

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-11-16 23:38 VZ, revision 66172

Correct checks for wxUSE_PRINTING_ARCHITECTURE and wxUSE_ENH_METAFILE. Compilation fixes for building without one or both of these symbols. See #12664.

2010-11-16 23:38 VZ, revision 66171

Avoid asserts due to not overriding OnGetItemText() in VirtListCtrlTestCase. A virtual list control must override wxListCtrl::OnGetItemText() method and wxMSW native implementation asserts if this is not the case (the generic one should arguably do it as well). Avoid the asserts by providing a dummy implementation of OnGetItemText() in the unit test.

2010-11-16 23:38 VZ, revision 66170

Add an explicit SetFocus() call to fix wxTreeCtrl unit test. Fixing the implicit focus grabbing by wxTreeCtrl::SelectItem() in r65905 broke its unit test case as the simulated key event was not delivered to wxTreeCtrl itself any more. Fix this by simply setting the focus to the tree explicitly before sending it any key strokes.

2010-11-16 23:38 VZ, revision 66169

Correct wxMSW wxToolTip behaviour for wxRadioBox items tooltips. The assert added in r66053 checking that we couldn't have tooltips for child windows if we didn't have the tooltip for the main one turned out to be wrong, at least in wxRadioBox case it's perfectly possible to have the tooltips for the individual radio buttons without having one for the box itself. Replace the assert with a simple if check. This fixes a unit test failure in RadioBoxTestCase.

2010-11-16 23:38 VZ, revision 66168

Don't use some "recent" C++98 features not supported by VC6. Don't return void values nor redeclare the same variable in for loops to fix VC6 compilation.

2010-11-16 23:37 VZ, revision 66167

No changes, just refactor common code in wxImage cloning functions. Extract code common to several wxImage methods creating new images based on an existing one in a new MakeEmptyClone() method. Closes #12682.

2010-11-16 23:37 VZ, revision 66166

Fix crashes in wxDateTime::ParseDate() for some invalid dates. Parsing an incomplete date with nothing but whitespace and/or date delimiter characters at the end crashed as we happily went beyond the end of string. Fix this by not using a loop which didn't check for the iterator validity. Closes #12685.

2010-11-15 09:52 JJ, revision 66161

Update OpenVMS makefile

2010-11-15 01:22 VZ, revision 66157

VC6 compilation fix in wxDIB::Create(). Deal with the lack of scope around variables declared inside the for loop in this compiler, previously it gave "error C2360: initialization of 'x' is skipped by 'case' label" message and also complained about redefinition of 'x'.

2010-11-15 01:11 VZ, revision 66156

Fix incorrect use of word "alternative" in the documentation. There can't be only one alternative. Closes #12681.

2010-11-14 15:04 VZ, revision 66153

Restore code for closing inherited file descriptors in the child. The code closing all file descriptors inherited from the parent in the child process created by wxExecute() was removed in r57324 by mistake (probably due the fact that its meaning was poorly explained) but we still do need to do this, of course, to avoid descriptor "leaks" (e.g. the parent couldn't really close any of them). Restore the code for closing all unneeded file descriptors in the child in slightly modified form and add a comment pointing to an URL explaining how to do it better in the future. Closes #12636.

2010-11-14 15:04 VZ, revision 66152

Fix spurious errors when writing to the child process stdin under Unix. Since the child pipe was made non-blocking in r65993, it became possible to write to child process without deadlocking when the pipe became full. However this still resulted in an error from wxFileOutputStream as it didn't handle EAGAIN returned from write() any differently than any other error, even though it is an expected situation in this particular case. Change Unix wxExecute() to use wxPipeOutputStream which ignores EAGAIN unlike wxFileOutputStream to fix this. See #12636.

2010-11-14 15:04 VZ, revision 66151

No real changes, just reamed HAS_PIPE_INPUT_STREAM. Renamed the symbol indicating whether pipe-based streams are available from HAS_PIPE_INPUT_STREAM to HAS_PIPE_STREAMS as it's not really input-specific. See #12636.

2010-11-14 13:09 VZ, revision 66150

Add wxFile::{Get,Clear}LastError() functions. Remember the errno of the last file operation instead of just remembering whether there was an error or not. See #12636.

2010-11-14 13:09 VZ, revision 66149

Handle image hot spot in wxImage::Rotate180(). Set the hot spot coordinates correctly for the image returned from Rotate180(), just as it's already done by Rotate90(). Closes #12680.

2010-11-14 02:02 VZ, revision 66146

Add wxImage::Rotate180() function. Closes #12679.

2010-11-14 02:02 VZ, revision 66145

Handle hot spots in wxImage::Rotate90(). Set hot spot coordinates for the rotated image if the original one had them. Also handle the case when the source image has both alpha and mask correctly. Closes #3680.

2010-11-13 18:13 VZ, revision 66144

Don't use standard menu ids in the unit test to avoid Mac problems. wxOSX rearranges the standard menu items such as wxID_EXIT and wxID_ABOUT and, for the former, changes its text to "Quit", so don't use them in the menu unit test which expects to find the items in the menus to which they were added and exactly with the labels used when adding them.

2010-11-13 16:03 VZ, revision 66143

Don't put cursor at the end of wxGridCellEnumEditor control. Putting the cursor to the end of the control when the editing starts doesn't make much sense as this should be the default behaviour anyhow and, worse, this results in an assert under wxMSW where a read-only wxComboBox doesn't have any cursor to move. Closes #12446.

2010-11-13 16:03 VZ, revision 66142

Initialize scrollbar positions in wxGTK correctly. The scrollbar positions stored in wxWindow::m_scrollPos were not initially correct in wxGTK because wxScrollHelper::SetScrollbars() didn't update them and only set the values of the underlying GtkAdjustments themselves. This resulted in filtering out of the first scroll event as the code (wrongly) believed that the scrollbar position hadn't changed. Fix this by setting m_scrollPos to the real scrollbar positions. Closes #12468.

2010-11-13 16:03 VZ, revision 66141

Add a unit test checking selection updating in virtual wxListCtrl. Verify that the selection is updated correctly after the number of items in the control is decreased. See #12378.

2010-11-13 16:03 VZ, revision 66140

Don't assert if config file contains an invalid boolean value. Asserts should be only triggered by programming errors, not by user actions, and the assert checking that the value is either 0 or 1 in wxConfigBase::DoReadBool() could happen if the user edited the file and put a wrong value into it. Replace the assert with a warning message. See #11437.

2010-11-13 16:03 VZ, revision 66139

Add a beginning of wxMenu unit test. Test wxMenu and wxMenuBar item search and counting functions. See #12672.

2010-11-13 16:02 VZ, revision 66138

Make menu operations always work with "Test" menu in the sample. Some tests in the "Menu" menu of the menu sample worked with the "Test" menu while others used the last one ("Help" initially but possibly something else if the test commands from "Menubar" menu were used). Harmonize all menu commands to use the "Test" menu now. See #12668.

2010-11-13 16:02 VZ, revision 66137

Fix resizing of wxGrid columns when they were reordered. The column resizing code in wxGrid didn't take account of the fact that the column positions and indices could be different. Correct it by inserting calls to wxGrid::GetColAt() and GetColPos() in a new wxGridOperations::GetLineBefore() method. Closes #11984.