

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-06-24 13:25 VS, revision 64716

Compilation fix for compilers that don't have native wchar_t.

2010-06-24 12:56 SJL, revision 64715

Add a TextCtrlTestCase::ReadOnly test to ensure that SetEditable overrides wxTE_READONLY as it is supposed to.

2010-06-24 12:35 SJL, revision 64714

Add TextEntryTestCase::Editable test to check that text events are not sent from a non-editable text entry control.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64713

Add tests for printf arguments validation code.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64712

Check if there aren't too many variadic arguments.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64711

Format strings fixes in test suite.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64710

Check wxPrintf etc. arguments types. Implements checks similar to gcc's compile-time checks: verify that the arguments are of correct types. This works partially at compile time (e.g. passing an object as argument fails to compile) and partially at runtime (assert if the specifier doesn't match the type).

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64709

Add correct wxArgNormalizer code for signed char. Signed char is distict type (see 3.9.1 [basic.fundamental] part of the standard), covering just char and unsigned char is not enough.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64708

Always NUL-terminate wxPrintfConvSpec::m_szFlags. The array was initialized and terminating NUL was only added in some cases. In combination with strchr() calls, this would result it incorrect calculations or even crashes. Fixed by initializing the array to zeros. This is less error-prone than fixing the few places where explicitly adding the terminating NUL was missing.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64707

Check that wxSIZE_T_IS_* macros are always defined.

2010-06-24 12:33 VS, revision 64706

Fix thread ID formatting in log messages.

2010-06-24 12:33 VS, revision 64705

Corrected formatting of archiver command in the tests. wxString::Format() was used even when the first argument didn't contain any %s, yet a string argument was always passed to it.

2010-06-24 12:08 SJL, revision 64704

Update the unit testing tech note with extra information on wxUIActionSimulator based testing.

2010-06-24 11:48 SJL, revision 64703

Add an intentionally simple ButtonTestCase, mainly for demonstration purposes.

2010-06-24 11:20 JWE, revision 64702

Add the test with mask like this: #{12}, allow correctly the space

2010-06-23 22:30 SJL, revision 64701

Tidy the SocketTestCase so that it doesn't unset the current event loop without putting it back at the end as this causes later tests using wxUIActionSimulator to fail.

2010-06-23 22:01 SJL, revision 64700

Add an event loop to TestApp to allow the use wxUIActionSimulator in unit tests. Also show the frame so it can be used.

2010-06-23 13:44 MYA, revision 64698

Add a new 'Insert Image...' MenuItem to the sample

2010-06-23 09:24 MYA, revision 64697

'Image Property' works well when scroll occurs.

2010-06-22 23:59 JWE, revision 64696

continue to modify sample and beginning to add more possibilities with mask like #{4} -> ####

2010-06-22 22:57 JTN, revision 64695

wxDC: Fix DrawLines

2010-06-22 22:57 JTN, revision 64694

wxBitmap: Set/Get masks

2010-06-22 19:56 JTN, revision 64693

wxMask implementation

2010-06-22 15:55 MYA, revision 64692

Add the 'Image Property' for context menu.

2010-06-22 15:48 SC, revision 64691

paint events cannot be constructed outside a native redraw in OSX