

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-01-24 09:34 VZ, revision 51355

generate focus and kill focus events for wxTextCtrl at wxWindow level instead of doing it in wxTextCtrl itself and specifically disabling focus event generation for text controls in wxWindow

2008-01-23 23:32 VZ, revision 51354

compilation fix after r51188: only define operator<<() overloads for wxLongLong_t for VC6, next VC versions (and presumably all other compilers as we hadn't had problems with them before) define them in their standard library already

2008-01-23 23:30 VZ, revision 51353

define __VISUALCn__ for n=5,6,7,8,9 and not only 8; also document these symbols

2008-01-23 23:03 VZ, revision 51352

no real changes, just use HandleWindowEvent() instead of GetEventHandler()->SafelyProcessEvent() in the last change

2008-01-23 22:51 VS, revision 51351

use _vc8 suffix for VS2005 projects for consistency

2008-01-23 22:31 VS, revision 51350

catch exceptions when sending menu events

2008-01-23 20:48 RR, revision 51349

remove wxT()

2008-01-23 16:22 MW, revision 51348

Move the mac stable branch build onto an x86 machine, as it was on an ia64 machine by mistake which doesn't have the mac compiler in the path.

2008-01-23 13:03 JS, revision 51347

ABI compatibility

2008-01-23 12:13 VS, revision 51346

regenerated makefiles with bkl-0.2.3

2008-01-23 12:04 VS, revision 51345

updated bakefiles to take advantage of Bakefile 0.2.3 (now required)

2008-01-23 07:53 BP, revision 51340

Reverted wxAuiFloatingFrame dtor crash fix (r51324) in favor of wxWeakRef implementation, thanks Robert.

2008-01-23 07:29 JS, revision 51339

Splittree header commit

2008-01-22 19:31 VZ, revision 51338

remove the unnecessary non-const GetPage() overload

2008-01-22 14:02 SC, revision 51337

fixing 1877182

2008-01-22 13:59 SC, revision 51336

fixing 1877182

2008-01-22 13:33 VS, revision 51335

ignore Visual Studio per-user/machine settings files

2008-01-22 13:31 VS, revision 51334

updated include/wx/meta/* files list

2008-01-22 11:29 VS, revision 51330

fixed wxVector<T> to work with non-POD types again; added optimization to keep using (much faster) realloc with types that are movable

2008-01-22 10:20 VS, revision 51329

use xdg-open in wxLaunchDefaultBrowser() on Unix if available

2008-01-22 10:19 VS, revision 51328

use xdg-open in wxLaunchDefaultBrowser() on Unix if available

2008-01-22 08:23 JS, revision 51326

Added event handler macro

2008-01-22 08:23 JS, revision 51325

Added event handler macro

2008-01-22 08:20 BP, revision 51324

Fixed a rare wxAuiFloatingFrame dtor crash on MSW using a registration mechanism in wxAuiManager.

2008-01-21 22:34 VZ, revision 51323

temporary fix for shared build linking problems after the last change

2008-01-21 17:18 VS, revision 51315

call Create from wxGrid non-default ctor instead to ensure both methods of creation are in sync (they drifted apart already)

2008-01-21 17:16 VS, revision 51314

wxGrid focus handling fixes: - don't allow focus in helper labels subwindows - draw selection in different colour when not focused - hide cursor/highlight when not focused

2008-01-21 17:11 VS, revision 51313

wxGrid focus handling fixes: - don't allow focus in helper labels subwindows - draw selection in different colour when not focused - hide cursor/highlight when not focused

2008-01-21 16:30 VS, revision 51312

C++ files are not executable

2008-01-21 15:03 VS, revision 51311

prefix implementation methods of wxBitmapButton with 'GTK' to prevent shadowing of HasFocus

2008-01-21 14:51 VS, revision 51310

updated wxExecute checks in wxGTK to be same as in other Unix ports after recent changes

2008-01-21 13:53 VS, revision 51309

silence compiler warnings

2008-01-21 13:30 VS, revision 51308

added wxWindow::HasFocus() for more convenient way of determining if a (possibly composite) window has focus

2008-01-21 12:29 FM, revision 51306

mention also the contrib libraries removal/movements

2008-01-21 11:56 VS, revision 51305

use full path to headers in header guards

2008-01-21 10:07 VZ, revision 51304

document GetTemplates() instead of m_templates

2008-01-21 08:45 VS, revision 51303

reverted last commit, it was wrong

2008-01-21 08:42 VS, revision 51302

utils.h is not needed by wxVector, removed

2008-01-20 22:55 VZ, revision 51301

no changes, just come cleanup and more comments

2008-01-20 22:40 VZ, revision 51300

add wxDatePickerCtrl support in wxGenericValidator (patch 1870174)

2008-01-20 22:32 VZ, revision 51299

document LoadObject() (patch 1873045)

2008-01-20 12:34 FM, revision 51298

Gl library is not part of the monolithic library even when MONOLITHIC=1

2008-01-20 10:58 FM, revision 51296

set BUILD variable to release not only when DEBUG is empty but also when it contains 0

2008-01-19 21:15 SN, revision 51290

Fixed OS/2 compilation after wxDC changes

2008-01-19 14:15 SN, revision 51288

Applied patch #1875242 - fixing more bugs related to using OS/2's DevQueryCaps

2008-01-19 14:10 SN, revision 51287

Applied patch #1875242 - fixing more bugs related to using OS/2's DevQueryCaps

2008-01-19 03:51 VZ, revision 51284

use slash, not backslash, in #include

2008-01-19 03:42 VZ, revision 51283

use bgcolor when restoring styles as this is what we write, not backgroundcolor

2008-01-19 03:35 VZ, revision 51282

skip focus events after handling them in wxTextCtrl, otherwise they never reach wxApp (bug 1875046)

2008-01-18 21:38 SN, revision 51280

Fixed errors in OS/2's wxDC::SetMapMode (patch #1871556, needed for Filezilla).