

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-02-16 17:10 SC, revision 66903

conforming to deprecation recommendation for 10.6

2011-02-16 08:38 SC, revision 66901

support for file types in save panel

2011-02-16 07:59 SC, revision 66900

support wxFD_MULTIPLE

2011-02-16 07:55 SC, revision 66899

fixing naming to conform to effective ownership, cleaning up releasing

2011-02-16 06:13 PC, revision 66898

fix GCC warning

2011-02-15 21:31 MBN, revision 66897

Fixed compilation when WXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO is defined.

2011-02-15 11:15 VZ, revision 66894

Make the source file non-executable. The file ctrlcmn.cpp somehow got the executable bit in r66871, undo this.

2011-02-14 23:12 VZ, revision 66893

Don't increase button height in wxMSWButton::GetFittingSize(). This is unnecessary and resulted in too high buttons in some cases for buttons with images. As we increase the button height to at least the standard value later in all code using function anyhow, it's not necessary to do anything with the height inside it. Now the buttons with an image get the same height whether they have the text or not. This change also gets rid of (completely arbitrary) decision to use 11/10 of the label height when computing the fitting button size and it's always nice to get rid of dirty hacks like this. Closes #12924.

2011-02-14 23:12 VZ, revision 66892

Don't make buttons with images too wide in wxMSW. We used to increase the button size to the standard size first and then add the extra padding the buttons with images. This resulted in too much padding for the buttons with short text labels and images. Instead, add the padding for the image first and only then increase the button size to the standard one if still needed. See #12924.

2011-02-14 23:12 VZ, revision 66891

Don't add margins for buttons with text and images by default in wxMSW. For some reason wxXPButtonImageData added (big) margins around the button by default resulting in too much padding. Simply remove these margins to make it behave similarly to wxODButtonImageData. See #12924.

2011-02-14 23:11 VZ, revision 66890

Clarify wxButton::AdjustForBitmapSize() semantics in wxMSW. This method should only be called if we do have an image, assert (instead of silently returning) if it's called when we don't. Also explain in a comment why do we need to call CacheBestSize() only when we have an image in DoGetBestSize().

2011-02-14 20:13 SC, revision 66888

support framelayout for choice

2011-02-14 13:30 VZ, revision 66885

Remove X11-specific wxWindowIsVisible() from common Unix file. XGetWindowAttributes() used in this function resulted in link problems under Fedora 14 because we don't explicitly link with libX11. Instead of doing this, simply get rid of this function as it seems to be used in exactly one place in wxX11 code only anyhow.

2011-02-14 12:59 VZ, revision 66884

Explain wxSizer::SetVirtualSizeHints() deprecation. Tell people that FitInside() should be used instead.

2011-02-13 18:09 VS, revision 66881

Fix VC2008 dependencies with Bakefile 0.2.9.

2011-02-09 20:52 VS, revision 66875

More wxControl::Ellipsize() tests.

2011-02-09 20:52 VS, revision 66874

Don't eliminate text completely in Ellipsize(). If the shortened text is so short there's nothing left of the original, show one character and "...". This is standard behaviour on both Windows and OS X, in addition to making lot of sense. Fixes #11360.

2011-02-09 20:52 VS, revision 66873

Calculate ellipsized width exactly. Width calculation using partial extents is just an inaccurate estimate: partial extents have sub-pixel precision and are rounded by GetPartialTextExtents(). Use partial extents to estimate string width and only verify it with GetTextExtent() when it looks good.

2011-02-09 20:52 VS, revision 66872

Don't shorten text too much in wxControl::Ellipsize(). If the allowed width is so small that nothing reasonable can fit it, overlap it. Ellipsized text must always contain "..." to indicate that it was shortened, it isn't acceptable to omit it. See #11360.

2011-02-09 20:51 VS, revision 66871

Ellipsization can't shorten 1-character string. It doesn't make sense to attempt to shorten 1 character long string, so don't do it. Note that 2 characters strings may be shortened (consider e.g. "mm" in some typefaces).

2011-02-09 20:51 VS, revision 66870

Remove "safety margin" from wxControl::Ellipsize(). When ellipsizing kicks in, the text is much shorter than the available space -- there's a "safety margin" of one character's width that is always left unused. This appears to be some kludge that worked around algorithm defects, not something that should really be needed.

2011-02-09 20:11 JMS, revision 66869

Added missing wxBitmapComboBox::Insert() implementation

2011-02-08 18:24 VZ, revision 66866

Tweak offset in the RichTextCtrlTestCase::UrlEvent() to make it pass. The mouse was not positioned over the URL in this test so clicking it didn't work. Tweak the offset to make it pass but it would be better to have some more fool-proof way of finding the real position of the text in the control.

2011-02-08 18:24 VZ, revision 66865

Use wxLocale instead of setlocale() to change the locale in the tests. Numeric validator tests rely on wxLocale::GetInfo() returning the decimal point and calling setlocale() is not enough to ensure this under MSW, we must use wxLocale for this currently.

2011-02-08 15:19 SC, revision 66864

disabling multiline text controls correctly