

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-02-25 13:25 JS, revision 67023

Applied patch in #12279: in wxRichTextCtrl, when wxRE_READONLY is set, the undo, redo function should be disabled

2011-02-25 13:25 JS, revision 67022

Applied patch in #12279: in wxRichTextCtrl, when wxRE_READONLY is set, the undo, redo function should be disabled

2011-02-25 13:21 JS, revision 67021

Applied #12601: Background color when saving wxRichText to HTML file

2011-02-25 12:37 JS, revision 67020

Applied #12941: Fixes and enhancements for wxRTC (Robert Hoffman)

2011-02-25 11:31 JS, revision 67019

Added missing colour index case

2011-02-25 10:38 JS, revision 67018

Added wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOXHIGHLIGHTTEXT to fix tree and list control selection rendering.

2011-02-25 10:37 JS, revision 67017

Added wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOXHIGHLIGHTTEXT to correct tree and list control selection rendering.

2011-02-24 21:34 VZ, revision 67015

Handle ANSI release configuration correctly in msvc/wx/setup.h. Preprocessor operations don't work with empty values so check for the case of empty suffix specially. This avoid warnings about "not enough actual parameters for macro 'wxSTRINGIZE_HELPER'" from MSVC.

2011-02-24 21:34 VZ, revision 67014

No changes, just fix a typo in the changelog. s/futher/further/

2011-02-24 19:08 JS, revision 67013

Better unfocused selected list item colouring

2011-02-24 15:56 SC, revision 67012

reverting part of r58797, otherwise wxClientDC get no graphics context at all

2011-02-24 11:02 JS, revision 67011

Fix for #12979: wrong unfocused selected text colour in wxTreeCtrl/wxListCtrl

2011-02-24 10:35 JS, revision 67010

Documented fixes

2011-02-24 09:42 JS, revision 67009

Applied #12959: Fix build with libpng-1.5

2011-02-24 00:35 VZ, revision 67006

Update and improve "Hello world" example in the documentation. The example was corrupted by transition to Doxygen (the menu item labels got eaten), fix it to actually work. Also use this opportunity to improve and modernize it.

2011-02-23 19:43 JS, revision 67004

Note to add --disable-gui

2011-02-23 19:41 JS, revision 67003

Tweak from #12975

2011-02-23 19:37 JS, revision 67002

Assertion fixed (colours not in sync with wxSystemColour)

2011-02-22 19:51 SC, revision 67001

supporting content size scaling (retina display)

2011-02-22 16:47 SC, revision 66998

building iphone again

2011-02-22 14:55 VZ, revision 66997

Update Czech translations. Apply update from Zbynek Schwarz.

2011-02-22 14:26 VZ, revision 66996

Don't duplicate INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES definition. Move it in wx/msw/missing.h header instead of defining it in two different places. Closes #12964.

2011-02-22 14:26 VZ, revision 66995

Test for cairo_push_group() in configure. This function is required by wxGraphicsContext Cairo-based implementation but is missing in old Cairo versions so check for it in configure and disable wxGraphicsContext is it's not available. Closes #12966.

2011-02-22 14:25 VZ, revision 66994

Put storage class outside WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE() macros. The storage class must come first in a declaration so put it in front of WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE() and not inside it to avoid warnings from some compilers (notably Intel one). Closes #12932.

2011-02-22 14:25 VZ, revision 66993

Remove duplicated control names strings declarations from wxOSX. There is no need to declare wxFooNameStr constants in wx/osx/foo.h files as they are already declared in wx/foo.h. Also remove a couple of header/forward declarations unnecessary for the same reason.