

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-04-22 08:18 SC, revision 64094

shutdown sequence routing to EndSession calls

2010-04-22 08:16 SC, revision 64093

overriding the cfrunloop accessor, during booting cocoa has to create a NSRunLoop earlier

2010-04-21 18:46 VS, revision 64090

msgIdCharset is only needed in ANSI build. In Unicode build, there's no need to create wxCSConv object for every loaded catalog when it won't be used for anything.

2010-04-21 16:40 VZ, revision 64089

No real changes, just fix typos in the ownerdrw sample. s/Cheked/Checked/g

2010-04-21 16:40 VZ, revision 64088

Remove the extra margins when checking owner drawn menu icons size. The extra +4 in IsLessThanStdSize() functions resulted in assert failures under Windows XP after the ownerdraw drawing changes so remove it as nobody knew why was it there anyhow. Also replace IsLessThanStdSize() with IsGreaterThanStdSize() to allow using it directly instead of always testing for !IsLessThanStdSize(). See #11657.

2010-04-21 06:13 SC, revision 64087

non precomp build fix

2010-04-20 23:02 SC, revision 64084

backport of better drawing for toggle buttons

2010-04-20 23:00 SC, revision 64083

backport of order fixes for transform concatenations

2010-04-20 22:53 SC, revision 64082

backport r64081

2010-04-20 22:48 SC, revision 64081

avoiding full resize-invalidate and refresh

2010-04-20 22:29 SC, revision 64079

restoring special handling for carbon system menu items, fixes #11819

2010-04-20 21:09 SC, revision 64068

tracking open modal dialogs

2010-04-20 21:07 SC, revision 64067

currently avoid problems when releasing the capture during drag on osx_cocoa

2010-04-20 18:02 SC, revision 64066

better layout for simple one param messages, closes #11810

2010-04-20 16:55 SC, revision 64065

having common API for mapping between native and wx tlw type

2010-04-20 16:55 SC, revision 64064

type of wrapped window can be any NSWindow, not only our own classes

2010-04-20 16:54 SC, revision 64063

TODO done

2010-04-20 16:53 SC, revision 64062

use new call

2010-04-20 16:51 SC, revision 64061

wrap native TLWs so that they also appear in the tlw list

2010-04-20 16:50 SC, revision 64060

support for capturing, use categories instead of member vars for the implementation mapping, so that we can wrap native NSWindow instances as well

2010-04-20 14:55 JMS, revision 64059

Fix VC6 compilation by changing the order of assignment operators in wxAny

2010-04-20 13:59 VZ, revision 64058

Check for menu title being non-empty when appending it to the menu bar. It doesn't make sense to add a menu with empty title to the menu bar so assert that the title is not empty and fail to add the menu if it is. See r64033 in wxQT branch.

2010-04-20 13:10 VZ, revision 64057

Add wxProgressDialog::Was{Cancelled,Skipped}() convenience methods. Although the information about "Cancel" and "Skip" buttons presses is returned from Update(), sometimes it may be more convenient to ask the dialog about whether it was cancelled or skipped instead of storing it in the program itself. Add the methods which allow to check for this. Closes #10903.

2010-04-20 09:28 JJ, revision 64056

correcting error in OpenVMS makefile

2010-04-20 07:01 SC, revision 64055

if we have wxBG_STYLE_PAINT, we must clear the background ourselves, since on OSX there might be transparent subpanels, fixes #11958