

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-01-02 11:40 MBN, revision 63034

Fix method name in wxInfoBar interface.

2009-12-31 14:37 VZ, revision 63032

Change the year in copyright messages to 2010. Backport of r63031 from trunk. See #11584.

2009-12-31 14:36 VZ, revision 63031

Change the year in copyright messages to 2010. Happy new year to all wx-ers! Closes #11584.

2009-12-31 14:32 VZ, revision 63030

Add wxWinVersion_7 to the private wxMSW wxWinVersion enum. Also correct wxWinVersion_2003 definition, it should have the same value as wxWinVersion_XP. And add wxWinVersion_XP_SP2 == wxWinVersion_2003_SP1.

2009-12-31 09:39 SC, revision 63028

adding placeholders and work in progress files

2009-12-31 00:40 KO, revision 63027

Fix issue that was causing ShowWithoutActivating to indirectly call wxNonOwnedWindow::Show.

2009-12-30 18:44 MW, revision 63024

Add another test for sparse file support so that the large file tests can run as part of the default suite for more platforms.

2009-12-30 18:41 KO, revision 63023

To support playing async sounds on the stack on Mac, do not delete the wxSoundData when its wxSound object is destroyed if it's in the queue of sounds to be played. Instead, mark it to be deleted and delete it after it has played.

2009-12-30 18:39 MW, revision 63022

Repair the stream tests.

2009-12-30 18:38 MW, revision 63021

Support large files with stdio on mingw.

2009-12-30 18:07 JMS, revision 63020

wxOwnerDrawComboCtrl -> wxComboCtrl

2009-12-30 18:06 JMS, revision 63019

Updated entries regarding wxPropertyGridManager

2009-12-30 14:46 VZ, revision 63017

Don't create an invalid iterator in wxDateTime::ParseTime(). Creating an iterator pointing beyond the string end resulted in an assert from MSVC 9 CRT. Fix this by using wxString ctor taking length (which may be greater than the length of the string) instead of the one taking two iterators (which must both be valid).

2009-12-30 14:38 VZ, revision 63016

Explicitly mention MSVC std::fstream(wxString) incompatibility issue. The fact that std::fstream provides a non-standard constructor in MSVC CRT implementation is sufficiently confusing to merit a special mention.

2009-12-30 09:35 SC, revision 63015

fixing SetSubMenu for OSX_Cocoa, fixes #11581

2009-12-29 17:04 JMS, revision 63012

Changed wxPropertyCategory to use same cell rendering code as regular properties. This allows labels for category columns other than the first. Rendering code was heavily modified to allow 'merging' of cells when needed.

2009-12-28 21:01 VZ, revision 63008

Use memmove() instead of memcpy() in wxString::AssignCopy(). This allows the code like "s = s.c_str()" to work correctly, although it doesn't fix all self-assignment-related bugs. See #11245.

2009-12-28 17:18 VZ, revision 63007

Ensure that frame is re-laid out when its toolbar is deleted. The code in wxFrameBase::SetToolBar() didn't work correctly when toolbar was unset using SetToolBar(NULL) because the frame toolbar pointer was reset before layout was done resulting in the frame not recognizing its (still existing) toolbar child as one of its bars and so nothing was done at all when the frame had a single child, as in the toolbar sample. Correct this by carefully ensuring that the toolbar pointer is still set at the moment of the layout but hide the toolbar to ensure that no place is allocated for it. Also mention that it is not necessary to call SetToolBar(NULL) at all if the toolbar is being deleted anyhow in the sample as toolbar does this itself in its destructor.

2009-12-28 17:18 VZ, revision 63006

Correct initial value of "Toggle toolbar" check menu item in the sample. This item should initially be checked because the toolbar is initially shown.

2009-12-28 02:56 PC, revision 63003

don't use ==, fixes ##11580

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 63001

Account for cells spanning multiple grid cells better when autosizing. The total size of a multi-span cell was accounted for each row/column it covered, resulting in too much space being allocated to them. Only take into account the average size of each row/column computed by dividing the total cell size by number of rows/columns it occupies to fix this. Closes #11498.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 63000

Return the kind of cells span from wxGrid::GetCellSize(). Behaviour of GetCellSize() may be very surprising for the unwary as it can return negative or null "size" of the cell. Add CellSpan return value to allow the caller to check what kind of cell are we dealing with easier. Also document the new return value as well as the function (and matching SetCellSize()) itself carefully as its behaviour is far from obvious.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62999

Don't call SetMinSize() when creating the window if no initial size was given. Calling SetMinSize() is unnecessary in this case. It also results in GTK+ errors when creating wxFileDialog as it is not created yet when this is called (but it does take care to pass wxDefaultSize to this function as its size can't be set yet). See r62814 and r62817.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62998

Avoid defining COMPILER_PREFIX for autoconf format. This fixes a fatal bakefile error due to undefined COMPILER variable when using wx presets with autoconf backend introduced in r62458.

2009-12-27 20:40 VZ, revision 62997

Correct wxUSE_MACOSX_VERSION_MIN setting when running under OS X 10.4. sw_vers outputs e.g. 10.4.11 under 10.4 so comparing its result with just 10.4 is wrong, match it against "10.4*" using case instead to ensure that 10.4.11 is indeed recognized as 10.4. Closes #11579.