

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-05-13 16:12 RD, revision 27253

Patch [ 953125 ] Fix to Bug #943346 documentation clarification

2004-05-13 16:05 RD, revision 27252

Patch [ 952969 ] Parentless windows forced to center of screen

2004-05-13 15:42 RD, revision 27251

OGL typemap and OOR fixes

2004-05-13 02:04 GT, revision 27250

BLOB fix - if the type for the BLOB column is SQL_C_CHAR, CbValue is now set to SQL_NTS to indicate that the data is null terminated. It is strongly recommended to use SQL_C_BINARY for the BLOB type, not SQL_C_CHAR

2004-05-13 01:56 GT, revision 27249

More BLOB fixes

2004-05-12 21:52 VZ, revision 27248

added Portuguese (Brazilian) translations

2004-05-12 21:33 GT, revision 27247

Spelling typos fixed

2004-05-12 21:31 GT, revision 27246

Open curley braces '{' that were preceeded by a '\' were being incorrectly counted as a mismatched left curley brace

2004-05-12 21:28 GT, revision 27245

Updates to match current class info

2004-05-12 21:27 GT, revision 27244

For some reason, the ending '}' for the {\small } blocks that I moved the \begin{verbatim} code inside of fails to build correctly if the '}' is on the same line as the \end{verbatim} ... bizarre

2004-05-12 21:02 GT, revision 27243

\begin(verbatim) lines should start at the beginning of a line

2004-05-12 20:16 GT, revision 27242

Fixed a '(' that should have been a '{'

2004-05-12 19:41 GT, revision 27241

[SF#789459] Add support for connection strings. The patch originally submitted was not comprehensive enough to use for the connection caching, so a significant number of additional changes were added to support opening a connection with a connection string

2004-05-12 19:18 DE, revision 27240

Wrap within #if wxUSE_NOTEBOOK

2004-05-12 17:16 GT, revision 27239

[SF#777752] Applied a slight variation of this patch, pulling out the code that set the CbValue for the column from ::bindParams() to a new private function names ::setCbValueForColumn(). ::bindParams() now calls this function, as do both version of ::SetColNull()

2004-05-12 16:49 GT, revision 27238

[SF#851487] wxDb::Catalog() function was attempting to determine if the table that was being accessed was different than the last table being accessed BEFORE the table name of the current table was read in, causing an issue when more than one table was present in the database

2004-05-12 16:47 GT, revision 27237

Indentation formatting fix. No source code affected

2004-05-12 16:37 GT, revision 27236

Removed some sample test data that I had left hardcoded in the source

2004-05-12 16:29 GT, revision 27235

Added wxODBC change notes

2004-05-12 16:21 GT, revision 27234

Added wxODBC change notes

2004-05-12 16:15 GT, revision 27233

Fixed a typo in my checkin :-(

2004-05-12 16:14 GT, revision 27232

Attempted to port everything for BLOB support back to 2.4.x. I think it is complete. Table names now prepended to column names when joining tables. This is only if there is not a '.' in the column name already. Null column support fixes (SF #766404)

2004-05-12 16:12 GT, revision 27231

Identifying DB VENDOR signatures updated in wxDb::Dbms() wxDb::getDbInfo() will no longer return failure if the return code was SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO

2004-05-12 15:06 GT, revision 27230

Removed an outdated statement from docs

2004-05-12 14:22 GT, revision 27229

Use of blobs with a binding to a SQL_C_BINARY type column definition was not working correctly. The code should now work for SQL_C_BINARY and SQL_C_CHAR column bindings, though I have only tested with SQL_C_BINARY. The original code will be used if the column binding is not SQL_C_BINARY or SQL_C_CHAR

2004-05-12 14:10 GT, revision 27228

The wxDb::Open() function that takes a wxDbConnectInf() now has a second optional parameter 'failOnDataTypeUnsupported' that defaults to TRUE to maintain current behavior. This allows users to specify FALSE if they want to try to continue wxDb::getDbInfo() function will now not treat SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO as a failure when checking for supported features. Reformatting of some text, and removal of old commented out code

2004-05-12 14:07 GT, revision 27227

SQL_C_BLOB was getting #define'd incorrectly if there was not already a definition The wxDb::Open() function that takes a wxDbConnectInf() now has a second optional parameter 'failOnDataTypeUnsupported' that defaults to TRUE to maintain current behavior. This allows users to specify FALSE if they want to try to continue Reformatting of some text, and removal of old commented out code

2004-05-12 14:03 GT, revision 27226

wxODBC_BLOB_SUPPORT changed to just being a #define. BLOB support is on by default

2004-05-12 13:59 GT, revision 27225

Fixed assert warning if the listbox has no elements, we shouldn't try to set the selection to the first line

2004-05-12 09:08 JS, revision 27224

Added window styles to wxToolBar handler. Allow wxScrolledWindow to have children.

2004-05-12 09:06 JS, revision 27223

Added window styles for wxToolBar handler Allow wxScrolledWindow to have children

2004-05-12 02:07 RD, revision 27222


2004-05-12 01:51 RD, revision 27221


2004-05-12 01:50 RD, revision 27220

More DocStr macro updates

2004-05-12 01:49 RD, revision 27219

Oops, wrong file selected. undid last change

2004-05-12 01:45 RD, revision 27218


2004-05-12 01:44 RD, revision 27217

More DocStr macro updates

2004-05-12 00:17 RD, revision 27216

Some docstring additions, reformats and epydoc markup. Removed RefDoc macros, instead made all the normal Docstring macros take an extra parameter to be used for the optional details postion of the docstring. The intent is that the docstrings put in the generated .py files checked in to CVS and delivered in releases will be only a paragraph or two, but when used for generating the epydoc reference docs they can optionally contain a lot more details.

2004-05-12 00:12 RD, revision 27215

Check exit code or commands and exit with that code

2004-05-12 00:08 RD, revision 27214

made wx.Joystick stub (for platforms without joystick support) be unicode compatible.

2004-05-12 00:07 RD, revision 27213

Made wx.Locale() make an unitialized locale while still allowing wx.Locale(language) to still work.

2004-05-11 23:03 RD, revision 27212

Fixed compile warning

2004-05-11 20:41 DS, revision 27211

removed tabs; minor cosmetic cleanup

2004-05-11 19:44 DS, revision 27210

made font a non-pointer; code cleanup

2004-05-11 19:43 RD, revision 27209


2004-05-11 19:25 SC, revision 27208
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/carbon/setup0.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/classic/setup.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/classic/setup0.h

not needed

2004-05-11 19:24 SC, revision 27207

remove unneeded vars

2004-05-11 18:08 JS, revision 27206

Added wxUSE_MDI

2004-05-11 17:59 RD, revision 27205


2004-05-11 16:51 SC, revision 27204

added wxUSE_MDI

2004-05-11 14:35 JS, revision 27203

wxDocMDIParentFrame needs a default constructor

2004-05-11 13:17 SC, revision 27202

added correct (structure instead of content) bounds for window creation also

2004-05-11 12:58 SC, revision 27201

xcode commits

2004-05-11 05:26 KO, revision 27200

Restore proper set and kill focus handling for user pane controls under wxMac.

2004-05-11 00:40 RD, revision 27199

Added missing Detach method wrapper

2004-05-10 23:10 RD, revision 27198

Use self in DC method signatures

2004-05-10 20:54 RD, revision 27197

Add wxTimerEvent to Events category

2004-05-10 20:53 RD, revision 27196

Add GetOwner accessor and fix wxRTTI inheritance for wxTimer. Set the timer as the event object in wxTimerEvents.

2004-05-10 20:50 RD, revision 27195

Avoid duplicated definition errors for wxLongToLongHashMap when both grid.h and fs_zip.h are included.

2004-05-10 10:53 JS, revision 27194

Don't show wrong shade of grey when disabled

2004-05-10 08:21 VZ, revision 27193

renamed simplified chinese translations file from zh to zh_CN; updated zh_TW with latest translations from PAL

2004-05-09 18:52 VZ, revision 27192

fixed wxFileDataObject in Unicode build

2004-05-09 18:35 VZ, revision 27191

(blind) fix for gcc 3.4 warning for an always true comparison in an assert

2004-05-09 17:54 SN, revision 27190

Remove duplicated typedef depending on header file version.

2004-05-09 17:30 SN, revision 27189

Added missing "const" for operator== and operator!=.

2004-05-09 16:30 JS, revision 27188

Fixed size problem due to wxMac window implementation difference

2004-05-09 15:03 SN, revision 27187

Added missing const for comparision operators.

2004-05-09 14:38 SN, revision 27186

Applied patch [ 929275 ] [wxOS2] Missing title bars.

2004-05-09 12:45 JS, revision 27185

Blind fix

2004-05-08 22:16 VS, revision 27184

corrected wxLANGUAGE_CHINESE to use same default as win32 (Taiwan)

2004-05-08 21:15 MBN, revision 27183

Remove duplicate definition caused by last commit.

2004-05-08 20:20 MBN, revision 27182

When wxUSE_STL == 1 and STL provides quasi-standard hash_map/hash_set, wxHashMap/wxHashSet are just typedefs for them. This makes impossible to forward declare these classes.

2004-05-08 19:56 MBN, revision 27181

wxX11 compilation fixes.

2004-05-08 15:41 JS, revision 27180

Added missing textctrl.h include

2004-05-08 14:02 SC, revision 27179

DataBrowserBased CheckList implementation

2004-05-08 12:43 SC, revision 27178

connecting the currently focused text control to the mac os services (Services Menu)

2004-05-08 12:41 SC, revision 27177

scrolling to selection

2004-05-08 10:19 MBN, revision 27176

wxUniversal compilation fix. The fix is ok because this ash is a wxMSW data structure, and can only contain wxMSW windows. Compilation tested with and without wxUniversal and with and without WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4.

2004-05-08 10:17 VZ, revision 27175

added wxUSE_MDI (but forgot to commit before)

2004-05-08 10:05 VZ, revision 27174

removed HandleSysCommand() and don't generate duplicate events for frame maximization/iconization

2004-05-08 10:02 MBN, revision 27173

Add missing #define.

2004-05-08 09:45 MBN, revision 27172

Add missing WXDLLEXPORT.

2004-05-08 09:43 MBN, revision 27171

Remove duplicate definition.

2004-05-08 09:40 MBN, revision 27170

TeX2RTF compilation fixes after my last wxHashTable changes.

2004-05-08 09:38 MBN, revision 27169

CHM help is not compiled for wxUniversal.

2004-05-08 09:33 MBN, revision 27168

Fix for pure virtual method call caused by wxHashTable not overriding virtual destructor.

2004-05-08 09:24 SN, revision 27167

OS/2 PM does not yet support toggle button.

2004-05-08 09:16 SN, revision 27166

OS/2 PM does not yet support toggle button.

2004-05-08 08:58 VZ, revision 27165

fixed spellign typo in comment

2004-05-08 08:57 VZ, revision 27164

add -Icontrib/include when using --inplace

2004-05-08 01:37 RD, revision 27163


2004-05-08 01:29 RD, revision 27162

ActiveX events should be sent to the window, not it's parent.

2004-05-08 01:22 RD, revision 27161

Deprecated wx.iewin

2004-05-08 01:20 RD, revision 27160


2004-05-08 01:12 RD, revision 27159

Don't turn off kwargs for these methods any more

2004-05-08 01:11 RD, revision 27158


2004-05-08 00:51 DS, revision 27157

removed tab characters; minor code cleanup

2004-05-08 00:45 DS, revision 27156

don't repaint window if hidden: reduces flickering of hidden windows which change position (resulting in a repaint) due to for example sizer code

2004-05-07 22:22 VZ, revision 27155


2004-05-07 22:18 RD, revision 27154
