

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-07-15 10:07 JWE, revision 64972

tab behavior is ok, now finished sample verifie unit test, and update sample.

2010-07-15 01:06 VZ, revision 64971

Remove dllexport declaration from a nested struct. Try a blind fix for VC6 linking problems in DLL build related to wxFileTypeInfo ctor. This is unlikely to fix it but DLL-exporting a nested struct which, moreover, has only inline methods, seems unnecessary and it just might help too.

2010-07-15 00:43 VZ, revision 64970

Don't compile platform-specific methods when using wxUniversal. Various wxTextEntry::GetEditXXX() methods shouldn't be used in wxUniv build.

2010-07-14 17:57 SJL, revision 64969

Add set of tests for wxToggleButton.

2010-07-14 17:48 SJL, revision 64968

USe DestroyChildren to properly destroy the wxRadioBox.

2010-07-14 16:59 MYA, revision 64967

Add more helper functions for layout floats

2010-07-14 16:52 VZ, revision 64966

Don't use wxRendererNative::DrawFocusRect() under Mac. This function doesn't do the right thing there, it draws the focus border as it's drawn around controls such as buttons. This border overflows the item rectangle and results in garbage remaining on screen when selection changes. See #12229.

2010-07-14 16:52 VZ, revision 64965

Use correct format specifiers in wxOSX/Carbon font caching code. The specifiers used didn't match the actual argument types resulting in the asserts from the new wxPrintf() code. Correct them to match the real types. Closes #12186.

2010-07-14 16:45 SJL, revision 64964

Update some of the comments in ButtonTestCase and remove an unnecessary include.

2010-07-14 16:38 SJL, revision 64963

Add extra tests to wxTreebook for adding and inserting pages, expanding them and deleting them.

2010-07-14 14:08 JTN, revision 64962

wxTimer implementation (wxQtTimerImpl)

2010-07-14 13:23 SJL, revision 64961

Add set of tests for wxRadioBox.

2010-07-14 13:20 VZ, revision 64960

Suppress warnings about double to int truncation in wxHTML code. Actually it's not totally clear if truncation or rounding was intended here but when in doubt preserve the old code semantics.

2010-07-14 13:18 JTN, revision 64959

Save window style

2010-07-14 13:18 JTN, revision 64958

Emulate enter and leave events while dragging

2010-07-14 13:12 VZ, revision 64957

Generate key events in generic wxDataViewCtrl implementation. Forward wxEVT_CHAR events from wxDataViewMainWindow to the parent window so that they could be processed at wxDataViewCtrl level. Call DisableKeyboardScrolling() to ensure that cursor movement keys are not always eaten by the parent window but can be used for the navigation in the control if they're not processed by user. Add a test keyboard handler to the dataview sample to check that handling keys in wxDataViewCtrl does work.

2010-07-14 13:11 VZ, revision 64956

No changes, just use better names in wxDataViewCtrl sample. ID_DELETE_MUSIC button deleted selected items so use ID_DELETE_SEL and OnDeleteSelected() handler for it instead.

2010-07-14 11:54 SJL, revision 64955

Add set of tests for wxCheckBox.

2010-07-14 11:33 JWE, revision 64954

add doc and remove useless methods.

2010-07-14 10:36 SJL, revision 64953

Also use existing wxGrid tests with native headers where applicable.

2010-07-13 22:11 JTN, revision 64952

wxDC: Draw icons and arcs

2010-07-13 21:01 JTN, revision 64951

wxMemoryDC: Extra check to make sure a bitmap is valid as a painting target

2010-07-13 20:39 JTN, revision 64950

Save which widget has the grab

2010-07-13 20:24 JTN, revision 64949

Use mouse position relative to widget (not global)

2010-07-13 20:22 JTN, revision 64948

Proper wxClientDC implementation (temporary store to a QPicture and paint in the next paintEvent)