

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-01-02 11:56 JS, revision 25053

wxShapeRegion::SetText shouldn't append to formatted strings list Addition of accessors to allow an app to do alternate diagram streaming

2003-12-31 20:49 RD, revision 25052

Track and translate typenames where possible

2003-12-31 17:20 VS, revision 25051
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/makefile.wat

removed obsolete files

2003-12-31 15:13 JS, revision 25050

Use on-idle updating of menus in wxUniversal

2003-12-30 23:41 RN, revision 25049


2003-12-30 23:19 VS, revision 25048

regex libs needs _UNICODE define

2003-12-30 22:21 RN, revision 25047

Cleaned up regex.cpp fixed strlen problem in regex many other things related to cleanup of regex.cpp

2003-12-30 22:18 RN, revision 25046

more ifdef C++ stuff

2003-12-30 22:07 RD, revision 25045

Use correct method name for GetRowLabelValue

2003-12-30 01:53 RD, revision 25044


2003-12-30 01:48 RD, revision 25043

Ensure we have the capture before releasing it.

2003-12-30 01:45 RD, revision 25042

Make sure the comment is output in the pythoncode

2003-12-30 01:43 RD, revision 25041

shift the print position a little

2003-12-30 01:39 RD, revision 25040

a bit of tweaking

2003-12-30 01:38 RD, revision 25039

Force integer values for positions and sizes

2003-12-30 01:06 RD, revision 25038

wx* and other name fixes

2003-12-29 23:51 RD, revision 25037

Rename the .tar.gz to a .tgz

2003-12-29 23:50 RD, revision 25036

Compatibility modules for a couple that have gone AWOL in the new namespace

2003-12-29 23:21 RD, revision 25035

Apparently wxPopupWindow position is not screen relative any longer

2003-12-29 23:21 RD, revision 25034

Show how to set print data options when using HTMLEasyPrinting

2003-12-29 23:08 RD, revision 25033

Added SF Patch#

2003-12-29 23:07 RD, revision 25032

Fix compile error when building for Python 2.2

2003-12-29 23:06 RD, revision 25031

Since they are new style classes we need to use the __reduce__ protocol for pickling.

2003-12-29 19:25 RD, revision 25030

Fixed drawing of the lines data, also ensure that only tuples are pickled since there is currently a problem with unpickling wx.Points...

2003-12-29 19:24 RD, revision 25029

Set foreground colour when drawing items in the VListBox

2003-12-29 10:47 JS, revision 25028

Fixed palette so all tools are visible

2003-12-29 09:32 VS, revision 25027

bad idea, fn_str() returns wchar_t on win32 in Unicode build, we need char* here no matter what

2003-12-28 22:46 RN, revision 25026

Added/Fixed some things in wxGetKeyState

2003-12-28 17:34 JS, revision 25025

Removed statusbar removal under WinCE

2003-12-28 17:09 SN, revision 25024


2003-12-28 09:44 JS, revision 25023

Fixed missing semicolon

2003-12-28 01:07 JS, revision 25022

Added wxUSE_POCKETPC_UI to distinguish between using combined toolbar/menubar and using separate ones

2003-12-27 22:31 JS, revision 25021

Corrected typo

2003-12-27 18:02 JS, revision 25020

Updated for eVC4

2003-12-27 17:57 JS, revision 25019

eVC4 updates

2003-12-27 17:28 JS, revision 25018

Can't yet use RegisterDragDrop, RevokeDragDrop on eVC4

2003-12-27 17:24 JS, revision 25017

WinCE 4 cleanup

2003-12-27 17:17 JS, revision 25016

Some further missing symbols for WinCE 4

2003-12-27 08:52 VS, revision 25015

unified to use ASCII for ZIP entries and fn_str() when passing archive name to unzip.c

2003-12-26 11:43 JS, revision 25014


2003-12-26 11:33 JS, revision 25013


2003-12-25 23:28 ROL, revision 25012

added subclass attribute

2003-12-25 11:59 JS, revision 25011

Added FindById doc

2003-12-25 11:55 JS, revision 25010

As per 2.5, wxToolBarBase::FindById should be available to apps

2003-12-24 21:53 RN, revision 25009


2003-12-24 20:23 VS, revision 25008

backport of initialization from xfont fix (patch #863847)

2003-12-24 19:53 DE, revision 25007

Added note about (not) multiply inheriting from wxEvtHandler which includes a very brief technical overview of how events work.

2003-12-24 19:43 DE, revision 25006

Regenerated with Bakefile which removes the regextest sample.

2003-12-24 19:37 DE, revision 25005

Regenerated with Bakefile. wxCocoa: Added src/mac/gsockosx.c to build.

2003-12-24 19:27 RN, revision 25004

Fixed compilation and only does mdi tests when enabled in setup.h

2003-12-24 12:42 VS, revision 25003

fixing the regex mess that Ryan wasn't yet able to fix himself

2003-12-24 04:52 RN, revision 25002

wxMenuBar derives from wxWindow...

2003-12-24 04:47 RN, revision 25001

Fixed one of the two MDI problems...see comments for possible solutions to the others.

2003-12-24 04:39 DE, revision 25000

wxCocoa: Enable wxSocket support using new CFSocket implementation from wxMac

2003-12-24 04:04 DE, revision 24999

* Implemented according to Apple CFSocket documentation: kCFSocketConnectCallBack: Called in response to a successful connect() and of course applies to client sockets only. Fails assertion if received from a server socket. Calls GSocket's Detected_Write otherwise. kCFSocketReadCallBack: Called whenever data is available to read or in the event that a new connection is waiting to be accepted. Call's GSocket's Detected_Read. kCFSocketWriteCallBack: Called whenever data can be written to kernel buffer. Call's GSocket's Detected_Write * Added ALL_CALLBACK_TYPES macro which specifies all of the above three. * Added (by virtue of ALL_CALLBACK_TYPES) the kCFSocketConnectCallBack to the calls to CFSocketCreateWithNative and CFSocketDisableCallBacks during GUI socket data creation. * Use the default flags for CFSocket which automatically reenable the callbacks, but continue to disable close of fd on CFSocket invalidation. Eventually, GSocket should allow the GUI implementation to override close so that we can avoid calling the > 10.2 CFSocketSetSocketFlags function. * CFRelease the socket after invalidating it (fixes memory leak) * When adding/removing callbacks use kCFSocketReadCallBack for server GSOCK_CONNECTION and kCFSocketConnectCallback for client. * When adding/removing callbacks GSOCK_LOST should do the same thing as GSOCK_INPUT (Thanks Kevin Hock) * When enabling events, do not enable kCFSocketConnectCallBack for servers. It should never be called anyway since connect() should never be used on a server socket. * When disabling events, disable ALL_CALLBACK_TYPES.

2003-12-24 03:09 RD, revision 24998


2003-12-24 02:49 DE, revision 24997

In GSocket_Destroy reorder GUI_Destroy and Shutdown when compiling for Darwin. This is necessary to comply with the Apple documentation for CFSocket which states quite explcitly that the CFSocket must be invalidated prior to close. Likewise in GSocket_Read don't enable input events until we have finished reading the data. This is necessary because an input event will be immediately generated but all the data will have been read by the current callback which leads to the GSocket code thinking the connection has been lost and when wxYield recursion is involved will lead to crashes or an assert. Because we are doing a compile time test only for Darwin this will also affect wxGTK running on Darwin. It appears possible for the new order to work on all platforms but more testing would be required.

2003-12-24 02:45 RD, revision 24996


2003-12-24 02:38 RD, revision 24995


2003-12-24 02:36 RD, revision 24994

regnenerated image modules

2003-12-24 02:35 RD, revision 24993

Fixed a couple wxString typemaps

2003-12-24 01:39 RD, revision 24992

delete the .pyc files before making a preview

2003-12-24 01:26 RD, revision 24991

Fixed a typo

2003-12-24 01:24 RD, revision 24990

Aliasing wxDC methods like was dangerous...

2003-12-24 01:12 RD, revision 24989

More adjustments to aliases

2003-12-24 01:09 RD, revision 24988

Tool tweaks and metadata update

2003-12-23 23:27 RD, revision 24987


2003-12-23 21:39 RD, revision 24986


2003-12-23 21:37 RD, revision 24985

backwards compatibility aliases can be used in the wxPython namespace

2003-12-23 21:35 RD, revision 24984

typo fixed

2003-12-23 19:56 RD, revision 24983

Updated tools

2003-12-23 19:42 JS, revision 24982

MOre wxUSE_... fixes

2003-12-23 19:31 RD, revision 24981

wxPython metadata xml

2003-12-23 17:45 RD, revision 24980

Added XML simplification scripts for generating the wxPython metadata xml.

2003-12-23 16:07 JS, revision 24979

Removed out of date comment about Unicode

2003-12-23 15:56 RN, revision 24978

Fixed newlines :)

2003-12-23 12:39 JS, revision 24977


2003-12-23 10:47 JS, revision 24976

Applied patch [ 864570 ] adjustement of FL contrib to change in wx/log.h

2003-12-23 10:45 JS, revision 24975

Applied patch [ 861884 ] adjustement of bombs demo to wxBombsCE

2003-12-23 10:32 JS, revision 24974

Added Bombs demo eVC project file from ABX

2003-12-23 10:17 JS, revision 24973

Added minimal sample WinCE project files

2003-12-23 10:02 JS, revision 24972

Added comments for WinCE shortcut suggestion

2003-12-23 09:18 JS, revision 24971

Some WinCE fixes from ABX

2003-12-23 03:16 RN, revision 24970

Added note about deleting returned object (OpenFile)

2003-12-23 03:01 DS, revision 24969

Applied patch #864557 (Adjustment of richedit sample to new FindColour solution).

2003-12-22 21:25 RD, revision 24968

wxTaskBarIcon works on wxGTK now too.

2003-12-22 20:59 RD, revision 24967

Make the comment colors have a bit more contrast, and reduce the timeout on the splashscreen.

2003-12-22 20:38 RN, revision 24966

Removed regextest :).

2003-12-22 19:09 RD, revision 24965

More lib and demo patches to drop the wx prefix (Jeff has been busy!)

2003-12-22 09:36 RN, revision 24964

1. Changed things others suggested 2. Changed search text cntrl to a multiline one

2003-12-21 22:44 RN, revision 24963

1. Only owner draw menus on MSW 2. Handle GRETA compilations errors

2003-12-21 22:19 RN, revision 24962

Added Status Bar

2003-12-21 22:03 RN, revision 24961

Added - 1. Owner drawn menu items (sort of) 2. Match/Compile time

2003-12-21 20:37 RN, revision 24960

Changed main frame style to wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL

2003-12-21 13:19 JS, revision 24959

Correction for gcc

2003-12-21 12:22 RN, revision 24958

Changed GRETA compile flag - fixing output (was matching in reverse before....)

2003-12-21 11:51 RN, revision 24957

Too many changes :)

2003-12-21 10:27 VS, revision 24956

link against the net library, too

2003-12-21 10:09 RN, revision 24955

Added some notes and other changes.....

2003-12-21 10:02 RN, revision 24954

Fixed TEST_SCOPEGUARD (newer version prepends wx to macros...) C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3379) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT0' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3380) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT1' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3381) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT2' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3384) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ0' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3385) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ1' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3386) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ2' : undeclared identifier