

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-10-25 22:46 VZ, revision 65923

Use the correct accelerator for the "Preferences" Apple menu item. Use the standard Command-, accelerator for the standard "Preferences" item in the Apple menu. Closes #12121.

2010-10-25 22:46 VZ, revision 65922

Use the application name in the "About" item of the Apple menu. To conform to Apple UI guidelines the application name should be included in the "About" menu item label in the Apple menu. See #12121.

2010-10-25 11:43 VS, revision 65921

Add wxImplicitConversionType tests.

2010-10-25 11:43 VS, revision 65920

Make wxMin, wxMax and wxClip template functions. Previously used macro's arguments were evaluated twice, but there were many occurences of their use in our code that didn't account for this and used expensive-to-evaluate arguments as if they were functions.

2010-10-25 11:24 JS, revision 65919

Style page no longer grows to fit very long style names; freeze/thaw used for speed

2010-10-25 11:22 VZ, revision 65918

Compilation fix: don't use "environ" under OS X. The global environ variable is not directly accessible under OS X, use _NSGetEnviron() instead.

2010-10-25 01:06 VZ, revision 65917

Make wxUString compilable with VC6. Provide replacements for std::basic_string functionality missing from this compiler standard library. Closes #12357.

2010-10-25 01:03 VZ, revision 65916

Fix typo in wxFILTER_NUMERIC documentation. Replace wxFILTER_SIMPLE_NUMBER with wxFILTER_DIGITS. Closes #12341.

2010-10-25 01:03 VZ, revision 65915

Add wxDocManager::FindTemplate() method. This allows to find the template corresponding to the document of the given class. Closes #12170.

2010-10-25 01:03 VZ, revision 65914

Don't handle RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE return of OleInitialize() as an error. This error means that OLE had already been initialized so from our point of view it counts as a success. Closes #12516.

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65913

Do nothing in wxMemoryDC::SelectObject() if the bitmap is already selected. It doesn't make sense to make a copy of the bitmap in order to select it into wxMemoryDC if it's already selected into it. See #11640.

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65912

Always create new OLE objects with reference count of 1, not 0. There are no real changes but ensure that the new objects of classes using DECLARE_OLE_UNKNOWN() macro are created with valid reference count of 1 instead of being created in phantom state with reference count of 0. Remove the now unnecessary AddRef() and add the now required DecRef() calls. See #11566.

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65911

Fix problems with reference counting in wxActiveXContainer. Ensure that the IFrameSite object is created with valid (i.e. non-zero) reference count by calling AddRef() on it immediately after creation and remove the weird QueryInterface() call which was used to work around this bug. Closes #11566.

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65910

Don't consider lack of connection points an error in wxActiveXContainer. Handle CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION return value from IConnectionPointContainer:: FindConnectionPoint() as an expected error and don't complain about it. See #11566.

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65909

Don't activate the window when updating its styles in wxMSW. Add SWP_NOACTIVATE to the flags used by wxWindow::MSWUpdateStyle(). This allows to change the style of a window without necessarily activating it. Closes #11560.

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65908

Fix wrong wxLogDebug() call in fswatcher sample. Replace wxLogDebug() with wxLogTrace() as was probably intended. This fixes the assert which happened when running the sample because of the wrong number of parameters passed to wxLogDebug().

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65907

Allow specifying the directory to watch on command line of fswatcher sample. This makes it more convenient to run the sample repeatedly as the directory to watch can be specified only once instead of having to choose it interactively after the sample startup every time.

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65906

Avoid duplicate wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANG{ING,ED} events in wxMSW. When changing the selected item programmatically 2 CHANGING and CHANGED events were sent because the assumption that comctl32.dll didn't send these events itself was not correct any more, it does send them at least since XP. However to avoid the tests for its exact version it's simpler to just ignore the events it generates and continue sending our own ones. Closes #11274.

2010-10-25 00:41 VZ, revision 65905

Don't grab focus when calling wxTreeCtrl::SelectItem(). The workaround for the unexpected events order introduced in r49588 should only apply to the situation when the user selects an item in the tree, not when it's done programmatically as this results in unexpected focus changes (see #11274).

2010-10-25 00:40 VZ, revision 65904

Allow to use space to toggle spinning of the cube in OpenGL sample. Small enhancement to the cube OpenGL sample. Closes #11545.

2010-10-25 00:40 VZ, revision 65903

Don't send wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MENU event without valid item in wxMSW. The generic wxTreeCtrl version only sends this event when the mouse is right clicked on a valid item so do the same in wxMSW version too for consistency. This is also consistent with wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK event and avoids strange problems with unexpected wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MENU events generated on right double click. Finally, replace the checks for item validity in the event handler in the sample with asserts which should loudly complain if it happens to be invalid. Closes #11226.

2010-10-25 00:40 VZ, revision 65902

No real changes, just cleanup week days handling in wxGenericCalendarCtrl. Use helper GetWeek{Start,End}() functions instead of repeating tests for wxCAL_MONDAY_FIRST over and over again. Also replace some occurrences of GetWindowStyle() with shorter and more clear HasFlag().

2010-10-25 00:40 VZ, revision 65901

Keep displayed month and year in sync in wxGenericCalendarCtrl. When the date was constrained to a range in wxGenericCalendarCtrl, the display of the month in the month combobox could get out of sync with its real value. Ensure that the correct month is always displayed and also simplify the code by removing the apparently unnecessarily complex logic in ChangeYear() and ChangeMonth() functions. Closes #11060.

2010-10-25 00:40 VZ, revision 65900

No real changes, just inline wxDIB::Create(). After removing wxDIB::m_hasAlpha in the previous commit, this method became completely trivial so put it inline in the header.

2010-10-25 00:40 VZ, revision 65899

Remove wxDIB::m_hasAlpha from wxMSW. This field can't be set reliably as we don't know if LoadImage() Windows function loaded an 0RGB or an RGB bitmap so remove it completely to avoid the risk of using it wrongly.