

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-03-25 12:00 VS, revision 67307

Revert r67137. GTK_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES causes trouble with other included libraries (libgnomeprint this time) too. This check for trivially fixed problems is not worth the continuing trouble. Fixes #13078.

2011-03-24 18:53 JS, revision 67306

wxRTC image writing speedup didn't make it into 2.8.12

2011-03-24 17:52 PC, revision 67305

fix tool item enter/leave notify, fixes #13083

2011-03-24 17:08 VZ, revision 67304

Set m_inheritBgCol flag in wxPanel with a background bitmap. This ensures that the panel background is used by its transparent children under wxMSW even when the panel itself is inside a wxNotebook with themed background: making InheritsBackgroundColour() return true prevents the notebook from overriding our background.

2011-03-24 11:59 JS, revision 67303

Speeded up image saving to XML (WriteHex).

2011-03-24 11:58 JS, revision 67302

Speeded up image saving to XML (WriteHex).

2011-03-23 18:37 PC, revision 67299

move deprecated GtkTooltips forward declaration to one place that still needs it

2011-03-23 18:36 PC, revision 67298

clean up wxGTK tooltip code

2011-03-23 16:22 DS, revision 67297

backported r67296. ( Fixed buffer overflow when saving certain images in the Windows icon format. When an image did not have a width with a multiple of 4 the calculations for the number of padding bytes (to get a scan line DWORD aligned) would be wrong. This caused a buffer overrun when saving the 1 bits per pixel mask. See #12937. )

2011-03-23 16:20 DS, revision 67296

Fixed buffer overflow when saving certain images in the Windows icon format. When an image did not have a width with a multiple of 4 the calculations for the number of padding bytes (to get a scan line DWORD aligned) would be wrong. This caused a buffer overrun when saving the 1 bits per pixel mask. Fixes #12937.

2011-03-23 14:57 VS, revision 67295

Only react to clicks on the checkbox in wxDataViewToggleRenderer. Previously, left click anywhere in the cell toggled the checkbox. This was unexpected when the cursor was far from the checkbox in a wide column. With this change, one has to be over the checkbox to toggle it.

2011-03-23 13:59 VZ, revision 67294

Add WXK_CONTROL_A..WXK_CONTROL_Z constants. These key codes provide nicer symbolic values for ASCII values in 1..26 range generated by Ctrl+Letter keys. Closes #13075.

2011-03-23 11:37 VZ, revision 67293

Prevent event generation in wxGtkCalendarCtrl::SetDate(). Block not only gtk_day_selected_callback() but also gtk_month_changed_callback() as we don't want wxEVT_CALENDAR_PAGE_CHANGED generated neither when calling SetDate(). This fixes partial resetting of the just set value in wxDatePickerCtrl as calling SetDate() there resulted in the date being reset from inside it and the behaviour of the control was clearly wrong as could be seen in the widgets sample. Closes #13073.

2011-03-23 11:37 VZ, revision 67292

Use correct month in the date picker page of the widgets sample. Months returned by wxDateTime::GetMonth() start from 0 while people mostly expect to have 1-based months in the UI.

2011-03-22 20:13 VS, revision 67290

Fix <object_ref> processing to respect overridden attributes. r60494 accidentally broke this, by adding faster code path for child-less <object_ref>s. Unfortunately, this made it ignore <object_ref>s without children, but with attributes overrides. Fixes #13061.

2011-03-22 19:44 SC, revision 67289

wiring notifications

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67288

Add wxUSE_THREADS checks around wxMSW functions dealing with threads. This removes the code unneeded in wxUSE_THREADS==0 build and also fixes compilation of wxGUIAppTraits::WaitForThread() which didn't compile any more with wxUSE_THREADS==0 since r67185. Closes #13050.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67287

Don't consider fully opaque bitmaps as having alpha in wxMSW. Remove the alpha channel from the DIB we create not only if all of its pixels are fully transparent but also if they are all fully opaque. This prevents us from erroneously creating bitmaps with alpha channel when none is needed nor expected. Closes #13056.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67286

Add wxText{Input,Output}Stream::Get{Input,Output}Stream() methods. These methods simply return the underlying low-level stream. See #10807.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67285

Post size events to the event handler and not window itself. Post the artificial wxSizeEvent to the window event handler and not window itself in SendSizeEvent() as otherwise any event handlers wouldn't see this event at all. Closes #13066.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67284

Use disabled version of normal bitmap for disabled one in wxMSW::wxButton. Initialize the disabled button bitmap with a greyed out version of the normal one instead of using the same normal bitmap for it. This is more consistent with the other ports and makes more sense. Closes #13070.

2011-03-22 17:40 SC, revision 67283

first version of osx_cocoa implementation

2011-03-22 17:39 SC, revision 67282

only remove from parent if not content view, fixes #13068

2011-03-22 16:07 VZ, revision 67281

Correctly align background brush when erasing owner drawn bitmaps in wxMSW. Add a hack to work around the problem with background alignment when drawing the owner-drawn buttons in wxMSW. This fixes the alignment for any custom brushes used for background painting but doesn't help with user-defined EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND handlers which still don't work well with the owner-drawn buttons. Unfortunately DrawThemeParentBackground() remains a mystery and I couldn't understand why not only doesn't it position the DC correctly on its own but also ignores any attempts to do it manually. This also doesn't help with the stubbornly remaining one pixel non-transparent border around non-owner-drawn buttons which I just can't get rid of.

2011-03-22 15:17 DS, revision 67280

Fixed various typos. Applied patch by snowleopard2 fixing a bunch of typos such as misspellings and double words in the documentation. Combined the patch with some local queued typos waiting to be committed as well as adding new typo fixes inspired by the patch. Function names with American spelling were not changed nor was third-party code touched. The only code changes involve some changes in strings that are translated ("Can not" -> "Cannot"). Closes #13063 (again).