

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-03-20 13:45 VZ, revision 63720

Fix some harmless unused parameter warnings. These warnings only happen in specific builds (when HAVE_LANGINFO_H and wxUSE_DISPLAY are undefined/off). See #11817.

2010-03-20 13:45 VZ, revision 63719

Check whether SA_RESTART is defined and don't use it if it isn't. SA_RESTART is not defined for QNX and not only VMS so test for it directly instead of testing for the platform. See #11817.

2010-03-20 13:45 VZ, revision 63718

Include sys/time.h from threadpsx.cpp for all systems. It's needed by Linux and QNX and shouldn't do any harm under the others. See #11817.

2010-03-20 13:45 VZ, revision 63717

Add support for QNX to dialup detection code. See #11817.

2010-03-20 13:45 VZ, revision 63716

Always include sys/time.h and sys/select.h from selectdispatcher.h. fd_set used by this header is supposed to be defined in sys/select.h and not including this header resulted in compilation problems under QNX. And including sys/time.h shouldn't hurt and is needed by select() under many systems anyhow. See #11817.

2010-03-20 13:45 VZ, revision 63715

Define wxGraphicsRenderer::GetDefaultRenderer() for all non-{MSW,Mac} ports. wxGraphicsRenderer::GetDefaultRenderer() was only defined for wxGTK for some reason but it needs to be defined in terms of GetCairoRenderer() for all ports without native renderer implementation, i.e. everything but wxMSW and wxMac. See #11817.

2010-03-20 13:45 VZ, revision 63714

Remove duplicate variable definition. The splitterX variable in wxPropertyGrid::HandleMouseMove() was defined twice with the same value, remove the second definition to avoid warnings about shadowing the variable in outer scope from some compilers. See #11817.

2010-03-19 23:35 FM, revision 63713

Fix various doxygen warnings

2010-03-19 10:57 VZ, revision 63712

Postpone initialization of owner-drawn menu metrics. Doing it during globals initialization time didn't work and could even result in a crash due to dereferencing a NULL wxTheApp pointer. Closes #11806.

2010-03-18 18:12 JMS, revision 63711

Clarify documentation for wxPropertyGridEvent::GetProperty()

2010-03-18 16:51 VZ, revision 63710

Return exit code as signed integer from wxExecute(wxEXEC_SYNC). The caller expects the function to return -1 if the child process exited with -1 error code and not 255 that was returned before. The function is also documented as returning -1 if the execution fails which wasn't true neither. Fix this by explicitly handling the exit code as signed. Closes #11824.

2010-03-18 16:14 VZ, revision 63709

Compilation fix for wxOS2 with Watcom. Assign BYTE* to pData variable in wxMenu::DoInsertOrAppend(), not char*.

2010-03-18 16:07 VZ, revision 63708

Ensure that setting wxChoice height to its default value does set it. Setting wxChoice height to its default value didn't change the height even if the current height was different from the default. This resulted in problems when a wxChoice was used inside a wxAuiToolBar because AUI temporarily reduces the toolbar size to (1, 1) when docking it (thus ensuring that the height of wxChoice is changed too) and generally didn't make sense. Fix this by resetting the height to the default value if the value passed to wxChoice::SetSize() is what it considers to be its default height. Add a unit test for this bug and also add a wxChoice to AUI sample to allow testing for wxChoice behaviour inside a wxAuiToolBar being [un]docked.

2010-03-18 16:07 VZ, revision 63707

Remove wxAuiProportionalBoxSizer hack and replace it with wxBoxSizer. The temporary workaround due to wxBoxSizer changes in 2.9.0 is not needed any more, revert r59889 and use wxBoxSizer instead of custom wxAuiProportionalBoxSizer again.

2010-03-18 16:07 VZ, revision 63706

Fix box sizer layout algorithm to respect both proportions and min sizes. The new version of the algorithm tries to distribute the entire space allocated to the sizer among its children, just as the version in 2.8 did, while still respecting minimal children sizes first and foremost. This means that the space allocated to the item will always be at least its minimal size if the total space is at least equal to the sum of minimal sizes of the children but that if there is enough space, the proportions will be respected too. Extended the unit test to check that laying out various combinations of three elements results in the expected results. Closes #11311.

2010-03-18 16:07 VZ, revision 63705

Ensure that size in the minor direction of box sizer doesn't exceed the total. This is similar to the previous commit but for the transversal direction of a box sizer: we could give an item size larger than the size of the sizer itself making only part of its window visible (and thus potentially making the window unusable e.g. because the scrollbar wasn't visible at all). Fix this by always restricting the item size in the minor direction to the total size available and add a unit test which failed previously and passes now.

2010-03-18 16:07 VZ, revision 63704

Ensure that size in the major direction of box sizer doesn't exceed the total. After fixing the problem with "growing items by negative proportion" in r56010 (which still was the correct thing to do as it fixed such indefensibly broken behaviour as shrinking items with larger proportion by more than "smaller" items when there was not enough space) the items in a box sizer could become larger than the total space allocated to the sizer resulting in only parts of them being visible. Fix this by truncating the items to the (remaining) total size even if this means making them less than their minimal sizes -- because there is nothing else we can do when the total space is smaller than the sum of minimal sizes anyhow. Closes #10008.

2010-03-18 16:07 VZ, revision 63703

Add (a very simple for now) wxBoxSizer unit test. Only check that layout for a single sizer item works correctly for now.

2010-03-18 16:02 VZ, revision 63702

Czech translation update from Herbert Breunung.

2010-03-17 19:17 JMS, revision 63700

Use explicit wxPGPropertyFlags enum type with wxPGProperty::SetFlag() and similar member functions (thus preventing use of incorrect set of flags). Also now document wxPGProperty flags.

2010-03-17 10:13 SC, revision 63699

fixing non-precomp builds

2010-03-17 09:05 SC, revision 63698

adding proper removal of observer for stacked event loops, using cfrunloop for console on osx as well

2010-03-17 08:14 SC, revision 63697

streamlining OSX event support third step, using platform specific native run methods for event loops

2010-03-16 20:13 RR, revision 63694

Don't use grouping of different methods as this creates confusing output

2010-03-16 15:48 VZ, revision 63693

Add white outline to bulls eye cursor used under MSW. The cursor used black circles only making it perfectly invisible on black background. Add a white outline as well to ensure that it can be seen in this case too, similarly to how it's done for magnifying glass cursor and the same bulls eye cursor in GTK+.