

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-07-05 14:56 SJL, revision 64820

Add missing svn properties

2010-07-05 13:12 SJL, revision 64819

Add some basic wxClientData tests to ItemContainerTestCase

2010-07-05 08:39 SC, revision 64818

fixing doc for OSX

2010-07-05 08:36 SC, revision 64817

using backwards compatible implementation

2010-07-05 06:19 MYA, revision 64816

Add basic design structure of layout floatings.

2010-07-04 14:20 JWE, revision 64815

beginning to add mouse support

2010-07-04 13:21 JMS, revision 64814

Make m_inDoPropertyChanged and m_inCommitChangesFromEditor bools; Manage m_inDoPropertyChanged using wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_SET()

2010-07-04 13:00 JWE, revision 64813

2010-07-04 12:39 JMS, revision 64812

Mention why wxPG_EX_UNFOCUS_ON_ENTER was removed

2010-07-04 12:30 JMS, revision 64811

m_inDoSelectProperty: make it bool and use wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_SET() on it.

2010-07-04 11:46 JMS, revision 64810

Redundant wxPropertyGrid validation failure message boxes should no longer be shown

2010-07-04 11:40 JWE, revision 64809

2010-07-04 10:53 JMS, revision 64808

Changed wxPropertyGrid default property validation failure behavior to more user-friendly wxPG_VFB_MARK_CELL | wxPG_VFB_SHOW_MESSAGEBOX

2010-07-04 10:33 JMS, revision 64807

Translate text 'Property Error'

2010-07-04 10:25 RR, revision 64806

Fix assert in dataview sample, fixes #12194: wxDataViewCtrl sample asserts in wxArgNormalizer

2010-07-04 10:22 JMS, revision 64805

Added new wxPropertyGrid property validation failure flags wxPG_VFB_SHOW_MESSAGEBOX and wxPG_VFB_SHOW_MESSAGE_ON_STATUSBAR, which allow defining the default message display behavior more accurately

2010-07-04 10:22 RR, revision 64804

Let wxChoice determine its size for wxDataViewChoiceRenderer itself, fixes #12193: wxDataViewChoiceRenderer size

2010-07-03 23:57 JWE, revision 64803

add negative integer fonctionnality correct unit test but one error is in the test. I have remove the sample to recreate a better version.

2010-07-03 16:24 VS, revision 64802

Fixed XML parser error text formatting. XML_GetCurrentLineNumber() returns int in some versions of Expat and unsigned long (or even uint64_t) in other versions. Just cast the value to int so that it works correctly with all versions. Fixes #12196.

2010-07-03 16:24 VS, revision 64801

Fix strings formatting in wxrc.

2010-07-03 16:24 VS, revision 64800

Fix format strings parsing to understand C99 %zu etc. The parser used to understand only 'Z' specifier for size_t/ptrdiff_t, which is non-standard libc5 extension. C99 defines 'z' for this purpose, so use that. Compatibility with 'Z' is preserved. Also support Visual C++'s non-standard 'I' modifier with the same meaning. Fixes #12192.

2010-07-03 16:24 VS, revision 64799

wxFileOffsetFmtSpec isn't translatable.

2010-07-03 16:24 VS, revision 64798

Fix vararg type checking to accept ints for %c. It's perfectly legitimate to format int values as %c, so don't assert in this case. Fixes #12192.

2010-07-03 16:24 VS, revision 64797

Simply varargs type checking by adding subtypes to check mask. Instead of always declaraing that a C++ type corresponds to either Arg_String or Arg_Pointer, make Arg_String superset of Arg_Pointer.

2010-07-03 14:22 JMS, revision 64796

Eliminated lingering validation failure message on the status bar. Added wxPropertyGrid virtual member functions DoHidePropertyError() and GetStatusBar().