

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-04-15 11:23 JMS, revision 67494

Removed wxPG_DOUBLE_BUFFER constant. Now all wxPG rendering is done double-buffered, regardless of the platform. Code path with wxPG_DOUBLE_BUFFER = 0 did not render correctly (fixes #13140). In future should probably use wxAutoBufferedPaintDC or something similar, but this will require non-trivial code changes and testing.

2011-04-14 15:22 JMS, revision 67488

Rebuild textctrl events using copy ctor

2011-04-13 18:39 JMS, revision 67440

wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED events from wxComboCtrl's embedded wxTextCtrl kept confusing wxPropertyGrid::HandleCustomEditorEvent(). We need to ignore them.

2011-04-13 18:35 JMS, revision 67439

Completely re-construct the wxComboCtrl textctrl-events instead of just redirecting them

2011-04-13 11:22 SC, revision 67438

preparing for completions support

2011-04-12 11:35 JMS, revision 67436

Describe what re-implemented wxComboPopup::DestroyPopup() should do

2011-04-11 18:59 JS, revision 67435

When we load an image from the block, we should invalidate the cached bitmap.

2011-04-11 12:23 JJ, revision 67434

Update Makefile for OpenVMS

2011-04-11 11:36 JJ, revision 67433

revoke OpenVMS dependend part of r67326

2011-04-10 17:36 VZ, revision 67429

Re-define push_back() in wxSortedArrayString to behave correctly. Adding items to wxSortedArrayString should always keep them sorted but while Add() did this, push_back() didn't breaking the class invariant. Redefine push_back() in _WX_DEFINE_SORTED_TYPEARRAY_2 macro to fix this and add a unit test checking that wxSortedArrayString::push_back() does work now. Closes #13134.

2011-04-10 17:36 VZ, revision 67428

Allow customizing AUI tab colours in wxAuiTabArt. Add wxAuiTabArt::SetColour() and SetActiveColour() methods and provide trivial default implementation of them in wxAuiDefaultTabArt to allow customizing the tab colours. Closes #11411.

2011-04-10 17:36 VZ, revision 67427

Fix off by one pixel error when drawing active tab in wxAUI. The active tab had a drawing artefact because its gradient background was drawn in a rectangle one pixel too short. See #11411.

2011-04-10 17:35 VZ, revision 67426

Correct Javanese language code. It is "jv" and not "jw", the latter was an error in a previous edition of ISO 639 standard and was corrected since then. Closes #13131.

2011-04-09 12:28 JS, revision 67421

Correction to position in character insertion event when also deleting selected text.

2011-04-09 12:28 JS, revision 67420

Correction to position in character insertion event when also deleting selected text.

2011-04-09 11:22 SC, revision 67419

fixing configure builds for iphone

2011-04-08 22:22 TIK, revision 67418

Fix a comment typo.

2011-04-08 18:31 SC, revision 67417

see #9715

2011-04-08 17:09 SC, revision 67416

workaround OSX bug, fixes #4555

2011-04-08 14:16 SC, revision 67415

support 3.X deployment

2011-04-08 10:08 JJ, revision 67414

Update OpenVMS compile support

2011-04-07 14:55 SC, revision 67412

adding 10.5 APIs to avoid CGErrors, fixes #13121

2011-04-06 19:04 PC, revision 67411

build fix for wxUSE_LOG==0

2011-04-06 19:03 PC, revision 67410

avoid GCC warning "suggest braces around empty body in an ‘else’ statement"

2011-04-06 19:02 PC, revision 67409

fix typo from r67326