

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-05-15 12:47 VZ, revision 64306

Remove wxGTK-specific text shift in wxRenderer::DrawHeaderButtonContents(). This was probably related to the code removed by r63947 and doesn't seem to be needed here neither (and could presumably result in the same problems as in the ticket #11780).

2010-05-13 17:31 VZ, revision 64302

Never enable wxSpinCtrlGenericBase window itself at underlying toolkit level. We create wxSpinCtrlGenericBase window disabled at underlying toolkit level (but enabled at the level of wxWidgets API, of course), but calling Disable() and Enable() on it re-enabled it resulting in loss of mouse events under Windows. Don't re-enable it (again, at the low-level toolkit level only) in its Enable() any more but keep this window itself always disabled. Closes #12045.

2010-05-13 17:31 VZ, revision 64301

Use GetWidgets() in the widgets samples instead of GetWidget2(). Add a function which can be overridden to return an arbitrary number of widgets instead of having just GetWidget() and GetWidget2(): spin control page already uses 3 widgets (and defines GetWidget3() which is never called) and we could have even more in the future. Just use a generic solution which will always work. The practical consequence of this is that the "Enable/Disable" menu item now also enables and disables the wxSpinCtrlDouble in the spin page, see #12045.

2010-05-13 16:37 VZ, revision 64300

No changes, just cleanup the image part of the docview sample. Remove unnecessary, never used methods. Don't use pointers when objects or references can be used more safely. Don't name classes which are not part of wx with "wx" prefix to avoid confusing people. Don't define empty unnecessary event tables. Prefer wxScrolledWindow::SetVirtualSize() to SetScrollbars(). Stop using "protected" when "private" should be used.

2010-05-13 16:37 VZ, revision 64299

Document wxDocument::DeleteContents(). This method purpose was not quite clear as it was only mentioned in passing in documentation of OnCloseDocument() but not really documented itself. Also don't call it from wxDocument dtor as this is useless: the user-defined overridden version will never be called from here and the base class version does nothing.

2010-05-13 10:36 JMS, revision 64298

Make text drawn by wxGraphicsContext slightly less intrusive

2010-05-13 10:22 JMS, revision 64297

Added wxGraphicsContext::Create(const wxEnhMetaFileDC& dc) so that wxPrintPreview can work with wxMSW's wxGraphicsContext (closes #12028)

2010-05-13 08:25 VS, revision 64296

Add missing check for wxUSE_FILE_HISTORY existence.

2010-05-12 16:34 VZ, revision 64295

Refactor wxDocParentFrame and wxDocMDIParentFrame to share common base class. Use the same approach as for the child frames: add a base template class which allows wxDocParentFrame to inherit from wxFrame and wxDocMDIParentFrame from wxMDIParentFrame while still allowing to reuse the common code. This reduces code duplication and should make implementing parent AUI document frame easier as well, see #8945.

2010-05-12 10:18 VZ, revision 64294

Restore wxString::Printf() example showing position parameters in the docs. The example was lost during the translation of the manual to Doxygen. Closes #12038.

2010-05-11 23:25 FM, revision 64293

update the main page of the manual to be more consistent; update its date

2010-05-11 23:12 FM, revision 64292

fix errors/inconsistencies pointed out by ifacecheck

2010-05-11 23:10 FM, revision 64291

better error message when an inconsistency has been found

2010-05-11 21:44 FM, revision 64290

minor fixes to reduce number of Doxygen warnings

2010-05-11 21:39 FM, revision 64289

img tags need a final slash as they are empty tags; change <img> => <img/>

2010-05-11 21:37 FM, revision 64288

make H3 titles center-aligned (fixes the display of the manual version for HTML docs which currently appears left-aligned)

2010-05-11 12:40 JJ, revision 64287

Update OpenVMS comiles support

2010-05-11 12:39 VZ, revision 64286

Fix position for wxKeyEvents in wxMSW. Use ScreenToClient() instead of painstakingly (and incorrectly) transforming the position in this function itself. Closes #12024.

2010-05-11 09:16 FM, revision 64285

fix for non-PCH builds; also use wxMilliSleep instead of wxThread::Sleep since the former is more readable (it's clear that it takes milliseconds).

2010-05-10 23:48 FM, revision 64283

move code testing wxThread classes from the console sample to a new CppUnit test

2010-05-10 23:28 VZ, revision 64282

Build fix: forgotten part of the previous commit. This commit should have been part of r64281. Also notice that the previous commit message mentioned a wrong ticket number, see #10572.

2010-05-10 23:22 VZ, revision 64281

Add column parameter to wxListCtrl::GetItemText(). Allow retrieving the text from columns other than the first one directly. Add implementations for MSW and generic versions, documentation and a unit test. Closes #11597.

2010-05-10 23:10 VZ, revision 64280

Change wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT value to avoid clashing with wxCENTRE. Use a bit freed by removing wxTINY_CAPTION_HORIZ for wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT. This allows to move it out from the lower byte of the style word to avoid conflicts with the button selection flags which can be commonly combined with the dialog styles. More precisely, wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT used to clash with wxCENTRE, meaning that wxSingleChoiceDialog, for example, was always created without parent because its default style included wxCENTRE. This commit fixes this particular bug and probably more similar ones.

2010-05-10 23:09 VZ, revision 64279

Replace wxTINY_CAPTION_{HORIZ,VERT} with a single wxTINY_CAPTION. These two styles were always equivalent so we can just as well replace them with a single one and stop wasting an extra bit.

2010-05-10 23:09 VZ, revision 64278

No changes, just added comments summarizing the use of style bits. Add comments allowing to see more clearly the styles allocation. Please make sure to amend them if you change any style values in the future.