

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-04-14 05:36 RD, revision 76340

Add some missing wxGrid methods

2014-04-14 05:24 RD, revision 76332

Add the CellHighlight getters too.

2014-04-14 05:24 RD, revision 76331

Avoid possible infinite recursion

2014-04-14 05:24 RD, revision 76330

Add some missing wxGrid methods

2014-04-14 05:24 RD, revision 76329

Update how the docset is generated. Use a more human-friendly name, put the files in doxygen/out/docset instead of in html, etc.

2014-04-14 00:07 VZ, revision 76328

Use wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY in native Cocoa wxPreferencesEditor too. Transfer data recursively for consistency with the generic implementation and because this generally just makes more sense.

2014-04-14 00:07 VZ, revision 76327

Use wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY in native Cocoa wxPreferencesEditor too. Transfer data recursively for consistency with the generic implementation and because this generally just makes more sense.

2014-04-13 02:00 VZ, revision 76326

Disable TextCtrlTestCase::LongText() for non-MSW platforms. At least under GTK SetMaxLength(), tested by this test, can't be used with multiline text controls at all, so running it fails. Keep the test for MSW only where SetMaxLength() works with controls of all kinds.

2014-04-13 00:56 VZ, revision 76325

Add error handling to wxSound under wxOSX. Don't assume that we can open any file as a sound, check for the return value from AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID().

2014-04-13 00:56 VZ, revision 76324

Don't use timer inside wxSound in wxOSX/Cocoa. The timer is only used by Carbon code, there is no need for it in Cocoa, so don't complicate things by starting it unnecessarily.

2014-04-13 00:56 VZ, revision 76323

Fix crash when playing invalid sounds under wxOSX. Sound ID 0 is not actually invalid, it is returned by AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID() when it fails to open the file and currently we don't consider this to be an error. However, because we never called AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID() for this sound ID, we continued to receive the notifications from the callback registered by AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion() for it even after the corresponding sound object was destroyed, resulting in crashes when playing it more than once. Fix this by keeping a separate flag indicating whether we're playing a sound and always disposing of the sound if we are, even if ID is 0.

2014-04-13 00:56 VZ, revision 76322

Call wxDataViewRenderer::Validate() under OS X too. Ensure that the custom renderers get a chance to validate (and maybe change) the value entered by user, as previously it was completely impossible with the native OS X implementation of wxDataViewCtrl.

2014-04-13 00:54 VZ, revision 76321

Fix crash when playing invalid sounds under wxOSX. Sound ID 0 is not actually invalid, it is returned by AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID() when it fails to open the file and currently we don't consider this to be an error. However, because we never called AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID() for this sound ID, we continued to receive the notifications from the callback registered by AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion() for it even after the corresponding sound object was destroyed, resulting in crashes when playing it more than once. Fix this by keeping a separate flag indicating whether we're playing a sound and always disposing of the sound if we are, even if ID is 0.

2014-04-13 00:54 VZ, revision 76320

Call wxDataViewRenderer::Validate() under OS X too. Ensure that the custom renderers get a chance to validate (and maybe change) the value entered by user, as previously it was completely impossible with the native OS X implementation of wxDataViewCtrl.

2014-04-13 00:54 VZ, revision 76319

Avoid selecting invalid tab when removing last page from wxOSX wxNotebook. Closes #15897 (backport of r75663 from trunk).

2014-04-12 17:42 PC, revision 76318

make validator pointer const

2014-04-12 02:11 VZ, revision 76317

Compilation fix for MinGW in GDI+ code. Don't use the XXXModeInvalid constants which are missing from MinGW headers for some reason.

2014-04-12 02:10 VZ, revision 76316

Use the same wxWeakRef implementation for complete and incomplete classes. This fixes an ODR violation which could arise if wxWeakRef<T> was seen both when T was an incomplete (e.g. just forward-defined) class and when it was complete. As different implementations, with different binary layouts, were used in these two cases, this resulted in fatal run-time problems. Fix this by always using the slightly less efficient (because storing an extra pointer) but simpler and safe "dynamic" wxWeakRef implementation. Also get rid of checks for the ancient compilers such as VC6 and g++ < 3.3, they are not supported any longer. Closes #15884.

2014-04-11 19:49 VZ, revision 76315

Restore correct handling of wxDocument::OnCreate() error return value. The changes of r74515 didn't quite restore the old behaviour, the document was still not being cleaned up if its OnCreate() simply returned false and not threw an exception. Do add cleanup in this code branch too, just duplicating what we in case of exception (this duplication can't be easily avoided unfortunately). This backports changes of r75646 from trunk, see #15883.

2014-04-11 18:04 PC, revision 76314

build fix for wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0 when NULL is defined to be nullptr casting nullptr is not allowed

2014-04-11 17:53 PC, revision 76313

build fix for wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0

2014-04-11 13:48 VZ, revision 76312

Fixes to the previous Nepalese translation update.

2014-04-11 06:48 PC, revision 76311

build fix for wxUSE_TOGGLEBTN==0

2014-04-11 06:48 PC, revision 76310

build fix for wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP==0

2014-04-11 06:48 PC, revision 76309

build fix for wxUSE_THREADS==0

2014-04-10 17:57 PC, revision 76308

fix invisible multi-line wxTextCtrl selection when custom foreground/background color is used with GTK3 closes #16176

2014-04-09 06:41 PC, revision 76307

fix invisible wxTextCtrl selection when custom foreground/background color is used with GTK3 closes #16176

2014-04-08 23:38 VZ, revision 76306

Nepalese translations update from Him Prasad Gautam.

2014-04-08 23:38 VZ, revision 76305

Don't set wxINTERPOLATION_GOOD quality by default in wxGDIPlusContext. This is inconsistent with wxOSX and also doesn't play well with the existence of wxINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT which is different from wxINTERPOLATION_GOOD. See #14134.

2014-04-08 23:31 VZ, revision 76304

Document unexpected default wxGraphicsContext interpolation quality. In 3.0, keep wxINTERPOLATION_GOOD as the default value instead of wxINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT for compatibility, but at least mention this and warn about the changes in 3.1. See #14134.

2014-04-08 23:23 VZ, revision 76303

Fix mouse events after calling WarpPointer() under OS X. See #16169.

2014-04-08 11:14 SC, revision 76302

fixes #16169

2014-04-07 22:34 VZ, revision 76301

Remove "default" clause from enums in wxGDIPlusContext code. This will allow the compiler to give us a warning if more elements are added to the enum later but not added to the switch. Also add error checking to Graphics::SetSmoothingMode() call.

2014-04-07 22:34 VZ, revision 76300

Fix mismatch between GDI+ and wxGraphicsContext interpolation quality. Use wxGDIPlusContext own method instead of using GDI+ method directly when setting the interpolation mode in wxGDIPlusContext initialization code to ensure that m_interpolation field matches the real interpolation mode used.

2014-04-07 22:34 VZ, revision 76299

Initialize wxGraphicsContext::m_interpolation field. This member wwas never initialized, resulting in erratic behaviour of SetInterpolationQuality() which compared its parameter with m_interpolation.

2014-04-07 22:29 VZ, revision 76298

Fix mismatch between GDI+ and wxGraphicsContext interpolation quality. Use wxGDIPlusContext own method instead of using GDI+ method directly when setting the interpolation mode in wxGDIPlusContext initialization code to ensure that m_interpolation field matches the real interpolation mode used.

2014-04-07 22:29 VZ, revision 76297

Initialize wxGraphicsContext::m_interpolation field. This member wwas never initialized, resulting in erratic behaviour of SetInterpolationQuality() which compared its parameter with m_interpolation.

2014-04-07 19:16 PC, revision 76296

update comment for wxBG_STYLE_TRANSPARENT

2014-04-07 19:15 PC, revision 76295

fix transparent window example wxBG_STYLE_TRANSPARENT can only be set before window creation. closes #16161

2014-04-07 18:23 JS, revision 76294

Object position calculation correction

2014-04-06 21:33 PC, revision 76293

avoid warnings about double-to-float conversion

2014-04-06 21:30 PC, revision 76292

avoid warning about shadowed variable

2014-04-06 21:28 PC, revision 76291

cast to proper type to avoid warning

2014-04-06 21:27 PC, revision 76290

remove unused macro definition

2014-04-06 21:27 PC, revision 76289

avoid warning about unreachable code

2014-04-05 19:13 PC, revision 76288

avoid double-to-float conversion warnings in headers

2014-04-05 12:44 VZ, revision 76287

Don't use %i format specifier for size_t values. In 64 bit build, size_t can be 64 bits while %i expects a 32 bit value. Fix this by just avoiding the unnecessary use of size_t, the number of entries in the index is not going to be greater than 2^32. Closes #16163.

2014-04-05 12:44 VZ, revision 76286

Fix warning about %lu being used with an int in 32 bit wxOSX build. NSUInteger is unsigned long in 64 bit builds, but unsigned int in 32 bits, so case it to long explicitly to avoid warnings about using it with %lu format specifier.

2014-04-05 12:44 VZ, revision 76285

Don't use %i format specifier for size_t values. In 64 bit build, size_t can be 64 bits while %i expects a 32 bit value. Fix this by just avoiding the unnecessary use of size_t, the number of entries in the index is not going to be greater than 2^32. Closes #16163.

2014-04-05 12:44 VZ, revision 76284

Fix warning about %lu being used with an int in 32 bit wxOSX build. NSUInteger is unsigned long in 64 bit builds, but unsigned int in 32 bits, so case it to long explicitly to avoid warnings about using it with %lu format specifier.