

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-11-19 20:49 VZ, revision 30653

create BS_GROUPBOX transparent

2004-11-19 20:38 ABX, revision 30652

Sorting fixes to wxUniv wxCombo/ListBox [part of bug #1040593].

2004-11-19 20:37 VZ, revision 30651

don't draw themed background for standard controls; they do it themselves and so this only results in even more flicker

2004-11-19 20:36 VZ, revision 30650

always return solid background for listbox

2004-11-19 20:35 VZ, revision 30649

added MSWControlColorDisabled and MSWControlColorSolid

2004-11-19 20:18 VZ, revision 30648

added missing header for USE_PCH == 0

2004-11-19 20:06 RD, revision 30647

Remove py_objasdbl_conv typedef

2004-11-19 20:04 RD, revision 30646

wxHtmlHelpController doesn't derive from wxEvtHandler

2004-11-19 20:04 VZ, revision 30645

refresh widget after changing its colour

2004-11-19 20:03 RD, revision 30644

Added GetCurrentPage

2004-11-19 19:57 RD, revision 30643

Added ConvertColourToAlpha

2004-11-19 19:55 VZ, revision 30642

don't set background colour explicitely; no need to handle WM_ERASEBKGND ourselves now that it is done correctly at wxControl level

2004-11-19 19:53 VZ, revision 30641

refactored code to do brush adjustment for bg drawing in only one place

2004-11-19 19:40 VZ, revision 30640

replaced OnCtlColor(7 params) with MSWControlColor(1 param)

2004-11-19 19:28 RD, revision 30639

Added wxPyInputStream dtor. Use PyLong_FromLongLong iff needed for wxFileOffset

2004-11-19 19:23 RD, revision 30638

Use static method for AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix instead of global function

2004-11-19 19:20 RD, revision 30637

Give SendSizeEvent a generic implementation. It can be useful on non-MSW platforms as well.

2004-11-19 19:05 VZ, revision 30636

removed OnCtlColor()

2004-11-19 19:04 VZ, revision 30635

removed (unused) nCtlColor parameter of OnCtlColor()

2004-11-19 19:03 VZ, revision 30634

added tests for setting fg/bg colours

2004-11-19 18:57 VZ, revision 30633

added GetCurrentPage()

2004-11-19 18:37 VZ, revision 30632

removed (unused) nCtlColor parameter of OnCtlColor(); added MSWControlColor(); implemented it to use tab control background if applicable

2004-11-19 18:36 VZ, revision 30631

added support for drawing themed background: DoEraseBackground() and GetThemeBackgroundBrush()

2004-11-19 17:17 VZ, revision 30630

added GetIfActive() method returning non-NULL engine only if themes are not only available, but really use

2004-11-19 16:49 VZ, revision 30629

removed duplicated code

2004-11-19 16:47 VZ, revision 30628

added CompatibleBitmap wrapper class

2004-11-19 15:55 ABX, revision 30627

Do not make bitmap buttons with standard width (like in wxComboBox drop down button).

2004-11-19 07:46 RN, revision 30626

part of patch [ 649438 ] Bug fixes from Netscape/AOL

2004-11-19 07:16 RN, revision 30625

patch [ 762159 ] scroll sample auto-scroll test

2004-11-19 06:57 RN, revision 30624

Enable stl compilation with wxMac - unicode no work on 10.2 though. Modded patch 1051991.

2004-11-19 06:34 SC, revision 30623

apparently this code might be called with a CFSocket not yet constructed, guard against NULL

2004-11-19 00:30 VS, revision 30622

applied modified patch with native GTK wxFileDialog

2004-11-18 23:20 VZ, revision 30621

don't erase background in wxControl neither

2004-11-18 22:32 VZ, revision 30620

set background style to wxBG_STYLE_COLOUR in SetBackgroundColour()

2004-11-18 21:09 VS, revision 30619

fixed libgnomeprint check to fail if libgnomeprint is too old

2004-11-18 17:03 RN, revision 30618

[ 1067084 ] fs_zip.cpp assertion fix

2004-11-18 16:49 RN, revision 30617

fix compilo pointed out by OW

2004-11-18 16:35 RN, revision 30616

get rid of singleCustomColour - its not needed. Cleanup/optimize a bit more.

2004-11-18 16:24 RN, revision 30615

fix bug where color chosen by sliders wouldn't be registered. Optimized a bit.

2004-11-18 16:20 RN, revision 30614

fix dialogs sample to remember last color with generic color dialog

2004-11-18 15:26 RN, revision 30613

Add wxSizerFlags docs to wxSizer, wxSizerItem and wxSizer overview. Mention that wxSizerFlags is PRELIMINARY.

2004-11-18 14:58 RN, revision 30612

wxSizerFlags name fix, accessors only available to wxSizer (supposively :))

2004-11-18 14:52 RN, revision 30611

wxsizerflags docs

2004-11-18 14:45 RR, revision 30610

Added support for native print preview (GNOME)

2004-11-18 14:15 RN, revision 30609

moved verbose changes to manual

2004-11-18 14:15 RN, revision 30608

Add incompat and depre changes to manual

2004-11-18 14:14 RN, revision 30607

fix various latex errors

2004-11-18 14:07 RN, revision 30606

fix underscore errors

2004-11-18 14:04 RR, revision 30605

Implemented DoDrawRotatedText() by way of a rotation of a alpha blended text bitmap. It would be better if Pango could draw directly into an wxImage (as FreeType) can, but that is for later..

2004-11-18 14:01 RR, revision 30604

Added support for alpha channels in interpolated and non-interpolated image rotation. Added helper method for turning shades of grey into shades of alpha and a colour.

2004-11-18 13:16 ABX, revision 30603

3rd state in checkboxes for wxUniv [closes bug#1040585].

2004-11-18 10:30 VS, revision 30602

reverted DrawRotatedText change, it's broken

2004-11-18 10:02 JS, revision 30601

Null m_select_me when this item is deleted

2004-11-18 09:50 SC, revision 30600

avoid locale that always returns US-ASCII on wxMac

2004-11-18 08:36 RN, revision 30599

fix initial color

2004-11-18 08:14 ABX, revision 30598

Fixes for USE_GUI=0 to make pure wxBase makefiles possible. Nothing rebaked because GUI builds are not influenced (but makefiles minimally changed).

2004-11-18 01:28 RD, revision 30597

StandardPaths updates. Added a demo sample for StandardPaths. Made the Python install prefix be the default install prefix for StandardPaths.

2004-11-17 23:50 RD, revision 30596


2004-11-17 21:57 RR, revision 30595

Start for Pango 1.6 based text rotation.

2004-11-17 21:56 RR, revision 30594

Added support for most print page/selection/copies etc. options in the native GNOME dialog. Added support for printing rotated text and alpha channel images.

2004-11-17 18:38 SC, revision 30593

added unix/stdpaths

2004-11-17 18:02 DE, revision 30592

Implement toolbar tool clicks. Get rid of wxNSActionCell stuff because Cells send their action from the view anyway so we'd have no way of knowing which tool was clicked.

2004-11-17 16:59 RR, revision 30591

Use native printing dialog for wxPrintDialog, not for setup only as before. It prints, but page selection etc. is still an idea

2004-11-17 16:36 ABX, revision 30590

Typecast before endian adjustements.

2004-11-17 16:13 ABX, revision 30589

Several casts due to assigning signed to unsigned or more to less bits of integral values.

2004-11-17 16:11 ABX, revision 30588

Typecast during compilation instead of class constructor call (OW warnig fix).

2004-11-17 15:16 SC, revision 30587

wxStat call preliminary fix

2004-11-17 15:14 SC, revision 30586

file name char set string conversions

2004-11-17 13:42 JS, revision 30585

Added IsTopLevel() check to last message loop in PreProcessMessage. This stops e.g. ESC being processed by a parent modal dialog if not processed by the child -> assert and lockup

2004-11-17 08:57 VZ, revision 30584

fixed static libs detection (shouldn't suppress stdout, just stderr)

2004-11-17 07:39 RN, revision 30583

who knows, maybe this will fix the 10.3 problems

2004-11-17 02:47 KH, revision 30582

Added archive.h to list of headers, put archive.cpp in alphabetical order, but did not rebake

2004-11-17 02:33 KH, revision 30581

Fix tree control focus issues on OS X (and possibly others) caused by toplevel.cpp not giving focus if children eat the LEFT_DOWN event... added event.Skip() on LeftDown() (whether an item is hit or not) after all dragging and moving conditions have been considered so that LEFT_DOWN events are never eaten by the tree preventing receiving focus

2004-11-16 21:01 RD, revision 30580

commented out dbg message

2004-11-16 20:49 JS, revision 30579

Wrapped two generated literals in _T

2004-11-16 20:48 JS, revision 30578

Doc tweaks

2004-11-16 20:08 SC, revision 30577

somehow commit did not work

2004-11-16 16:41 RN, revision 30576

missed commit files

2004-11-16 15:53 RN, revision 30575

makefile regen, include fix, duplicate file fix

2004-11-16 14:36 RN, revision 30574

cleanup OSX native font dialog stuff a bit (it should prob. be an option in configure

2004-11-16 14:19 RN, revision 30573

files for native font dialog on mac

2004-11-16 13:56 ABX, revision 30572

WinCE fix. IsEmpty() -> empty().

2004-11-16 13:54 ABX, revision 30571

WinCE correction.

2004-11-16 13:52 ABX, revision 30570

Warning fix.

2004-11-16 13:51 ABX, revision 30569

eVC3 media fix.

2004-11-16 13:49 ABX, revision 30568

Define wxMediaEvent before it is used. Make OnMediaFinish compatible to wxObjectEventFunction. Warning fix.

2004-11-16 12:09 VZ, revision 30567

attempts to suppress C4702 for VC

2004-11-16 12:07 VZ, revision 30566

added operator>>(wchar_t)

2004-11-16 12:06 VZ, revision 30565

small optimization for wxTextCtrl (forgot to commit with textctrl.cpp)

2004-11-16 12:00 VZ, revision 30564

made default background colour BTNFACE (so that panels don't have to erase their background explicitly); removed now unneeded SetBackgroundColour() in wxDialog which now has default bg colour and restored one in wxFrame which now has a non default one

2004-11-16 11:58 VS, revision 30563

fixed wxEncodingConverter-base wxCSConv to report failures as expected

2004-11-16 11:58 VS, revision 30562

modified wxEncodingConverter API to report failures

2004-11-16 11:56 VZ, revision 30561

suppress output of wx-config --static to fix problems introduced by wx-config rewrite

2004-11-16 11:30 VZ, revision 30560

removed unused variable to suppress warning (and put a TODO in place)

2004-11-16 06:04 SC, revision 30559

onsize event not needed anymore

2004-11-16 03:15 DE, revision 30558

Prevent crashes in wxFFile(Input|Output)Stream: Do not call Eof() or Error() without first checking IsOpened().

2004-11-15 20:51 DE, revision 30557

Use wxUint16 instead of WORD and wxUint8 instead of BYTE.

2004-11-15 20:25 SC, revision 30556

changed fonts on OSX to use OSX system fonts having the full Unicode Tables

2004-11-15 19:50 SC, revision 30555

adapted to current filelist

2004-11-15 19:29 SC, revision 30554

correcting include type