

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-03-22 15:08 BP, revision 67279

Extensive documentation typo patch (closes #13063).

2011-03-22 15:06 DS, revision 67278

No code changes, removed tabs from source file.

2011-03-22 11:57 JJ, revision 67277

Update OpenVMS makefiles for WXMARKUP

2011-03-22 10:56 JMS, revision 67276

To have better support for themed and custom backgrounds for wxMSW wxComboCtrl, use WS_EX_COMPOSITED and wxBG_STYLE_ERASE instead of custom double-buffering (when made possible by the OS version)

2011-03-22 09:59 JMS, revision 67275

In wxComboCtrlBase::DrawButton(), let the button background rendering changes also apply to buttons with user-defined bitmaps

2011-03-22 09:45 JMS, revision 67274

Added entry for recent wxComboCtrl background rendering changes

2011-03-22 08:10 SC, revision 67273

fixes #13064

2011-03-22 07:44 SC, revision 67272

fixes #12579

2011-03-21 12:00 VZ, revision 67269

Fix wxMSW build without PCH after recent wxPanel changes. Add missing include of wx/bitmap.h in !WX_PRECOMP case. Closes #13060.

2011-03-21 11:59 VZ, revision 67268

Allow using milliseconds in wxLog timestamp. Use wxDateTime::UNow() instead of time() and wxDateTime::Format() instead of localtime() to make it possible to use "%l" specifier in wxLog time stamp. Closes #13059.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67267

Added a simple example of semi-transparent window to the erase sample. Show how to create a custom control with transparent background. Notice that this doesn't work in wxGTK currently.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67266

Remove keyboard-related code from the erase sample. This code seems irrelevant in this sample and just complicates it unnecessarily.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67265

Don't draw the mysterious black rectangle in the erase sample. The black rectangle drawn in EVT_PAINT handler in the sample prevented the custom background from showing through the wxStaticBitmap. Maybe it was initially done intentionally but this makes the sample look broken so just don't do this.

2011-03-20 20:48 DS, revision 67264

Made some TIFF reading adjustments. Read a few TIFF tags that assist with having a similar TIFF file when saving the image again, instead of (by default) always saving as a 24-bit RGB image. Also, in accordance with libtiff, allow reading X and Y resolution values even if the resolution unit tag is not set. Applied (modified) patch by scottb. Closes #13015.

2011-03-20 13:27 JS, revision 67259

Removed ugly black (simple) border around wxHTML help window in wxGTK.

2011-03-20 12:50 VZ, revision 67258

Fix test for wxHAS_GENERIC_PANEL for PCH-less build. wxHAS_GENERIC_PANEL is only defined in wx/panel.h so test for it after including this file, not before. This fixes link errors due to missing wxPanel symbols in PCH-less builds.

2011-03-20 12:50 SC, revision 67257

spinctrl on mac is generic, so the peer is a userpane, fixes #13058

2011-03-20 12:15 JMS, revision 67256

Added wxComboCtrlBase::m_hasTcBgCol. Re-using base wxWindow::m_hasBgCol was trouble.

2011-03-20 11:59 JMS, revision 67255

Redone (generic) wxComboCtrl background painting and handling. The 'actual' wxWindow background colour is now largely ignored and overridden to refer the text-area's background colour instead (as is usually the case with controls like this). Base 'transparent' background is now only painted when double-buffered rendering is required, and otherwise delegated to the system, as appropriate. This should significantly improve control's appearance and compliancy with GTK+ and OS X themes and custom backgrounds.

2011-03-20 01:14 DS, revision 67254

No changes, synchronised source names that appear commented at the top of files with the actual path to the files. Fixed commented names (path, filename, and extension) of files in include/ and src/. Prepended the names in src/ with "src/" everywhere, while starting those in include/wx/ with "wx/".

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67253

Add wxPanel::SetBackgroundBitmap(). This method provides a simple way to set a background bitmap without defining an EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND handler and, more importantly, one that works correctly in wxMSW for a window with children as it paints the background of transparent children too. Add a test of this method to the erase sample.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67252

Deprecate old style wxPanel ctor taking separate coordinates. wxPanel had a ctor in very old (wx 1.x-compatible?) style which was marked as "old" and not documented but not officially deprecated. Do deprecate it now in view of removing it in later releases.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67251

Split wxPanel in wxPanelBase and platform-specific files. So far we have only wxMSW-specific implementation (and also a trivial wxUniv-specific one) but it's still tidier to have all platform-specific code in separate files, especially as we're going to have more of it for wxMSW soon.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67250

No changes, just refactor wxMSW background brush methods. Factor out MSWGetCustomBgBrush() from MSWGetBgBrushForChild(). This is useful as in the vast majority of cases the parent window will want to use the same background brush for all of its children so it doesn't really care about the concrete child passed to MSWGetBgBrushForChild() and we can adjust the brush to the child origin in the common code instead of asking each derived class overriding MSWGetBgBrushForChild() to do this. This doesn't change anything but will make the upcoming changes to wxPanel background painting simpler.

2011-03-19 21:35 JS, revision 67249

Applied #13055: socket thread safety