

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-11-07 14:12 VZ, revision 66053

Update all windows associated with the tooltip when it changes in wxMSW. Although the tooltip was initially correctly set for all windows associated with it, it was only updated for the main one if its text changed later. This resulted in leaving the old tooltip for the composite controls such as wxComboBox or controls with sub-windows such as wxRadioBox. Fix this by storing all windows associated with the tooltip (for space efficiency, only allocate the array if necessary however as it will be empty in the majority of cases) and apply SetTip() to all of them, not just the main one. Closes #12659.

2010-11-07 12:54 SC, revision 66052

disable code because of OS bug, fixes #12478, fixes #12554

2010-11-07 00:46 PJC, revision 66051

Improve behaviour of scrolling through a ribbon gallery.

2010-11-06 16:48 SC, revision 66048

routing the tab, return events for single line fields back to standard wx handler (doesn't work for secure fields unfortunately), fixes #12386 and partly #12392

2010-11-06 16:37 SC, revision 66047

implementing turning off of default button as well

2010-11-05 22:43 VZ, revision 66043

Minor cosmetic fix to generic check tools appearance in wxOSX. Use rounded rectangle to indicate the selected tool instead of a plain one. Closes #12409.

2010-11-05 22:43 VZ, revision 66042

Fix check toolbar items behaviour in non-native toolbars in wxOSX. Update the button state when the tool is toggled. Also use NSToggleButton for this tool and not NSOnOffButton as the latter doesn't use the alternative (toggled) image. Closes #12408.

2010-11-05 22:43 VZ, revision 66041

Avoid using wx GDI classes from non-main thread in wxOSX/Cocoa. OS X uses a background thread for pulsing the default button and we intercept the draw requests from it. As our drawing code is not MT-safe, executing it from the non-main thread can result in crashes. Avoid this by simply not doing anything fancy when called from a background thread and simply deferring to the superclass instead. Closes #12407.

2010-11-05 22:43 VZ, revision 66040

Really update tooltip when wxToolBar::SetShortHelp() is called. Changing a toolbar tool tooltip didn't work in wxOSX/Cocoa because the new value was never propagated to the native control. See #12362.

2010-11-05 22:43 VZ, revision 66039

Remove trailing comma from an enum. Comma after last enum element is not allowed in C++98 and some compilers will warn about it. Closes #12591.

2010-11-05 22:42 VZ, revision 66038

Show the first, not the last, inserted item in wxListBox in wxOSX. The listbox showed its last, not first, item after creation in wxOSX which was inconsistent with the other ports and generally inconvenient. Fix this by ensuring that the first item being inserted is shown, and not the last one as was (implicitly) the case before. A better fix would be to avoid scrolling entirely but I don't know how to do this with NSClipView. Closes #12365.

2010-11-05 22:42 VZ, revision 66037

Use CGFloat instead of float for mouse wheel event parameters. This fixes mouse wheel handling in 64 bits where CGFloat has size different from float. Closes #12168.

2010-11-05 22:41 VZ, revision 66036

Fix showing the frames full screen under OS X. Don't leave space for the title bar when showing the frame full screen. Closes #11701.

2010-11-05 22:40 VZ, revision 66034

Improve default position for new TLWs in wxOSX. Put the new windows in the upper left corner of the screen but not at (0, 0) as before, this was rather inconvenient and too different from the normal application behaviour under OS X. Closes #11926.

2010-11-05 22:40 VZ, revision 66033

Ensure that strings returned by wxMBConv_cf are in NFC form. Normalize all Unicode strings used internally even though the Darwin kernel gives them to us in decomposed (NFD) form. Closes #11730.

2010-11-05 22:39 VZ, revision 66032

Remove duplicate wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER generation from wxOSX/Cocoa. The code in -[wxNSTextField control:textView:doCommandBySelector:] generated a second copy of this event as it was also generated from wxNSTextFieldControl::controlAction() for single line text controls. Closes #11691.

2010-11-05 22:39 VZ, revision 66031

Don't update scrollbars when the window is being destroyed in wxOSX. Updating scrollbars for a window that is being destroyed anyhow is useless and resulted in crashes in the htlbox sample because it used client-to-screen coordinates conversion which asserted because the TLW was invalid any more and this unexpected assert during window destruction led to a crash. Simply don't do it at all to avoid the problem. Closes #11776.

2010-11-05 22:39 VZ, revision 66030

Fix crash in wxColour ctor from NSColor in wxOSX/Cocoa. wxColour ctor from NSColor added by Kevin Ollivier in r62525 never worked as it passed NULL pointer to NSColor:getComponents and so always crashed. This resulted in a crash in the rich text editor of the text sample, for example. Fix this by passing a valid array containing colour components instead.

2010-11-05 22:38 VZ, revision 66029

Remove unnecessary wxOSX_USE_COCOA guards in Cocoa-only file. The #if wxOSX_USE_COCOA seems unnecessary in a file that is used in wxOSX/Cocoa only so simply remove it.

2010-11-05 22:38 VZ, revision 66028

Assume sizeof(wchar_t) is always 4 under OS X. wchar_t used to be 2 bytes in Mach-O builds but they're not supported any longer so remove the code checking for sizeof(wchar_t) and just assume it's always 4. Closes #10442.

2010-11-05 22:37 VZ, revision 66027

Add another test for the insertion point position after SetValue(). Verify that setting the value of a previously not empty control resets the insertion point to its beginning. See #10051.

2010-11-05 22:37 VZ, revision 66026

Disable keyboard unit test with wxUIActionSimulator under OS X. The test doesn't work because the test window never get any events. This might be a bug in the test or in wxUIActionSimulator itself but for now I just have no idea about how to fix it, so disable the test to let the rest of the test suite run.

2010-11-05 17:05 CE, revision 66022

add execmon to CE exclude (no console)

2010-11-05 16:45 CE, revision 66021

missing namespace

2010-11-05 16:24 CE, revision 66019

missing namespace