

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-07-17 18:18 VZ, revision 64999

Add a script for finding all files using native eol style in svn. This is a companion script for build/tools/git-make-release but can also be useful independently.

2010-07-17 18:17 VZ, revision 64998

Add scripts to make releases from a git-svn repository. This can't replace the official release script yet as not everybody uses git but they are much more convenient to use than the old ones for me and also faster so I'm adding them to svn in case they can be useful to others.

2010-07-17 17:24 VZ, revision 64997

Create tag WX_2_9_1

2010-07-17 16:55 VZ, revision 64996

Really set svn:eol-style property. The last commit used incorrect property name, remove the erroneous property and set the correct svn:eol-style one.

2010-07-17 16:44 MYA, revision 64995

Basic floating feature comes

2010-07-17 15:46 VZ, revision 64994

Set EOL style property to "native" for more files. Some files were using CR LF even in Unix checkouts unnecessarily, fix this.

2010-07-17 13:55 VZ, revision 64993

Don't redefine wxNO_EXCEPTIONS in wx/except.h if it's already defined. This symbol can be defined on compiler command line already, don't redefine it in this case to avoid a warning. Closes #12235.

2010-07-17 10:40 RR, revision 64992

Document methods indicating what kind of client data is associated with an item container (HasClientData() etc.)

2010-07-17 08:08 SC, revision 64991

removing early init, fixes #12231

2010-07-16 16:41 MYA, revision 64988

Complete LayoutFloat

2010-07-16 14:23 SJL, revision 64987

Add a pause to the wxBitmapToggleButton tests as the control is not very responsive to rapid successive clicks.

2010-07-16 13:39 VZ, revision 64986

Use -headerpad_max_install_names option for fractal demo under OS X. Without it, changing install name fails which probably makes the demo unrunnable and also prevents the Buildbot build from succeeding.

2010-07-16 12:31 RR, revision 64985

Don't pass NULL to wxDir, rather hop over when trying to find dir with translation

2010-07-15 22:32 JTN, revision 64984

Fixed some destructors. Apps now exit cleanly except for parameters deletion

2010-07-15 21:56 JTN, revision 64983

Destructors for wxWindow and derivates

2010-07-15 20:53 JTN, revision 64982

wxMessageDialog implementation

2010-07-15 20:28 JTN, revision 64981

Split Qt's wxDialog implementation to a separate file (needed for compiling)

2010-07-15 19:37 JTN, revision 64980

wxDialog implementation

2010-07-15 18:37 SJL, revision 64979

Add tests for wxBitmapComboBox. This is especially important as on some platforms it is not a wxComboBox derivative.

2010-07-15 18:36 JTN, revision 64978

Implemented all missing functions in 'utils'. wxGetKeyState still needs a platform-specific implementation as there is no Qt equivalent

2010-07-15 16:54 JTN, revision 64977

wxWindow::DoPopupMenu implementation

2010-07-15 16:06 JTN, revision 64976

More window event handlers

2010-07-15 15:38 SJL, revision 64975

Add tests for wxBitmapToggleButton, based on the wxToggleButton tests.

2010-07-15 15:34 SJL, revision 64974

Use DestroyChildren to properly destroy the wxGauge.

2010-07-15 14:29 SJL, revision 64973

Add set of tests for wxGauge. This includes tests for direction, range and value.