

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-07-23 08:58 SC, revision 65050

fixes #12258

2010-07-22 22:09 SJL, revision 65049

Add a test to ListBaseTestCase testing that EnsureVisible works correctly.

2010-07-22 21:32 SJL, revision 65048

Add simple test for assigning image lists to wxTreeCtrl.

2010-07-22 16:36 SJL, revision 65047

Add SpinCtrlDoubleTestCase. This is based heavily off the existing wxSpinCtrl tests and adds extra tests for the increment and digit functions.

2010-07-22 15:42 VZ, revision 65046

Fix harmless unused parameter warnings in wxDEBUG_LEVEL==0 build. These warnings were harmless as they concerned the parameters used inside wxASSERTs only but there were hundreds if not thousands of them in wx/strvararg.h alone so all the rest of build output was completely lost in them.

2010-07-22 15:42 VZ, revision 65045

Make --disable-debug[_flag] configure option really work. We never defined wxDEBUG_LEVEL as 0 meaning that debugging code in wxWidgets was always enabled, even if --disable-debug_flag or --disable-debug (which implies it) was given. Fix this now by adding -DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 to CPPFLAGS if necessary.

2010-07-22 15:42 VZ, revision 65044

Fix compilation of wxSpinCtrlGenericBase when PCH are not used. This fixes PCH-less compilation broken by r65043. Closes #12259 (again).

2010-07-22 14:16 VZ, revision 65043

Fix explicitly setting focus to generic wxSpinCtrl. The control itself can't accept focus as its window is disabled so set the focus to its text part instead if SetFocus() is explicitly called. Closes #12259.

2010-07-22 14:16 VZ, revision 65042

Update wxSpinCtrlDouble::m_digits in its SetDigits(). We need to update the internally stored information about the number of digits we use and not just update the control appearance accordingly. Also don't do anything at all when the number of digits didn't really change. Closes #12260.

2010-07-22 14:09 VZ, revision 65041

Document wxVector<T>::swap(). Closes #12253.

2010-07-22 14:09 VZ, revision 65040

Add wxItemContainer::DetachClientObject() and use it in wxRearrangeList. Add a method to detach the item from an item control without deleting it and use it in wxRearrangeList to correctly swap object client data without deleting the pointers in the process. Closes #12201.

2010-07-22 14:09 VZ, revision 65039

Remove executable bits from plist files. These files probably don't need to be executable.

2010-07-22 14:09 VZ, revision 65038

Replace 2.9.1 version with 2.9.2. Also update the inc_release script to take src/wxWindows.xcodeproj into account.

2010-07-22 14:08 VZ, revision 65037

Don't mention non-existent setup.exe in wxMSW installation notes. Also expand setup.h section.

2010-07-22 14:08 VZ, revision 65036

Update the tech note about making new releases with more information. Mention other release-related things and not only how to create the release files.

2010-07-22 14:08 VZ, revision 65035

Explain better relationships between various TLW styles. In particular mention that wx{MINIMIZE,MAXIMIZE,CLOSE}_BOX can't be used without wxCAPTION and that wxSYSTEM_MENU ought to be used with it too. Closes #12246.

2010-07-21 16:20 RAW, revision 65034

wxRichMessageDialog implementation.

2010-07-21 16:19 RAW, revision 65033

Made some wxMessageDialog methods non-virtual and a minor fix.

2010-07-21 15:56 CE, revision 65032

script for building chm docs and wxMSW exe

2010-07-21 15:08 RAW, revision 65031

MSW task dialog implementation for wxMessageDialog.

2010-07-21 12:47 SJL, revision 65030

Add SpinCtrlTestCase. Adds tests for arrow key events, wrapping, range setting and value setting.

2010-07-21 11:37 SJL, revision 65029

Add a couple of missing bakefile entries.

2010-07-21 11:35 SJL, revision 65028

Add SliderTestCase. This includes tests for various key events and getting and setting value, range and line and page sizes.

2010-07-20 17:14 SJL, revision 65027

Split out most ListCtrlTestCase tests into a new ListBaseTestCase so they can be used to test wxListCtrl and wxListView. Add the new ListViewTestCase and extra tests for selection and focus.

2010-07-20 15:32 JWE, revision 65026

Correct change fill char bug