

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-06-22 14:46 SC, revision 64690

paint events cannot be constructed outside a native redraw in OSX

2010-06-22 13:49 SC, revision 64689

trying to get it building at least

2010-06-22 13:05 SJL, revision 64688

Revert to using Connect rather than Bind in TextEntryTestCase::TextChangeEvents for maximum compatibility.

2010-06-22 12:38 SJL, revision 64687

Add missing SVN properties to wxTestableFrame and wxUIActionSimulator files.

2010-06-22 12:20 SJL, revision 64686

Add a more flexible event count mechanism to wxTestableFrame using wxEventType. Specific event counts or the total number of events can be obtained. Also tidy the constructor to remove unused parameters.

2010-06-22 11:55 VZ, revision 64685

Add an explicit t_str() to fix wxMSW compilation with wxUSE_STL=1. wxString is not implicitly convertible to TCHAR* in this case and we need to use t_str() explicitly. Closes #12169.

2010-06-22 11:50 VZ, revision 64684

Undo/replace the workaround for Doxygen crash from r64630. According to simply adding an empty line after @since should be enough to fix the problem and this does seem to work in practice so restore @since removed by r64630.

2010-06-22 10:08 JJ, revision 64683

Update OpenVMS compile support

2010-06-22 05:20 RAW, revision 64682

Merge commit, from trunk r64198 to r64680.

2010-06-22 01:32 FM, revision 64681

blind buildbot fix

2010-06-21 23:46 FM, revision 64680

small warning+PCH fixes

2010-06-21 23:03 FM, revision 64679

move console sample's interactive tests to two different CppUnit testsuites: InteractiveInputTestCase which requires user input and InteractiveOutputTestCase which outputs stuff to be checked from the user. Leave in the console sample only a barebone console application (i.e. a real example). Closes #11960

2010-06-21 21:47 FM, revision 64678

better DirTestCase::DirExists test; fix test cases /usr//bin and /usr///bin: they succeed because wxDir::Exists does not care about redundant path separator (and this holds also for non-Unix platforms); add some more test case

2010-06-21 21:44 FM, revision 64677

minor change: use a "positive" logic: use shouldSucceed instead of shouldFail and use more descriptive names for non-existing folders; add a few test cases

2010-06-21 21:38 JTN, revision 64676

wxWindow::Update() native implementation

2010-06-21 21:38 JTN, revision 64675

wxDc::SetDeviceOrigin native implementation

2010-06-21 21:37 JTN, revision 64674

wxDc::SetDeviceOrigin native implementation

2010-06-21 21:37 JTN, revision 64673

Moving wxWindow and subclasses event handling to a template class

2010-06-21 18:45 JWE, revision 64672

add a new tab in sample and began to modify masked behavior to make it look like the one of wxPython

2010-06-21 18:36 SC, revision 64671

adding mimetype patch, closes #12072

2010-06-21 17:30 SC, revision 64670

adding HitTest to osx_cocoa implementation of listbox, refactoring code, fixes #11972

2010-06-21 16:01 SC, revision 64669

fixing year display, see #11444

2010-06-21 16:00 SC, revision 64668

adding bestsize for osx_cocoa combobox

2010-06-21 14:19 VZ, revision 64667

Correct the expected result of directory existence check. As /.. is the same as /, a directory with any number of ".." in it will always exist.

2010-06-21 14:19 VZ, revision 64666

Remove references to joytest.rc that was recently removed. Another fix to samples compilation after recent changes removing unneeded icons and resource files.