

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-12-04 14:33 SC, revision 66331

guarding compile

2010-12-04 14:33 SC, revision 66330

adapting inheritance to other osx ports

2010-12-04 14:32 SC, revision 66329

guarding against non-implemented parts

2010-12-03 15:12 VZ, revision 66315

Rename wxGenericDirCtrl::ExpandDir() to PopulateNode(). This function doesn't really expand anything (unlike CollapseDir()) so give it a better name while keeping the old one too for compatibility. See #12735.

2010-12-03 15:00 VZ, revision 66314

Set the window in focus event sent by wxComboCtrl correctly. The window parameter wasn't copied correctly in the forwarded event. Fix this and avoid future problems of the same kind by using the copy ctor for creating the new event and then override the fields that we need to change from the original event instead of recreating the new event from bits and pieces of the original one. Closes #12741.

2010-12-03 13:40 VZ, revision 66313

Update AUI bitmaps when its colours change. Extract the bitmaps initialization in wxAuiDefaultDockArt::InitBitmaps() and call it from SetColour() to ensure that the bitmaps are updated when the colour scheme changes. Closes #12532.

2010-12-03 13:40 VZ, revision 66312

No changes, just clean up duplicate colour functions in wxAUI. Reuse wxcolour::AlphaBlend() and ChangeLightness() methods instead of duplicating them in wxAUI-specific wxAui{Blend,Step}Colour(). See #12532.

2010-12-03 13:40 VZ, revision 66311

Update the directory icon in wxGenericDirCtrl::ExpandDir(). Calling ExpandDir() to notify the control that a new item was added in a previously empty directory didn't work as wxTreeCtrl::SetItemHasChildren() wasn't called. Fix this by moving SetItemHasChildren() to ExpandDir() from OnExpandItem(), it must be always done and not just in response to an interactive action. Closes #12735.

2010-12-03 13:40 VZ, revision 66310

No changes, just clean up duplicate colour functions in wxSearchCtrl. Use wxColor::ChangeLightness() instead of private wxStepColour() that duplicates it. Close #12744.

2010-12-03 13:40 VZ, revision 66309

Optimize pixels rotation in wxImage::Rotate90(). Rotate the image by entire strips instead of doing it pixel by pixel. This seems to result in about 50% performance gain. Closes #12739.

2010-12-03 13:39 VZ, revision 66308

Don't require leading TAB in wxAcceleratorEntry::FromString(). FromString() should parse string returned by ToString() successfully but this wasn't the case because the accelerator parsing functions always insisted on having a TAB in the string. Fix this, document the string format and add a unit test checking for the correct behaviour. Closes #12745.

2010-12-03 13:39 VZ, revision 66307

Don't try to extract accelerators from menu items which don't have any. We don't need to call wxAcceleratorEntry::Create() in wxMenuItem::GetAccel() if the menu item doesn't have any accelerator at all, i.e. if there is no TAB in its label. Calling wxAcceleratorEntry::Create() is useless and won't work correctly any more when Create() is updated to allow passing it strings without TAB in them in the next commit. See #12745.

2010-12-03 13:39 VZ, revision 66306

Fix wxRect::SetRightTop() which set the wrong corner. SetRightTop() erroneously forwarded to SetTopLeft() instead of SetTopRight(). Closes #12746.

2010-12-03 13:39 VZ, revision 66305

Mention in wxHashSet documentation that its contents is not sorted. The documentation gave a wrong impression that this class was a std::set replacement which it isn't. See #12727.

2010-12-01 08:42 SC, revision 66304

fixing missing return value

2010-11-30 19:41 PC, revision 66303

merge libpng 1.4.4 to trunk

2010-11-30 19:01 PC, revision 66302

add src/gtk1/mnemonics.cpp to files.bkl and rebake

2010-11-30 11:19 JJ, revision 66301

Add mnemonics to wxGTK1

2010-11-30 10:59 SC, revision 66300

adding standard menu items for cocoa, adding translation macro to menulabels, fixes #12732

2010-11-30 07:09 PC, revision 66299

tag libpng 1.4.4

2010-11-30 07:07 PC, revision 66298

upgrade to libpng 1.4.4

2010-11-29 21:20 JS, revision 66297

Fix for caret positioning inaccuracy when there are tabs and a non-zero control margin

2010-11-29 09:57 SC, revision 66293

adding defines to support building against 10.4u.SDK

2010-11-28 16:14 VZ, revision 66287

Don't compare invalid iterators in wxCommandProcessor code. Comparing invalid iterators results in an assert failure in STL build. We might also change wxList::compatibility_iterator::operator==() to allow comparing invalid iterators (which should be different from all the other ones but what about comparing two invalid iterators?) but it would probably be better to get rid of all uses of compatibility_iterator in the code instead in the long term. Closes #12730.

2010-11-27 22:57 PMO, revision 66285

Added support for submenus