

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63166

No changes, just fix an unused parameter warning. Fix warning in mingw32 wxMSW build.

2010-01-18 01:28 VZ, revision 63165

Add wxIsascii() function and use it instead of isascii() in our code. isascii() is non-ANSI and is not available under all platforms. While we currently define it ourselves in wx/wxcrtbase.h in this case, it's not a good idea as this can't be easily done correctly for all platforms so start transitioning away from using isascii() by adding wxIsascii() and using it in our own code. The only remaining occurrences of isascii() are in Scintilla code which we probably don't want to modify.

2010-01-18 01:27 VZ, revision 63164

Only disable use of non-ANSI functions in strict ANSI mode under Windows. The changes of r62518 fixed compilation of wx headers in g++ strict ANSI mode (enabled by th use of -ansi or -std=c++{98,0x} options) with mingw32 but broke it when using g++ in ANSI mode under Unix. The problems arose at least due to redeclaration of isascii() with different exception specifier and due to the lack of wxCRT_StrdupA() definition in the library. Fix this by simply not disabling the use of non-ANSI functions such as isascii() and strdup() under Unix as they are still available in the headers by default because of _GNU_SOURCE predefined by g++. Notice that if _GNU_SOURCE is explicitly undefined, compilation would probably still be broken. To fix this we might check whether __USE_SVID is defined under Linux. Unfortunately doing tests in configure is not an answer as wxWidgets might not be compiled with the same -std option as the programs using it, so there is no obviously correct way to fix this. See #11374.

2010-01-17 13:10 JMS, revision 63163

Added entry on generic wxDatePickerCtrl keyboard navigation fix

2010-01-16 05:14 PC, revision 63162

update docs for wxMAXIMIZE on GTK

2010-01-15 18:19 JMS, revision 63161

When checking whether the parent has wxTAB_TRAVERSAL style, take into account that the wxComboCtrl can be part of a composite control

2010-01-15 18:09 PC, revision 63160

honor wxMAXIMIZE frame style, fixes #11631

2010-01-15 17:06 JMS, revision 63158

When checking whether the parent control has wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, take into account that the wxComboCtrl can be part of a composite control, such as generic wxDatePickerCtrl (fixes #11630).

2010-01-14 23:51 VZ, revision 63157

More wx(Flex)GridSizer constructors documentation improvements. Mention that the number of columns may also be automatically deduced. Don't duplicate the same documentation in wxGridSizer and wxFlexGridSizer as this inevitably results in forgetting to update one of the versions (as in the previous commit). Instead, just link to wxGridSizer from wxFlexGridSizer.

2010-01-14 23:43 VZ, revision 63156

Minor corrections to wxFlexGridSizer ctor documentation. Be more clear about what does it mean to specify the number of rows. Don't use @code for inline expressions. Remove an extraneous "it".

2010-01-14 20:04 SC, revision 63155

fixing comments, making sure sound always gets the completion call in the same thread as it was created, otherwise iphone sometimes crashes

2010-01-14 19:02 VZ, revision 63154

No real changes, just fix a typo in comments and documentation. Use "surprising" instead of (common) "surprizing" misspelling. Closes #11627.

2010-01-13 19:29 JMS, revision 63139

Fixed bug: wxPGEditor::SetControlAppearance() was calling SetValueToUnspecified() unconditionally, disregarding value of 'unspecified' argument.

2010-01-12 16:51 VZ, revision 63138

Add wx/osx/textentry.h to the list of OS X headers. Fix problem with "make install" which didn't install this header. Backport of r63137 from HEAD. Closes #11624.

2010-01-12 16:47 VZ, revision 63137

Check for a function existing in all libpng releases in configure. We tested for png_check_sig() which was deprecated and is not available in the latest libpng 1.4 any more. Just use another, not deprecated and not new, function for the test. See #11625.

2010-01-12 16:47 VZ, revision 63136

Add wx/osx/textentry.h to the list of OS X headers. Fix problem with "make install" which didn't install this header. Closes #11624.

2010-01-11 15:19 SC, revision 63135

adding protocol support for 10.6

2010-01-10 02:52 KO, revision 63129

Remove duplicate fields in wxTextCtrl / wxTextEntry. Fixes #11618.

2010-01-10 01:57 RD, revision 63116

Lots of build tweaks needed for building wxPython releases. Allow prefix and installdir to be different, update the install_name before lipo on the Mac, etc.

2010-01-10 01:48 RD, revision 63115

Use GraphicsContext (if available) for drawing in SurfaceImpl::AlphaRectangle. Fixes #10542.

2010-01-10 01:40 RD, revision 63114

Use GraphicsContext (if available) for drawing in SurfaceImpl::AlphaRectangle. Fixes #10542.

2010-01-09 20:56 KO, revision 63106


2010-01-09 20:50 KO, revision 63105

Implement native OS X ComboBox for OS X Cocoa, and implement wxTextEntry methods to share code between wxComboBox and wxTextCtrl.

2010-01-09 18:57 VZ, revision 63104

Restore default WM_ERASEBKGND handling for wxMDIParentFrame. We pretended that we erased the background ourselves but actually we did not. Just let DefWindowProc() do whatever it does by default to fix the problem with wrong toolbar background colour since r62971. Also removed the unused and unneeded WM_SIZE handler as well. Closes #11607.

2010-01-09 18:39 VZ, revision 63103

Minor fixes and enhancements to wxWindowID documentation. Document NewControlId() more precisely. Fix various spelling and grammar problems. Closes #11613.