

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-04-30 20:29 SC, revision 64186

textctrl impl

2010-04-30 18:55 SC, revision 64185

adding wrapper for native UIWindow, using designated initializer for view controller

2010-04-30 18:53 SC, revision 64184

adjusting to API change of cocoa and carbon

2010-04-30 18:52 SC, revision 64183


2010-04-30 18:46 VS, revision 64182

Check in samples/dll for WXUSINGDLL. If it is set and DLL build of wx is used, emit an error, as the sample won't work correctly in that case.

2010-04-30 18:40 SC, revision 64181

moving value setting conformance to impl

2010-04-30 18:31 SC, revision 64180

iphone implementations

2010-04-30 15:32 JMS, revision 64179

Use scoped ptrs to managed wxAnyValueType instances. This fixes deallocation issues in some dynamic library use cases.

2010-04-30 11:29 SC, revision 64178

adding uifont support

2010-04-29 10:31 VS, revision 64165

Always use active wxTranslations instance via wxLocale. Don't use m_translations directly, if the user made changes to wxTranslations instance, it would be too confusing if calls through wxLocale compat API did nothing. Also don't change active wxTranslations object from wxLocale if already done by user, only call wxTranslations::Set() from wxLocale constructor if it wasn't already set by the user. Still do if wxTranslations instance currently in use was set by previous wxLocale on the locale stack.

2010-04-27 18:16 JS, revision 64163

wxRTC: fixed style selection reset after editing a style. wxRTC: can now edit line spacing in .1 increments from 1 to 2.

2010-04-27 18:10 JS, revision 64162

Font output fix

2010-04-27 18:09 JS, revision 64161

wxRTC: fixed style selection reset after editing a style. wxRTC: can now edit line spacing in .1 increments from 1 to 2.

2010-04-27 18:07 JS, revision 64160

Font output fix

2010-04-27 15:26 JMS, revision 64159

Safeguard against redundant registration of the same wxAnyValueType instance (by storing pointers in a set instead of a vector)

2010-04-27 11:38 VS, revision 64157

Use '+' in accelerators, not '-'. This was always GTK+ standard and even Windows uses it now, see the UX Guide.

2010-04-27 10:52 VZ, revision 64156

Fix typo in SIZEOF_WCHAR_T test. This fixes compilation under the platforms where SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 4 (probably Windows only). Closes #11994.

2010-04-26 22:51 VS, revision 64155

Add support for storing translations in win32 resources.

2010-04-26 22:51 VS, revision 64154

Shorten lang names in wxTranslations, not wxFileTranslationsLoader. If a catalog with full language name ("fr_BE") doesn't exist, wxFileTranslationsLoader tries to look for just the base language ("fr") too. This isn't something specific to wxFileTranslationsLoader, it makes sense to do it regardless of the loader.

2010-04-26 22:51 VS, revision 64153

Add wxMemoryBuffer::release().

2010-04-26 22:51 VS, revision 64152

Add instance argument to wxLoadUserResource(). This makes it possible to load resources from other modules than the main executable.

2010-04-26 22:50 VS, revision 64151

Make wxLoadUserResource() declaration available to wxBase too.

2010-04-26 18:53 VZ, revision 64150

Add wxLoadUserResource() overload not copying the resource data. The existing wxLoadUserResource() copies the resource data which is often unnecessary. Add another overload which just returns the pointer directly to the resource data. Also move the function into base from core as it can be useful for the console applications as well. Finally, define wxUserResourceStr used by this function only in the same file where the function itself is defined instead of datacmn.cpp.

2010-04-26 18:46 CE, revision 64149

run script on windows

2010-04-26 18:33 RD, revision 64148

Move 2.8.11 tag to the proper place