

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-11-05 13:53 VZ, revision 66018

Remove test code accidentally committed as part of r66015. Don't call wxMenuItem::Set{Background,Text}Colour() in the menu sample, this was for testing only.

2010-11-05 07:55 JJ, revision 66017

Update OpenVMS makefiles

2010-11-04 17:13 VZ, revision 66016

Correct a trivial typo in wxLog documentation. Just remove an extra word.

2010-11-04 11:57 VZ, revision 66015

Use explicit menu item background if it's given under MSW. An explicit item background colour specified in user code should override the default theme background. Closes #12652.

2010-11-04 11:57 VZ, revision 66014

No changes, just use RAII-based classes in MSW owner drawn menu code. Add helper HDC{TextCol,BgCol,BgMode}Changer classes which ensure that the corresponding HDC attribute is reset on scope exit instead of manually calling the corresponding MSW functions to set and reset it.

2010-11-04 11:49 VZ, revision 66013

Pas long to _get_timezone() even for VC8. Apparently the MSDN documentation for VC8 is wrong and _get_timezone() function expects a long and not int when using it (as is already the case with VC9 and VC10). Closes #12653.

2010-11-04 08:38 JJ, revision 66012

Updating makefiles for OpenVMS

2010-11-04 00:48 VZ, revision 66009

Remove unused mouse event handler from dataview sample. The mouse event handler for the frame was never executed because the frame is entirely covered by other windows in this sample. Not sure what was meant here but this handler is useless so just remove it.

2010-11-04 00:48 VZ, revision 66008

Remove unnecessary tests for m_log from dataview sample. The sample contained a lot of unnecessary checks for m_log, remove them to make the code shorter and simpler to understand.

2010-11-03 17:36 VZ, revision 66007

Add wxAuiPaneInfo::IsDockable(). This function checks if the pane can be docked at any side. It is useful in its own right but most importantly is needed to fix compilation broken in r66005 which used it before it was added. See #12648.

2010-11-03 17:29 VZ, revision 66006

Set column field of wxDVC ITEM_{ACTIVATED,CONTEXT_MENU} events. Add missing calls to wxDataViewEvent::SetColumn() and SetDataViewColumn(). In the future it would be nice to refactor the code to have a common event object initialization function that would make it impossible to forget to do this. Closes #12649.

2010-11-03 17:29 VZ, revision 66005

Don't dock undockable panes in wxAuiManager::LoadPerspective(). All panes were docked when loading a perspective, including those that were created to be non-dockable. Don't dock the latter ones now. Closes #12648.

2010-11-03 17:29 VZ, revision 66004

Optimize wxDataViewMainWindow::FindNode() in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Avoid unnecessary heap allocations and extra indirections and just use the items pointers directly. Also avoid copying the (potentially huge) nodes arrays. Closes #12647.

2010-11-03 17:29 VZ, revision 66003

Don't copy potentially big arrays in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Use reference to hold the array of nodes instead of copying it. (Really) closes #12587.

2010-11-03 17:29 VZ, revision 66002

Handle wxLOCALE_DECIMAL_POINT in wxLOCALE_CAT_MONEY correctly in wxMSW. Use LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP and not LOCALE_SDECIMAL when querying for the decimal separator in money category, it can be different from the usual numeric one.

2010-11-03 17:29 VZ, revision 66001

Support wxLOCALE_THOUSANDS_SEP in wxMSW wxLocale::GetInfo(). Simply use ::GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_STHOUSAND) for it. Closes #12643.

2010-11-03 15:44 JJ, revision 66000

replace m_nSelection by m_selection

2010-11-03 09:54 JJ, revision 65999

Update OpenVMS compile support

2010-11-02 23:55 VS, revision 65997

Fix compilation error in wxImplicitConversionType<> in gcc strict mode.

2010-11-02 12:57 VZ, revision 65994

Use _get_timezone() function instead of _timezone with MSVC8+. While some (but not all) versions of VC8 CRT still define _timezone variable, it is deprecated and shouldn't be used and referencing it can result in linking problems if it pulls in static CRT. Just use _get_timezone() function instead for the VC versions that support it (as was already done in r54417 for VC8 in 2.8 branch). Closes #4691.

2010-11-02 12:57 VZ, revision 65993

Make write end of the child process pipe non-blocking under Unix. We need to make at least one end of the pipe used to communicate with wxExecute() child process non-blocking to avoid deadlocks, so unblock the write end of the pipe. It seems to be unnecessary to unblock the reading ends of std{out,err} pipes as we can already check for the presence of input there. This is also consistent with wxMSW behaviour. Closes #12636.

2010-11-02 12:57 VZ, revision 65992

Refactor: extract code to make an fd non-clocking into a function. Simply extract part of the code from evtloopunix.cpp into a reusable wxPipe::MakeNonBlocking() function to be able to reuse it elsewhere. See #12636.

2010-11-02 12:57 VZ, revision 65991

Don't scroll the grid too much to bring selection in view. wxGrid scrolled completely to the right in row selection mode as it was always trying to make the bottom right selection corner visible. This was due to adjusting the selection block corner to cover the entire row in this mode (of course, the same was true for the column selection mode too). Don't do this any more as it's unnecessary, making the real selection block corner visible is enough for the block selection mode and nothing else is needed in row/column modes. See #12638.

2010-11-02 12:57 VZ, revision 65990

Changed wxImage::ConvertAlphaToMask() return type to bool. Make this function more useful by returning true from it if alpha channel was really converted to the mask by it. Closes #12637.

2010-11-02 12:57 VZ, revision 65989

Avoid crash when releasing the mouse in wxRibbonToolBar. The active tool pointer can be changed/set to NULL by the event handler in wxRibbonToolBar::OnMouseUp() so test for it before using it after processing the event. Closes #12640.