our own code. The only remaining occurrences of isascii() are in Scintilla code which we probably don't want to modify.

2010-01-18 01:27 VZ, revision 63164

Only disable use of non-ANSI functions in strict ANSI mode under Windows. The changes of r62518 fixed compilation of wx headers in g++ strict ANSI mode (enabled by th use of -ansi or -std=c++{98,0x} options) with mingw32 but broke it when using g++ in ANSI mode under Unix. The problems arose at least due to redeclaration of isascii() with different exception specifier and due to the lack of wxCRT_StrdupA() definition in the library. Fix this by simply not disabling the use of non-ANSI functions such as isascii() and strdup() under Unix as they are still available in the headers by default because of _GNU_SOURCE predefined by g++. Notice that if _GNU_SOURCE is explicitly undefined, compilation would probably still be broken. To fix this we might check whether __USE_SVID is defined under Linux. Unfortunately doing tests in configure is not an answer as wxWidgets might not be compiled with the same -std option as the programs using it, so there is no obviously correct way to fix this. See #11374.

2010-01-17 13:10 JMS, revision 63163

Added entry on generic wxDatePickerCtrl keyboard navigation fix

2010-01-16 05:14 PC, revision 63162

update docs for wxMAXIMIZE on GTK

2010-01-15 18:19 JMS, revision 63161

When checking whether the parent has wxTAB_TRAVERSAL style, take into account that the wxComboCtrl can be part of a composite control

2010-01-15 18:09 PC, revision 63160

honor wxMAXIMIZE frame style, fixes #11631

2010-01-15 17:06 JMS, revision 63158

When checking whether the parent control has wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, take into account that the wxComboCtrl can be part of a composite control, such as generic wxDatePickerCtrl (fixes #11630).

2010-01-14 23:51 VZ, revision 63157

More wx(Flex)GridSizer constructors documentation improvements. Mention that the number of columns may also be automatically deduced. Don't duplicate the same documentation in wxGridSizer and wxFlexGridSizer as this inevitably results in forgetting to update one of the versions (as in the previous commit). Instead, just link to wxGridSizer from wxFlexGridSizer.

2010-01-14 23:43 VZ, revision 63156

Minor corrections to wxFlexGridSizer ctor documentation. Be more clear about what does it mean to specify the number of rows. Don't use @code for inline expressions. Remove an extraneous "it".

2010-01-14 20:04 SC, revision 63155

fixing comments, making sure sound always gets the completion call in the same thread as it was created, otherwise iphone sometimes crashes

2010-01-14 19:02 VZ, revision 63154

No real changes, just fix a typo in comments and documentation. Use "surprising" instead of (common) "surprizing" misspelling. Closes #11627.

2010-01-13 19:29 JMS, revision 63139

Fixed bug: wxPGEditor::SetControlAppearance() was calling SetValueToUnspecified() unconditionally, disregarding value of 'unspecified' argument.

2010-01-12 16:51 VZ, revision 63138

Add wx/osx/textentry.h to the list of OS X headers. Fix problem with "make install" which didn't install this header. Backport of r63137 from HEAD. Closes #11624.

2010-01-12 16:47 VZ, revision 63137

Check for a function existing in all libpng releases in configure. We tested for png_check_sig() which was deprecated and is not available in the latest libpng 1.4 any more. Just use another, not deprecated and not new, function for the test. See #11625.

2010-01-12 16:47 VZ, revision 63136

Add wx/osx/textentry.h to the list of OS X headers. Fix problem with "make install" which didn't install this header. Closes #11624.

2010-01-11 15:19 SC, revision 63135

adding protocol support for 10.6

2010-01-10 02:52 KO, revision 63129

Remove duplicate fields in wxTextCtrl / wxTextEntry. Fixes #11618.

2010-01-10 01:57 RD, revision 63116

Lots of build tweaks needed for building wxPython releases. Allow prefix and installdir to be different, update the install_name before lipo on the Mac, etc.

2010-01-10 01:48 RD, revision 63115

Use GraphicsContext (if available) for drawing in SurfaceImpl::AlphaRectangle. Fixes #10542.

2010-01-10 01:40 RD, revision 63114

Use GraphicsContext (if available) for drawing in SurfaceImpl::AlphaRectangle. Fixes #10542.

2010-01-09 20:56 KO, revision 63106


2010-01-09 20:50 KO, revision 63105

Implement native OS X ComboBox for OS X Cocoa, and implement wxTextEntry methods to share code between wxComboBox and wxTextCtrl.

2010-01-09 18:57 VZ, revision 63104

Restore default WM_ERASEBKGND handling for wxMDIParentFrame. We pretended that we erased the background ourselves but actually we did not. Just let DefWindowProc() do whatever it does by default to fix the problem with wrong toolbar background colour since r62971. Also removed the unused and unneeded WM_SIZE handler as well. Closes #11607.

2010-01-09 18:39 VZ, revision 63103

Minor fixes and enhancements to wxWindowID documentation. Document NewControlId() more precisely. Fix various spelling and grammar problems. Closes #11613.

2010-01-08 19:20 KO, revision 63100


2010-01-08 19:19 PC, revision 63099

for file load/save, always try wxImage first, fallback to pixbuf

2010-01-08 05:33 PC, revision 63098

fix broken #elif

2010-01-08 05:05 PC, revision 63097

fix broken #elif

2010-01-08 02:29 KO, revision 63096

Support mouse click through as otherwise clicking inside an inactive window causes us to lose the first mouse down, unlike with MSW.

2010-01-07 20:43 JMS, revision 63095

Improved documentation for wxPGProperty::DoSetAttribute()

2010-01-07 20:37 JMS, revision 63094

Fixed deprecation message (brings include file in line with the the interface)

2010-01-07 20:35 JMS, revision 63093

Do not use deprecated property attribute wxPG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP (fixes #11605)

2010-01-07 20:31 JMS, revision 63092

Fixed a deprecation message

2010-01-07 19:30 PC, revision 63091

remove unused function GetGdkVisual()

2010-01-07 19:16 PC, revision 63090

defer creating bitmap representation until it is needed

2010-01-07 14:16 VZ, revision 63089

Improve hit detection in wxMSW wxTreeCtrl with wxTR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT style. When wxTR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT is used, the item visually takes up the entire breadth of the window so clicking both to the left or to the right of the item should have the same effect as clicking on it. So add a MSWIsOnItem() helper which tests for whether a point is above the item correctly and use it in order to: 1. In multi selection mode, allow clicking anywhere to select the item(s) when Ctrl or Shift is pressed (Closes #11598). 2. Generate activation event when clicking to the right of the item too (Closes #11602). 3. Detect item bounds correctly in WM_LBUTTONUP handler (although it's not really clear what does this code do and hence what problem does this fix...).

2010-01-07 14:15 VZ, revision 63088

German translations update from Thomas Krebs. Closes #11562.

2010-01-07 14:15 VZ, revision 63087

Fix typos in IMediaPlayer2 and INSPlay interfaces declarations. Fix missing/extraneous parentheses. Closes #11600.

2010-01-06 23:02 KO, revision 63085

Forward port 2.8 fix.

2010-01-06 03:22 KO, revision 63083

Fix another line somehow missing from the wxGraphicsBitmap forward port.

2010-01-05 19:27 SC, revision 63079

added zlib directly to dynamic targets

2010-01-05 18:53 PC, revision 63078

remove never-implemented palette support

2010-01-05 17:42 JMS, revision 63077

Call virtual ctrl->GetDefaultAttributes() instead of static GetClassDefaultAttributes()

2010-01-05 14:55 SC, revision 63075

added zlib directly to dynamic targets

2010-01-05 14:54 SC, revision 63074

add zlib only in dynamic build targets

2010-01-05 13:56 VZ, revision 63072

Brazilian Portuguese translations updae from Allann Jones. Closes #11597.

2010-01-04 17:07 JMS, revision 63066

Allow wxPropertyGridInterface::EnableProperty() to work even if property->GetGrid() returns NULL.

2010-01-04 13:51 VZ, revision 63065

Add assert checking that window has no event handlers when destroyed. Forgetting to pop custom event handlers pushed onto the window before it is destroyed will result in a crash later on, so try to detect this immediately with an assert. We might want to forcefully pop them off too, this could result in memory leaks but would be still better than crashing. Closes #11533.

2010-01-04 13:22 VZ, revision 63064

Fix wxConvAuto behaviour when it is used by wxTextInputStream. wxConvAuto implicitly supposed that the chunk of data passed to it for translation was big enough to allow it to at least detect the BOM from it. However this isn't necessarily the case and never is with wxTextInputStream which reads the bytes one by one. Fix this by waiting until we have enough data to be able to detect the BOM. This still doesn't fix the problem with streams without BOM and the corresponding unit test still fails -- it will need to be fixed at the level of wxTextInputStream itself later but handling correctly the cases when a BOM is present is already better than before. See #11570.

2010-01-04 13:22 VZ, revision 63063

Make calling wxLog::IsAllowedTraceMask() safe during static init time. Although using wxLog during statics initialization is not recommended, it may still happen, possibly indirectly so make it work correctly by using an accessor function for the array of trace masks which ensures that this array is always correctly initialized before being used. Closes #11592.

2010-01-04 13:22 VZ, revision 63062

Compilation fix for VC6 after r63061. VC6 doesn't support empty struct initializers apparently.

2010-01-04 12:05 VZ, revision 63061

Correctly parse times without seconds in wxDateTime::ParseTime(). This was always supposed to work but never did because of a typo in the "24 hour format without seconds" format specification. Fix this by removing the extra "%S" from it and add a test for this case.

2010-01-04 11:59 VZ, revision 63060

Don't dereference invalid iterator in wxDateTime::ParseDate(). If the string passed to this method contained only spaces (possibly 0 of them, i.e. was empty) we would dereference the end string iterator. Fix this by adding an explicit test for "p != pEnd".

2010-01-04 11:08 SC, revision 63059

fixing include type

2010-01-04 08:53 SC, revision 63057

adding stc support

2010-01-04 08:52 SC, revision 63056

adding kqueue define for xcode builds

2010-01-04 08:50 SC, revision 63055

fixing include types

2010-01-04 02:57 KO, revision 63053

Get the OS X Cocoa native combobox building by having the native code compile if wxOSX_USE_NATIVE_COMBOBOX is defined. It must be explicitly enabled by adding that define to the build flags as the native implementation is mostly just stubs right now.

2010-01-04 01:45 KO, revision 63052

Rebake from clean wx tree.

2010-01-04 00:59 KO, revision 63051

Don't use a destroy event handler to disconnect the native control's delegate as the destroy event propagates and can cause the TLW to remove its delegate at unexpected times, such as when a child control is destroyed but the TLW remains active. Instead, do it in response to the Destroy() call.

2010-01-03 23:52 KO, revision 63050

Create a text measuring context until a real context is assigned, this allows things like text measurement code using wxMemoryDC to work on Mac.

2010-01-03 20:58 SC, revision 63049

correcting error message

2010-01-03 19:55 SC, revision 63048

fixing name collision ocuring in a specific script runner

2010-01-03 19:29 VS, revision 63045

Removed some outdated compiler checks in OLE code. We don't support VC++ 4 for ages and any recent version of GCC has cVal, too.

2010-01-03 19:29 VS, revision 63044

Removed wxClearVariant() and wxReleaseVariant(). Replaced them with standard VariantInit() and VariantClear() functions respectively. They appear to be just reimplementations of these.

2010-01-03 19:28 VS, revision 63043

Moved wxConvertVariantToOle and wxConvertOleToVariant to oleutils.cpp. These are declared in oleutils.h, so that's where they should be. More importantly, they are used by wxActiveXContainer and so are required even if wxUSE_OLE_AUTOMATION is off. Also added "wx" prefix to (Clear|Release)Variant, because they cannot be static any longer.

2010-01-03 19:20 SC, revision 63042

building xcode projects from files.bkl

2010-01-03 18:37 VZ, revision 63041

Romanian translation update from Catalin. This is more of a replacement than an update but apparently the old translation had a lot of problems. The new translation is undoubtedly more complete (1523 translated messages against 230 for the old one).

2010-01-03 11:24 JMS, revision 63040

Added missing ResetEditorAppearance() call

2010-01-03 11:23 JMS, revision 63039

In wxPGEditor::SetControlAppearance() use GetClassDefaultAttributes() instead of GetDefaultAttributes()

2010-01-02 14:07 VS, revision 63038

Added wxAutoOleInterface<T> template. This replaces WX_DECLARE_AUTOOLE with easier-to-debug version. The macro is still preserved for backward compatibility.

2010-01-02 12:31 MBN, revision 63037

Document wxPerl interface differences for wxRichTextCtrl.

2010-01-02 12:29 MBN, revision 63036

Document wxPerl interface differences for wxRichTextCtrl.

2010-01-02 12:22 MBN, revision 63035

Build with WXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO defined.

2010-01-02 11:40 MBN, revision 63034

Fix method name in wxInfoBar interface.

2009-12-31 14:37 VZ, revision 63032

Change the year in copyright messages to 2010. Backport of r63031 from trunk. See #11584.

2009-12-31 14:36 VZ, revision 63031

Change the year in copyright messages to 2010. Happy new year to all wx-ers! Closes #11584.

2009-12-31 14:32 VZ, revision 63030

Add wxWinVersion_7 to the private wxMSW wxWinVersion enum. Also correct wxWinVersion_2003 definition, it should have the same value as wxWinVersion_XP. And add wxWinVersion_XP_SP2 == wxWinVersion_2003_SP1.

2009-12-31 09:39 SC, revision 63028

adding placeholders and work in progress files

2009-12-31 00:40 KO, revision 63027

Fix issue that was causing ShowWithoutActivating to indirectly call wxNonOwnedWindow::Show.

2009-12-30 18:44 MW, revision 63024

Add another test for sparse file support so that the large file tests can run as part of the default suite for more platforms.

2009-12-30 18:41 KO, revision 63023

To support playing async sounds on the stack on Mac, do not delete the wxSoundData when its wxSound object is destroyed if it's in the queue of sounds to be played. Instead, mark it to be deleted and delete it after it has played.

2009-12-30 18:39 MW, revision 63022

Repair the stream tests.

2009-12-30 18:38 MW, revision 63021

Support large files with stdio on mingw.

2009-12-30 18:07 JMS, revision 63020

wxOwnerDrawComboCtrl -> wxComboCtrl

2009-12-30 18:06 JMS, revision 63019

Updated entries regarding wxPropertyGridManager

2009-12-30 14:46 VZ, revision 63017

Don't create an invalid iterator in wxDateTime::ParseTime(). Creating an iterator pointing beyond the string end resulted in an assert from MSVC 9 CRT. Fix this by using wxString ctor taking length (which may be greater than the length of the string) instead of the one taking two iterators (which must both be valid).

2009-12-30 14:38 VZ, revision 63016

Explicitly mention MSVC std::fstream(wxString) incompatibility issue. The fact that std::fstream provides a non-standard constructor in MSVC CRT implementation is sufficiently confusing to merit a special mention.

2009-12-30 09:35 SC, revision 63015

fixing SetSubMenu for OSX_Cocoa, fixes #11581

2009-12-29 17:04 JMS, revision 63012

Changed wxPropertyCategory to use same cell rendering code as regular properties. This allows labels for category columns other than the first. Rendering code was heavily modified to allow 'merging' of cells when needed.

2009-12-28 21:01 VZ, revision 63008

Use memmove() instead of memcpy() in wxString::AssignCopy(). This allows the code like "s = s.c_str()" to work correctly, although it doesn't fix all self-assignment-related bugs. See #11245.

2009-12-28 17:18 VZ, revision 63007

Ensure that frame is re-laid out when its toolbar is deleted. The code in wxFrameBase::SetToolBar() didn't work correctly when toolbar was unset using SetToolBar(NULL) because the frame toolbar pointer was reset before layout was done resulting in the frame not recognizing its (still existing) toolbar child as one of its bars and so nothing was done at all when the frame had a single child, as in the toolbar sample. Correct this by carefully ensuring that the toolbar pointer is still set at the moment of the layout but hide the toolbar to ensure that no place is allocated for it. Also mention that it is not necessary to call SetToolBar(NULL) at all if the toolbar is being deleted anyhow in the sample as toolbar does this itself in its destructor.

2009-12-28 17:18 VZ, revision 63006

Correct initial value of "Toggle toolbar" check menu item in the sample. This item should initially be checked because the toolbar is initially shown.

2009-12-28 02:56 PC, revision 63003

don't use ==, fixes ##11580

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 63001

Account for cells spanning multiple grid cells better when autosizing. The total size of a multi-span cell was accounted for each row/column it covered, resulting in too much space being allocated to them. Only take into account the average size of each row/column computed by dividing the total cell size by number of rows/columns it occupies to fix this. Closes #11498.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 63000

Return the kind of cells span from wxGrid::GetCellSize(). Behaviour of GetCellSize() may be very surprising for the unwary as it can return negative or null "size" of the cell. Add CellSpan return value to allow the caller to check what kind of cell are we dealing with easier. Also document the new return value as well as the function (and matching SetCellSize()) itself carefully as its behaviour is far from obvious.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62999

Don't call SetMinSize() when creating the window if no initial size was given. Calling SetMinSize() is unnecessary in this case. It also results in GTK+ errors when creating wxFileDialog as it is not created yet when this is called (but it does take care to pass wxDefaultSize to this function as its size can't be set yet). See r62814 and r62817.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62998

Avoid defining COMPILER_PREFIX for autoconf format. This fixes a fatal bakefile error due to undefined COMPILER variable when using wx presets with autoconf backend introduced in r62458.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62997

Correct wxUSE_MACOSX_VERSION_MIN setting when running under OS X 10.4. sw_vers outputs e.g. 10.4.11 under 10.4 so comparing its result with just 10.4 is wrong, match it against "10.4*" using case instead to ensure that 10.4.11 is indeed recognized as 10.4. Closes #11579.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62996

Document wxString::operator<<(wxUniChar). wxUniChar overload was somehow omitted from the list. Closes #11568.

2009-12-27 20:39 VZ, revision 62995

Override some methods in wxF(F)ileStream to resolve ambiguities. Override virtual methods IsSeekable(), GetLength() and OnSysSeek/Tell() to forward to wxF(F)InputStream base class as otherwise it's impossible to use them at all because of ambiguity between the versions inherited from this class and wxF(F)OutputStream (even though the two versions should do the same thing as they operate on the same file descriptor/handle). Also improve documentation of these classes: provide a brief description, correct the base classes. Closes #11577.

2009-12-26 17:36 VZ, revision 62994

Take into account the initial buttons state when creating wxGTK toolbar. With wxMSW it is possible to call e.g. wxToolBarTool::Enable(false) on a tool before calling wxToolBar::Realize() to create the tool in an initially disabled state but this wasn't done in wxGTK version. Override Realize() now under wxGTK to bring the native toolbar buttons state in sync with the internal state of the corresponding wxToolBarTools.

2009-12-26 17:36 VZ, revision 62993

Don't forward declare wxSystemColour enum. Forward declaring enums is illegal in standard C++ and while MSVC allows this as an extension, it doesn't compile with g++. Just include wx/settings.h instead.

2009-12-26 17:36 VZ, revision 62992

No changes, just fix a typo in and rephrase a comment. Comment in wxToolBarBase::Realize() was probably copied from some port-specific file but didn't make sense any more in common code.

2009-12-26 11:51 JMS, revision 62991

Reduced unnecessary wxT usage

2009-12-26 11:45 JMS, revision 62990

Replaced 'InlineHelp' property attribute with 'Hint'; Use SetHint() wxTextCtrl and wxComboCtrl member function to set it; Added a small section about help string and hint text in propgrid overview

2009-12-26 11:33 JMS, revision 62989

Added wxComboCtrl::SetHint(), GetHint()

2009-12-25 21:43 KO, revision 62988

Remove the native toolbar from the frame in Destroy() rather than the destructor, as removing it in the destructor causes resize / repaint events to fire on the native control, which then goes to wx controls being deleted.

2009-12-25 21:40 KO, revision 62987

Use NSTrackingArea when available (building for 10.5+) so that we can get mouse moved events for inactive / non-focused windows too.

2009-12-25 12:36 VZ, revision 62986

Always show hint in text entries, even when they have focus. It was impossible to show the hint for the initially focused child of a dialog before, as the hint was hidden from the very beginning. By showing it always we avoid this problem. We may want to add an option/flag for SetHint() to make this configurable later if somebody really needs to show hints only for as long as the control doesn't have focus.

2009-12-25 10:47 SC, revision 62985

removing event handlers on non-owned windows when the destroy event is sent

2009-12-25 10:18 JMS, revision 62984

Refactored a very confusing condition in wxPGComboBox item paint code

2009-12-25 10:04 JMS, revision 62983

Added wxComboCtrlBase::SetFore/BackgroundColour()

2009-12-25 09:39 SC, revision 62982

fixing parameter names

2009-12-25 09:33 JMS, revision 62981

Added documentation for wxPGEditor::SetControlAppearance()

2009-12-23 22:42 VZ, revision 62980

Erase toolbar background even if it doesn't contain any controls/spaces. Minor correction to changes in r62971: we still need to hook WM_ERASEBKGND in toolbar parent when painting the toolbar itself even when there are no dummy separators in it (and so we don't need to paint them over). Without this, the background of simple toolbars without controls was not erased correctly.

2009-12-23 14:56 VZ, revision 62977

Don't pass 0 timer ids to ::SetTimer(). Creating timers with 0 id failed because Windows SetTimer() function requires a non-zero id. Fix this by using a (impossible at wx API level) -1 id value in this case instead. Closes #11392.

2009-12-22 22:22 MW, revision 62974

Add support for large stdio files for VC 8+. What versions of the other Windows compilers?

2009-12-22 17:12 JMS, revision 62973

Added wxPropertyGrid::SetUnspecifiedValueAppearance(); Added wxPGEditor::SetControlAppearance() for applying wxPGCell attributes on a property editor.

2009-12-22 16:37 VZ, revision 62972

Remove the test of erase background events from the toolbar sample. Handling erase background events for toolbars never worked for the ports other than wxMSW and now it doesn't work for MSW neither as we need to skip erasing the background in WM_ERASEBKGND handler to avoid flicker which would result from erasing the background twice, from there and from WM_PAINT handler which must do it. So don't even try to test if it works, it's unlikely to be very useful anyhow. This reverts the change to this file in r62805.

2009-12-22 16:37 VZ, revision 62971

Finally really correct background erasing for wxMSW wxToolBar. Do use TBSTYLE_FLAT and TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT (the former actually implies the latter) for MSW toolbar as it is the only way to avoid the flicker of toolbar buttons. These styles were disabled before because of lack of understanding about how they worked: with them, the toolbar supposes that its parent takes care of erasing its background but wx didn't do this (in fact wxFrame did accidentally erase toolbar background because of the use of Win32 client rectangle, including tool/status bars, instead of wx client rectangle, excluding them, in wxWindowMSW::DoEraseBackground(), but it didn't do it correctly). Now we allow hooking WM_ERASEBKGND events processing in a parent window by a child one and use this to handle toolbar background erasing in toolbar itself. We still prevent the native toolbar from drawing dummy separators and always erase the area occupied by them ourselves and thus avoid the flicker entirely. The only remaining flicker in the toolbar sample is that of embedded wxStaticText control. It does appear with correctly transparent background and bitmaps with alpha channel also (still) are drawn correctly in wxStaticBitmaps embedded in the toolbar. Finally, we still use solid background brush for toolbar but we can easily use a themed background if really desired, there is just a single function to change to do it (MSWGetToolbarBgBrush()).

2009-12-22 16:37 VZ, revision 62970

Fix best size computation for buttons without image and with empty label. If a button was initially created with an empty label (but without image neither), its best size was computed and cached as being null. Correct this by giving the button the default size instead, as expected.

2009-12-21 16:20 JMS, revision 62960

Added wxMSW wxChoice::GetClassDefaultAttributes(), initially used in wxComboCtrl

2009-12-21 11:04 CE, revision 62959

remove ;