

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-02-02 08:55 SC, revision 66826

fixing searchctrl on osx_cocoa, changing type for peer to wxSearchCtrl

2011-02-02 08:36 SC, revision 66825

guard against null ptr access

2011-01-31 19:23 VS, revision 66823

Account for first removal char with wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE. wxControl::Ellipsize() in wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE mode starts the string-shortening loop with the removal interval initially set to remove only the len/2-th character. But it didn't add its size to the running total of removal characters' length, thus always removing one more character. Fixed by making the initial interval 0-sized rather than 1-sized.

2011-01-31 19:23 VS, revision 66822

Remove chars one-by-one with wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE. Previously, Ellipsize() would always remove two characters at a time in wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE mode. This was clearly a bug: it led to shortening the text more than was strictly necessary.

2011-01-31 17:54 VS, revision 66821

Fix vertical rules rendering in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Vertical rules are now drawn in the last pixel of a column instead of in the first, so that they align perfectly with native MSW wxHeaderCtrl as well as for consistency with MSW native list control. There's no vertical rule at the most-left side of the control anymore.

2011-01-30 20:01 SC, revision 66819

adding support for wxCANCEL_DEFAULT

2011-01-29 15:20 VZ, revision 66814

OLE uses VARIANT_TRUE and not TRUE for its boolean values. VARIANT_TRUE is -1, unlike TRUE which is just 1, and we must use the former and not the latter with OLE VARIANT values. Closes #12910.

2011-01-29 14:55 VZ, revision 66813

Revert "Set up pages range in the wxMSW print dialog correctly." This patch changed the relative order of calls to wxPrintout::GetPageInfo() and OnPreparePrinting(), breaking the existing code and the documentation promise about OnPreparePrinting() being called first, so revert it. Reverts r66549. See #12819. Closes #12911.

2011-01-28 16:01 JJ, revision 66804

Update OpenVMS makefile

2011-01-28 09:36 DS, revision 66803

Allow writing a comment to each GIF frame. Don't write a comment as part of the GIF header during the first frame only but write a possible comment for each wxImage in an animation.

2011-01-28 09:10 DS, revision 66802

Added support for writing a long comment to a GIF image. Instead of limiting a comment to a maximum length of 255 bytes write multiple comment data blocks (each a Pascal string) followed by the block terminator.

2011-01-28 08:35 SC, revision 66801

clang fix, fixes #12332

2011-01-28 08:27 DS, revision 66800

Changed the procedure for writing a comment to a GIF image. Use wxImage.SetOption with newly introduced wxIMAGE_OPTION_GIF_COMMENT to set a GIF's image comment now. Formerly this was done (since recently) using wxGIFHandler::ms_comment which has now been removed.

2011-01-28 07:39 PC, revision 66799

build fix for wxUSE_XPM==0

2011-01-28 07:18 PC, revision 66798

better way to silence unused parameter warning

2011-01-28 03:35 BP, revision 66797

Backport of r66796 (Properly account for floated panes while restoring maximized pane.) - closes #11385

2011-01-28 03:21 BP, revision 66796

Properly account for floated panes while restoring maximized pane.

2011-01-27 19:35 SC, revision 66792

clang fixes, fixes #12332

2011-01-27 18:15 SC, revision 66791

clang fix

2011-01-27 14:27 VZ, revision 66788

Document wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED in EVT_SPINCTRL description. Also mention the name of the event type when documenting the corresponding event table macro. Closes #12897.

2011-01-27 14:27 VZ, revision 66787

Fix link errors under Cygwin with wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT==1. Define ourselves _GdipStringFormatCachedGenericTypographic variable referenced by Cygwin GDI+ headers to fix linking errors due to the fact that we don't link with gdiplus.lib at all but load gdiplus.dll dynamically. Closes #11716.

2011-01-27 14:00 SC, revision 66786

__BIG_ENDIAN__ is either defined AND has a value of 1, or it is not defined at all, so #ifdef is sufficient

2011-01-27 13:38 SC, revision 66785

fixing return type

2011-01-27 12:54 SC, revision 66784

clang warnings

2011-01-27 12:53 SC, revision 66783

good catch by clang ...